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C++ Programming Cookbook
C++ Programming Cookbook
C++ Programming Cookbook
Ebook312 pages2 hours

C++ Programming Cookbook

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About this ebook

"C++ Programming Cookbook" stands out as a clear, concise, and powerful technical resource for programmers who want to master C++'s intricacies. C++ programmers face a wide variety of problems, and this carefully written book is a treasure trove of solutions and methods to those software development challenges.


Each chapter is organized to help you get a good grasp of the language and everything it can do, from the basics of C++20 to more complex topics like sophisticated type manipulation and performance optimization. Through a series of carefully curated recipes, readers are invited on a journey of learning and competency. Starting with the fundamentals of creating a development environment and comprehending C++ syntax, the book progresses to cover more advanced subjects like concurrency, memory management, file I/O operations, object-oriented design concepts, functional programming, and more. This book focuses on the latest C++ features and aims to get programmers to use idiomatic C++ patterns and modern best practices.


"C++ Programming Cookbook" goes beyond being a mere collection of recipes; it serves as a manifesto for progressive software development practices and problem-solving. Readers are empowered to adapt and apply their learnings to new, unexplored situations because each recipe not only solves specific problems but also exposes fundamental ideas and methodologies. Writing code that is clean, efficient, and easy to maintain is a priority throughout the book, which aims to help readers develop a skill set that is applicable to more general programming problems.


Key Learnings

  • Make use of C++20 features to write more expressive, efficient, and modern C++ code effortlessly.
  • Utilize template metaprogramming for compile-time calculations, enhancing code performance.
  • Implement smart pointers for robust memory management without the usual complexity.
  • Put object-oriented programming principles into use to design scalable and maintainable C++ applications.
  • Explore advanced type manipulation techniques, ensuring type-safe and flexible code across applications.
  • Harness concurrency and multithreading to build high-performance, responsive C++ software solutions.
  • Optimize file I/O operations for seamless data handling in text and binary formats.
  • Implement custom stream buffers for tailored data processing, boosting I/O efficiency.
  • Navigate stream locales and facets for internationalizing your applications, reaching a global audience.
  • Uncover efficient error and exception handling strategies to build reliable and error-free C++ program.
Release dateMar 8, 2024
C++ Programming Cookbook

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    Book preview

    C++ Programming Cookbook - Anais Sutherland

    C++ Programming Cookbook

    Proven solutions using C++ 20 across functions, file I/O, streams, memory management, STL, concurrency, type manipulation and error debugging

    Anais Sutherland


    C++ Programming Cookbook stands out as a clear, concise, and powerful technical resource for programmers who want to master C++'s intricacies. C++ programmers face a wide variety of problems, and this carefully written book is a treasure trove of solutions and methods to those software development challenges. Each chapter is organized to help you get a good grasp of the language and everything it can do, from the basics of C++20 to more complex topics like sophisticated type manipulation and performance optimization.

    Through a series of carefully curated recipes, readers are invited on a journey of learning and competency. Starting with the fundamentals of creating a development environment and comprehending C++ syntax, the book progresses to cover more advanced subjects like concurrency, memory management, file I/O operations, object-oriented design concepts, functional programming, and more. This book focuses on the latest C++ features and aims to get programmers to use idiomatic C++ patterns and modern best practices.

    C++ Programming Cookbook goes beyond being a mere collection of recipes; it serves as a manifesto for progressive software development practices and problem-solving. Readers are empowered to adapt and apply their learnings to new, unexplored situations because each recipe not only solves specific problems but also exposes fundamental ideas and methodologies. Writing code that is clean, efficient, and easy to maintain is a priority throughout the book, which aims to help readers develop a skill set that is applicable to more general programming problems.

    With the goal of helping its readers become expert C++ programmers and problem solvers, this book is a must-have for anyone seeking to sharpen their programming skills. The C++ Programming Cookbook provides the information and insights needed to confidently and creatively navigate the always changing world of C++ programming, whether you're an experienced developer aiming for greatness or a newcomer ready to learn the ropes.

