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President's Advisor: To  Guard & Rebuild This Nation
President's Advisor: To  Guard & Rebuild This Nation
President's Advisor: To  Guard & Rebuild This Nation
Ebook159 pages1 hour

President's Advisor: To Guard & Rebuild This Nation

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President's Advisor seeks to open the eyes of leaders and policymakers in Africa to the treasures bound in their youthful population and the greedy extractive-forces now hard at work to make a permanent claim not only of the land but of the people in it. This work is a fervent watchman's call to patriotic leaders in Africa to organize the transient human resource to transform Africa for Africans as those who have come in the name of investment, development and freedom come to enslave the youthful nations with debt and consumer goods. Fast Moving Consumer Goods and Foods manufactured abroad in slum-accessing sachets for aggregation of wealth bound East and West devoid of the power to transform African Nations.

These are the weapons deployed in different sectors of the economy, law and diplomacy to colonize us without the label. Camouflaged or clandestine operations now at high gear to enslave us using freedom-centric terminologies. Aggressive voices and laws championing seedless farming as a "farmers' right"' to strangle the farmer, his seed-freedom and seed-diversity fronted as means to food security. They are doing it by owning the financial infrastructure through silent convertible-bonds to control capital allocation to effectively monopolize this market. They are doing it by misadvising central banks to apply helpless tools that devalue our currencies to make our productive assets accessible to them for peanuts.

President's Advisor is a lighthouse with the beam pointing at the clandestine dangers relentlessly hunting us down with shackles on hand. It changes the course of history in Africa as the now-informed leader adorns the light-giving lenses provided to wisely judge promises, investments, awards, recognition, cooperation and discussions. The book stops the economic enslavement of our people brought to these shores in the name of "democratizing tools" and "belt and roads".

Your Excellences, I now present to you the instruments of our freedom. The rebuilding power bound in our Five Fingers. The liberty found in our Money Circles. The map with the channels of our escape. The precise bricks to erect the walls of our preservation. The potent cannon of our sure victory. Here in, PRESIDENT'S ADVISOR!
Release dateOct 22, 2023
President's Advisor: To  Guard & Rebuild This Nation

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    Book preview

    President's Advisor - Robert Mwangi

    President's Advisor

    Copyright © Robert Mwangi 2023

    All rights reserved

    No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without the express permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    Published in the United States by

    Author’s Contact

    [email protected]

    Cover & interior design by

    Endless Inspiration

    Paperback ISBN: 978-1-312-07287-9

    Ebook ISBN: 978-1-312-07039-4







    1.Your House, Your Mjei

    2.Unga Kwanza

    3.Digital Superhighway Will Collapse Kenya!

    4.Hustler Fund, a Chicken or an Egg?

    5.Written in 2050

    6.E-commerce Meant to Kill Farming in Kenya

    7.You’re Just Their Common Wealth!

    8.Kindiki & Sakaja Prisons Inc?

    9.Kenya Is At War!

    10.Will it be Kenya Kwanza or Kwanza Kenya?

    11.President Ruto, Should a Hustler Pay to Live?

    12.It’s Okay to Bribe at the Gate

    13.They Sat on Dirty Ground, Surrounded by Chairs



    15.SACCOs – Awakening the Giant to Defeat the Dragon



    Africa has become a battleground for fierce economic-war between giants. China leads the East and the U.S leads the West. As the Swahili proverb states, fahali wawili wakipigana nyasi huumia, African countries find themselves in the crossfire. Unbeknown to Presidents and Leaders in Africa, the economic-fighters adorned in suits and ties from embassies and the private-sector abroad are not pulled into the continent by raw-materials or carbon-sinks as some would like to think. That’s a war that was won decades ago with conniving asymmetrical contracts and treaties that export raw-materials both extractive and agricultural from Africa for a penny. So, raw-materials and carbon-sinks debates are fodder for deliberate ploys. The main reason for the current profuse greed for Africa is the billion-plus strong youthful population with a spending power of $3trillion annually. This gigantic market for their products is the true treasure of the ongoing economic-war in Africa between the East and West.

    President’s Advisor seeks to open the eyes of leaders and policymakers in Africa to the treasures bound in their youthful population and the greedy extractive-forces now hard at work to make a permanent claim not only of the land but of the people in it. This work is a fervent watchman’s call to patriotic leaders in Africa to organize the transient human resource to transform Africa for Africans as those who have come in the name of investment, development and freedom come to enslave the youthful nations with debt and consumer goods. Fast Moving Consumer Goods and Foods manufactured abroad in slum-accessing sachets for aggregation of wealth bound East and West devoid of the power to transform African Nations.

    These are the weapons deployed in different sectors of the economy, law and diplomacy to colonize us without the label. Camouflaged or clandestine operations now at high gear to enslave us using freedom-centric terminologies. Aggressive voices and laws championing seedless farming as a farmers’ right’ to strangle the farmer, his seed-freedom and seed-diversity fronted as means to food security. They are doing it by owning the financial infrastructure through silent convertible-bonds to control capital allocation to effectively monopolize this market. They are doing it by misadvising central banks to apply helpless tools that devalue our currencies to make our productive assets accessible to them for peanuts.

