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Algal Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals: Benefits, Opportunities, and Challenges
Algal Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals: Benefits, Opportunities, and Challenges
Algal Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals: Benefits, Opportunities, and Challenges
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Algal Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals: Benefits, Opportunities, and Challenges

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About this ebook

Edible algae, including seaweeds, are a source of functional food, dietary supplements, metabolites and bioactive compounds. Algal-based functional foods have potential health benefits, and their commercial value depends on their applications in the food and nutraceutical industries.

This book covers several aspects of algal based functional foods. It informs the reader about algal cultivation techniques, environmental impact, habitat, nutraceutical potential, extraction of bioactive metabolites, functional-food composition, bio-prospection, culture-induced nutraceutical compounds, algae-based bio-packaging, algal-biorefinery, toxicity, trends and future prospects.

The editors present the topics in a research-oriented format while citing scholarly references.

This book is a comprehensive resource for anyone interested in the nutritional benefits and industrial utilization of algae as a sustainable food source.
Release dateNov 29, 2022
Algal Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals: Benefits, Opportunities, and Challenges

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    Algal Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals - Avinash Mishra


    Marine ecosystem is highly diversified, and edible algae including seaweeds have been considered as a potential source of functional food, dietary supplements, metabolites and bioactive compounds. Algal-based functional foods have potential health benefits, and their commercial value depends on their applications in the food and nutraceutical industries. Seaweed based foods are preferentially selected over other types of marine foods but still they are considered underutilize marine resources. In this book, different aspect of algal based functional foods has been discussed. In brief, cultivation techniques, environmental impact, habitat, nutraceutical potential, extraction of bioactive metabolites, functional-food composition, bio-prospection, culture-induced nutraceutical compounds, algae-based bio-packaging, algal-biorefinery, toxicity, trends and future prospects have been discussed in detail.

    List of Contributors

    Cultivation of Edible Algae: Present and Future

    Danilo B. Largo¹, *

    ¹ Department of Biology, University of San Carlos, Cebu City, Cebu 6000, Philippines


    The use of algae as food by humans started in pre-recorded history and is most widespread in Asia, where algae are used as part of the peoples’ daily diet. Of more than ten thousand species of algae that have been described taxonomically, only about a hundred species are known to be edible and are generally recognized as safe (GRAS). Algae for human consumption come from both natural population and open-sea aquaculture, but with increasing issues of marine pollution, global warming and marine use conflict, the production of some algal species from aquaculture is shifting towards the more controlled condition of land-based production systems or in sea areas far from sources of pollutants. The preparation of edible algae comes in various forms that are either consumed directly as fresh salad or pickled in vinegar for species with foliose, delicate or succulent nature or as blanched or cooked recipes for species with fleshy, rubbery or firm texture, or they are consumed indirectly as an ingredient or additive of some food recipes as gelling, hardening, or thickening agent. Many species of micro- and macroalgae have nutritional profiles that make them a perfect food for individuals who are on a diet or are health conscious. This chapter describes some of the most common algal genera whose biomass is mainly produced from culture systems that involve a land-based culture facility (e.g., photobioreactor) and or seedling collection procedure prior to open sea cultivation.

    Keywords: Aquaculture , Edible Algae, Eucheumatoids, Kelps, Macroalgae, Mariculture, Marine Agronomy, Microalgae, Nori, Nutraceutical, Outdoor cultivation, Photobioreactor, Raceways, Seaweed aquaculture, Seaweed cultivation, Seaweed farming, Tank culture.

    * Corresponding author Danilo B. Largo: Department of Biology, University of San Carlos, Cebu City, Philippines; Tel: +63 (32) 230-0100; Fax: +63 (32) 255-4341; E-mail: [email protected]


    Man has used algae since the beginning of recorded history, known as manna from heaven, in biblical times, which could be an edible blue-green alga [1]. Algae is mainly consumed by people in countries located along or near the sea, with east Asians most known to gather algae from the sea (seaweeds). The most consumed edible algae are from cultivated species, either through land-based facilities or cultivation systems on the coastal and open seas.

    The term edible means something that is suitable or safe to eat, but some species of algae contain compounds that can be harmful to health, such as Sargassum fusiforme (formerly Hizikia fusiformis), which contains a high amount of arsenic acid – a heavy metal [2]. Even the most popular among the green algae being consumed in many Oriental and Pacific Island countries, referred to as ‘green caviar’ (Caulerpa racemosa complex), contain a toxic chemical compound called caulerpin, and caulerpic, when eaten in large quantities, may cause health issues, although the review by Rengasamy et al. [3] says otherwise. Indeed, many seaweed species possess natural defense systems against potential grazers and colonizers. Having utilized these species as food for centuries, coastal people may have developed tolerance to mild amounts of these compounds or may have learned and used techniques to remove these toxins to safer levels. The phlorotannins found in the brown algae, including the edible ones, not only afford the seaweeds with a natural defense against grazers and microbial pathogens, but are important compounds with health benefits to humans if taken in a safe amount [2].