    In this book you will learn how to:

    Make use of C++20 features to write more expressive, efficient, and modern C++ code effortlessly.

    Utilize template metaprogramming for compile-time calculations, enhancing code performance.

    Implement smart pointers for robust memory management without the usual complexity.

    Put object-oriented programming principles into use to design scalable and maintainable C++ applications.

    Explore advanced type manipulation techniques, ensuring type-safe and flexible code across applications.

    Harness concurrency and multithreading to build high-performance, responsive C++ software solutions.

    Optimize file I/O operations for seamless data handling in text and binary formats.

    Implement custom stream buffers for tailored data processing, boosting I/O efficiency.

    Navigate stream locales and facets for internationalizing your applications, reaching a global audience.

    Uncover efficient error and exception handling strategies to build reliable and error-free C++ programs.


    Let me tell you what this book is all about and why you should read it. My main objective has been to simplify the complex world of C++ into an engaging and informative set of instructional recipes. Whether you're just starting out in the world of programming or are an experienced developer looking to improve your C++ skills, I hope you'll find this cookbook to be a valuable learning based on my experiences, thoughts, and challenges.

    The precision and strength of the C++ language make it ideal for developing a wide range of applications, from operating systems to game engines. Its expressiveness and adaptability have been enhanced via its evolution, particularly with the introduction of C++20 and further developments into C++23. By simplifying difficult ideas into actionable solutions that address actual issues, I hope to shed light on these developments in this book. With meticulous attention to detail, every chapter covers everything from the basics of variables and control structures to the complexities of concurrency, memory management, and everything in between, all of which are crucial for modern C++ development.

    The greatest way to learn, in my opinion, is by doing, so I've taken a very practical approach. In-depth examples and exercises have been provided to show you how to use C++'s features and to make you think about the why and how of specific solutions. This book explores how to think creatively, solve problems analytically, and engage in continuous development. It is not just about C++ syntax.

    My early days as a computer programmer were exciting and frustrating all at the same time. When my code finally ran as expected after compilation, I felt an overwhelming sense of accomplishment. But there were also many hours spent trying to figure out what was wrong and fix it. I learned the value of sticking with anything until you get it right, as well as the significance of knowing the language's fundamentals and the reasoning behind your own code, from these experiences. I hope to impart to you, through this book, this combination of technical expertise and perseverance.

    It is important that you feel free to experiment, make mistakes, and ask questions as we explore into topics like as file I/O, stream operations, and the complexity of type manipulation. There is great joy in solving difficult issues with well-written, efficient code, and C++ is a language that encourages curiosity and hard labor. In addition to teaching you the technical abilities you'll need, this book aims to encourage an adventurous and creative spirit in its audience.

    As we wrap up, I hope you'll come along for the ride as we delve into the world of modern C++. It is my sincere desire that this book serves as a dependable guide that you will consult often, whether you choose to read the chapters in order or delve into particular subjects that pique your interest. Every line of code is an opportunity to learn and grow with C++; the language is more like a journey than a destination. Come along with me as we

    explore the wonders of C++ programming with an open mind and a thirst for knowledge.

    Copyright © 2024 by GitforGits

    All rights reserved. This book is protected under copyright laws and no part of it may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the publisher. Any unauthorized reproduction, distribution, or transmission of this work may result in civil and criminal penalties and will be dealt with in the respective jurisdiction at anywhere in India, in accordance with the applicable copyright laws.

    Published by: GitforGits

    Publisher: Sonal Dhandre

    [email protected]

    Printed in India

    First Printing: March 2024

    Cover Design by: Kitten Publishing

    For permission to use material from this book, please contact GitforGits at [email protected].






