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Frontiers in Molecular Pharming: Volume 2
Frontiers in Molecular Pharming: Volume 2
Frontiers in Molecular Pharming: Volume 2
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Frontiers in Molecular Pharming: Volume 2

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The advent of large-scale production and clinical trials of drugs developed through diverse production routes - involving viruses, microbes, plants, and animals - has increased the demand for an expanded capacity for pharmaceutical manufacturing. The production and purification of expressed proteins accounts for the bulk of the manufacturing costs for new therapeutics. Several pharmaceutical proteins have been synthesized by exploiting plant genetics allowing producers to override conventional approaches used to manufacture pharmaceuticals. The process of inserting a gene into a host organism for the purpose of harvesting a bioactive molecule for therapeutic use is known as molecular pharming.

Frontiers in Molecular Pharming covers an array of topics relevant to understanding the structure, function, regulation, and mechanisms of action, biochemical significance, and usage of proteins and peptides as biomarkers, therapeutics, and vaccines for animals and humans. The contributions aim to highlight current progress in three areas, including system biology (in vivo characterization of proteins and peptides), molecular pharming for animals and molecular pharming for humans. The book gives special attention to computational biology tools, production platforms and fields (such as immunoinformatics) and applications of molecular pharming (such as veterinary therapeutics). A balance of theoretical concepts and practical applications is provided through 13 chapters.

Frontiers in Molecular Pharming is an invaluable resource for students and researchers of biochemistry, molecular biology, and biotechnology. The book also serves as a springboard for understanding the process of how discoveries in protein and peptide research and its applications are coming to fruition.
Release dateDec 9, 2021
Frontiers in Molecular Pharming: Volume 2

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    Frontiers in Molecular Pharming - Muhammad Sarwar Khan

    SECTION I: System Biology – In silico Characterization of Proteins and Peptides

    Tools for Prediction and Validation of Epitopic Regions on Protein Targets for Vaccine Development and Diagnostics

    Soban Tufail¹, ², Majid Ali Shah¹, ², Maryam Zafar¹, ², Mazhar Iqbal¹, ², Amjad Ali³, Aamir Shehzad¹, ², *, Moazur Rahman¹, ⁴, *

    ¹ Drug Discovery and Structural Biology Group, Health Biotechnology Division, National Institute for Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering (NIBGE), Faisalabad, Pakistan

    ² Pakistan Institute of Engineering and Applied Sciences (PIEAS), P.O. Nilore, Islamabad, Pakistan

    ³ Atta-ur-Rahman School of Applied Biosciences (ASAB), National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST), Islamabad, Pakistan

    ⁴ School of Biological Sciences, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan


    Epitopes are parts of an antigen that are recognized by the immune system. Identification of epitopic regions on an immunogenic protein is important for several clinical and biotechnological applications. Various bioinformatics tools are currently available which can be used for the prediction of epitopic regions, and the immune response generated against selected epitopic regions can be monitored through a variety of immunological techniques. In this chapter, we provide an overview of widely used in silico tools for the prediction of epitopic regions, followed by biophysical methods used for their characterization. Furthermore, a brief description of important immunological approaches for measuring immune responses elicited by epitopes is also given. It is anticipated that the information provided in this chapter will help researchers in selecting appropriate tools for the prediction and validation of epitopes on a protein target for vaccine development and diagnostics.

    Keywords: Diagnostics, Epitope prediction, Protein targets, Vaccine.

    * Corresponding authors Moazur Rahman & Aamir Shehzad: School of Biological Sciences, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan; Tel: +92 42 99230960; Fax: +92 42 99230980; E-mails: [email protected], [email protected], & Drug Discovery and Structural Biology group, Health Biotechnology Division, National Institute for Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering (NIBGE), Faisalabad, Pakistan; Tel: +92 41 9201316-9; Ext 242; Fax: +92 41 9201322; E-mail: [email protected]


    A properly functioning immune system plays a key role in neutralizing ‘biological threats’ posed by infectious diseases and cancer. Understanding the immune system is important for devising therapeutic interventions to cure various diseases. The immune system is categorized into innate and adaptive subsystems. The innate immune system, which is non-specific, is the first line of defense against infections. On the other hand, the adaptive immune system, which is highly specific, is only found in vertebrates. Adaptive immune responses are orchestrated by lymphocytes, namely B- and T-cells, which induce humoral and cell-mediated immunity.