    Macroalgae are classified, regardless of size, into four major color groupings based on their dominant pigment – blue-green (cyanobacteria), green (chlorophytes), brown (phaeophytes) and red (rhodophytes), and color variations in terms of intensities and hues depending on their habitat and amount of light received by the thallus. It is not uncommon to find a green red seaweed or a red green seaweed in the seafood market. The intensity and hues of their natural colors make some species attractive as sidings or garnishings in some food recipes.


    The most commonly appreciated algae in the seafood market are macroalgae, or seaweeds, that are most popular in oriental (Japanese, Chinese, Korean) cooking, and are presented in a wide variety of preparations. They could range from fresh, blanched, to boiled or deeply cooked, depending on the texture of the seaweed thallus. Their uses also depend on the species and include applications as taste enhancers (e.g., ‘umami’ made from Saccharina) or as garnishing in various cuisines and recipes [4] (Mouritsen et al. 2018). The microalgae, which are mostly members of cyanobacteria (e.g., Spirulina, Aphanizomenon flos-aquae) and green algae (e.g., Chlorella, Dunaliella), are mainly popular in the health supplement market due to their high content of protein (as high as 70% of dry wt.), antioxidants, vitamins, amino acids, and micronutrients taken in by health conscious individuals or those who are on a controlled diet. Conversely, macroalgae are becoming popular in the culinary industry and are popular as functional foods associated with the body and mental health and wellness [5]. This chapter describes selected edible seaweeds that are utilized in the modern food industry, either as food for direct human consumption or as raw materials to derive nutraceuticals and seaweed extract-based edible products.


    Of the more than a hundred species of algae documented to be used as low-calorie food for human consumption or as raw materials for extracting phycocolloids for food applications, only a few (probably less than 30) are cultivated using various agronomic systems (Table 1).

    Table 1 List of edible micro- and macroalgae utilized as food for direct consumption and or sources of food-grade extracts.


    Food-grade microalgae are mainly artificially produced through culture, either under controlled environmental conditions in indoor tanks, in close (tube or flat) bioreactors, or in open outdoor conditions under the natural source of light using open pond systems and raceways (Fig. 1). There are advantages and disadvantages in both systems depending on the purpose and desired quality of the products. In an indoor system, since environmental factors can be controlled (irradiance, photoperiod, temperature, salinity and nutrients), products are of high quality – i.e., free of contaminants and, often, with customized nutritional content. Its main disadvantage is in terms of cost, especially in scaling up to a production volume that meets the demand of certain markets. Open culture systems, on the other hand, have issues of quality due to airborne contaminants (e.g., bird wastes, dust), quality of water supply, and influence of climatic conditions being common problems. Open culture systems are commonly used in tropical countries where the sun is abundant, while indoor culture systems are common in countries in higher latitudes where solar radiation is limited, thus requiring a great amount of energy and, therefore, cost.

    Only a few species of microalgae are utilized as food for direct human consumption, which is mainly manufactured as ingestible tablets, pills or capsules. The three most common microalgal genera are discussed in this chapter:


    Spirulina (Arthrospira) is a blue-green algal genus with unbranched, spiral-shaped filaments found in both marine, brackish and fresh waters, usually high in carbonate and bicarbonate content with pH of up to 11. Spirulina is rich in nutrients – high in protein (60-70% of dry wt.), low fat, high content of vitamins (esp. B12) and essential fatty acid gamma-linoleic acid [6]. Food-grade Spirulina is commercially produced using both open ponds and bioreactors and raceways, which, in the 1980s, produced about 18 and 33-tonne dry wt ha-1 yr-1, respectively, and culture systems have been continuously improved to produce harvestable biomass at a lesser cost with the use of better technology and use of improved culture media (e.g., Zarrouk’s media) [7, 8]. At the currently available culture technology, the biomass of 10 g m-2 day-1 that could translate to about 30 tonnes ha-1 yr-1 is achievable, but the industry is looking into a more efficient culture system that could produce quantities meeting the increasing market demand for healthy foods. Spirulina is commonly sold in food/health supplement shops.

    Fig. (1))

    The traditional (A, B) and thin culture (C, D) systems used in microalgal production. A – open pond/raceways, B – close tube bioreactor, C – thin flat plate bioreactor, and D – thin cascade raceways. (Photo source: Trends in Biotechnology).


