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Progress in Food Biotechnology
Progress in Food Biotechnology
Progress in Food Biotechnology
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Progress in Food Biotechnology

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Progress in Food Biotechnology covers recent advances in the food processing sector. Readers will gain an academic and industrial perspective on how biotechnology improves food product quality, yield, and process efficiency. Novel opportunities for utilizing value-added products in the food industry, such as microbial cultures, enzymes, flavour compounds, and other food ingredients are also explained.

Chapters in the volume cover topics related to (1) food bioactive peptides and functional properties of proteins, (2) classification, biosynthesis, and application of bacterial exopolysaccharides, (3) enzymatic modification of phospholipids, and related applications, (4) microbial culture research and application in food fermentation, (5) probiotics, prebiotics, and synbiotics, (6) biotechnological production of food additives, (7) phenolic-based nanoparticles and relevant applications, (8) enzyme discovery approaches and industrial dairy enzyme applications, (9) bioconversion of major industrial and agro-industrial by-products into various bio-products as examples of a bio-based economy, and (10) plant epigenetics and future prospects of epigenetics to improve crop quality.

Information is presented in a simple language supported by graphs, tables, numbers, market trends, and accounts of successful product launches. This volume is a handy resource for a broad range of industrial researchers, students, and biotech professionals from both academia and industry who are involved in the multidisciplinary fields of food biotechnology and food chemistry.
Release dateOct 17, 2018
Progress in Food Biotechnology

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    Progress in Food Biotechnology - Ali Osman

    Advances in Food Protein Biotechnology

    Zied Khiari¹, Cid Ramón González-González², *

    ¹ Cape Breton University - Verschuren Centre for Sustainability in Energy and the Environment. 1250 Grand Lake Road, Sydney, Nova Scotia, CanadaB1P 6L2

    ² Instituto Tecnológico Superior de Acayucan Carretera Costera del Golfo Km 216.4 Acayucan Veracruz, Mexico, CP 96100


    The present book chapter deals with recent advances in food protein biotechnology. The latest research on food protein-derived bioactive peptides and the impact of enzymatic hydrolysis on the organoleptic properties of proteins is reviewed. Protein modifications, which have become the focus of many research studies during recent years, are also covered. Consideration is given to three different protein modification approaches (i) chemical modifications (glycation and disulfide cross-linking); (ii) physical modifications (high-pressure processing and ultrasound treatment); (iii) enzymatic modifications (transglutaminase cross-linking and proteolysis). Since the main purpose of protein modification is to enhance their functional properties, the effects of the chemical, physical, and enzymatic treatments on the solubility, emulsification, foamability, and rheological properties of food proteins are also discussed.

    Keywords: Bioactivity, Enzyme, Emulsification, Functional Properties, Glycation, Hydrolysis, Protein, Peptide, Protein Modification, Solubility.

    * Corresponding author Cid R. González-González: Instituto Tecnológico Superior de Acayucan. Carretera Costera del Golfo Km 216.4 Acayucan Veracruz, Mexico. CP. 96100; Tel: +52-92424-50042; Fax: +52-92424-50042; Email: [email protected]


    Proteins are macromolecules composed of one or more polypeptides, which are made up of long chains of amino acids connected by peptide bonds. Proteins play a crucial role in both biological and food systems. In biology, proteins appear to have multiple functions, such as providing structural support, storing energy, chelating metal, and catalyzing biochemical reactions [1].

    Proteins are also involved in immunity, transport, and regulation of cellular metabolism [1]. In food, proteins are considered to be valuable multifunctional biopolymers [2]. They are used in a variety of food formulations due to their natural origin, excellent nutritional value, and highly desirable physicochemical

    characteristics [2]. All these aspects positively contribute to the quality, safety, and stability of the food formulation [3].

    The significance of proteins in the food industry lays on their ability to provide a wide range of functional properties, such as the formation of a gel network, emulsification, and foamability [3]. The protein physicochemical characteristics can further be enhanced through modifications. Innovative chemical, physical, and enzymatic modification approaches have recently been proposed. The protein modification can potentially lead to the creation of protein ingredients with enhanced and superior functional properties compared to the native proteins. This can, in turn, increase the industrial application of food proteins especially those from low-value sources (such as food processing by-products).

    Traditionally, food proteins have been regarded as a source of essential and non-essential amino acids. However, the concept of functional foods that can reduce the risk of some chronic diseases and promote health in addition to providing nutrients has emerged in the last two decades [4]. Food proteins have now been recognized as valuable sources of bioactive peptides [5]. Both enzymatic hydrolysis and microbial fermentation have gained interest over the chemical hydrolysis for the production of peptides, due to safety and organoleptic issues associated with the latter method. Apart from producing bioactive peptides, the enzymatic hydrolysis, under controlled conditions, can improve the functional properties of the protein [6].

    The objective of this chapter is to cover the recent advances in protein biotechnology. In the first section, the latest advances in the functionality of bioactive peptides released from food proteins and the impact of enzymatic hydrolysis on the organoleptic properties of proteins are reviewed. Recent research on chemical (glycation and disulfide cross-linking), physical (high-pressure processing and ultrasound treatment), and enzymatic (transglutaminase cross-linking and proteolysis) protein modifications are presented. The effects of these modifications on the protein functional properties (solubility, emulsification, foamability, and viscoelasticity) are also discussed.


    The study of peptides with biological functions has gained importance in the last decades. Numerous applications have been found and investigated, such as antihypertensive, antioxidant, hypocholesterolemic, antiglycemic, and opioid like activities. The two most employed technologies to release bioactive peptides encrypted in food proteins are enzymatic hydrolysis and microbial fermentation, or a combination of both. One of the main advantages of bioactive peptides is that they come from food proteins and are, therefore, generally considered safe, as long as the enzymes or microbial agents used are also food grade and of appropriate quality [7]. The main challenges in the use of bioactive peptides are the elucidation of mechanisms of action in order to establish a cause-effect relationship, and their bioavailability and stability. The following section discusses these issues with a focus on the advances in the last decade.

