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Embracing Communist China: America's Greatest Strategic Failure
Embracing Communist China: America's Greatest Strategic Failure
Embracing Communist China: America's Greatest Strategic Failure
Ebook283 pages6 hours

Embracing Communist China: America's Greatest Strategic Failure

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For decades, the United States has underestimated the threat from the People’s Republic of China (PRC). In doing so, it has left our country vulnerable to their devious plans—a profound, strategic miscalculation. As a result of this carelessness, the United States is at risk of losing its dominant position in global politics.  
But how did this happen? How was it possible that the US could lose its dominant position after its Cold War victory and allow the rise of a peer enemy over a short period of time—about thirty years?
In Embracing Communist China, authors James E. Fanell and Bradley A. Thayer get to the bottom of this heinous miscalculation.
Broken down into three central arguments, Fanell and Thayer lay out not only the reason for China’s rise in power, but how the United States could have prevented it. 
  • Due to failures on the parts of the national security commission, strategists, military personnel, and the intelligence community, a historical case of “threat deflation” caused our country to refute all supplied information of China’s growing power. By not taking this seriously, the PRC has risen with the goal of usurping the US as a global superpower.
  • US business interests and financiers trumped strategy. Seeing China as a source of cheap labor for manufacturing, investment, and intellectual labor—including for research and development—the mighty dollar’s influence reigned supreme, overlooking the big picture.
  • With their advancements, China used its political warfare strategy to promote threat deflation under Deng Xiaoping. As such, the PRC—learning key lessons from the Soviet Union’s mistakes in the Cold War—focused on elites from all aspects of US and other Western societies, enriching them and shaping their perception of China and of Chinese Communist Party (CCP) while using the enticement of a growing market to influence their behavior. 
As Americans, we can no longer think of China as a secondary power, but one that is looking to remove the US as the most powerful country in the world. By understanding the profound strategic failures made by the US, are we able to correct them and so defeat the PRC as we did the Soviet Union.
Release dateMar 12, 2024
Embracing Communist China: America's Greatest Strategic Failure

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    Embracing Communist China - James Fanell

    Praise for Embracing Communist China: America’s Greatest Strategic Failure

    "Fanell and Thayer’s Embracing Communist China provides a detailed and valuable examination of how the U.S. national security community failed in identifying the national security threat from the People’s Republic of China (PRC) over the past forty years. While there was a clear lack of recognition of the growing threat, it is particularly alarming given the very strong indications and warning including affirmative, bellicose statements by the PRC of their intent. Even today the US approach is one of wishing away the threat rather than dealing with it head on. The book’s findings and first-hand observations are an especially important topic given the current state of PRC threats to the Indo-Pacific region and America. This excellent manuscript goes on to provide practical solutions on how to restore America’s national defense vis-a-vis the PRC; solutions that should be adopted with a sense of urgency."

    —John Bird, Vice Admiral, US Navy (retired), former commander, US Seventh Fleet

    In the more than two centuries of American foreign policy mistakes, failures, and debacles, one stands out: Washington’s post-Cold War inability to understand and defend against the militant People’s Republic of China. James E. Fanell and Bradley A. Thayer tell us how the U.S. can avoid the catastrophe that is fast approaching.

    —Gordon Chang, American journalist, lawyer, political commentator, and writer

    "Successful strategy first understands the past and the present before focusing on the future. In their new book, Embracing Communist China, authors Jim Fanell and Brad Thayer provide a fresh perspective on the failure of US past and present relations with China and the Chinese Communist Party. This is a must read for those who truly want to understand the threat our nation faces from the CCP."

    —Tony L. Cothron, Rear Admiral, US Navy (retired), former director of Naval Intelligence

    James E. Fanell and Bradley A. Thayer have long warned of the multifaceted threats posed by China to US security. Now in comprehensive fashion, they analyze why, in near suicidal blindness, America ignored these obvious Chinese challenges to our very way of life—documenting how naïveté and condescension about communist agendas, hubris in assuming perpetual and automatic American preeminence, and the financial self-interest of our elites have all combined to ensure China’s unwarranted but nonetheless enormous leverage and power over America. This is a rare, much needed, and erudite 11th-hour blueprint of how Americans can wake up, rebuild our defenses, stop fueling Chinese mercantilism, and reassert strategic deterrence to protect our allies and ourselves.

    —Victor Davis Hanson, Martin and Illie Anderson Senior Fellow, the Hoover Institution, Stanford University

    "America is in World War III. It was begun by the Chinese Communist Party in order to put them in control of the world. With Embracing Communist China by James E. Fanell and Bradley A. Thayer, a master work of strategy and politics, they demonstrate how the US defense and political establishment engaged in self-deception about the nature of Communist China and the consequences for our national survival. Anyone looking to understand what steps need to be taken to defend the United States, needs to read this book."

