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Helicobacter pylori - A Worldwide Perspective 2014
Helicobacter pylori - A Worldwide Perspective 2014
Helicobacter pylori - A Worldwide Perspective 2014
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Helicobacter pylori - A Worldwide Perspective 2014

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This e-book covers Helicobacter pylori research as it looks in 2014. The discovery of the bacterium in 1982 by B.J. Marshall and R. I. Warren had a tremendous impact on basic research and clinical medicine, resulting, in the past 3 decades, in more than 34,000 published articles. The editor of this volume and the contributing authors have compiled a unique collection of chapters dealing the with the microbiology, epidemiology, clinical diagnosis and treatment of H. pylori infections in a country-specific manner, with contributors having the opportunity to present the peculiarities and specifics of Helicobacter research in their area or country without overlapping any other previously published e-book. This e-book is a useful reference for gastrointestinal physicians and medical researchers seeking the latest information related to H. pylori.
Release dateMar 12, 2014
Helicobacter pylori - A Worldwide Perspective 2014

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    Helicobacter pylori - A Worldwide Perspective 2014 - György M. Buzás

    Main Bacteriologic Features of Helicobacter pylori

    Amin Talebi Bezmin Abadi, Johannes G. Kusters*

    Department of Medical Microbiology, University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands


    H. pylori is an S-shaped microaerophilic, gram-negative bacterium which colonizes the epithelial stomach surface of half the world’s population. The colonisation of H. pylori in human stomachs results in chronic gastritis and sometimes ulcers or gastric cancer. Infection mostly occurs during childhood and unless treated lasts for life. Treatment of H. pylori is relatively complicated and requires antibiotics to which the bacterium is sensitive. Thus a microbiological culture determining antibiotic resistance is a prerequisite for rational antibiotic treatment. Unfortunately, routine clinical practice is often done without such a culture, and hence, the treatment is frequently empirical, not based on antibiotic resistance data. In this chapter we will elaborate on how to isolate and culture this fastidious bacterium.

    Keywords: : Helicobacter pylori, morphology, genome, ulcers, chronic gastritis, plasmids, gene regulation, strain diversity.

    * Address correspondence to Johannes G. Kusters: Department of Medical Microbiology, University Medical Center Utrecht, The Netherlands; Tel: +31 88 7553687; Fax: + 31 88 75 55426; E-mail: [email protected]


    Helicobacter pylori is a gram-negative bacterium that colonises the gastric mucosa of more than half of the world’s population [1]. The prevalence of infection is higher in developing countries and is influenced by socioeconomic conditions and ethnic backgrounds. The bacterium measures approximately 1μm in width and 2 to 4μm in length and is highly motile with its 2 to 6 uni-polar, 3 μm long-sheathed flagella. The human stomach seems to be the principal reservoir of infection and person-to-person contact is thought to be the main route of transmission. The bacterium resides in the mucous layer of the human stomach and duodenum, and unless treated persists there for decades. This colonisation initially results in a mild inflammation but can eventually lead to chronic active gastritis, peptic ulcer disease, gastric cell carcinoma and MALT lymphomas [2]. While Helicobacter- like species were already described two centuries ago [3], the

    first description of a successful culture dates back to thirty years ago when Marshall and Warren isolated this bacterium [4]. As they believed the organism represented a slow-growing Campylobacter-like organism (CLO) they named it Campylobacter pyloridis before changing it shortly thereafter to Campylobacter pylori [5, 6]. Subsequently related CLOs from the stomachs of various animals were subsequently identified and it became clear that this bacterium might resemble Campylobacter in many aspects, but it also differed in important features such as morphology, fatty acid content, and 16S rRNA sequence. Consequently, Campylobacterpylori together with the other CLOs were transferred to the new genus Helicobacter, order Campylobacterales of the ε subdivision of the Proteobacteria [6]. To date, the genus Helicobacter consists of more than 20 recognised species, with many species awaiting formal recognition [6]. Members of the genus Helicobacter are all microaerophilic organisms and in most cases are catalase and oxidase positive. Many but not all species, are also urease positive. Helicobacter pylori belongs to the subgroup of gastric Helicobacter species which have adapted to the low pH of the stomach. H. pylori can produce large amounts of the enzyme urease, on which the bacterium depends on for its survival in the highly acidic gastric lumen [7]. The spiral morphology and its flagella render the bacterium highly motile thus allowing it to penetrate the viscous mucus layer of the stomach where the pH is less acidic, facilitating the growth of H. pylori.