    Antihypertensive Activity

    Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Inhibition

    The antihypertensive activity of peptides has been largely investigated, mainly for the capability of particular peptide sequences to inhibit the metallopeptidase Angiotensin-I Converting Enzyme (ACE) – (EC, which plays a central role in modulating the Renin Angiotensin System (RAS) and the regulation of blood pressure (BP). The ACE catalyzes the hydrolysis of the decapeptide angiotensin I (Ang-I), releasing two amino acids at the C-terminal to produce the octapeptide angiotensin II (Ang-II). The latter upregulates blood pressure via vasoconstriction by targeting AT1 receptors in smooth muscle and blood vessels, and by promoting reabsorption of Na+ and water into the blood stream, which leads to an increase of blood volume and thus rising blood pressure [8]. Additionally, the ACE hydrolyzes bradykinin peptide, hindering its vasodilatory activity. Cheung et al. [9] designed a model of the ACE active site that allowed them to better understand the ACE inhibition–structure consisting of three subsites, S1, S1’, and S2’ interacting with the ACE-inhibitors (Fig. 1.1) [9]. This led to the development of effective ACE inhibitory compounds, such as the synthetic peptide captopril, that was first used to alleviate the symptoms of hypertension [9]. In later years, food derived bioactive peptides with similar structure, e.g. containing proline at the C-terminal and a hydrophobic side chain amino acid at the antepenultimate position of the C-terminal, were also found to inhibit the ACE; however, they do it at a lower extent compared to synthetic modified peptides, such as captopril or lisinopril.

    The most studied peptides with ACE inhibitory capabilities are Ile-Pro-Pro (IPP) and Val-Pro-Pro (VPP), derived from β-casein from bovine milk with a half maximal inhibitory concentration value (IC50) of 5 and 9 µM, respectively; both have shown antihypertensive activity in spontaneous hypertensive rats (SHR) [11]. These peptides were originally released via fermentation by Lactobacillus (Lb.) helveticus and are sold under the commercial name of Calpis® in Japan. Additionally, Seppo et al. [12] reported a product containing the same IPP and VPP, fermented by Lb. helveticus LBK-16H [12]. Since then, other bioactive peptides derived from milk have been tested in animal and human models.

    Fig. (1.1))

    A) Theoretical model of the ACE active site showing interactions with B) a venom peptide analogue. This led to the designing of the ACE-inhibitors, such as captopril and later the potent C) Lisinopril. This image was adapted from The state of the ion channel research in 2004 [10].

    In the last decade, a controversy regarding the actual mechanism of antihyper- tensive activity of these peptides has emerged. Wuezrner et al. [13] published a study with normotensive people where lactotripeptides (LTP) did not show ACE inhibitory activity in vivo in healthy subjects. However, it has been shown that LTP do not show antihypertensive activity in healthy subjects, but only in hypertensive, or even mild hypertensive people [13, 14]. Moreover, it was already reported that IPP and VPP did not show significant difference in lowering blood pressure against placebo, when LTP mixture was administered in hypertensive Dutch adults in a dosage of 4.8 ± 0.6 mg IPP and 5.4 ±0.4 mg VPP. They have also compared the effect of LTP obtained from different technologies: enzymatic hydrolysis, fermentation, and chemical synthesis, but no significant difference was found in any of the peptide formulations vs placebo. Additionally, Boelsma et al. [15] reported that IPP was the only peptide with detectable concentrations in blood after ingestion of tablets containing IPP and a mixture of MAP, LPP, and IPP, and that there was no evidence that the hypotensive activity observed could be due to ACE inhibition in vivo [15]. These studies are in contrast with research made by Hirota et al. [16], Jauhiainen et al. [17], Turpeinen et al. [18], Yoshizawa et al. [19], and Yoshizawa [20]; these researchers have reported antihypertensive activity in humans, mainly in systolic blood pressure (SBP) (-3.8 to -9 mmHg vs placebo) when administered in dosage ranges of 3.8 – 30 mg for IPP, and 2.4 – 22.5 mg for VPP. Interestingly, most of the studies showing considerable effect of LTP on BP are Japanese, whereas the studies performed with Caucasians in Europe have shown slight or no significant changes compared to placebo [21]. Based on the evidence of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics with other antihypertensive drugs, it has been suggested that this variability in the outcome is more related to differences in diet rather than genetics [14].

    Another important hypotensive peptide is Val-Tyr (VY), which has shown a strong ACE inhibitory activity in vitro (IC50 = 7.1µM comparable to that of IPP and VPP) and could be obtained from milk, sardine muscle, and sesame seed proteins [22-24]. It has hypotensive activity in SHR [25], and it is well absorbed into blood stream by normotensive and mild hypertensive people [26, 27]. Moreover, it has been observed that VY accumulates in higher concentrations in tissue than in blood stream; particularly in kidneys, lungs, and the abdominal aorta [28]. This observation coincides with the report of long term oral administration of peptides derived from jellyfish collagen with ACE inhibitory activity, where the concentration of Ang-II was reduced mainly in kidneys; meanwhile, the concentration in plasma was unaltered [29]. Therefore, it is important to consider that the presence of peptides in plasma after ingestion does not necessarily reflect a high bioactivity. Furthermore, using a novel model of organ bath to study ex vivo effect of VY on aortic rings, Vercruysse et al. [30] compared five different mechanisms [30], where the inhibition of vasoconstriction correlated to an Ang-I accumulation in tissue. This led to the conclusion that the mechanism of hypotensive activity for VY was ACE inhibition, which was similar to the result obtained by Kawasaki et al. [22], who observed an increase of Ang-I, and a decrease of Ang-II and aldosterone after an oral treatment of VY in mild-hypertensive people [22]. These two studies demonstrate that ACE inhibitory activity is the likely mechanism of hypotensive effect of VY ex vivo and in vivo. Interestingly, it was found that when the ACE inhibitor drug captopril was administered alongside VY in SHR, the hypotensive activity of the latter was hindered for an apparent competition on the membrane transport pathway; thus, suggesting that hypertensive subjects treated with ACE inhibitor drugs should avoid the consumption of small peptides [31]. However, in a recent experiment made with LTP, it was observed that the hindering effect on the hypotensive activity did not happen when the peptides were administrated 29 days after a treatment with the ACE inhibitor enalapril, indicating that the combination of BP with an ongoing treatment of ACE inhibitor does not alter its antihypertensive effect [32]. Thus, this statement deserves more research to validate the potential competitive interaction of bioactive sequences with ACE inhibitor drugs.