    —Brian T. Kennedy, president, the American Strategy Group, chairman, the Committee on the Present Danger: China

    I commend Capt. James E. Fanell and Dr. Bradley A. Thayer for their superlative exposition of the catastrophic failure of all American institutions—intelligence, military, finance, higher education—to protect and defend the United States from infiltration and conquest by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). It is a sorry tale of elite capture, strategic ineptitude, shameful avarice, told with rigor and precision. The hour is late, as the CCP is waging its People’s War on the USA, thus I urge every citizen to heed Capt. Fanell and Dr. Thayer’s dire warnings and read this book.

    —Maura Moynihan, journalist, author, formerly with Radio Free Asia’s Tibet bureau

    "Embracing Communist China is an exceptional and unprecedented analysis of fifty years of appeasement to Communist China. James E. Fanell and Bradley A. Thayer’s sharp and insightful assessment of the federal bureaucracy’s refusal to confront the PRC matches my own experience from four years in the Trump Administration. Besides documenting this revolting history, these authors provide sound recommendations for returning America’s foreign policy to the right course began under President Trump."

    —Peter Navarro, former assistant to the President, director of Trade and Manufacturing Policy, and the national Defense Production Act policy coordinator

    James E. Fanell and Bradley A. Thayer’s book comes at a critical time in American history as our nation faces its most capable adversary ever: the Chinese Communist Party. As Fanell and Thayer explain, the CCP has captured much of the American elite. Every time the Trump Administration took action to defend the country against China, the White House switchboard would light up with calls from Wall Street titans, Hollywood moguls and Vegas casino magnates demanding a change in policy. Fanell and Thayer are right, we have a problem.

    —Robert C. O’Brien, former US National Security Advisor

    "Embracing Communist China sheds new light on the failures of US policy towards Beijing after the end of the Cold War. The ideas presented in this book are a valuable contribution to the ongoing debate on how the US should confront communist-led China."

    —Marco Rubio, US Senator

    Copyright © 2024 by James E. Fanell and Bradley A. Thayer

    Foreword copyright © 2024 by Stephen K. Bannon

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any manner without the express written consent of the publisher, except in the case of brief excerpts in critical reviews or articles. All inquiries should be addressed to Skyhorse Publishing, 307 West 36th Street, 11th Floor, New York, NY 10018.

    War Room Books may be purchased in bulk at special discounts for sales promotion, corporate gifts, fund-raising, or educational purposes. Special editions can also be created to specifications. For details, contact the Special Sales Department, Skyhorse Publishing, 307 West 36th Street, 11th Floor, New York, NY 10018 or [email protected].

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    Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data is available on file.

    Cover design by David Ter-Avanesyan

    Cover photo credit: Shutterstock

    Print ISBN: 978-1-64821-059-4

    Ebook ISBN: 978-1-64821-060-0

    Printed in the United States of America

    To my father, for teaching me what real success is all about—obedience to God; and to Admiral Donald Mac Showers who patiently passed along his experiences working for Commander Joe Rochefort, who played a significant role in America’s victory at the Battle of Midway. All three men lived by the adage that there is no limit to what can be accomplished so long as you don’t care who gets the credit.


    For those insightful, adroit, patriotic, and valiant strategists, scholars, journalists, and practitioners Steve Bannon, Paul Berkowitz, Gordon Chang, June Teufel Dreyer, James Fanell, Rick Fisher, Frank Gaffney, Bill Gertz, Lianchao Han, Brian Kennedy, Charles Kupperman, James Lilley, Andrew Marshall, Andrew May, James Mann, Maura Moynihan, Peter Navarro, Grant Newsham, William Triplett, Arthur Waldron, and Larry Wortzel. Their strategic acumen allowed them to perceive and warn of the danger when the vast majority were willfully blind, deaf, dismissive, naively idealistic, or actively assisting the enemy.



    List of Figures and Table


    Foreword by Stephen K. Bannon

    Executive Summary

    One: The Roots of the Problem

    The Central Arguments and Outline

    The Significance of the Study

    Assumptions and Methodology

    Chapter Two: The Causes of Threat Deflation and Its Consequences: Analysis of the Change in the Distribution of Power, the End of History, and Deng’s Political Warfare Strategy

    Threat Deflation

    Power Politics

    •Power Politics and the Sino-American Relationship During the Cold War

    •The End of History

    •The Sino-American Relationship After the Cold War: Engagement Bests Power Politics

    •The Role of 9/11

    Deng Xiaoping’s Political Warfare Strategy of Threat Deflation

    Chapter Three: Implications for the United States

    Power Politics and the Principles of Strategy

    •Failure of Civilian and Military Leadership to View National Security Policy Through the Lens of Power Politics and the Principles of Strategy