    Importantly, specific receptors present on the surface of B- and T-cells recognize molecular components, commonly known as antigens, of pathogens. B-cell receptors, which consist of membrane-bound immunoglobulins, usually recognize parts of antigens that are solvent-exposed. Activated B-cells produce soluble immunoglobulins, also known as antibodies, which are involved in humoral adaptive immunity. The humoral immune system not only enables the recognition of antigenic determinants in pathogenic proteins but also induces the formation of memory B-cells which generate a strong antibody-mediated immune response upon re-infection. On the other hand, T-cell receptors recognize antigens by binding to antigenic peptides attached to the groove of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules, also known as human leukocyte antigen (HLA) in humans, on the surface of antigen-presenting cells (APCs). In humans, the HLA system is polygenic (encoded by 21 genes on chromosome 6) and highly polymorphic. There are two distinct subtypes of T-cells, phenotypically classified as CD8+ and CD4+ T-cells, which recognize linear antigenic peptides presented by MHC molecules. Activated CD8+ T-cells, also known as cytotoxic T lympho-cytes (CTLs), recognize peptides presented by MHC class I molecules (Fig. 1). These peptides, which are typically 9 amino acids long, presented by MHC class I molecules originate from intracellular antigens degraded in the cytosol. Activated CD4+ T-cells, also known as T helper (Th) cells, recognize antigenic peptides presented by MHC class II molecules and are specific to extracellular antigens which have been endocytosed, degraded, and complexed to MHC class II molecules in endosomal compartments [1]. Typically, peptides attached to MHC class II molecules are 15 amino acids in length and protrude out of the peptide-binding groove of MHC class II molecules [2].

    Portions of antigens that are recognized by B- and T-cells are known as epitopes. Discrete regions of antigens that are recognized by B-cell receptors or secreted antibodies and can evoke the humoral immune response are known as B-cell epitopes [3]. It has been found that B-cell epitopes predominantly consist of solvent-exposed (hydrophilic) regions which are located on the surface of antigens [4, 5]. B-cell epitopes can be linear (continuous) or conformational (discontinuous). Linear epitopes are comprised of a contiguous stretch of amino acids of an antigen [6, 7]. Conformational epitopes consist of amino acids that are not contiguous, and residues critical for recognition by antibodies are located nearby due to the folded three-dimensional structure of a given antigen. It has been observed that the majority of conformational epitopes (more than 70%) contain 1-5 short linear segments of amino acids [5]. Moreover, most B-cell epitopes (~90%) are conformational epitopes [8, 9]. T-cell epitopes are MHC binding peptides (ligands) that elicit a T-cell immune response. Upon recognition of a T-cell epitope, T-cells produce a long-lived memory population that confers on the host the ability to respond swiftly when the same epitope is encountered again [10, 11].

    Fig. (1))

    Graphical illustrations of genes encoding MHC molecules and recognition of MHC-bound peptides by T cells. (A) The location of genes encoding MHC class I and MHC class II molecules on chromosome 6 in humans. (B) Recognition of peptides bound to MHC class I molecules on antigen-presenting cells by cytotoxic T cells. (C) The interaction of a foreign antigen with a B-cell receptor leads to the presentation of the foreign peptide to T helper cells through MHC class II molecules on the surface of B-cells. Activated B-cells proliferate and differentiate into memory B-cells and antibody-producing plasma cells.