    Chapter 1: Getting Started with C++20


    Recipe 1: Setting Up the C++20 Development Environment


    Practical Solution

    Download and Install Visual Studio

    Configure Your Project for C++20

    Verify Your Setup

    Build and Run Your Project

    Recipe 2: Basic Syntax and Program Structure


    Practical Solution

    Preprocessor Directives

    main() Function

    Statements and Expressions


    Simple C++ Program Welcome to GitforGits!

    Recipe 3: Variables, Data Types, and Type Deduction


    Practical Solution

    Variables and Data Types

    Type Deduction with auto

    Recipe 4: If-Else, Switch, and Loops


    Practical Solution

    If-Else Statements

    Switch Statements


    Recipe 5: Basics, Overloading, and Default Arguments


    Practical Solution

    Function Basics

    Function Overloading

    Default Arguments

    Incorporating in Welcome to GitforGits! Program

    Recipe 6: Namespaces and the Preprocessor


    Practical Solution

    Using Namespaces

    Exploring Preprocessor Directives

    Recipe 7: Exceptions and Assertions


    Practical Solution

    Understanding and Using Exceptions

    Leveraging Assertions for Debugging

    Recipe 8: Basic Input and Output


    Practical Solution

    Standard Output with std::cout

    Standard Input with std::cin

    Combining Input and Output for Interactive Apps


    Chapter 2: Deep Dive into Functions


    Recipe 1: Exploring Inline and Constexpr Functions


    Practical Solution

    Inline Functions

    Constexpr Functions

    Recipe 2: Using Lambda Expressions


    Practical Solution

    What Are Lambda Expressions?

    Syntax and Functionality

    Benefits for Applications

    Recipe 3: Exploring Function Pointers and Functors


    Practical Solution

    Function Pointers

    Functors (Function Objects)

    Recipe 4: Templates within Functions


    Practical Solution

    Function Templates

    Advantages of Templates

    Tips for Function Templates

    Recipe 5: Standard Library Functions and Algorithms


    Practical Solution

    Exploring Key Functions and Algorithms

    Recipe 6: Custom Error Handling in Functions


    Practical Solution

    Defining Custom Exception Classes

    Throwing Exceptions in Functions

    Catching and Handling Exceptions

    Recipe 7: Function Overloading and Name Mangling


    Practical Solution

    Function Overloading

    Name Mangling

    Recipe 8: Utilizing the auto Keyword within Functions


    Practical Solution

    Auto in Function Return Types

    Auto in Lambda Expressions


    Chapter 3: Object-Oriented Programming In Action


    Recipe 1: Utilize Basics of Classes and Objects


    Practical Solution

    Recipe 2: Apply Constructors and Destructors


    Practical Solution

    Default Constructor

    Parameterized Constructor

    Copy Constructor

    Implementing a Destructor

    Special Member Function Rules

    Recipe 3: Perform Copy Semantics and the Rule of Three


    Practical Solution

    Understanding Copy Semantics

    The Rule of Three

    Rule of Three and Modern C++

    Recipe 4: Perform Move Semantics and the Rule of Five


    Practical Solution

    Understanding Move Semantics

    The Rule of Five

    Applying Move Semantics and Rule of Five

    Recipe 5: Implement Polymorphism and Dynamic Binding


    Practical Solution

    Understanding Polymorphism

    Dynamic Binding with Virtual Functions

    Implementing User Hierarchy

    Recipe 6: Use Encapsulation and Access Modifiers


    Practical Solution

    Implementing Encapsulation

    Understanding Access Modifiers

    Recipe 7: Declare and Call Static Members and Methods


    Practical Solution

    Implementing Static Members

    Understanding Static Members

    Recipe 8: Create Friend Functions and Friend Classes


    Practical Solution

    Understanding Static Members

    Implementing Friend Functions and Friend Classes

    Key Takeaway

    Recipe 9: Create Abstract Classes and Interfaces


    Practical Solution

    Defining Abstract Class

    Implementing Derived Classes

    Using Interfaces to Define a Contract

    Key Takeaway


    Chapter 4: Effective Use of Standard Template Library (STL)