    Renin Inhibition

    An alternative studied mechanism related to the RAS is the inhibition of renin. Renin breaks down the angiotensinogen into Ang-I. He et al. [33] reported that the peptide Gly-His-Ser (GHS), obtained from rapeseed via enzymatic digestion with pepsin-pancreatin, was able to inhibit renin besides ACE activities in vitro, correlating with hypotensive activity in SHR (-17.29 ± 2.47 mmHg) after 6 h of treatment with a dosage of 30 mg/kg of synthetic peptide [33]. More recently, the peptide sequences Pro-Ser-Leu-Pro-Ala (PSLPA), Trp-Tyr-Thr (WYT), Ser-Val- Tyr-Thr (SVYT), and Ile-Pro-Ala-Gly-Val (IPAGV), contained in hemp seed proteins have been reported to exert hypotensive activity by ACE and renin inhibition. Among these, PSLPA and IPAGV showed the highest lowering of systolic blood pressure (SBP) (-40 and -36 mmHg, respectively) in SHR after 4 h of ingestion [34, 35]. A predicting and validated modelling study showed that small peptides formed by low molecular weight amino acids with hydrophobic chain at the N terminus and bulky side chains at C-terminus are desired for renin inhibition. Ile-Trp (IW) was the most bioactive sequence in this predictive model [36].

    Other Hypotensive Mechanisms

    Other antihypertensive mechanisms reported are the inhibition of endothelin-converting enzyme (ECE), the modulation of endothelin-1 (ET-1), the blocking of calcium channel, and the Ang-II receptor (AT1), as well as the upregulation of nitric oxide (NO) production [37]. The endothelin system (ES) has been less assessed for food derived peptides than the RAS. It represents, however, another key strategy to lower high blood pressure by bioactive peptides, provided that it is comprised by three peptide ligands and two activating peptidases, and plays a key role in the balance and development of disease in different organs, such as the kidneys, the lungs, and the heart [38]. For instance, it is reported that the β-lactoglobulin derived peptide Ala-Leu-Pro-Met-His-Ile-Arg (ALPMHIR) inhibits the release of ET-1 [39]. Moreover, the hypotensive peptides Gly-Ile-Leu- Arg-Pro-Tyr (GILRPY) and Arg-Glu-Pro-Tyr-Phe-Gly-Tyr (REPYFGY), derived from lactoferrin, showed ECE inhibitory activities in vitro, demonstrating that these sequences are able to inhibit vasoconstriction ex vivo, independently of ACE inhibition [40]. The same research group reported that the peptides Arg-Pro-Tyr- Leu (RPYL), Leu-Ile-Trp-Lys-Leu (LIWKL), and Arg-Arg-Trp-Gln-Trp-Arg (RRWQWR), also contained in lactoferrin, showed inhibition of vasoconstriction induced by angiotensin II, suggesting that these peptides exert a hypotensive effect by blocking the angiotensin AT1 receptors alongside ACE inhibitory activity [41]. Regarding the blocking of calcium channel, peptides such as His-Arg-Trp (HRW) showed a reduction in Ca²+ concentration in smooth muscle cells, which may indicate a potent suppressor of extracellular Ca²+ influx as a mechanism of hypotensive activity [42]. Wang et al. [44] showed that the dipeptide Trp-His (WH), derived from sardine muscle, is vaso-protective through the inhibition of voltage dependent L-type Ca2+ channel. This is also beneficial in order to reduce the inflammatory response in the distal colon [43, 44]. It is therefore important to pay attention to other mechanisms than ACE inhibition that may exert antihypertensive activity in humans, considering that until 2017 most of the studies on food derived antihypertensive peptides have been based on ACE inhibitory activity.

    Endothelial Function Aid

    There are reports on the beneficial effect of peptides on the endothelial function. Endothelial dysfunction conveys a diminution of the NO bioavailability, thus lowering the relaxing capability of the endothelium; this has been accepted as a key risk factor for cardiovascular disease [45]. One of the responses observed in the ingestion of bioactive peptides has been the decrease in the augmentation index (AI). Pal and Ellis [46] showed that whey proteins may reduce AI after 12 weeks of treatment in a group of overweight and obese individuals compared to another group fed with casein fraction and a third group fed with glucose as control suggesting that whey proteins might be the main factor for improving cardiovascular function of milk fractions, and that this is notorious when the consumption is chronic, rather than acute [46]. Moreover, a Finnish group reported that the consumption of LTP reduces the AI in mild hypertensive subjects [47, 48].

    Ballard et al. [49] reported a study with a commercial formula of whey derived extract where they have observed a vascular dilation but no peptides were detected in the blood stream, signifying that the dilation effect is independent of the presence of bioactive peptides in the blood stream, and was not due to ACE inhibition in vivo [49]. Furthermore, Marcone et al. [50] demonstrated that hydrolysates of β-casein containing bioactive peptides showed inhibitory activity against the production of inflammatory proteins, such as MPC-1 and IL-8. They also demonstrated that β-casein hydrolysate inhibited, by more than 50%, the adhesion of monocytes to TNF-α activated human aortic endothelial cells at a concentration of 300 µg/mL, indicating the reduction of an important risk factor for developing atherosclerosis [50]. The sequence of the peptides responsible for this activity is to be reported. This endothelial protective effect is widely related to the antioxidant activity discussed below.

    Antioxidant Activity

    Oxidative stress caused by the presence of reactive oxygen species (ROS) may lead to dysfunction of endothelial physiology and to inflammatory processes and cell damage. An increase of ROS under certain conditions leads to an uncoupling of the endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) [51]. Scavenging of ROS is a route to diminish endothelial damage; this property can be found in peptides behaving as antioxidant agents [45]. Several studies have shown antioxidant activity of food-derived peptides in vitro and ex vivo. Power et al. [52] have made an excellent review on the antioxidant properties of peptides derived from milk proteins, analyzing different approaches to evaluate the antioxidant activity in vitro, ex vivo, and in vivo [52]. The main technique to study the antioxidant activity in vitro is the radical scavenging capability with the use of radicals, such as 2,2-Diphenil-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH), and 2,2’-azinobis (3-ethylbenzo- thiazoline-6-sulphonic acid (ABTS•+). The results are expressed in µM of Trolox equivalent antioxidant activity per mg of peptide (TEAC) or vitamin C antioxidant activity (VCEAC); both are antioxidant compounds with known radical scavenging capacity. Oxygen radical absorbance capacity assay (ORAC) is another assay to measure the protective capacity of a tested compound to inhibit the decomposition of 2,2’- azobis-2-methyl-propanimidamide dihydrochloride (AAPH) into peroxyl radicals.