    Identification of epitopes in target antigens is important for practical purposes such as studying disease etiology, analyzing immune responses, designing epitope-based vaccines, developing immunodiagnostic assays, and producing therapeutic antibodies. Several experimental approaches have been developed for the identification of epitopes which can be classified as structural and functional methods. For the identification of B-cell epitopes, X-ray crystallography is the most preferred structural method owing to its accuracy. Through X-ray crystallography, the structure of antigen-antibody complexes can be solved to define structural epitopes. The analysis of antigen-antibody complexes has revealed that B-cell epitopes can be distinguished from non-epitopic regions on an antigen based on their structural, physicochemical, and geometrical properties [5]. Commonly used methods for identification of B-cell epitopes through functional methods involve the proteolysis of antigens and screening of the resulting peptides for antibody binding as well as evaluation of the reactivity of antibodies towards variants of antigens obtained through site-directed- or random mutagenesis [12]. Other methods such as display technologies and mimotope analysis are also employed [13, 14]. T-cell epitopes can be identified through binding assays which entail biochemical techniques such as size-exclusion chromatography which can be used to analyze the binding of synthetic peptides to MHC molecules [15]. Data generated from such studies can be found in freely available databases such as the Immune Epitope Database (IEDB) [16-18], an up-to-date database of experimentally characterized epitopes.

    It is pertinent to note that most of the developed experimental techniques (structural and functional methods) for the identification of epitopes are costly, laborious, time-consuming, technically difficult, often do not lead to the identification of all epitopes, and not practicable for all antigens [12]. Recently, in silico epitope prediction methods have become increasingly available that can be used to select potential epitope candidates for experimental studies. For this purpose, candidate antigens are chosen at the first step (Fig. 2). Then, in silico (immunoinformatics) tools are used to predict epitopes of B- and T-cells. Most of the epitope prediction tools have been developed based on neural networks that use artificial intelligence methods to predict B- and T- cell epitopes. Although the predictive performance of currently available epitope prediction tools has shown promising outcomes, there is still room for improvement. Nevertheless, many of these methods exhibit better accuracy than computational predictors used in other fields of biology [19, 20].

    Fig. (2))

    Schematic representation of various steps involved in epitope prediction and validation on target proteins for vaccine development and diagnostics.


    Given that very few proteins (less than 0.05%) encoded by the genome of a pathogen can elicit an immune response [21], it is important to select a suitable (immunogenic) protein target for epitope prediction. Common features of immunogenic proteins are summarized here. Most immunogenic proteins are structural proteins that usually constitute the surface components such as the capsid (of viruses) and the cell membrane (of microorganisms). These proteins could be partially or completely exposed on the surface, are predominantly hydrophilic, contain flexible regions, and are accessible to the outer environment. It has been found that most of the secreted proteins are antigenic. These are attractive protein targets for epitope prediction because such proteins are usually involved in pathogenicity, cell adherence to host cells, and induction of the immune response [22]. Moreover, signal peptide and transmembrane proteins of microorganisms are broadly antigenic and contain epitope density regions, also known as ‘hot spots’, which are in rich MHC class II binding regions. Identification of these ‘hot spots’ is important for epitope prediction [23]. Non-structural proteins or those present inside the pathogen are not attractive for epitope prediction as these proteins are not exposed on the surface and hence are generally not accessible to the immune system. It is important to note that the selected epitopes prioritized for the study should be antigenic, immunogenic, stable, and safe. They should also not bear any homology with the host proteome to avoid chances of allergenicity [24]. Such a dataset of non-homologous proteins can be obtained using subtractive proteomics approaches. It is also useful to consider the size of the protein before selecting it as a target for vaccine development. Due to the ease of expression and purification, small proteins (molecular weight less than 100 kDa) are more attractive as vaccine candidates. An associated advantage of selecting a low molecular weight protein is that the structure of the protein can be easily solved using structural biology techniques (for example, X-ray crystallography), which can yield useful structural information for the selection of epitopic regions on the target protein. Antigens encoded by genes acquired through horizontal gene transfer between microorganisms are more likely to produce a protective immune response. Proteins that are constitutively expressed by pathogens are attractive targets for vaccine development, and diagnostics as antibodies against such proteins are expected to be abundantly present in the host organism. Furthermore, it is generally regarded that antigenic epitopes originating from essential and virulent proteins exhibit better safety levels and yield improved efficacy when employed as vaccine candidates. Proteins which are implicated in virulence or other biological functions such as interaction with host receptors are usually highly immunogenic [25].