    Isolation and Culture of H. pylori

    Histology and microbiological culture are the gold standard for the detection of H. pylori infections. Microbiological culture has the advantage over histology that it allows for the determination of antimicrobial resistance, but both techniques require the availability of a gastric bioptic sample obtained by endoscopy. In routine clinical practice, the diagnosis is often based on non-invasive diagnostic tests such as the faecal antigen and urea breath tests. Serology is also used for routine clinical diagnosis, but due to its lower specificity and sensitivity it is more appropriate in large epidemiological studies. Both culture and histology can suffer from sampling errors as the colonisation of H. pylori is patchy, and strains can display a preferential antrum or corpus location. Hence it is advisable to test a minimum of two biopsy samples, one from the corpus, and one from the antrum. When one attempts to culture H. pylori it is important to realise that this is a fastidious microorganism requiring a microaerobic environment and complex media for its growth. Optimal growth is obtained at 2-5% O2, 5-10% CO2, and high humidity. Growth occurs at 34-40°C, with an optimum of 37°C. While it may sound strange for a bacterium whose natural habitat is the acidic gastric mucosa, H. pylori is in fact a neutralophile and can only survive short exposures to pH<4.0. Survival at an acidic pH is enhanced by the presence of urea in the medium [1, 7]. Growth occurs at a neutral pH, and in the absence of urea bacterial growth is only observed at the relatively narrow pH range of 5.5 to 8.0 [8]. For optimal growth culture-media need to be supplemented with blood or serum (or more defined substances) as a source of nutrients and protection against the toxic effects of long-chain fatty acids [9]. H. pylori has an extremely narrow host and organ targeting range and seems highly adapted to this niche as infection is usually lifelong.

    Many genome sequences of H. pylori lack several of the common biosynthetic pathways of enteric bacteria [10, 11]. As a consequence, reasonable growth can only be obtained on rich media supplemented with lysed blood or serum. Synthetic media that support the growth have been described but as these require the addition of several amino acids they are not very practical to use [12, 13]. For routine isolation and culture of H. pylori, most labs use Columbia or Brucella agar plates supplemented with horse or sheep blood. To isolate the primary colonies, these plates can be supplemented with selective antibiotic mixtures (vancomycin, trimethoprim, cefsoludin, amphotericin B and/or polymyxin B) to suppress the growth of fungi and other microbes present in the gastric biopsy sample [14, 15]. Isolation rates of H. pylori from gastric biopsy samples are highly variable and range from 30-95%, depending on the technical expertise of the microbiology laboratory [1]. In addition bacterial or fungal overgrowth or inappropriate transport conditions may also result in failure to isolate the organism. Upon the initial inoculation the freshly inoculated plates should be ideally kept in a humid micro-aerobic atmosphere for at least three days before being inspected for the first time. Plates need to be incubated for a long time as it can sometimes take up to two weeks before colonies appear. H. pylori typically grows in very small, translucent, smooth colonies [1]. Meanwhile, to facilitate the detection of H. pylori colonies, the plates can be supplemented with triphenyltetrazolium chloride. This makes H. pylori appear as dark red pinpoint colonies with a golden shine [16, 17]. H. pylori is urease, catalase, and oxidase positive, and these characteristics are often used in the initial identification. With subsequent subcultures of the primary isolates, most H. pylori strains tend to adapt rapidly to the lab-specific growth conditions and as a consequence good growth can generally be achieved following 2 to 4 days of incubation. Although usually spiral-shaped, the bacterium can appear as a rod or coccoid shaped, especially after prolonged in vitro culture or antibiotic treatment [18].While it is mostly believed that these coccoids represent dead bacteria that cannot be cultured in vitro [18], some have suggested that coccoid forms represent a viable, non-culturable state [19]. Once an H. pylori culture reaches the stationary phase, the growth rate not only declines but the bacteria in the culture also undergo a rapid morphological transformation into the coccoid form [18]. Thus a prolonged culture does not lead to an increase in viable bacteria, but rather leads to a transition into an uncultivable coccoid state. Hence when one wants to prepare frozen stocks of H. pylori, it is crucial to freeze them while still in the mid-logarithmic growth phase with more than 90% spiral-shaped cells. H. pylori can be stored in the long term at −80°C in brain heart infusion or Brucella broth supplemented with either 15 to 20% glycerol or 10% dimethyl sulfoxide.