    Dunaliella is a bi-flagellated unicellular, naked (absence of cell wall) green algal genus considered the richest natural source of β-carotene, so that species of these algae appear as orange-red instead of green [10]. Aside from β-carotene, an antioxidant, Dunaliella also contains high amounts of fatty acids and protein used in the nutraceutical, pharmaceutical and health food industries. Many species of Dunaliella (e.g., D. salina, D. tertiolecta, D. parva) are produced in large quantities in areas with high solar output, minimal cloudiness, warm climate, and hypersaline waters [11], such as those in Andalusian coast of Spain and Texcoco, Mexico. The downside of the open-cultivation system is product quality and issues of biomass versus quantity of β-carotene, where carotenogenesis is high when growth is least [12].


    Chlorella is a green algal genus with species made up of unicells, occurring either singly or in colonies, and are found in both fresh and marine waters. Members of this genus are high in quality protein (40-70% content) and are commonly sold in health supplement shops in the form of tablets. A number of species (e.g., C. vulgaris, C. pyrenoidosa, C. ellipsoidea) initially maintained in agar medium as tube culture, are cultured mainly in earthen ponds in places like Hawaii, Thailand, and Mexico. Chlorella is one of the most important algae with high nutritional value, making it the first ‘superfood’ brought by astronauts to outer space.

    Future Prospects for Microalgae

    The need for healthy food with a wide range of medical benefits makes microalgae the food of the future. Due to their simple growth requirements abundant in nature – sunlight, water and nutrients, they are easy to grow for mass production. However, harnessing these requirements entails an innovative approach to obtain biomass of commercial quantity per square meter of surface available in an area. Whilst microalgae are mainly waterborne organisms, their mass production relies mainly on the land-based facility in a standard system that meets food-grade quality generally recognized as safe (GRAS). The prospect of microalgae as a source of nutritionally-rich edible oils, including triglycerides, and as animal protein analogues, make the microalgal culture industry more promising than ever before. New technological innovations in the cultural system are making it possible to increase production in a more efficient and sustainable way. For instance, the introduction of biorefinery technology that is being integrated into the circular bioeconomy is slowly resolving the bottlenecks and challenges of microalgal production through the new techniques of recovering and separating the biomass component, as well as minimizing the production of waste products. However, the downstream processes of harvesting and fractionating organic compounds, which account for 40% of the total cost, remain a challenge [13]. Once these processes are resolved, the single-product capacity of biorefinery could gradually shift towards synthesizing multiple high- and medium-value products. This is taking advantage of the fact that a metabolic imbalance during times of stressful culture conditions, such as nutrient depletion, high irradiance, temperature, salinity, pH, etc., can cause the cessation of growth which could redirect the electron flux during the photosystem stage. This then results in the synthesis and hyperaccumulation of certain compounds (e.g., lipids, carbohydrates and carotenoids) that are deemed as commercially important. Moreover, certain metabolites, such as antioxidants (e.g. phycobiliproteins, carotenoids or astaxanthin), can co-accumulate and be harvested at certain stages

    and conditions during culture. Multiple products from a single biorefinery system make the biorefinery approach a more sustainable and cost-effective.

    Macroalgae (Seaweeds)

    Macroalgae are abundant in the marine environment, and thus are also better known as seaweeds. As many species are good sources of food for direct human consumption and are sources of many bioactive compounds for various industrial applications, the term seaweed is inappropriate as it connotes undesirable plants (‘weeds’) that are better burned or disposed of. However, the Chinese character of the English word sea ( ), which is pronounced as ‘kai’ or ‘umi’ in Japanese, depicts it as mother, while the English word weed ( ) pronounced as ‘so’ in Japanese, which means tree, is a life-giving creature. Thus, seaweed being used as food for man in various forms can be better called into a much kinder word as sea-vegetable [47]. Some species are harvested from the wild (e.g., Chondrus crispus, Meristotheca papulosa), while some others are produced through cultivation (Table 1), either through the vegetative method or from spores or gametes. The following species of seaweeds have been cultivated using well-established techniques for a number of years:

    Pyropia (formerly Porphyra) spp.