    Examples of potent antioxidative peptides (Table 1.1) found in milk proteins are Val-Leu-Pro-Val-Pro-Gln-Lys (VLPVPQK), obtained from cow milk β-casein and, more recently, from buffalo milk β-casein [53, 54]. Trp-Tyr-Ser-Leu-Ala-Met-Ala-Ala-Ser-Asp-Ile (WYSLAMAASDI), Leu-Gln-Lys-Trp (LQLW), and Leu-Asp-Thr-Asp-Tyr-Lys-Lys (LDTDYKK), isolated from β-lactoglobulin A after enzymatic digestion, have been also identified for their antioxidant activity [55, 56].

    Table 1.1 Examples of bioactive peptides, their source, and their mechanism of action.

    Other sources of peptides have been studied, such as egg and fish proteins. For example, Yousr and Howell [57] have identified Trp-Tyr-Gly-Pro-Asp (WYGPD), Lys-Gly-Leu-Trp-Glu (KGLWE), and Lys-Leu-Ser-Asp-Trp (KLSDW) as antioxidant peptides from egg yolk protein, showing radical scavenging and lipid oxidation inhibitory activity [57]. The antioxidative peptides Trp-Asn-Ile-Pro (WNIP) and Gly-Trp-Asn-Ile (GWNI) were obtained via enzymatic hydrolysis of ovotransferrin by thermolysin. Given that these two peptides showed the highest activity of the studied fractions, the antioxidant activity was attributed to the structure of Trp-Asn-Ile (WNI) [58]. Val-Cys-Ser- Val (VCSV) and Cys-Ala-Ala-Pro (CAAP) were discovered in flounder fish muscle (Paralichthys olivaceus); they have shown no toxicity in concentrations up to 200 µg/mL and scavenging activity in an ex vivo study using Vero cell lines [59]. Lunasin is a well characterized 43-amino acid peptide, with antioxidant and antitumor activity found in soy, amaranth, barley and wheat [60-62]. Its antioxidant capacity has been shown in Caco-2 cell lines, indicating a protective effect against damage of enterocytes caused by H2O2 and tert-butyl hydroperoxide (t-BOOH) oxidative stress, which indicates a potential protective effect of lunasin in the intestine [62]. One of the main limitations of lunasin is that it can only be administrated via parenteral as many other macropeptides that are likely hydrolyzed further into smaller inactive peptides when digested. More research is needed to investigate its toxicity and its correlation with radical scavenging activity in vivo.

    Hypocholesterolemic and Antiglycemic Activities

    The reduction of cholesterol has been observed after the consumption of peptides derived from casein, whey, and soy protein. Nagaoka et al. [63] reported a hypocholesterolemic peptide derived from β-lactoglobulin; Ile-Ile-Ala-Glu-Tyr (IIAEK) showed greater response to decrease low density lipoprotein in blood stream than β-sitosterol, a pharmaceutical used to control hypercholesterolemia [63].

    In 2006, Pins and Keenan reported that a whey hydrolysate rich in bioactive peptides significantly lowered low density lipoprotein (LDL)-cholesterol in mild hypertensive subjects after 6 weeks of treatment [72]. In another study, Pal et al. [73] reported a diminution of total-cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol levels by 11% and 9.6%, respectively, after 12 weeks of treatment with whey protein isolate feed [73]. Moreover, Cho et al. [67] observed that soy protein hydrolysates enhance the transcription of LDL, and the peptide Phe-Val-Val-Asn-Ala-Thr-Ser-Asn (FVVNATSN) was identified in the most bioactive fraction of the soy protein hydrolysate [74]. Although these results indicate that food proteins and derived peptides may aid in reducing cholesterol levels in individuals with hypercholesterolemia, the mechanisms still remain unclear. The mechanisms that have been suggested so far are: 1) the effect of whey proteins on the synthesis of cholesterol in the liver [75], 2) the inhibitory activity of β-lactoglobulin, for instance, on the absorption of cholesterol in the intestine [76], 3) the inhibition of the expression of genes related to intestinal fatty acid and cholesterol absorption, and 4) peptides may reduce the solubility of micellar cholesterol, thus, easing its excretion [63].

    Food derived peptides may also help to control type II diabetes. Soy, casein, and whey proteins induce insulin secretion after ingestion leading to a reduction of postprandial glucose [77]. The mechanisms reported are the inhibition of dipeptidyl-peptidase IV (DPP-IV) and α-glucosidase, which are enzymes involved in the glucose metabolism and digestion. DPP-IV inhibitors have been isolated from caseins and whey proteins: Ile-Pro-Ile (IPI: IC50 = 3.4 µM), Ile-Pro-Ile-Gln- Tyr (IPIQY: IC50 = 35.2 µM), Trp-Val (WV: IC50 = 65 µM), and Ile-Pro-Ala (IPA: IC50 = 49 µM) [64, 78, 79], indicating that proline at the penultimate position of the N-terminal is determinant for the inhibitory activity provided that the peptidase DPP-IV cleaves the dipeptide at the N-terminal from peptides with proline or alanine in the second position [80]. Moreover, the DPP-IV inhibitor peptide Leu-Pro-Gln-Asn-Ile-Pro-Pro-Leu (LPQNIPPL) was isolated from Gouda cheese; it showed postprandial glucose reduction in rats compared to placebo (P<0.02) [81]. Peptides that inhibit the α-glucosidase have been isolated from white egg proteins [65]. Also, hydrolysates produced during milk fermentation by probiotic strains have shown α-glucosidase inhibition [82]; but there are only few studies reporting this bioactivity, which represents an opportunity for more research to employ food-derived peptides in helping to control type 2 diabetes.

