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Ebook68 pages43 minutes


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Fire Starter is a collection of 30 daily devotionals to grow readers in their walk of every day, everywhere Kingdom Laborship. Readers will be encouraged every day with a verse, devotional, challenge, and prayer.

Release dateJul 12, 2023

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    Firestarter - Forge Speakers



    In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.

    MATTHEW 5:16

    Do you want to make an impact for Christ? Hardwired within each of us is a desire to make our life count. We want to make a positive impact and a world of difference with the days we are given on Earth.

    Here are 5 Ways to Impact the World for Christ and His Kingdom:

    1. Love God - Make God your everything. Give Him full reign of your thoughts, motives, desires, hands, feet, voice, plans, wallet, relationships, and schedules. With God as the source of all you say, think, and do—the world around you will be impacted for God’s Kingdom. The greatest gift you will ever give the world is your intimacy with God! 

    2. Love Others - A life of Kingdom impact calls us to see, stop, and spend time with people as the Holy Spirit leads. While loving others in such a way might seem a bit intimidating, it need not be. Stay up-close to God and ask Him to show you the next move. 

    3. Pray - Want to change the world? Pray. People who have been used by God in mighty ways attest that Prayer is the work! They knew they were not strong enough, smart enough, or capable enough to accomplish or overcome what they faced. They knew God was enough, however. Fill your days with ongoing conversation with God. Watch what happens as God leads, empowers, and encourages you!  

    4. Labor - Kingdom Laborers get things done! The words we will long to hear that day when we see Jesus face to face are not well contemplated, or well understood, or well intended, but  "well  done!"  Getting things done is the goal. How you get things done is up to you and Jesus!  Be assured, Jesus will use all the ways He has uniquely made and gifted you for His Kingdom’s sake. 

    5. Multiply - What would it look like if you equipped others who then began equipping others? Baton-pass everything you can, all the spiritual wealth you have received. Ask Jesus to point you to someone you can encourage, pray for, spur on, and train-up as a multiplying Kingdom Laborer.

    Challenge: As you seek God, prayerfully process—are there any of the five aspects of a Kingdom-impact life mentioned above you might be missing or have room to grow in?

    Prayer: God, prepare my heart to love and know You deeply. Let that love propel me into a life that reflects Your truth and Your love for others.



    If anyone is IN CHRIST, he is a new creation. The old has gone, the new has come.

    2 CORINTHIANS 5:17

    Who am I? That is the question that circulates throughout our world today. We seek to find the answer by searching deep within ourselves, gaining social status, studying self-help books, and taking personality tests—all to no avail. Not only are we looking in all the wrong places, but I also believe we are asking the wrong question.

    What would happen if we stopped asking Who am I? and began asking Who is Jesus? Paul tells us the key to understanding our identity in 2 Corinthians 5:17, If anyone is IN CHRIST, he is a new creation. The old has gone, the new has come.

    Jesus Christ specializes in making old things new. From the very beginning, God spoke and filled this new world with life. We can witness His ability to bring new

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