    •US National Security Community Must Support the Education of New Generations of Strategists to Be the Architects of Victory

    •The Necessity of Understanding Communist Ideology

    •The Persistent Absence of Presidential Leadership

    The Failures of the US Intelligence Community and Military

    •The Failure of the Intelligence Community

    •The Failure of Military Leadership

    •Prioritization of the Minor War Today Over the Major One Tomorrow

    •The Lack of the Examination of Assumptions

    What the PRC Accomplished

    •Deng’s Political Warfare Strategy Realized: The Insidious Problem of Elite Capture

    Chapter Four: What the US Must Do

    Chapter Five: Which Side Are You On—the CCP’s or America’s?

    Appendix: Stay the Course on China: An Open Letter to President Trump





    Figure 1

    Front page of The Washington Post’s May 8, 1994 Outlook section article Inside China’s Scary New Military-Industrial Complex by William C. Triplett, II.

    Figure 2

    PLA Navy Senior Captain Yang Wei Jun, aboard USS Kitty Hawk in port Hong Kong, February 5, 2005.

    Figure 3

    Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) Adm. John Richardson meets with Adm. Wu Shengli, Commander of the People's Liberation Army Navy (PLAN), at the PLAN headquarters in Beijing, July 18, 2016.

    Table 1

    Numbers of Certain Types of Chinese and US Ships Since 2005.


    Many people assisted us with this book. Steve Bannon encouraged us to advance our arguments and provided an outlet for its publication. We have the good fortune to interview many individuals who are knowledgeable about our topic. For their exceptional comments, we thank Paul Berkowitz, Ólafur Björnsson, Peppi DeBiaso, June Teufel Dreyer, Rick Fisher, Bill Gertz, Lianchao Han, Brian Kennedy, Charles Kupperman, John Lenczowski, Grant Newsham, Kevin Roberts, William Triplett, and Arthur Waldron.

    We thank Tony Lyons for his interest in this book from the outset, as well as Jason Katzman, Stephan Zguta, and the production support team at Skyhorse Publishing. We’re grateful to Mark Amundsen for his careful copyediting also greatly appreciate the permission of Thomas Kerr for his gracious permission to use the illustration, Figure 1, from thirty years ago.

    Finally, we thank our wives, Cornelia and Eike, and families for allowing us the time to devote to the book.



    The greatest betrayal in history has been that of the American and Chinese people by the American elite in league with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Wall Street and pro-Engagement experts in government have funded and supported the CCP for decades. That support kept the CCP in power and empowered their illegitimate and tyrannical rule to continue and sustain the appalling abuses of the Chinese people. That support also gave rise to the greatest external threat the United States has ever faced as, year-after-year, the People’s Republic of China’s (PRC) military grew stronger, and their threat to America’s national security and our allies grew greater and more immediate.

    The horrific damage Wall Street and Big Finance did was not limited to the PRC. They supported the grotesque policy of offshoring American manufacturing and jobs to the People’s Republic of China (PRC), and so the destruction of the American working and middle classes. Likewise, they facilitated the loss of American intellectual property and manufacturing knowhow to the PRC. In sum, they robbed Americans of the American Way of Life. The CCP’s sponsorship of the chemical weapons attack that is fentanyl cost so many Americans their lives, their health, and their wellbeing.

    The evil partnership between the PRC, Wall Street, and national security elites used their wealth and influence to corrupt the American political system, including politicians of both parties, to gain political power. While this started in the Clinton administration, it continued in all subsequent ones with the important exception of the Trump presidency. Only President Trump recognized the true nature of the CCP and the existential threat it posed to the American people.

    They employed their lucre to pervert and contaminate America’s educational system and universities, legacy and social media, law firms and tech centers like Silicon Valley, publishing houses, philanthropic foundations, NGOs, think tanks, and governmental institutions, state, local, and territorial governments, and the Chamber of Commerce. In fact, the rot is so deep that it is far easier to make a list of those groups not corrupted by CCP influence than those that were.

    James Fanell and Bradley Thayer have taken the first step toward providing an accounting of this betrayal as well as how to save the United States from this perilous situation. Embracing Communist China: America’s Greatest Strategic Failure is the best analysis of how the United States made the fundamental mistake of aiding its enemy. The end of the Cold War was the best chance to get rid of the CCP. The CCP leadership knew this. They were determined not to share the fate of the Soviet Union. They realized they could buy influence with Wall Street, Big Finance, and politicians, and by making them partners, they would support the CCP’s rule, come what may. It was Satanic genius. But it required Americans on Wall Street, Big Finance, and in government to place their greed before their country. They did. Now all Americans incur the costs.