    Pyropia, or nori in Japanese, is one of the most important edible seaweeds in the world, with a well-established cultural technology that was developed in Japan early in the 1940’s and well-adopted in China and Korea [30, 31, 38, 42]. The culture of Pyropia begins with collecting mature fronds of the seaweed, which produce both female and male gametes at the frond margins. In a concrete tank, the non-motile spermatia, which are produced in large numbers, passively move towards the female gametes and the zygotes that form after fertilization divide to produce carpospores. The carpospores are made to settle and penetrate within oyster shells spread across the bottom of the tank containing sterilized seawater. The carpospores germinate into the Conchocelis stage (first described by British phycologist Kathleen Drew-Baker). This filamentous stage produces conchosporangia from late summer to early autumn. By late September to early October, the conchosporangia start to liberate conchospores that are then made to settle into seeding nets as artificial substrates placed inside the tank. The liberation of conchospores is promoted by treating the cultures with low-temperature seawater (18-20 oC) 5-7 days before seeding. Regulating light intensity to 800-1000 lux with low seawater temperature further promotes conchospore settlement and adhesion into nets. Several nets can accommodate thousands of conchospores that develop into young thalli, which, after two weeks or so, will form monospores that also develop into new thalli unto the seeding nets. Before transplanting, the nets bearing the conchospores are exposed to the air for 15-20 days to discourage the growth of diatoms that mainly affects the growth of the young thalli. The modern cultivation system of Pyropia is either a system where nets are hung between poles (pole system) that allows emersion of nets during low tides to maintain foul-free cultivars, or a floating system where nets are kept afloat using buoys. The floating method makes it possible to culture Pyropia in deeper waters. As young thalli grow to 1-3 cm in length, the nets are removed from the field and dried on land to reduce the water content of thalli to 20-40% before placing the nets temporarily in cold storage at a temperature of -20oC. These can be returned to the field to continue the cultivation as required, making harvesting of Pyropia possible all throughout the year. Pyropia is harvested using a harvesting boat equipped with a mechanical scraper and the harvested thalli brought and processed further into a land-based facility. Here the seaweeds are washed in washing machines and the minced product poured into wooden frame, dried into thin sheets in an oven dryer and packed. By automating the production of Pyropia, from the nursery to the post-harvest stages of sheeting and drying, Japan has been able to increase its production volume [28, 47]. The strict quality standard being implemented by the nori-producing countries based on the crispiness and greenness of nori products determines the qualities that are desired by the market.

    Pyropia can be eaten raw or used as a wrapper in molded rice (sushi), or in some cases, shredded and used as a rice topping. Korea has a unique way of adding value to Pyropia (known there as kim) by adding chili powder to give it a spicy taste [38].

    Saccharina spp.

    There are at least seven (7) species of the genus Saccharina (formerly Laminaria) that are utilized as food and are mainly produced from culture farms in the temperate cold waters of East Asia (China, Japan and Korea) [30, 31, 38, 48, 49] and in some production areas of Europe (Spain, U.K., Sweden) [50-52] and North America (U.S., Canada) [53] (Fig. 2). Laminaria, a.k.a. sugar kelp, is cultivated starting with fertile sporophytic thalli collected from the wild. The specialized reproductive branch called sporophyll is excised from the sporophyte and placed into a flask maintained under temperature-controlled conditions. Thousands of spores shed from the sporophyll could then develop into filamentous gametophytes. These microscopic structures release male and female gametes, which can then form zygotes that can be seeded by pouring the contents of the flask into seeding ropes placed inside a tank filled with seawater. The seeding rope bearing the young sporophytes is then cut into short pieces, which are then individually inserted into the twine of culture ropes. They are then deployed in the field to further grow the sporophytes into maturity. This method, developed and referred to as force-cultivation in Japan [49], shortens the time of culturing Saccharina from two years to only a year. After harvesting, the crops are washed with freshwater, boiled, dried, and the fronds cut into short pieces and packed. The product is known as kombu in Japanese, which is used as a roll wrap (usually with tuna chunk inside) and as a source of a taste-enhancing ingredient called ‘dashi’ used in much Japanese cooking. However, a high amount of iodine is an issue that prevents the consumption of Saccharina in western countries [51].

    Fig. (2))

    Harvesting of sugar kelp (Saccharina) from a culture ground in a U.S. seaweed farm. (Photocredit: GreenWave/Ron Gautreau/Seaweed Aquaculture | NOAA Fisheries).

    Undaria pinnatifida

    Undaria is a cold-water brown algal genus that grows on rocky substratum from 1 to 8 m depth. Considered an invasive seaweed in some regions of the world (e.g., New Zealand, Europe, U.S. west coast) [54, 55], Undaria is cultivated in Japan as a source of food using methods quite similar to Saccharina production but with an additional genetic tweak that enables the culture of this cold-water species (a.k.a. northern type) into warm waters (a.k.a. southern type) [37]. The new technique of artificial seeding of zygotes is done by brushing the zygotes directly into a seeding rope which is wound around a PVC frame instead of pouring the zygote suspension into a tank. This takes 6 months to produce young sporophytes that can be grown out into the field, which in turn takes another 2-3 months to reach harvestable size [28]. This method can produce harvestable Undaria crops in less than a year. Undaria (wakame in Japanese) is used as the main ingredient in Japanese miso soup and Korean miyeok-guk and in other food preparations.