    Reverse vaccinology, which entails the identification of antigens through the analysis of proteins encoded by the genome of an organism, has revolutionized the field of vaccine development [26]. Conceived in the year 2000, the reverse technology approach has been successfully applied for antigen discovery from the genome sequence of a variety of pathogens such as Neisseria meningitidis serogroup B strain [26], Streptococcus pneumonia [27], Porphyromonas gingi-valis [28], Chlamydia pneumoniae [29], Bacillus anthracis [30], Staphy-lococcus aureus [31, 32], extraintestinal pathogenic Escherichia coli [33], Brucella meli-tensis [34], Rickettsia prowazekii [35], Echinococcus granulosus [36], Francisella tularensis [37], Theileria parva [38], Gallibacterium anatis [39], Leishmania spp [40], cytomegalovirus (CMV) [41], and influenza virus [42], to name a few. The workflow of a typical reverse vaccinology pipeline involves identification of open reading frames in the sequenced genome through bioinformatic analyses, in silico prediction of proteins that are either secreted or surface-exposed and exhibit similarities to virulence factors, analysis of antigen conservation across species for broad coverage, exclusion of proteins which either exhibit homology to host organism or are found in non-pathogenic organisms of the body, heterologous expression and purification of target proteins, immunization studies in model organisms, formulation of promising vaccine candidates, large-scale clinical trials, and vaccine licensing [25].

    In the following sections, information on the commonly used computational tools for the prediction of B- and T-cell epitopes is provided.


    Currently available computational tools for the prediction of linear B-cell epitopes include ABCpred [43], BcePred [44], BepiPred [45], BCPred [46], FBCPred [47], COBEpro [48], LBtope [49], PREDITOP [50], and PEOPLE [51] (Table 1). Among these tools, BepiPred [45] available at IEDB [16-18] has been widely used for the prediction of linear B-cell epitopes, frequently in combination with other methods which use hydrophilicity [52], flexibility [53], β-turns [54], solvent accessibility [55], and antigenicity [56] of proteins. The latest version, BepiPred-2.0, is trained on data (epitopes) derived from structures of antigen-antibody complexes determined through X-ray crystallography [57].

    Table 1 Commonly used tools for the prediction of B- and T-cell epitopes.


    Earlier methods such as Conformational Epitope Predictor (CEP) [58] developed for the prediction of conformational B-cell epitopes were based on predicting solvent-exposed regions in antigens. Other frequently used tools for the prediction of conformational B-cell epitopes include DiscoTope [59], Ellipro [60], CBTOPE [61], BEpro (also known as PEPITO) [62], and SEPPA [63]. Most of these methods predict conformational B-cell epitopes from the three-dimensional structure of antigens. Other tools, such as PEASE [64], require the availability of the sequence information of the antibody in addition to the structure of the target antigen, while certain other tools, such as EpiPred [65], require both antigens and antibody structures as inputs to predictors. Bepar [66] and ABepar [67] are sequence-based methods that only require sequences of the target antigen and antibody for predicting conformational epitopes. Some methods, such as Epitopia [68], can use either the sequence information or the structure of the antigen for predicting discontinuous epitopic regions. BEST [69] and CBTOPE [61] are examples of computational methods which only use antigen sequences for the prediction of conformational epitopes. Computational tools for prediction of conformational B-cell epitopes using mimotopes include MIMOX [70], PEPITOPE [71], EPISEARCH [72], MIMOPRO [73], and PEPMAPPER [74], while IgPred [75] is a tool of choice for predicting antibody-specific epitopes.


    Little attention has been focused on developing tools such as CTLPred [76], which predict T-cell epitopes through direct methods, taking into account the pattern of epitopes recognized by T-cells. Most of the tools used for the prediction of T-cell epitopes are based on indirect methods which predict MHC binding peptides instead of peptides recognized by T-cells (Table 1). Since binding of peptides in the groove of MHC molecules is a highly selective and more specific process than other steps in the MHC antigen processing and presentation pathway (proteasome cleavage and TAP (transporter associated with antigen processing) transport), MHC binding peptides are highly immunogenic epitopes that are efficiently recognized by T-cells [11, 77-79].

