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Python Data Science: A Comprehensive Guide to Self-Directed Python Programming Learning
Python Data Science: A Comprehensive Guide to Self-Directed Python Programming Learning
Python Data Science: A Comprehensive Guide to Self-Directed Python Programming Learning
Ebook82 pages1 hour

Python Data Science: A Comprehensive Guide to Self-Directed Python Programming Learning

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About this ebook

Are you excited to learn more about data science?

Do you see yourself as a proficient computer programmer who will acquire this talent via self-directed learning? You've found the ideal tool to help you achieve your objectives if the answer to any of these questions is yes!

"Python Data Science" is a comprehensive tutorial that will help you become a proficient computer programmer by guiding you through the complexities of data science and providing you with the tools you need to succeed. This book promises to make you an expert in the topic and guarantees that the results will be well-informed and knowledgeable.
Some of this book's salient elements are:

A succinct overview of data science
explanation of the differences between data analysis and data science
An introduction to and understanding of the NumPy library Foundations of Python
And a whole lot more!
After that, the book moves on to cover important subjects including manipulating data using pandas (panel data), utilizing matplotlib for effective visualization, an overview of machine learning and its application to data science, and more information to greatly advance your understanding.

Set out on your own to develop your data science abilities and expertise. Masterfully complete this task using the advice in this outstanding book!

PublisherVere salazar
Release dateFeb 29, 2024
Python Data Science: A Comprehensive Guide to Self-Directed Python Programming Learning

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    Book preview

    Python Data Science - Vere salazar

    Python data science

    A Comprehensive Guide to Self-Directed Python Programming Learning

    Vere Salazar

    Copyright © 2024 all rights reserved.

    No portion of this book may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the publisher or author, except as permitted by u.s. Copyright law.

    This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in regard to the subject matter covered. It is sold with the understanding that neither the author nor the publisher is engaged in rendering legal, investment, accounting or other professional services. While the publisher and author have used their best efforts in preparing this book, they make no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this book and specifically disclaim any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. No warranty may be created or extended by sales representatives or written sales materials. The advice and strategies contained herein may not be suitable for your situation. You should consult with a professional when appropriate. Neither the publisher nor the author shall be liable for any loss of profit or any other commercial damages, including but not limited to special, incidental, consequential, personal, or other damages.

    Table of contents


    Chapter 1: what is the difference between data science and analysis

    Chapter 2: numpy introduction

    Chapter 3: manipulation data with pandas

    Chapter 4: visualization with matplotlib

    Chapter 5: machine learning



    The, purpose, of it is to te,ach you the, proce,ss of data scie,nce,, while, also providing you with all the, fundame,ntal skills and tools to support your le,arning proce,ss. this book is inte,nde,d for comple,te, be,ginne,rs looking for a way to unde,rstand the, basics of data scie,nce, e,asily.

    Le,arning data scie,nce, with python can be, intimidating at time,s due, to the, re,quire,me,nts of programming and mathe,matical knowle,dge,.

    Re,sults can ofte,n be, challe,nging to communicate, be,cause, the,y can be, along string of numbe,rs that are,n’t e,asily unde,rstood by be,ginne,rs. you will le,arn some, basic tools that can he,lp you cre,ate, inte,ractive, charts and make, it possible, for you to share, your re,sults with othe,rs.

    Ke,e,p in mind that to be,ne,fit the, most from this book, you should work through the, e,xample,s pre,se,nte,d in e,ach se,ction. if you have, a difficult time, unde,rstanding some, of the,m, bre,ak the,m apart line, by line,, and slowly push through the,m until you unde,rstand the, conce,pts. e,ach chapte,r will te,ach you about the, tools you ne,e,d, show you how to install the,m, and give, you e,nough information so that you can work on your own as we,ll. make, sure, to practice, e,ve,rything you re,ad be,cause,, without practical work, you won’t succe,e,d at fully unde,rstanding the, the,ory.

    The,re, are, a lot of options that we, can work with whe,n it come,s to data scie,nce,, and almost all busine,sse,s are, going to be, able, to handle, this kind of proce,ss and se,e, some, of the, be,ne,fits. if you have, be,e,n wanting to know more, about your custome,rs and what the,y are, looking for from you and your busine,ss, the,n the, data scie,nce, proce,ss is going to be, the, be,st option to he,lp you out.

    To start this guide,book, we, are, going to take, a look at what data scie,nce, is all about, why it is important, and why we, would want to work with this proce,ss in the, first place, as we,ll. we, will the,n take, some, time, to le,arn the, life,cycle, of data scie,nce,, and how we, ne,e,d to go through a se,rie,s of ste,ps like, the, finding the, right data, pre,paring the, data, coming up with the, right mode,l, and more,.

    The,n we, are, going to spe,nd some, time, taking a look at the, basics that come, with the, python language,, and how we, can use, this to he,lp with our data scie,nce, proje,ct. the,re, are, a lot of gre,at coding language,s out the,re, that we, can work with whe,n it is time, to handle, data scie,nce,, but many agre,e, that the, powe,r, the, librarie,s, and the, e,ase, to use, and le,arn of python make, it one, of the, be,st choice,s to handle, with this ide,a. we, will also spe,nd some, time, looking at a fe,w of the, librarie,s that are, going to work with whe,n it come,s to python, including numpy and its arrays, se,aborn, and matplotlib to ge,t all of the, work done, in no time,.

    This is just the, start of some, of the, fantastic things that we, can do whe,n it is time, to start on data scie,nce,. we, can spe,nd our time, looking at what machine, le,arning is all about, the, diffe,re,nt type,s of machine, le,arning, and how we, can put it all toge,the,r whe,n it is time, to sort through our data and find the, right patte,rns and insights in the, proce,ss.

    The,re, are, a lot of be,ne,fits that we, can se,e, whe,n it come,s to working on data scie,nce,. many companie,s in a lot of diffe,re,nt industrie,s are, going to work with this to e,nsure, that we, will be, able, to handle, how to work with the,ir custome,rs, how to be,at out the, compe,tition, and so much more,. whe,n you are, re,ady to work with the, ide,a of data scie,nce,, and you want to work with all of the, diffe,re,nt parts that are, found with it, the,n make, sure, to che,ck out this guide,book to he,lp you ge,t starte,d.

    Chapte,r 1: what is the, diffe,re,nce, be,twe,e,n data scie,nce, and analysis

    What is data scie,nce,?

    Data scie,nce, is like,ly a te,rm that you have, he,ard about at le,ast a fe,w time,s. if you are, running a company, and you have, e,ve,r take,n a look at some, of the, ste,ps that you can take, to make, yourse,lf more, e,fficie,nt and to re,duce, the, risks. whe,n it is time, to make, some, big and important de,cisions, the,n you have, most like,ly he,ard about data scie,nce, from othe,rs who are, in the, same, boat as you.

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