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Total Mind-Body-Spirit Weight Loss
Total Mind-Body-Spirit Weight Loss
Total Mind-Body-Spirit Weight Loss
Ebook103 pages1 hour

Total Mind-Body-Spirit Weight Loss

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Transform Your Mind – Change Your Body


A missing link, the Total Mind-Body-Spirit Weight Loss Program helps you lose weight and keep it off, by using a unique visualization method to help control the four hidden types of stress that can cause or contribute to weight gain.


This tested program is a step-by step guide which gives you everything you need to achieve your weight loss success. Find out your unique hidden reasons on why you hold on to the weight. Then learn how to release those negative patterns. This 'mind control for weight control' method reduces stress in your life and alters your mind to think thin to become your perfect less than 30 minutes a day!


This book gives you everything you need to be successful:

  • Keys to Weight Loss
  • How and Why Visualization Works
  • Mind-Body-Spirit Commitment Integration
  • Mind Transformation: Alter Your Emotional Ties to Eating
  • Body Transformation: Change Your Eating Habits
  • Exercise Motivation
  • Stress Reducing Visualizations
  • Thinking Thin Visualizations
Release dateJan 8, 2024
Total Mind-Body-Spirit Weight Loss

Linda Mackenzie

Linda Mackenzie, an award-winning multi-book author, world renowned God-based psychic, radio host and President of CREATIVE HEALTH & SPIRIT-- a Manhattan Beach based media & publishing company started in 1995 which owns the all positive talk Radio Network and the podcast subscription network, is committed to the evolution of positive human consciousness. As an author, Mackenzie released her 1998 COVR award-winning book INNER INSIGHTS – THE BOOK OF CHARTS, Creative Health & Spirit, 1995, HOW TO SELF-PUBLISH YOUR PERSONAL GROWTH BOOK, Crossing Press, 1997, HELP YOURSELF HEAL WITH SELF-HYPNOSIS, Sterling Publishing, 2000, which was subsequently translated and sold internationally, and SYMBOLS OF YOU, Creative Health & Spirit, 2023. As a feature writer Linda has contributed articles to many magazines including Health & Fitness, Vitamin Retailer and Natural Pharmacy Magazine, etc. Pursuing her dream to self-empower individuals she created audio and videos: the HELP YOURSELF HEAL SERIES, Vision Quest Video & Audio, 1998; Under the Creative Health & Spirit Label: the 1999 COVR award- winning TOTAL MIND-BODY-SPIRIT-WEIGHT LOSS PROGRAM; HELP YOURSELF HEAL MENOPAUSE, June, 2000; HOW GET ON RADIO June, 2008; and PROMOTE & MARKET YOUR WEB RADIO SHOW March, 2009 and the DVD documentary short MANY FACES OF PSYCHIC ABILITY January, 2009. This former data engineer and entrepreneur, Linda has appeared worldwide on hundreds of radio shows, almost all network and cable TV stations and in several award-winning documentaries. As a former radio host of KPSL, Wisdom, PAX and CRN networks, Linda continues to produce and host the 'Linda Mackenzie Show' on In 2006, received the ABI Great Women of the 21st Century for Radio Broadcasting. She resides close to the beach in Southern California.

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    Book preview

    Total Mind-Body-Spirit Weight Loss - Linda Mackenzie


    Weight Loss is a big issue. Almost everyone at some time in their lives has wanted to lose weight. Yet most of the programs out there work only on the body and ignore the mind and spirit. As a Doctoral Clinical Hypnotherapist Candidate and Psychic, I help people reach their physical, emotional and spiritual goals. After helping thousands of people through my private and group hypnotherapy sessions, lectures and my radio show I believe that manifestation of any goal must combine the mind, body and spirit together to effect a lasting change.

    For many years people have been asking me to come up with a weight loss program. Weight Loss is not an easy issue since everyone is an individual and the way they gain and lose weight are as individualized as they are. So this project became a very serious task for me. First, because when I develop a self-empowerment tool it must be simple and be able to work for a majority of people. Second, I was an engineer for 18 years and my left brain will not allow me to overlook detail. I talked to many experts and people nationwide. People who were successful with weight loss and those who were not. For two years I researched. I was looking for the common threads. What was it that was similar in every case? Why did 97 out of 100 people who diet regain the weight back in less than a year? What ties these threads together?

    My left brain cataloged the details and my right brain finally found the answer (with a little Divine Guidance for I’m sure that God looked down one day and thought, She’s still working on that? Let me send her a little help!). STRESS is the common thread. I found that there are four types of stress that cause or contribute to weight gain: Emotional. Physical. Environmental. Nutritional. Everything that affects weight gain falls under one of these categories. Chapter One of this book defines this in more detail.

    By eliminating or minimizing stress on these four levels people can lose weight and keep it off for life. Commitment also plays a key role. If a person is not committed they will not be motivated. No motivation—No weight loss. I had found the threads. Now how do I tie them together to self-empower people to lose weight?

    Back to the left brain. Back to the I knows. I know that visualization works because I cured myself of a severe chronic illness using visualization and diet. I know there are several hypnosis methods used to effect weight loss—but not every method works for everyone. I know people assimilate information through one or more of these methods visual, audio and tactile or touch. I know that the types and amounts of stress differs daily for each person. There were hundreds of these I knows and lots of research hours put in to get the I knows. My left brain sorted through the information, my right brain balanced the pros and cons and Divine Intervention guided the whole process.

    Finally the Program was complete. It works. Just being immersed in the process of creating this program was effective in weight loss. I lost 8 lbs. which was not my intention. This in itself is amazing because intention is one of the most important parts of visualization. Yet the program worked. It’s funny how God always helps me walk my talk.

    My field tests have realized fantastic results. The patients were between 20-150 lbs. overweight. I told them not to exercise and not to change their eating habits. Ha! Because of the Visualizations they all did some form of exercise—they couldn’t help themselves. They all leaned towards eating healthy food. In less than 2 months one girl had dropped 2 dress sizes; in 6 weeks another had dropped 22 lbs., another 5 lbs. and the results went on and on.

    The visualizations are powerful. They are designed to use what you need, when you need them. Visualization usually takes six weeks to work and should be done in the morning and at night. You may see results before six weeks, but if you don’t keep at it. It will work.

    The funny thing that I didn’t expect to happen was that everyone said they were not only losing weight but they were happier. The stress in their lives was being reduced and they felt so relaxed they were enjoying life. They reported feeling centered and whole in body, mind and spirit. One man, who didn’t need to lose weight, plays the tapes for stress reduction.

    What a joy to know I have created a tool for someone to help themselves. For only with self-empowerment can people positively change themselves and make their way to their next step on their special path in life. My mission in life is to Light the Way with Energy, God and Love and to help at least one person a day. I am so glad that with this publication that I can reach many people who will be helped on many levels.

    So after a long, hard road filled with determination and persistence the Program is ready. I believe that you are ready too! Good luck to you. I know you will lose the weight you need.

    —Linda Mackenzie




    ∞ How To Use This Program

    ∞ Why Stress Causes Weight Gain

    ∞ The Six Tips To Success

    Welcome to The Total Mind-Body-Spirit Weight Loss Program. This Program is designed to give you mind control for weight control. Using the visualization methods in this book you will be given the tools to be able to lose the weight you want and keep it off for life. The visualizations are designed so that

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