    6.1. Tools for Prediction of MHC Class I Binding Peptides

    A frequently used computational tool for the prediction of highly accurate MHC class I binding peptides is NetMHCcons 1.1 [80], which combines three programs (NetMHC [81], NetMHCpan [82], and PickPocket [83]) for the prediction of MHC class I binders. The NetMHCpan 2.0 server can be used to predict binding peptides for HLA-A and HLA-B as well as for MHC Class I molecules belonging to several animal models such as chimpanzee, rhesus macaque, gorilla, and mouse [82]. Examples of other widely used computational tools for prediction of MHC class I binders include NetCTL [84, 85], SYFPEITHI [86], MixMHCpred [87], MHCflurry [88], ProPred-I [89], RANKPEP [90], and SVMHC [91].

    6.2. Tools for Prediction of MHC Class II Binding Peptides

    The NetMHCIIpan method [92] is currently the leading method for the prediction of peptide binding to MHC class II. Other prediction tools for MHC class II binders include TEPITOPE [93], MultiRTA [94], MHCIIMulti [95], ProPred [96], and PREDIVAC [97]. For the prediction of promiscuous MHC class II binders, tools such as EpiDOCK [98] and EpiTOP [99] have been developed.


    Before conducting immunization studies, it is important to analyze potential toxic effects or the allergic nature of predicted epitopes, and parts of predicted epitopes that are potentially toxic/allergic should be removed. For this purpose, computational tools such as Toxinpred [100], Algpred [101], AllerHunter [102], AllerTOP [103], AllergenFP [104], and PREAL [105] have been developed which can predict the toxic/allergic nature of peptides. Other side effects such as hemolysis or hypertension can be analyzed using tools such as Hemolytik [106] and AHTpin [107, 108], respectively.

    Epitopes selected for vaccine development studies should be antigenic. The antigenicity profile of shortlisted B- and T- cell epitopes can be calculated using AntigenPro [109] and VaxiJen [110] tools.

    After predicting B- and T-cell epitopes, it is pertinent to study the interaction of predicted epitopes with the binding partner (antibodies, MHC class I or MHC class II molecules) using computational tools such as Autodock Vina [111], Autodock 4 [112], PatchDock [113], ClusPro [114], HADDOCK [115], and GalaxyPepDock [116]. Further insights into the binding interaction can be obtained by performing molecular dynamics (MD) simulations using tools such as GROMACS [117] and YASARA [118].


    Species-specific tools for the prediction of B-cell epitopes are needed to generate antibody responses in different animals using species-specific B-cell epitopes of a target protein. A few such computational tools (for example, VacSol [119] and PanRV [120]) have been developed. VacSol [119] uses the whole genome sequence of an organism and yields a list of epitopes that can be processed further for vaccine development studies. PanRV [120] is a pipeline that predicts core proteins from multiple strains/isolates of species and yields core genes. These core genes are further filtered to predict potential vaccine candidates. However, there is room for improvement in these tools to yield more promising results [119, 120].

    In silico tools for predicting adjuvants for subunit vaccines are currently lacking. Though tools for the prediction of adjuvants for DNA-based vaccines have been developed [121], such tools need to be urgently developed for peptide-based vaccines so that subunit vaccines would be able to elicit a better immune response in the presence of suitable adjuvants. Currently, adjuvants are selected based on data mining of the literature (for example, B-defensin and Cholera Toxin B were added as adjuvants to multi-epitope vaccines [122, 123]). However, the adjuvant reported in the literature may not be suitable for use with epitopes other than the reported ones. Thus, reliable tools that can predict appropriate adjuvant for epitopes against a particular pathogen based on physiochemical properties of the epitope are urgently needed.

    Currently available tools for the prediction of MHC binders primarily select the peptide based on their binding affinity for MHC molecules. However, it has been proposed that stability of the peptide bound to MHC molecules on the surface of APCs is more important than the binding affinity of the peptide to MHC molecules, as a stably bound peptide would be displayed on the surface for a long enough time to be recognized by a T-cell [124, 125]. Therefore, computational tools that can predict the stability of peptide-MHC complexes also need to be developed for the prediction of T-cell epitopes.