    Opioid Activity

    Peptides derived from food proteins have also shown opioid agonistic and antagonistic activities, such as modulation of social behaviour, constipation, and changes in the endocrinal system of the subjects [83]. The opioid activity of peptides is related to their structure similarity to those endogenous and exogenous ligands that possess affinity to opioid receptors, such as µ-(morphine), δ-(enkelaphine), and κ-(dinorphine) types [84]. Different opioid peptides derived from β-casein, such as Tyr-Pro-Phe-Pro-Gly (YPFPG: β-casomorphin-5) and Tyr-Pro-Phe-Pro-Gly-Pro-Ile (YPFPGPI: β-casomorphin-7), have been described in the literature as µ-type ligands, and are the most studied peptides with opioid activity, that have shown to exhibit anxiolytic and analgesic activity [83].

    Glycosylated peptides derived from whey proteins have been studied for their potential use as analgesic. Animal models have shown social modulation behaviour and analgesic activity. For instance, lactomorphin (MMP-2200) showed benefits in reducing hyperkinesia in rat models of Parkinson’s disease, where glycosylation of the peptide does not increase binding affinity for the receptors but instead facilitates the passage through the blood brain barrier and enhances its stability [69]. On the other hand, β-lactotensin (His-Ile-Arg-Leu (HIRL)) has been isolated from β-lactoglobulin, and has shown anxiolytic activity in mice, acting as an agonist of neurotensin NTS (2) receptor type [85]. No human trials with these peptides have been reported to date. There is an opportunity for more research on the opioid like activity of peptides from other food protein sources.

    Future Perspectives in Food Protein Derived Peptides

    Although several studies have been carried out showing bioactivity, such as lowering the blood pressure, enhancement of the endothelial function, antioxidant, opioid like, and anti-inflammatory activities, the cause-effect relationship is not yet well established in humans. Regarding the antihypertensive activity of peptides, the last trend showed the openness to elucidate mechanisms of hypotension other than ACE inhibition, given the poor evidence of ACE inhibitory activity in vivo and the low correlation of responses between in vitro and in vivo studies. Nevertheless, ACE inhibition should not be discarded as a possible mechanism, but other mechanisms should be considered as well. Provided the amount of data for these studies, and that most of them did not involve human subjects, there is a need for more, well-conducted, and properly-powered trials in order to establish the cause-effect relationship and to elucidate the mechanisms and the factors that influence the antihypertensive activity of food derived peptides. Potential benefits on the endothelial function deserve special attention for further work given the demonstrated antioxidant and anti-inflammatory capabilities of peptides.


    One of the main methods for modifying protein organoleptic properties is proteolysis. Proteolysis, defined as the hydrolysis of proteins into smaller peptides or amino acids by breaking the peptide bond, could be carried out by physical, chemical, or biological processes. Proteolysis is one of the main occurring processes that brings about important changes in the food matrix during food processing, such as ripening, pasteurizing, or cooking. It has been widely recognized as a contributor to the development of taste and flavor through the production of low molecular weight peptides and amino acids [86].

    Peptides comprising glutamine, asparagine, glutamic acid, and aspartic acid as well as free amino acids, like glutamic and aspartic acids, have been identified to possess a specific savory taste referred to as umami [87, 88]. According to the Japanese concept, umami means savory or delicious flavor (both taste and aroma) similar to that produced by glutamic or pyroglutamic acids [89].

    Today, protein-based seasonings are commercially available. They are usually manufactured through an acid hydrolysis at elevated temperatures for different time periods up to 24 hours [86]. In addition to producing free amino acids and small peptides with the desired savory properties, the acid hydrolysis also generates a variety of carcinogenic chemical agents, such as mono and dichloropropanols and monochloropropanediols [86]. For this reason, the enzymatic hydrolysis of food proteins has been regarded as an alternative mild way to produce savoury peptides.

    A large number of peptides obtained from the enzymatic hydrolysis of plant and animal proteins have been identified and characterized as possessing umami taste [90]. For example, Sonklin et al. [86] reported that the hydrolysis of mung bean meal protein isolate with 18% bromelain for 3 hours produced a hydrolysate with a combination of sensory characteristics described as bouillon, salty, sour taste, and umami [86]. The enzymatic hydrolysis also released several volatile compounds including benzaldehyde, 2-pentylfuran, and furfural. Koo et al. [89] found that hydrolyzing wheat gluten with alcalase for 24 hours decreased the bitterness and increased the umami taste as well as the overall acceptability of the hydrolysate [89]. Bagnasco et al. [91] prepared savoury hydrolysates from rice by-products using umamizyme and flavourzyme [91]. Their results indicated that both enzymes liberated peptides with intense umami and slightly bitter taste. In a comparative study, Su et al. [92] determined the physicochemical and sensory properties of defatted peanut meal hydrolysate prepared with crude protease extract from Aspergillus oryzae and three commercial proteolytic enzymes (alcalase, protamex and papain). Their findings showed that the crude protease extract from Aspergillus oryzae produced hydrolysates with better taste characteristics compared to those obtained from the commercial enzymes. They further separated the fractions with umami taste and identified two low molecular weight peptides (Ser-Ser-Arg-Asn-Glu-Gln-Ser-Arg (SSRNEQSR) and Glu-Gly- Ser-Glu-Ala-Pro-Asp-Gly-Ser-Ser-Arg (EGSEAPDGSSR)) as the active compounds [92].

    Marine by-products have recently been investigated as natural sources for taste- and flavor-enhancing ingredients. In this respect, Cho and Kim [93] hydrolyzed sandy beach clam meat with a mixed protease blend comprising alcalase and flavourzyme [93]. The shellfish hydrolysate obtained under the optimum conditions (an enzyme concentration of 1%, a temperature of 54.7 °C, a pH of 5.9 and a hydrolysis period of 45 hours) had a large number of compounds (such as glutamic acid, lysine, glycine, adenosine diphosphate, adenosine monophosphate, and inosine) with taste effects. Similarly, Guo et al. [94] hydrolyzed Oriental shrimp (Penaeus chinensis) by-products using dispase. Under the optimum conditions (an enzyme concentration of 2%, a temperature of 57 °C, a pH of 6.5, and a hydrolysis period of 3 hours), the prepared hydrolysate possessed an intense shrimp flavor [94]. Using a different marine by-product, Laohakunjit et al. [95] studied the sensory characteristics of bromelain-derived protein hydrolysate from seaweed (Gracilaria sp.) by-products [95]. They reported that the seaweed protein hydrolysate, produced under optimal conditions (an enzyme concentration of 10%, a temperature of 50 °C, a pH of 6.0, and a hydrolysis period of 3 hours), elicited an umami taste and a seaweed odour. These three studies suggested that hydrolysates from marine by-products (i.e. clam meat, shrimp and seaweed) can be commercially marketed as natural ingredients for seasoning or for enhancing the flavor.