    They are doing it by owning the law-making pen that seeks to create free-trade-zones to permanently seize trade from African traders and channels. Their investment in Africa is selective to disrupt wealth distribution channels with deceptive import-bound infrastructure and e-commerce for Eastern and Western pockets. They are doing it by giving distractive indentured laborers visas for seasonal workers to blind the leader to the local opportunities bound in the manufacturing of the goods we consume daily. They are claiming it using powerful distractions in toothless summits that have loud bark with zero possibility of bite and dangerous peacekeeping engagements with zero-sum benefits to us. They are doing it by conniving awards and hollow recognitions.

    President’s Advisor is a lighthouse with the beam pointing at the clandestine dangers relentlessly hunting us down with shackles on hand. It changes the course of history in Africa as the now-informed leader adorns the light-giving lenses provided to wisely judge promises, investments, awards, recognition, cooperation and discussions. The book stops the economic enslavement of our people brought to these shores in the name of democratizing tools and belt and roads.

    Your Excellences, I now present to you the instruments of our freedom. The rebuilding power bound in our Five Fingers. The liberty found in our Money Circles. The map with the channels of our escape. The precise bricks to erect the walls of our preservation. The potent cannon of our sure victory. Here in, PRESIDENT’S ADVISOR!


    In the sunset months of 2020, a member of a common group posted that the then Deputy President Ruto had watched the video debuting one of my books called FIVE FINGERS (transcript here below) . Considering his links, I did not have any reason to doubt the assertion. The book was sounding an emergency alarm on our impending economic doom and the practical solutions to avert it. In 2021, I published yet another book resounding the alarm and warned that unless we circulate money in our economy by producing the products we consume instead of importing them, we would surely collapse. The book is fittingly titled MONEY CIRCLES .

    In September 2022, the DP who had successfully made the economy his agenda was sworn in as the President of Kenya. Inspired by the fact that as DP he had reportedly been interested with the economic dooms-day I was trumpeting and my prescribed cure in Five Fingers, soon after his inauguration, I deliberately transformed my pen to write as one advising the President. The advice canvassed prevailing economic issues in which I linked dire economic effects to root-causes and the respective curative remedies as I saw them. I was deeply convinced that if I did not publicly post the solutions as I saw them, I would be guilty of an enormous crime of letting my beloved country collapse catastrophically. In America they say, if you see something, say something.

    Of course I did NOT have any access to him or anyone in his inner circle but with each article I posted on, I hoped that the screaming titles I gave them would somehow attract my target or his many eyes. No one made a comment on the blog to indicate that I had hit the bulls eyes and for me to keep writing was on the basis of the scripture that guides me on each word I have written in my books, which is, "Write the vision, make it clear, that WHOEVER reads it would run with it." Habakkuk 2:2

    Even though I was writing as a self-appointed President’s Advisor, I was ok if whoever was the only person who read it to run as stated in the scripture. This is because their running was predicated on reading a forecast written clearly. My job then was to simply write clearly what I was seeing as our economic future and ways to avert the dangers seen. That is how this book, President’s Advisor, was born. The book immortalizes the work done in pieces with child-like obedience to purpose and a daring faith to carry it out.

    No matter where we end up as a country, I am satisfied in knowing that I did something about it and for it, I will truly rest in peace when this life is over.

    The chapters are arranged chronologically from the most recent with the date when the article (with the same title) was posted on the indicated at the beginning of each chapter for reference. The chapters after chapter 11 were not written specifically as ‘president’s advice’ but are worth including in this important work of guarding and rebuilding this nation.

    As you read, these themes will be clear from chapter to chapter:

    1.We are in dire economic straits.

    2.We need to be on heightened guard against ongoing obvious, occult and clandestine economic invasion and wealth transference.

    3.We have the requisite defensive tools and the rebuilding capacity bountiful in our youthful population.


    (Transcript for the video releasing Five Fingers the book on Afrisonsible’s YouTube Channel referenced above)

    I am cautioning us Africans from confusing Debt for Solutions. I am cautioning us Africans from confusing Investment for Trade and Donations for Philanthropy. In other words, investment for international investors is for themselves, not for us Africans. For the debt that is enslaving African countries, from Ghana, Nigeria, all the way to Kenya, Zimbabwe, Zambia and South Africa is not for Africans. It’s an option in Finance in the hands of the investor that gives the investor the ability to buy for very cheap, the asset, the labor, in the future, for nothing when we go bankrupt! And this is what we stop, with Five Fingers! The making in Africa with our hands. That’s the liberation!

    Our dependency should not be on people, our dysfunctional leaders that have literally created the pathways and the channels where our wealth is repatriated. Because for them it gives them filth riches, filthy wealth. Which is very sad and ironic as the very same people who are filthy rich go around with a golden begging bowl embarrassing us with all the resources and the wealth we have in Africa. And yet, they are filthy rich. How? It’s a delicate beautiful balance between poverty and filthy

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