    As the binding of peptides to MHC molecules is also affected by post-translational modifications such as phosphorylation, citrullination, and glycosylation of peptides [126-128], it is important to develop computational tools which can reliably predict the effect of post-translational modifications of peptides on the binding specificity to MHC molecules. Some of the tools that can predict phosphorylation and glycosylation in proteins are NetPhos [129], PhosphoPredict [130], and NetOGlyc [131].

    Since the predictive performance of computational tools is related to the amount of data based on which such tools are developed, it is emphasized that more and more immunological data need to be generated. Likewise, new immunoin formatics tools with better accuracy need to be continuously developed for the prediction of B- and T-cells epitopes.


    To evaluate the immunogenic potential of predicted epitopes, the immune response elicited by predicted epitopes is monitored by conducting immunization experiments in model systems. For this purpose, the selected epitope can be produced either through synthetic means or through recombinant approaches using a suitable host system. In the former case, solid-phase peptide synthesis is the method of choice for epitopes that are less than 50 amino acids long [132, 133]. For longer epitopes, recombinant methods could also be employed for the production of epitopes. In this case, the epitopic region is expressed either as a single protein or as virus-like particles when fused to the core protein of certain viruses (such as hepatitis B virus) at their major immunodominant regions, resulting in enhanced exposure of epitopic regions on the surface of virus-like particles [134] (Fig. 3). Depending on the origin of the epitope, bacterial or eukaryotic expression systems (yeast, insect-, and mammalian cell lines) can be exploited for recombinant expression. Epitopes thus expressed can be purified using chromatographic techniques such as affinity chromatography, ion-exchange chromatography, and gel filtration. The purity and the integrity of purified epitopes can be analyzed through sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE), western blotting, and mass spectrometry. For conformational analysis of purified epitopes, biophysical techniques such as circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy [135] and Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy [136, 137] can be used to assess the secondary structure profile of epitopes. For further structural analysis, more sophisticated techniques such as nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy [138] and X-ray crystallography [139] can be used. The immunogenic potential of properly folded epitopes can be evaluated by conducting immunization experiments using appropriate animal models. For this purpose, epitopes are either administered orally or injected into model organisms mostly in combination with suitable adjuvants [140]. Commonly used animal models for immunization studies include but are not limited to chickens, mice, rabbits, and chimpanzees [141, 142]. If an epitope is to be tested as a vaccine candidate in humans, its protective efficacy is first evaluated in animal models [143]. For vaccine development against animal disease, the model system used for vaccination trials is usually the same organism in which the pathogen causes the disease. Various immunological techniques have been developed for measuring humoral and cell-mediated immune responses evoked by B- and T-cell epitopes, respectively (Fig. 2); (Table 2). A brief description of commonly used immunological techniques for the detection of immune responses is given below.

    Fig. (3))

    Prediction of epitopic regions on the hexon capsid protein of Fowl adenovirus serotype 4 (FAdV-4) for use as vaccine candidates in the form of virus-like particles (VLPs). (A) Epitopic regions (colored cyan) located on the surface-exposed regions of FAdV-4 hexon (GenBank accession number: CAD30847.1; colored green) were predicted using various bioinformatics tools. Linear B-cell epitopes were predicted using BepiPred [45] and combining other criteria such as hydrophilicity [52], flexibility [53], β-turns [54], solvent accessibility [55], and antigenicity [56]. Conformational B-cell epitopes were predicted using Ellipro [60]. For the prediction of T-cell epitopes, MHC class I and MHC class II binders were predicted using the NetMHCcons 1.1 server [80] and the NetMHCII Pan 3.1 server [92], respectively. (B) The predicted epitopes (colored cyan) could be tested as vaccine candidates in the form of virus-like particles upon fusion with the core protein of hepatitis B virus (colored brown), for example.

    Table 2 Commonly used tools for validation of B- and T-cell epitopes.