    Several publications reported that the enzymatic hydrolysis of food proteins is an efficient way to release peptides with savory properties. However, it is important to note that bitterness is still a challenge in this area because it hinders their incorporation as functional ingredients in food products. The bitter taste intensity is correlated with the peptide chemical structure. The presence of hydrophobic peptides is also responsible for the bitterness of the protein hydrolysates. Despite its major contribution in the loss of valuable amino acids/peptides and lower recovery yields, activated carbon has long been used to reduce the bitterness of hydrolyzed food proteins through the removal of hydrophobic peptides [96]. One of the recent approaches to manage the bitterness include reducing the formation of bitter peptides and favoring the production of savoury peptides. This could be accomplished through an optimized enzymatic hydrolysis that achieves the desired organoleptic characteristics without compromising the taste. Factors that play a role in increasing the bitterness intensity (i.e. type of enzyme and the extent of the hydrolysis) have to be carefully controlled while the release of taste-active peptides should be targeted. It is well known that low molecular weight hydrophilic peptides are generally responsible for the flavour and taste of the entire protein hydrolysates. For instance, small oligopeptides with molecular masses lower than 3,000 Da have been identified as flavour/taste substances [97]. In addition, peptides rich in specific amino residues such as Gln, Asn, Glu, or Asp as well as the free amino acids Glu and Asp have a highly desirable sensory profile. Therefore, the use of proteases that are capable of releasing these particular peptides/amino acids is a promising approach for maximizing the value of food protein hydrolysates.


    Proteins play a major role in the formulation and stability of processed food products. In addition to their nutritional significance, food proteins possess specific characteristics which are usually referred to as functional properties. Protein functional properties are conventionally defined as "the physical and chemical aspects that influence the behavior of proteins in food systems during the entire production chain (i.e. processing, distribution, retailing, preparation, and consumption)" [98].

    The functional properties of food proteins can be categorized into three major groups:

    Hydration properties (such as solubility),

    Surface properties (such as foaming, and emulsifying abilities),

    Rheological properties (such as viscoelasticity, and gelation).

    Both intrinsic and extrinsic parameters influence protein functional properties. Among the intrinsic factors, the molecular structure, the molecular size, the amino acid composition, and the amino acid sequence have been shown to affect the physical function of the proteins [98]. Ionic strength, pH, and temperature are among the most common extrinsic factors that alter the protein functionalities.


    By definition, the solubility of a protein is the equilibrium thermodynamic parameter that characterizes the solid-liquid interactions. In a practical sense, protein solubility, at constant temperature and pressure, represents the concentration of a protein in equilibrium with a solid phase in a crystalline or in an amorphous form [99].

    The solubility is considered to be one of the most important physicochemical properties of food proteins. The determination of protein solubility, under various conditions, represents a useful tool in food biotechnology. For instance, the extraction, purification, and separation of proteins are mainly based on altering the solubility by varying the ionic strength and/or the pH of the medium. Increasing the ionic strength of the medium (generally by increasing the concentration of salts) results in the precipitation of proteins (i.e. salting-out effect) due to the preferential binding of ions and water to solutes [100]. Changing the pH of the medium modifies both the positive and negative charges of the hydrophobic and hydrophilic residues on the protein surface and, thus, their ability to interact with water. At a specific pH value, referred to as the isoelectric pH, proteins carry no net electrical charge which translates to a minimal hydration and a subsequent precipitation [101].

    The isoelectric solubilization/precipitation (ISP) process, or more commonly known as the pH-shifting procedure, is an extraction method based on protein solubility. The ISP process (Fig. 1.2), which has recently been successfully implemented on a large industrial scale [102, 103], is a selective pH-induced solubilization technique in which target proteins are isolated from lipids and other food components after solubilization at either acidic or alkaline pH values followed by precipitation at their isoelectric pH [104, 105]. The isoelectric solubilization/precipitation process represents an innovative processing technique to recover functional and nutritional proteins from food by-products [103].

    Fig. (1.2))

    Schematic representation of the industrial Isoelectric Solubilization/Precipitation (ISP) process for the extraction of protein isolate from meat processing by-products (Adapted from Khiari et al. [103]).

    Emulsifying Properties

    Emulsified foods constitute a wide category of products in the market [106, 107]. Technically, an emulsion is a system of two immiscible liquid phases, one of which is dispersed in the form of micro spherical droplets [106]. When the oil droplets are dispersed in the aqueous phase, the emulsion is termed oil-in-water (O/W). In contrast, water-in-oil (W/O) emulsion is characterized by water droplets distributed in the oily phase. The most commonly known examples for O/W emulsions are milk and cream while those for W/O emulsions are margarine and butter [107]. The formation of small dispersed droplets increases the interfacial area between the two liquids which, in turn, leads to a large interfacial positive energy. From a thermodynamic perspective, emulsions are considered to be unstable systems. Physical destabilization mechanisms of emulsions include oil droplet size variation processes (i.e. flocculation and coalescence), and particle migration phenomena (i.e. sedimentation and creaming) [108].

    Synthetic chemical emulsifiers, such as polysorbates, have been widely used in the food and pharmaceutical industries to stabilize emulsions. Although synthetic emulsifiers are economical and effective, the growing consumer tendency to buy food products with natural ingredients created new challenges for the entire food sector. Some food proteins can act as emulsifiers due to their ability to reduce the interfacial tension between the oil and the water phases leading to the stabilization of the emulsion. This is mainly attributed to the formation of a protein protective coating around the oil droplets that prevents the coalescence phenomenon [109].