    Recipe 1: Explore Containers and Iterators


    Practical Solution

    Understanding Containers

    Exploring Iterators

    Recipe 2: Implementing Dynamic Arrays in STL


    Practical Solution

    Understanding vector

    Key Features and Operations with vector

    Recipe 3: Making Use of List and Forward_list


    Practical Solution

    Utilizing list

    Key Operations

    Exploring forward_list

    Key Operations

    Recipe 4: Using Associative Containers: Maps and Sets


    Practical Solution

    Implementing map

    Leveraging set

    Recipe 5: Applied Use of Stack and Queue


    Practical Solution

    Implementing stack for Undo Functionality

    Using queue for Request Processing

    Recipe 6: Perform Sort, Search, and Modify Algorithms


    Practical Solution

    Sorting with std::sort

    Searching with std::find

    Modifying with std::transform

    Recipe 7: Customize Algorithms with Predicates and Lambdas


    Practical Solution

    Using Predicates

    Leveraging Lambdas for Inline Customization

    Recipe 8: Using Smart Pointers


    Practical Solution

    std::unique_ptr for Exclusive Ownership

    std::shared_ptr for Shared Ownership

    std::weak_ptr to Break Cycles


    Chapter 5: Exploring Advanced C++ Functionalities


    Recipe 1: Implement Concepts and Constraints to Simplify Templates


    Practical Solution

    Implementing Concepts

    Benefits of Using Concepts

    Recipe 2: Using Modules to Organize C++ Codes


    Practical Solution

    Introduction to Modules

    Creating a Module

    Using a Module

    Benefits of Modules

    Recipe 3: Simplify Asynchronous Programming with Coroutines


    Practical Solution

    Understanding Coroutines

    Implementing Coroutine

    Benefits of Using Coroutines

    Recipe 4: Managing Files and Directories


    Practical Solution

    Filesystem Library

    Basic Operations with

    Key Takeaway

    Recipe 5: Utilizing Variant, Optional, and Any


    Practical Solution

    Using std::optional for Potentially Absent Values

    Working with std::variant for Holding Multiple Types

    Employing std::any for Storing Any Type

    Recipe 6: Implementing Custom Allocators


    Practical Solution

    Understanding Allocators

    Creating a Custom Allocator


    Recipe 7: Applying Feature Test Macros


    Practical Solution

    Understanding Feature Test Macros

    Using Feature Test Macros

    Benefits of Feature Test Macros


    Chapter 6: Effective Error Handling and Debugging


    Recipe 1: Execute Exception Safety Technique


    Practical Solution

    Levels of Exception Safety

    Use RAII and Smart Pointers

    Transaction-Based Operations

    Leverage Nothrow Operations and Checks

    Key Takeaway

    Recipe 2: Perform Advanced Debugging


    Practical Solution

    Conditional Breakpoints

    Memory Check Tools

    Runtime Analysis and Profiling

    Logging and Tracing

    Recipe 3: Implement Custom Exception Classes


    Practical Solution

    Designing Custom Exception Classes

    Recipe 4: Validate Program Correctness with Static and Dynamic Analysis


    Practical Solution

    Understanding Static Analysis

    Static Analysis with Clang-Tidy

    Understanding Dynamic Analysis

    Dynamic Analysis with Valgrind

    Recipe 5: Leverage Assertions for Debugging


    Practical Solution

    Understanding Assertions

    Implementing Assertions

    Best Practices for Using Assertions

    Recipe 6: Design Error Handling Policies for Libraries and Applications


    Practical Solution

    Categorize Errors

    Error Handling Mechanisms


    Chapter 7: Concurrency and Multithreading


    Recipe 1: Perform Basic Threading with std::thread


    Practical Solution

    Creating and Using Threads

    Managing Thread Lifecycle

    Recipe 2: Implement Synchronization Mechanisms: Mutex, Locks, and Atomics

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