    Sargassum spp.

    There are at least four species of edible Sargassum that are utilized as food in Japan, China, and Korea, namely S. fusiforme (formerly Hizikia fusiformis), S. horneri, S. fulvellum, and S. naozhouense [56]. Different species of Sargassum are known to have anti-inflammatory [57], antioxidant [58], anti-diabetic, and anti-obesity [59] activities. The culture of Sargassum has been developed only relatively recently using techniques adopted from Saccharina and Undaria culture, where zygotes from gamete-producing thalli collected from the field are seeded onto seeding ropes or seedling collectors placed in the tank and allowed to grow until they develop into young plantlets ready for out-planting in the field [60-62] (Fig. 3).

    Fig. (3))

    A cultivar of Sargassum siliquosum in a floating long line to produce harvestable crop. (Photo credit: This author).

    Early development of Sargassum is very slow and may take a couple of months in the tank, but the hatchery can be shortened by manipulating the temperature and light conditions (irradiance and photoperiod) and addition of fertilizer [63]. The technique for out-planting seedlings of Sargassum involves inserting seedling-bearing seeding rope into the culture rope similar to those of Saccharina and Undaria. Sexual reproduction is a common method used by most aquaculturists, but vegetative techniques have also been attempted [33] involving the use of young plants collected from the natural population that is clipped between the twine of culture ropes. Out-planting takes an additional 3-9 months depending on the species wherein thalli grow following their annual pattern.

    Edible Sargassum, such as S. fusiforme is rich in nutrients but has to be pre-cooked to remove toxic arsenic the seaweed is known to produce in high amounts.

    Cladosiphon Okamuranus

    Also known as Okinawa mozuku, this brown seaweed (under Family Chordariaceae, Order Ectocarpales) which has a soft and delicate thallus, is only produced in the subtropical to tropical waters of southern Japan through mariculture at depths of not more than 3 meters. Its artificial culture begins with sporophytes (macroscopic phase) collected during low-temperature months (October-June). Thalli are placed in seed tanks (6-8 kg/1 tonne tank) made of polycarbonate provided with strong agitation to discharge a substantial amount of zoospores while maintaining water temperature at 24oC [26]. Released zoospores adhere to surfaces of the inner walls of the plastic tank to develop into gametophytes (microscopic phase) that, later on, produce gametes over the summer period (June-October). Towards the autumn period, PVC seed plates (5cm x 10cm, at 300 plates per tank) are introduced into the tanks while the water temperature is maintained between 7.0-30.5oC and culture medium density of 1.032-1.230 (at 15oC) and seawater medium that remains unchanged during the nursery period. This is to monitor adhered gametophytes (seeds) until they are ready to develop into discoidal sporophytes (apothecia). During this period, seed nets are placed into the tanks where microthallic gametophytes begin to grow into macrothallic sporophytes beginning in the autumn period. Seeded nets (arranged in stacks of up to 12 nets) are then transferred into intermediate nursery ground, usually over seagrass beds at less than 1-meter depth. The microthalli develop into juvenile thalli until they are suitable or large enough to be transferred to the main cultivation ground, ideally where there is good water exchange. Here, the direction of water current is important to consider on how the culture nets should be oriented to avoid losses of cultivars. Harvesting is done using a vacuum pump operated from aboard a boat after cultivars reach lengths of about 30 cm (after 80-90 days cultivation). Harvested crops are washed first on shore and again at the processing factory to maintain a high quality that is meant to be consumed as fresh seaweed salad or as a source of phycocolloid fucoidan. The latter is used as an additive in health foods, drinks and cosmetics.

    Eucheuma Denticulatum, Kappaphycus Alvarezii and K. striatum

    Not just as a source of carrageenan, but these red seaweeds are also a source of food for direct human consumption in many Southeast Asian countries such as the Philippines and Indonesia from which the bulk of the cultured crops are produced. These seaweeds are cultivated over shallow reefs where vegetative cuttings are tied to fixed or floating lines, producing harvestable crops after 30-45 days. The culture of these species is well described by several authors [39, 64]. Today, eucheumatoids are cultivated in almost all tropical waters of the world from cultivars mostly originating from the Philippines. These relatively hard or cartilaginous seaweeds are prepared into fresh salad or pickles by cutting them into short fragments; and to make the seaweeds softer, they are blanched in hot water for a few minutes, the water is removed, and the seaweeds are then added with vinegar and garnished with dried fish and spices such as tomato, onion, and ginger.

    Caulerpa spp.