    9.1. Tools for Validation of B-cell Epitopes

    Epitope-based subunit vaccines generally mediate protection by inducing an immune response that leads to activation of B-cells and production of antibodies [144, 145]. Numerous immunoassays are available nowadays, which can be used to detect antibodies in serum or plasma samples [146, 147]. Most of these techniques are based on immobilization of specific surface-exposed recombinant antigens or their selected epitopes on a solid support and incubation with serum containing specific antibodies. It has been found that the inclusion of conformational B-cell epitopes in immunoassays yields better reactivity and specificity [148, 149]. A brief description of commonly used methods for the detection of antibodies in serum samples is given below:

    9.1.1. Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay

    The enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) is a typical serological method for the quantitative detection of antibodies. Serum or plasma can be used as test samples in ELISA. Although the basic principle of ELISA is the same, i.e., the formation of an immune complex on a solid support, there are several formats available for performing the assay. Most commonly, indirect ELISA is performed for the detection of specific antibodies in a given serum sample. The test is based on the adsorption (coating) of the antigen or epitopes on solid support e.g., the polystyrene surface. After that, the plates or tubes are blocked with a blocking agent such as bovine serum albumin or skimmed milk to fill the space not occupied by the protein. The test serum is then incubated, followed by washing the plates or tubes with an appropriate buffer (e.g., Tris-buffer saline containing an anionic detergent such as Tween-20) and the addition of enzyme-labeled secondary antibodies which can specifically bind to antibodies of interest. After the unbound enzyme-labeled secondary antibodies are washed off, the development of a colored product upon addition of a chromogenic substrate of the enzyme confirms the presence of specific antibodies in the serum sample [150-152]. In most cases, enzymes conjugated to secondary antibodies include alkaline phosphatase, horseradish peroxidase, or glucose oxidase [150, 151, 153]. ELISA is a method of choice for the detection of antibodies in serum samples due to its high sensitivity, specificity, reproducibility, low cost, and feasibility of performance under various field conditions [154, 155].

    9.1.2. Immunoblotting

    Similar to ELISA, the formation of an immune complex in immunoblotting takes place on a solid surface. However, such a type of assay utilizes the capability of polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) or nitrocellulose membranes to bind proteins. Specific epitopes or antigens having a suitable concentration are added in the form of small dots, followed by drying the membranes. The treated membranes are added with a blocking buffer (containing e.g., gelatin, ovalbumin, or milk proteins) to avoid non-specific adsorption. After blocking, the membranes are incubated with various dilutions of the serum sample. The membranes are washed to remove unbound antibodies and then incubated with secondary antibodies (conjugated with enzymes) generated against the antibodies of interest. Similar to the ELISA method, the antigen-antibody complex is visualized by the addition of the substrate, which produces a colored spot upon conversion by the antibody-bound enzyme. The spot intensity provides a semi-quantitative estimate of the number of specific serum antibodies present in the sample. In the advanced form of immunoblotting, termed Western blotting, the resolving power of electrophoresis and the discriminating power of an immunological reaction are combined. In this method, the identification of antibodies is achieved by electrophoretic separation of proteins (epitopes or antigens), which are transferred from the gel to the membrane. The remaining treatment is continued as described for dot blots. Finally, the presence of colored bands of a particular size of the protein (epitope or antigen) confirms the presence of antibodies [156]. Western blotting has been successfully employed for the detection of antibodies against the conformational or linear epitopes of the matrix protein [157], the immunodominant region of the VP2 protein of infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV) [158], and the fiber protein of fowl adenovirus serotype 8 (FAdV-8) [159], for example.

    9.1.3. Virus Neutralization Test

    An in vitro virus neutralization tests (VNT) are a serological method to assess the presence and quantitative estimation of functional systemic antibodies able to prevent virus infectivity. The viral growth and infectivity are inhibited when virus-specific neutralizing antibodies are transferred into host systems such as eggs, cell cultures, and animals in which viral replication and growth can take place. This principle forms the basis of VNT. The test indirectly provides an idea about the functionalization of antibodies and the protective efficacy of vaccines. VNT is a highly sensitive and specific assay to measure the titer of neutralizing antibodies post-vaccination or after-infection. In cell culture-based VNT, the antibody titer is determined based on the presence or the absence of cytopathic effects or by confirmation of the viral infection by immunoreactive techniques. Although the VNT assay is inexpensive and could be performed using standard laboratory equipment, however, the requirement of cell culture, more time, optimization, and technically skilled labor make it harder to conduct the VNT assay in comparison to other serological methods. The VNT assay is advantageous to assess the extent of serological cross-reactivity between vaccine antisera and variant viral strains leading to cross-protection in the host [160]. Hence, VNT is a better tool for in vitro evaluation of broadly active neutralizing antibodies effective against diverse strains of the pathogen [161]. VNT assays based on multiple epitopes and free of any vaccine material are the gold standards for unbiased evaluation of the protective efficacy of vaccine-induced antibodies

    [162]. VNT assays can be used to completely characterize epitopic regions present on viral surfaces.