    Second, this book is exceptional because it shows the failure of US presidents except Trump, US intelligence community, and military to act against the CCP. Year after year they did nothing while the threat grew in front of their noses. US military power vis-à-vis the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) was purposefully allowed to degrade to the point that now the services are pressed to confront this threat with insufficient forces in both size and capability; this is most especially true of the US Navy. Likewise, US nuclear weapons capabilities atrophied, while the PRC grew at a breathtaking pace. They preferred illusion and mythology to understanding power politics and Communist ideology. Those are the tools needed to grasp the harsh reality of the CCP. To this day, it remains difficult to get the US national security community to see the threat and act against it. The unhindered rise of the PRC to pose an existential threat to America is the greatest failure of the American national security community.

    Third, the study provides immediate steps to take to address the threat. What American national security elites must now do is admit that they failed and must throw the rudder of the ship of state hard over—to the principles of power politics vis-à-vis the PRC. Executing this rudder change within the foreign policy community will take years of consistent pressure to reverse—as can already be clearly seen from the sudden resumption of visits to the PRC by senior cabinet level officials from the Biden administration. But the most important step that the US needs to take is to target the CCP directly. They are the center of gravity. With their defeat, their strangle hold on the Chinese people will be broken and the greatness of the Chinese people may come once again to the fore. With their defeat, the American people will have eliminated the greatest threat of the twenty-first century to American safety and security. With their defeat, the exploitation of people and the environment that defines the CCP will be terminated.

    Despite its profound mistakes, naïve and gormless leadership, and the grievous and lasting errors of the US national security community, the US will defeat the CCP. The CCP now faces great vulnerabilities, a giant with feet of clay, and can be sent to the dustbin of history if the US will act. Fanell and Thayer have warned us now is the time to defeat its tyranny. Fanell and Thayer have shown key actions of how to do so. What has been absent is the will to defeat the CCP. Now US presidents and Congress must have the will to act. Now is the time to sound the death knell of the Chinese Communist Party.


    The book explains why the United States underestimated the threat from the People’s Republic of China (PRC) for decades and the lessons and implications of this profound strategic miscalculation. Since the end of the Cold War, the US has made two fundamental and interrelated grand strategic mistakes. First, the failure to perceive the threat from the PRC. Second, the failure to balance against it to defeat the PRC. As a result of these mistakes, the US is at risk of losing its dominant position in global politics. The central question of this book is: how did this happen? How was it possible that the US could achieve victory in the Cold War to the strategic condition today, where it faces a peer enemy?

    First, the US failed to perceive the PRC threat due to the dramatic change in the distribution of power in the US’s favor due to the collapse of the Soviet Union. This left the US without a peer threat as the PRC was then a minor power. The US entered a long period of what the authors designate threat deflation, where US dominance and post 9/11 diversion of attention toward the War on Terror, as well as the PRC’s masterful political warfare campaign, prevented the US national security community from meeting the peer competitive threat of the PRC and the requirements of high intensity warfare.

    The end of the Cold War yielded triumphalism of the End of History, and thus caused the ideological and strategic disarmament of the US as democracy and free market economics were triumphant. Modernizing states like the PRC were on the path to democratization and free market economics. Consequently, the Department of Defense, the Intelligence Community (IC), and the lack of leadership from successive administrations neglected to sustain a focus on peer competitive threats.

    As time passed, military officers were not taught by professional military education and strategists to comprehend great power politics, peer competition, and Communist ideology, and so generations of military officers rose to command without that fundamental understanding. The result was a historical case of threat deflation—where the US consistently underestimated the PRC threat.

    Second, finance and avarice trumped strategy. US business interests and financiers consistently and indefatigably sought economic gain from cooperation with the PRC, treating the Chinese people as the source of cheap physical labor for manufacturing, investment, as well as inexpensive intellectual labor, including for research and development. This facilitated the PRC’s rise, the sustainment of Most Favored Nation (MFN) trade status, and ultimately admission to the World Trade Organization (WTO). Their influence on the major US political parties and at the highest levels of US politics hindered the US response and promoted the conceit of globalization.

    Thus emerged an engagement school, which asserted that by engaging the PRC, it would become wealthy and in time democratic. In addition, the US welcomed hundreds of thousands of intelligent, serious, and diligent Chinese students to run US and Western scientific labs and numerous academic departments in engineering, and in the life and natural sciences, especially chemistry, computer science, genetics, mathematics, and physics. In essence, the US willingly and enthusiastically taught, trained, and even equipped its mortal enemy—the PRC. Business interests and financiers also funded think tanks, including major national security think tanks and media, which, in turn, contributed to a bias toward the engagement school of thought, and thus the consistent underestimation of the PRC threat.

    Third, the US’s enemies were great strategists. Led by Deng Xiaoping and

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