    The green seaweed, Caulerpa, where balloon-like vesicles characterize some species, thus the popular name ‘sea grapes’ or ‘green caviar’, is known for thallus plasticity, diverse thallus morphologies, including the shape of vesicles. The thallus can be modified by manipulating irradiance, resulting in the seaweed having several varietal names. There are two species of Caulerpa known to be utilized as food: Caulerpa lentillifera and C. racemosa (Fig. 4), although a third one (C. peltata) is considered a subspecies of C. racemosa. C. lentillifera has been cultivated in the Philippines since the 1960’s in earthen ponds with humus soil used for growing milkfish and shrimp. It is also cultured using vegetative cuttings in land-based tanks supplied with clean, filtered seawater. C. racemosa, although abundant in the wild in some areas, is also grown in tanks. Caulerpa is usually eaten fresh after dipping in vinegar and is also used as decorative sidings in several recipes.

    Monostroma (M. nitidum and M. latissimum) and Ulva spp.

    Monostroma and related ulvoid taxa represent a group of foliose green algae that are utilized as food for direct human consumption and for other purposes (like animal fodder, organic fertilizer, etc.). The harvesting of Monostroma started in Japan, mainly from the natural population growing in brackish waters of river mouths (e.g., Shimanto River, in Shikoku Island) and inner bays. The culture of Monostroma has been going on for some time, but it is yet to develop into a commercial scale [65] (Kida 1990, as cited in [22] Ohno 1993). Mature vegetative fronds of Monostroma undergo gametogenesis in spring to early summer to produce motile haploid, elongated biflagellate gametes. Gametes undergo conjugation to form zygotes (as diploid sporophyte generation) which then increase in size to develop into a spherical body (Codiolum stage) in summer. At maturation in autumn, the sporophyte produces quadriflagellate zoospores, which germinate and develop into the foliose fronds. The culture of Monostroma follows this cycle involving, first, the collection of spores using spore collectors made of nets placed in the natural grounds where the seaweed is expected to appear in early autumn. Due to the increasing incidence of pollution, this practice of spore collection from natural grounds has been replaced by artificially seeding gametes into seed collectors during neap tides in April [22].

    Fig. (4))

    Caulerpa racemosa (left) and Caulerpa lentillifera (right) – two of the most common species utilized as food for direct human consumption.

    On the other hand, Ulva can be differentiated from Monostroma in having two-cell layered thalli (distromatic) and thus appear darker in color than the latter, where the thalli are composed of a single cell layer and thus are lighter green. Ulva is also harvested from a natural population in eutrophied waters where loosely attached, if not, floating thalli occur in abundance, sometimes in a proportion that creates environmental problems referred to as ‘green tides’. Provided Ulva comes from unpolluted water, it is considered as GRAS and is fit for human consumption. The seaweed, however, can be cultivated in controlled environmental conditions to produce food-grade products, such as in land-based tank facilities supplied with nutrient-rich deep ocean water [23] (Fig. 5). Having an isomorphic alternation of generation, Ulva can be artificially cultured using either sporophytic or gametophytic thalli to obtain spores or gametes, respectively. Mature fronds produce the reproductive structures when artificially stimulated using warm water temperature, releasing them to settle on artificial substrates like nets and ropes.

    Together, with Monostroma, Ulva is harvested, cleaned by washing in fresh water and dried to crispiness that makes them suitable for making into fine powder or flakes, to be used as condiments in various food recipes such as the popular ‘okonomiyake’ or snack food like crackers and cakes (Fig. 6).

    Fig. (5))

    Land-based culture facility in Cape Muroto, Kochi Prefecture, Japan using nutrient-rich deep ocean seawater supplied to tanks for the production of high-value marine species including seaweeds (e.g. Ulva prolifera as shown here). (Photocredit: Alvin Monotilla).

    Fig. (6))

    Mixed Monostroma and Ulva used as condiments (flakes) applied to popular Japanese snack foods such as ‘okonomiyake’, chips and cakes.

    Gracilaria spp. and Gelidium spp.

    The red seaweed Gracilaria, aside from being one of the main sources of the phycocolloid agar [42, 43], is an edible seaweed consumed directly by coastal people in many parts of the world, either prepared in pickled form (especially in Asia) or as an extract. Agar from Gracilaria is used in food and drinks as a gelling agent in desserts, a thickening agent in juices and beverages, and an extender in canned meat and other food products. The seaweed is harvested mainly from natural population in brackish to marine waters, especially in protected bays and lagoons, or cultured vegetatively in earthen ponds and land-based tanks, or propagated using bottom culture techniques in shallow waters (either by tying fragments in sand-filled plastic tubes or inserted directly into loose sandy or sandy-muddy bottom, as practiced in Chile and other parts of the world, or simply spread at the bottom of ponds (Fig. 7). Gracilaria is also used as a component in integrated aquaculture of fish and shrimp to serve as a biofilter of inorganic wastes. High-value product from Gracilaria includes bacteriological-grade agar and agarose used for biotechnology applications. Food-grade agar from Gracilaria and Gelidium is processed in Japan using a traditional method of freeze-thawing the agar extract in the open air (Fig. 8), after which they are dried and further processed into powder, in flakes, or in strips.