    9.1.4. Lateral Flow Assay

    Lateral flow assays (LFAs) have recently received considerable attention due to their excellent performance in terms of the detection of specific antibodies in a given serum sample. LFAs have several formats [163]. All LFA strips have four components: a conjugate pad, a sample pad, a nitrocellulose membrane, and an adsorbent pad. Monodisperse colloidal gold nanoparticles having a typical absorption spectrum (400–800 nm) conjugated to a specific protein (epitope or antigen) are generally used as reporters for colorimetric antibody detection in LFA kits [164]. The nitrocellulose membrane is printed with the protein (epitope or antigen) or antibody at the test line and the control line, depending on the test whether antibody or antigen is detected in the test sample. The assembly of these components in the form of kits enables the field workers to perform the test in 10-15 minutes without requiring any specialized equipment. LFAs have been successfully used for the detection of specific antibodies against several bacterial and viral diseases as well as their targeted epitopic regions (vaccines), e.g., LFA based on the gold-conjugated surface capsid VP2 protein of IBDV was used to detect anti-IBDV antibodies in birds [165], and the nucleocapsid protein-gold conjugate-based LFA was used to investigate specific antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 [166].

    9.2. Tools for Validation of T-Cell Epitopes

    9.2.1. Mass spectrometry (MS)

    The MHC-peptide complexes are purified from the cell lysate by immunoaffinity, the MHC-associated peptides are eluted and the sequence of the peptides is analyzed using mass spectrometry [167, 168].

    9.2.2. Enzyme-linked Immune Absorbent Spot (ELISpot)

    For measuring the immune response mediated by T-cells, ELISPOT can be employed. In this case, cytokines produced by cells are detected. For this purpose, cytokines released by stimulated cells are first captured by antibodies. The captured cytokines are then detected using cytokine-specific biotinylated antibodies and streptavidin-enzyme conjugates which catalyze the formation of insoluble/colored precipitates [169].

    9.2.3. Intracellular Cytokine Staining (ICS) Assay

    T-cell epitopes can also be characterized using ICS. In this case, cells are first activated with antigens in the presence of secretion inhibitors (monensin or brefeldin A, for example) [170, 171]. The cells are then permeabilized, and intracellular cytokines are stained with fluorescently labeled antibodies [172]. The stained cells are finally analyzed using flow cytometry [173, 174].

    9.2.4. Tetramer Staining

    For tetramer staining, four MHC molecules are stained with fluorophores specific for a peptide and analyzed using flow cytometry. Thus, a tetramer stain that specifically binds to a given MHC-peptide complex is needed to perform this technique [175, 176].


    There are several tools currently available for the prediction of epitopic regions on proteins. However, little attention has been directed to the development of tools for the prediction of adjuvants or the effects of post-translational modifications of peptides on MHC binding. Several complementary approaches are also available for validating B- and T-cell epitopes, and technologies with better throughput are also emerging.


    Not applicable.


    The author declares no conflict of interest, financial or otherwise.


    This work was supported by the International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (ICGEB), Italy (Grant No. CRP/PAK10-01 awarded to Moazur Rahman), Agriculture Linkage Programme-Pakistan Agriculture Research Council (Grant No. AS015 awarded to Moazur Rahman), and the Higher Education Commission (HEC) of Pakistan (Grant Nos. TDF-03-006 and NRPU-7254 awarded to Moazur Rahman, and HEC-Indigenous Ph.D. and HEC- internat-

    ional IRSIP Fellowships awarded to Soban Tufail, Majid Ali Shah, and Maryam Zafar).


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