    Functional and bioactive foods have long been believed to play a beneficial role in preventing some diseases and promoting health. Consumer interest in functional foods has resulted in an impressive market growth for this category of food products. However, recent knowledge indicated that several functional food ingredients cannot accomplish their health benefits due to their low bioavailability [110]. To overcome this issue, the food industry turned into nano-technology as a potential solution. In this regard, nano-emulsions have recently been investigated as a tool to enhance the delivery of bioactive lipophilic food components. Nano-emulsions are a new type of emulsions characterized by extremely small droplet sizes (diameter less than 100 nm) while most food emulsions today, consist of a dispersed phase with spherical droplets varying between 100 nm and 100 μm in diameter [106, 111]. The significance of nano-emulsions lays on their ability to improve the solubility, transport, and bioavailability of bioactive food ingredients [111]. These specific characteristics make food protein-based nano-emulsions promising encapsulating and carrier systems for bioactive food components [107]. Although several synthetic emulsifiers have been studied as nano-emulsifying agents, issues related to their safety and toxicity limit their potential industrial applications [111].

    Various food proteins have recently been shown to act as emulsifiers in nano-emulsions with enhanced functions, such as the delivery of lipophilic bioactive compounds. For example, He et al. [112] investigated the safety and emulsifying properties of three food proteins (soybean protein isolate, whey protein isolate, and β-lactoglobulin) in nano-emulsions [112]. Their findings indicated that food protein nano-emulsions were more stable and biocompatible than traditional emulsifiers. When comparing the three proteins, β-lactoglobulin possessed better emulsifying capacity and biocompatibility than both soybean and whey protein isolates. Whey proteins have also been the focus of recent studies as emulsifiers in nano-emulsions. For instance, Relkin et al. [113] and Lee and McClements [114] prepared whey protein-based nanoemulsions, which have the potential to be useful delivery systems for functional food components [113, 114]. Although food proteins have attracted considerable interest as safe, natural, and low cost nano-emulsifiers, the thermodynamic instability of food protein-based nano-emulsions limits their practical application.

    Foaming Properties

    Foams are two-phase colloidal systems which contain a continuous liquid phase and a gas phase dispersed as bubbles or air cells. From a thermodynamic point of view, foams are unstable systems due to the large surface energy at the air-water interface and the significant differences between the densities of the two phases. The mechanisms of foam destabilization include drainage, coalescence, and coarsening. Gravity is the main cause of the drainage of the liquid. Coalescence refers to the breakage of films separating two bubbles leading to their merging into one bubble. Coarsening refers to the diffusion of gas from small bubbles to larger ones [115].

    Due to their hydrophobicity and ability to rearrange and adsorb at the air-water interface, food proteins are considered to be excellent foam stabilizers in the food industry [116]. It is believed that proteins in foams spontaneously adsorb to the air/water interface. This is achieved through the unfolding of the proteins and the establishment of intermolecular interactions with surrounding proteins. This process results in the formation of an interfacial film of proteins [117]. From a practical point of view, proteins are less effective than synthetic surfactants in reducing the air/water interfacial tension. Although food proteins have the advantage of being natural and generally recognized as safe (GRAS), their use as surfactants in food systems can be a challenging task due to the presence of certain food components, such as salts, sugars, and lipids, which affect the foaming properties by altering both the physicochemical properties of the protein and the viscosity of the continuous phase [118].

    Some examples of food proteins that have successfully been used as foaming agents include milk protein (whey protein, β-lactoglobulin), meat protein (gelatin), and egg white protein (albumen). β-lactoglobulin, which is milk-derived protein, has been shown to possess high foaming properties (foamability and foam stability), which can further be enhanced by pre-heating the protein [117]. Heating β-lactoglobulin leads to the formation of aggregates that produce stable foams. The enhanced foaming properties have been correlated to the increase in surface hydrophobicity which, in turn, stabilizes the foam through rapid formation of a viscoelastic film [117]. In a comparative study, Abirached et al. [119] assessed the foaming properties of soy and whey protein isolates and concluded that the foaming capacity and the stability of foams prepared with whey protein isolates (WPI) were better than those formulated with soy protein isolates (SPI) [119]. Meat proteins have also been evaluated as foaming agents. For example, Salvador et al. [120] analyzed the foaming properties of fresh and spray-dried porcine red cell protein concentrates [120]. The aim of their study was to determine the useful function of this protein as a functional food ingredient. Their finding indicated that both pH and the drying treatment affected the foaming property. Spray-dried porcine red cell protein concentrates were found to possess greater foaming capacity at neutral and acidic pH values. Another meat protein of great interest is gelatin. Gelatin (which is a heat-denatured form of collagen) is known to comprise both hydrophilic and hydrophobic portions. Due to this amphiphilic character, gelatin is regarded as an excellent protein surfactant. Until today and due to their unique functional properties, egg white proteins are considered the most widely used protein ingredients as foaming agents. Ovalbumin is the main protein constituent responsible for egg white functionality [121]. Their excellent foaming properties are thought to be the result of the interaction between the various constituent proteins [122].

    Finding a food grade ingredient that can stabilize food foams is a challenge for the food industry. Protein fibrillization has recently emerged as a research area targeting the improvement of protein foaming properties. In this regard, Oboroceanu et al. [123] investigated the effect of protein fibrillization on their foaming properties. Their results were promising and showed that foams made from whey protein fibrils possessed significantly better foaming properties (foam formation and stability) compared to the non-fibrous whey proteins [123]. A more recent study by Wan et al. [124] reported that when heating soy glycinin (11S) at pH 2 for 20 h at 85 °C, a mixture consisting of long semi-flexible 11S fibrils and small peptides is formed. The study investigated the property of this mixture at different pH values [124]. Their results indicated that the fibril mixture at pH 5 and 7 provided better foam stability and can potentially represent a unique protein material for preparing stable foams. It seems, therefore, that the fibrillization of globular proteins can potentially improve their foaming properties.

    Viscoelastic Properties and Gelation

    The study of the deformation and flow of matter is the most commonly accepted definition of rheology. This interdisciplinary field of science aims at determining and understanding: 1- The geometrical changes induced by stress/forces and 2- The role of molecular structure on the rheological properties [125].

    In rheology, ideal elastic solid materials deform under stress but return to their original shape when the stress is removed, while ideal viscous liquids flow and never recover to their initial state. Viscoelastic materials, on the other hand, are materials that exhibit both viscous and elastic properties under deformation.

    Rheology has found many applications in food science and technology. For example, during the formulation and processing of food products fluid and semi-fluid foods are pumped and mixed. The determination and measurement of the viscoelastic properties allow the optimization of these unit operations.