    Fig. (7))

    Typical earthen culture ponds where Gracilaria is cultured by spreading fragments directly into the bottom made up of soft substrate.

    Fig. (8))

    Traditional way of drying agar after extraction process in the freezing open air in the mountains of Nagano Prefecture, Japan. (Photo credit: Prof. Masao Ohno).

    Capsosiphon Fulvescens

    This green algal species is a newly cultivated species in Korea (Sohn 2004), similar in principle to Saccharina and Undaria culture. The species has been assessed to be high in protein retinol and ascorbic acid [18], which are found to have several health benefits. The polysaccharides extracted from C. fulvescens (both crude and fractionated) have been found to strongly stimulate macrophage cell lines, producing considerable amounts of nitric oxide (NO) and prostaglandin E2 (PGE2), suggesting strong immunostimulatory properties, with potential application as immunostimulant [66]. Made into powder (mesangi in Korean), the use of this seaweed as an additive in food products is continuously explored in Korea [67-69].

    Codium spp.

    The green algal genus Codium has been utilized as food in some countries, especially in Asia. The seaweed is known to be rich in vitamins, amino acids and minerals. The experimental culture of Codium (C. fragile) has been pioneered in Korea using both sexual and asexual method of reproduction [70]. The seaweed is used as an additive to kimchi, a traditional fermented vegetable [20].


    Seaweeds and microalgae will continue to be a major source of food and food ingredients for human consumption, which are not only low in calories but high in nutritional content with a lot of health benefits. In 2018, the global macroalgal production was placed at 32.39 million tonnes, with 8 of the top ten major producing countries coming from Asia (China, Indonesia, Republic of Korea, Philippines, People’s Democratic Republic of Korea, Japan, Malaysia, Vietnam) [71]. These are mainly seaweeds grown in different agronomic systems with a fast turnover of biomass used as food or as raw materials for the extraction of phycocolloids such as agar, carrageenan and alginates. In addition, global microalgal production, has been estimated to be less than 20,000 tonnes, mainly from raceway ponds [72]. Of the more than 11,000 species listed in Algaebase (, only a few hundreds have been recognized as edible species, leaving the majority of species in the list still unexplored and unexploited for their usefulness as either food for humans or as sources of bioactive compounds that have health benefits, such as those found to have anticancer, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antihelminthic, antiobesity, antidiabetic, antilipidemic, anticholesterolemic, and so many other health benefits, not to mention that some species are gaining popularity in the health and wellness industry. On the other hand, some algae have been recognized as sources of feedstock with high nutritional content used in animal production (including aquatic species in aquaculture), while some other algal species are also being recognized as having the convertible biomass to be used as organic fertilizer (e.g., Ulva, Asparagopsis, kelps) or biostimulants, because of their hormone-like activity (e.g. Eucheuma/Kappaphycus, Sargassum, Ascophyllum, Ecklonia) for agricultural crop production – both contributing to the world’s food security. With the human population continuing to expand, especially in less developed countries, and the terrestrial spaces used for agriculture becoming smaller and smaller everyday due to conversion of spaces for housing and industrial uses, algae from the ocean will be the only remaining sustainable food reserve that mankind can exploit in the future. The availability of these algal resources will depend, to some extent, on the health of our oceans and water bodies and on the continuous improvement and innovation in algal culture techniques for the different species to be produced and utilized. For instance, improvements in photobioreactors, such as the development of biorefineries for microalgal production of high-value products, offer a brighter prospect for more microalgal species to be exploited as sources of functional foods. The increasing demand for polysaccharides from seaweeds for food and other applications requires the production of seaweed biomass that is not only of high quality but also of quantity that can be possible in the wider oceanic space. Besides, with warming seas due to global warming and climate change, it is now imperative that seaweed farming be done in areas where water temperature and other conditions are within an optimal range for growth. Indeed, most phycologists agree (e.g., discussion forum of Phyconomy Coalition, that, to overcome high water temperature in the shallow coastal waters, is to move the farming of seaweeds to the deeper offshore waters where water temperature and salinity conditions are more stable. Of course, this should be carried out within the Exclusive Economic Zone of a particular maritime country or a defined zone within the EEZ such as a 3-mile distance from the shore in the case of the United States [73]. However, the challenge of often rough seas in offshore areas during stormy weather conditions that could destroy culture lines, thus to crop loss, needs to be overcome by constructing a more durable and robust floating structures in the open sea. This has been demonstrated in kelp farming by designs developed in the U.S. (e.g. Marine Biomass Program), northern Spain, North Sea, Netherlands (SPAR Buoys and H-frame), Norway (e.g. Seaweed Career), Republic of Korea (e.g. Tension-Led Plantform), Chile (e.g. BioArchitecture Lab), and Faroe Islands (e.g. Macroalgal Cultivation Rig) [73]. The high installation cost that hindered the development and execution of offshore seaweed cultivation will have to be offset by the value of the products developed from the cultivated seaweeds. On the other hand, the option of cultivating seaweeds that produce food-grade quality and or high value products can be done in land-based aquaculture tanks supplied with nutrient-rich seawater. Such is the use in Japan of deep nutrient-rich ocean water pumped from more than 300 meters below the surface [74], in the culture of desirable marine species including, among others, seaweeds such as Ulva prolifera, Saccharina spp. and Undaria spp. Using open rectangular tanks supplied with the deep ocean water, growth of Ulva, for instance, has increased growth performance of cultivars with the desirable quality of products.


