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AZURE AZ 500 STUDY GUIDE-1: Microsoft Certified Associate Azure Security Engineer: Exam-AZ 500
AZURE AZ 500 STUDY GUIDE-1: Microsoft Certified Associate Azure Security Engineer: Exam-AZ 500
AZURE AZ 500 STUDY GUIDE-1: Microsoft Certified Associate Azure Security Engineer: Exam-AZ 500
Ebook54 pages23 minutes

AZURE AZ 500 STUDY GUIDE-1: Microsoft Certified Associate Azure Security Engineer: Exam-AZ 500

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Master Azure Security with Confidence: Your Ultimate AZ-500 Exam Study Guide! Unlock the power of Microsoft Azure's cutting-edge security features and ace the AZ-500 certification exam with this comprehensive guide. Dive deep into identity and access management, threat protection, data security, and more, all while gaining practical insights and hands-on experience. Get ready to defend your Azure resources like a pro and elevate your cloud security skills to new heights. This study guide is your roadmap to success in the AZ-500 exam and beyond!

Release dateNov 6, 2023
AZURE AZ 500 STUDY GUIDE-1: Microsoft Certified Associate Azure Security Engineer: Exam-AZ 500

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    Book preview

    AZURE AZ 500 STUDY GUIDE-1 - Mamta Devi

    Table of Content

     About Microsoft Azure

    Security Objectives in a Cloud Environment

    Common Security Challenges

    The Triple As of Access Management

    Encryption in Cloud Security

    Network Segmentation in Cybersecurity

    Key Cybersecurity Concerns in Cloud Environments

    Understanding Key Cybersecurity Threats

    Identity and Access Management Essentials

    Azure Active Directory and Managed Identities

    Managing Application Access in Azure

    Managing AccessControl in Azure

    This eBook is based on AZ 500 EXAM GUIDE that has been collected from different sources and people. For more information about this ebook. Kindly write to [email protected]. I will happy to help you.

    Copyright 2023 by Mamta Devi

    This eBook is a guide and serves as a first guide. This book has been written on the advice of many experts and sources who have good command over Azure, cloud computing services. They are listed at the end of this book.

    All images used in this book are taken from the LAB which is created by experts. All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever. For any query reach out to the author through email.

    About Microsoft Azure

    Microsoft Azure is a comprehensive cloud platform comprising over 200 distinct products and cloud services. It empowers users to establish and maintain their isolated IT infrastructure, all of which is physically situated in one or multiple data centers owned by Microsoft. Azure offers the capability to develop and expand new applications or operate existing applications in the cloud. Its cloud offerings encompass the following:

    Compute: These services facilitate the deployment and administration of virtual machines (VMs), Azure containers, and batch jobs. Compute resources established within Azure can be configured to utilize either public IP addresses or private addresses, depending on whether they need external accessibility.

    Mobile: These products and services empower developers to create cloud applications for mobile devices, notification services, and support for backend tasks, as well as tools for constructing application programming interfaces (APIs).

    Analytics: These services furnish analytics and storage solutions for services within your Azure environment. They encompass features for real-time analytics, big data analytics, machine learning, and business intelligence.

    Storage: Azure offers scalable cloud storage for both structured and unstructured data. It also provides persistent and archival storage solutions.

    Security: Specialized products and services in this category aid in the detection, prevention, and response to various cloud security threats. They encompass data security features such as encryption keys and data loss prevention solutions.

    Networking: Azure enables the creation of virtual networks, dedicated connections, and gateways, along with services for traffic management, diagnostics, load balancing, DNS hosting, and security features.

    Security Objectives in a Cloud Environment

    When preparing for the MCA Azure Security Engineer certification, it's crucial to grasp the fundamental security objectives and the typical challenges involved in securing

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