    The study of protein gelation is another key application of rheology in food industry. Protein gelation is an important functional property, which refers to the formation of a three-dimensional elastic network that entraps the liquid component. Protein gelation takes part in the processing and overall acceptability of several food products, such as meat, surimi, dairy, egg, and tofu. Protein gels are classified depending on their rheological and microstructural characteristics into three major categories: fine stranded, mixed, or particulate [3]. Although the gelation mechanisms of proteins are still not fully understood, most of the research studies indicate that proteins undergo denaturation and unfolding prior to rearrangement to an ordered state through protein-protein interactions and aggregation.

    The complex sol-gel transition in heat-induced gelation involves a series of reactions starting with protein denaturation (loss of native structure with partial unfolding), followed by dissociation-association prior to aggregation [126]. The thermal-induced aggregation of globular proteins (such as soy and whey) can results in either random or ordered gels. It has been reported that the gelation of β-lactoglobulin is random and is characterized by a heterogeneous particulate network structure, while lysozyme undergoes a linear or stranded aggregation. Ovalbumin, on the other hand, can form either type of network structures [127, 128].

    Protein gels can also be irreversible (e.g. egg albumen) or thermoreversible (e.g. gelatin). In the case of egg proteins, the formation of irreversible gel is ascribed to the formation of covalent bonds, disulphide linkages, as well as to hydrophobic interactions [122]. The formation of disulphide linkages is key for the stabilization of the egg protein gel matrix. Gelatin gels, on the other hand, represent a typical example for thermoreversible protein gels. The thermo- reversible gelling property of gelatin is the most important attribute for its successful usage in food industry as a multifunctional ingredient. Gelatin is a partially denatured form of collagen, a fibrous protein widely abundant in animal tissues. Collagens have several types (commonly termed type I, II, III, V, etc.), with type I being the major type which is abundant in connective tissues, bones and skin. Collagen is also distinctive by the presence of large amount of glycine and the two amino acids (proline and hydroxyproline) and the lack of tryptophan. Industrially, type I gelatin is extracted from collagen (type I) after an acid or an alkaline treatment, that partially breaks non-covalent linkages in collagen fibers, followed by a thermal solubilization in water [129]. Depending on the pre-treatment and the extraction conditions, the dissociation of collagen chains results in a heterogeneous polymeric mixture (Fig. 1.3). Gelatin is hence characterized by the presence of separated α-chains (i.e. α-gelatin, monomeric form), two associated α-chains (i.e. β-gelatin, dimeric form), and three associated α-chains (i.e. γ-gelatin, trimeric form). The strength of gelatin gel (also known as Bloom strength or Bloom value) varies depending on gelatin molecular weight. The Bloom strength governs both the application and the price of gelatin with high Bloom gelatins being preferred.

    Fig. (1.3))

    The conversion of type I collagen (ordered state) into gelatin (disordered state).

    Many food products are based on protein colloidal gel structures. The study of the gelation mechanisms and the gel properties of food protein ingredients enables the prediction of the final texture of the food product. These rheological properties are usually assessed using highly sophisticated instruments called rheometers. With a rheometer running under oscillating mode, both elastic (G’) and viscous (G") moduli of a material can be measured simultaneously. If the amplitude of the oscillation falls under the linear viscoelastic range (i.e. small strain dynamic oscillation), the sample material can be subjected to an oscillating shear stress without breakage of any molecular structure within the sample. The small strain dynamic oscillation mode is the method of choice for the evaluation of both viscoelastic and gelation properties of food proteins [130].

    In gelatin, the mixture of polypeptides reversibly transforms into a gel. Gelatin shows a sol-to-gel transition when the temperature is lowered and a gel-to-sol transition as the temperature increases. The crosslinks in gelatin network are mainly based on hydrogen bonding and Van der Waals forces and thus very susceptible to changes of temperature, pH, and ionic strength [131].

    The reversible gelation and melting of gelatin take place during the cooling and heating processes, respectively (Fig. 1.4). During the gelation process, the elastic (or storage) modulus (G’) of gelatin increases, representing the transition from a solution to gel state. Similar behavior is usually observed for the viscous (or loss) modulus (G"). However, the increase is mostly gradual. The sol-to-gel transition is also characterized by a sharp decrease in the phase angle (δ). The melting of gelatin is observed during the heating process and is marked by a significant decrease in the elastic modulus. It is also important to note that gelatin exhibits a thermal hysteresis in which the gelling temperature differs from the melting temperature.

    Fig. (1.4))

    A typical rheogram showing the viscoelastic properties of gelatin, including the elastic (G’, in red) and viscous (G", in blue) moduli as well as the phase angle (δ, in black).


    In the last few years, research in food protein biotechnology focused on enhancing the protein functional properties. Chemical, physical, and enzymatic protein modification methods have been developed and proposed as tools to achieve this goal. Among these methods, glycation, disulfide and transglutaminase cross-linking, proteolysis, high-pressure processing, and ultrasonic treatment have recently been investigated.

    Chemical Modification

    Proteins can chemically be modified through the creation of cross-links either between the protein polypeptide chains (i.e. intramolecular cross-links), different proteins (i.e. intermolecular cross-links), or other food components (i.e. sugars, lipids, polyphenol, etc.). There are several types of chemical cross-links; however, glycation and disulfide cross-linking are by far the most studied cross-linking methods for food proteins.


    Glycation, or the Maillard reaction, is the non-enzymatic reaction of proteins with reducing sugars. The entire Maillard reaction occurs in three phases; early, advanced, and final stages, which are interrelated and can proceed at the same time [132]. The early stage is characterized by the formation of a covalent bond between a free amino group of either an amino acid, a peptide, or a protein and the carbonyl group of a reducing sugar (i.e. condensation reaction which forms a Schiff base, N-glycosylamine, and releases one molecule of water). N-glycosylamine is then irreversibly rearranged into the Amadori rearrangement product, 1-amino-1-deoxy-2-ketose [132, 133].

    The conjugation of proteins with polysaccharides through the Maillard reaction has been shown to improve the functional properties of the conjugates. Recent studies on food protein conjugation with a wide range of sugars/polysaccharides (Table 1.2) indicated that the glycation improves the solubility as well as the emulsifying and the foaming properties.

    Table 1.2 Functionality of protein/sugar and protein/polysaccharide conjugates produced using Maillard reaction.

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