    The diversity of algae found in the world’s water bodies is yet to be fully exploited for their potential as an edible food source. Tropical regions with high algal species diversity could be sources of a large number of edible algae with functionalities that relate to human health (e.g [75-77].). The literature is full of information showing that algae are excellent sources of functional food with high nutritional properties [78]. Many species have been investigated in experiments with animal models and human cell lines to have strong immunostimulatory (e.g [75].), antioxidant (e.g [58, 76].), antihypertensive [79, 80], antiobesity [59, 79], antidiabetic [80, 81], anti-inflammatory [82, 83], and antimicrobial properties [76, 84, 85] that address various diseases and health deficiencies. The worldwide increase in lifestyle diseases brought about by a boom in ready-to-eat convenient food which are mostly lacking in nutritional elements, makes algae and seaweeds a better alternative food and food additives for people who are health conscious.


    High on the agenda among countries with an active seaweed industry is the continuous improvement of their genetic stock to support a sustainable industry. Some seaweed producing countries (e.g. China, Japan, Republic of Korea) have joined the International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (UPOV) which, to date, has 77 member countries. For example, Republic of Korea significantly increased its seaweed production after it joined the UPOV on January 7, 2002 (UPOV Publication 423) and enacted a law exercising its intellectual property rights over 19 new varieties of seaweeds [86]. These consist of 13 Pyropia, 5 Undaria, and one Saccharina – three of the most commercially important seaweeds in the world for their use as source of food and polysaccharide extracts. Also known as plant patent, new plant variety protection requires that the new variety has distinctness, uniformity and stability (DUS) and by affording exclusive rights to the developer of these new varieties encourages further development of more seaweed varieties that could lead to better quality crops. Efforts to develop fast-growing seaweed varieties, disease and pest resistant, and producing high-value products are ongoing at various levels of development in many seaweed-producing countries. Indeed, Korea became a major player in the seaweed industry and is now the third top seaweed producers in just a decade or so, next only to China and Indonesia [71]. New strains of the main source of carrageenan, species of Kappaphycus, have been developed both in the Philippines [87] and Brazil [88, 89] to address the carrageenophyte’s deteriorating productivity and increasing susceptibility to ‘ice-ice’ disease. While genetic improvement has been made in microalgae such as Hematococcus [90] and Dunaliella [91], genetic improvement has also been undertaken for macroalgae, such as in edible seaweeds Pyropia (as Porphyra) and Gracilaria, with the aim at producing high-quality seaweeds with improved productivity, and species that avoid inbreeding and loss of genetic variability [92]. Modern techniques to genetically improve cell lines are available [93] for various seaweed crops to sustain mankind’s future source of healthy food.


    The ocean is indeed a rich source of edible algae, but of the more than a hundred species known to be fit for human consumption, only a few species (e.g., Spirulina, Chlorella, Pyropia, Saccharina, Undaria) have been utilized on a commercial scale that has established methods for culture and mass production, either in a land-based facility or in the open sea. Many other species that are known for their gastronomic functionalities are yet to be fully developed to be well appreciated by culinary enthusiasts. I hope that this chapter is able to ignite the curiosity of the uninitiated and help explore further the many uses of algae for all their health benefits for healthy living.


    Not applicable.


    The author(s) declare no conflict of interest, financial or otherwise.


    The author is grateful to Dr. Avinash Mishra for the opportunity in contributing to this this book. Author is also thankful to the anonymous reviewers who helped improve this paper.


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