    Genome, Plasmids, Gene Regulation and Strain Diversity

    To date there are approximately 250 whole genome sequences for H. pylori present in the public databases. The average size is approximately 1.6 Mbp, with a G+C content of ~40%. The genome encodes ~1,500 genes, including two copies of the 16S, 23S, and 5S rRNA genes [10, 11]. In addition, many strains carry one or more plasmids, but in contrast to most other bacteria these plasmids do not seem to carry any antibiotic resistance genes or virulence genes [20]. There are also some reports on H. pylori-infecting bacteriophages, but there is a lack of detailed characterisation [21-23]. Understanding of the virulence and metabolism of H. pylori has also been greatly facilitated by the availability of genomic sequences of H. pylori [10, 11, 24]. Many of the biochemical deficiencies of H. pylori that were described in the pre-genome era were indeed confirmed by the lack of the corresponding genes in the sequenced genomes [11, 24]. However, many of these analyses are based on in silico predictions and often lack convincing experimental validation; for a more in-depth discussion of the pathogenicity and virulence of H. pylori, we would like to refer to the specialized chapters on this subject. While many bacterial pathogens have a clonal distribution, H. pylori is genetically very heterogeneous. This results in every H. pylori-positive subject having his/her own personal strain [25]. Often there is even clear difference between the strains of children that were infected by the H. pylori strain transferred from one of their parents. This rapid genetic evolution may represent an adaptation mechanism of H. pylori to the different gastric conditions and host-mediated immune responses [26]. In H. pylori, genetic heterogeneity is thought to occur via both rearrangements and deletions of existing sequences as well as via the introduction of novel sequences [27, 28]. These novel sequences can often be recognised by their aberrant G+C content and seldom seem to carry genes that are putatively involved in virulence. A good example of this is the cag PAI, but other plasticity regions have been identified and were suggested to carry potential virulence factors [29-32]. In addition to these major insertion and deletion events, functional genetic diversity is observed at the nucleotide level. Most notably, mutations appear in homopolymeric nucleotide tracts where the insertion/deletion of a single nucleotide results in transcriptional and translational phase variations and mutation [27, 28]. As this phase variation seems to occur often in homopolymeric G or C tracts via reversible slipped-strand mispairing generating single base pair deletions/insertions which cause a shift in translation of the affected gene, this mechanism results in phase variation via a single mutation. This can result in major phenotypic changes that are fully reversible as they are generated by single base pair insertion/deletion. Several important H. pylori virulence genes, such as the sabA, sabB, hopZ, and oipA outer membrane protein-encoding genes, display such phenotypic variation, as do lipopolysaccharide (LPS) biosynthetic enzymes [33, 34]. This makes phase variation a very simple and basic form of gene regulation, ensuring that part of the bacterial population is prepared for sudden unexpected environmental changes. In addition, H. pylori reacts to other changes in environmental conditions in a more classical way by increasing the transcription of genes which encode factors that counteract the effect of these environmental changes. In other bacteria, this classical gene regulation is often controlled by two-component regulatory systems but genome analysis revealed an apparent lack of these two-component regulatory systems in H. pylori [35]. Also other transcriptional regulator systems are relatively scarce in H. pylori as it seems to contain only three sigma factors (σ80, σ28, and σ54), two metalloregulatory proteins, two heat shock regulators and a few other regulatory proteins [35]. Initially this was considered a consequence of the fact that H. pylori is only found in human gastric mucosa, a niche that was considered to offer relatively stable conditions. Transcriptional profiling studies indicate that approximately half of the H. pylori genomes are expressed under in vitro conditions and that the expression of ~10% of the in vitro transcribed genes displays changes when environmental conditions are altered. The finding that H. pylori regulates gene expression in response to environmental stresses suggests that the gastric mucosa may not be the relatively stable environment previously assumed.


    Declared None.


    The author(s) confirm that this chapter content has no conflict of interest.


    Virulence Factors of Helicobacter pylori


    Helicobacter pylori is a spiral, microaerophilic, Gram-negative bacterium and a significant human pathogen. Infection causes gastric inflammation, which

    increases the risk of duodenal ulcer disease, gastric ulcer disease, gastric adenocarcinoma, and mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT) primary B-cell lymphoma. Gastric cancer remains the fourth most common cancer and second leading cause of cancer-related deaths worldwide ( The prevalence of H. pylori has been decreasing in developed countries, coincident with improved sanitation and standards of living, but still affects at least 50% of the world's population especially in developing countries. H. pylori is thus known as a ‘submerging’ rather than an ‘emerging’ pathogen. While the infection, typically acquired in childhood is life-long, most infected individuals do not exhibit recognizable symptoms although they may suffer unrecognized manifestations of the infection such as iron deficiency anemia. Approximately 20% to 30% of infected individuals develop clinically recognized diseases. In countries with a high prevalence of H. pylori infections such as Africa and South Asia, the primary clinical illness is duodenal ulcer disease, which is often unrecognized unless specifically diagnosed. In the absence of medical care, the lack of disease recognition has been erroneously thought to represent the absence of disease and called the African and Asian enigmas [1] (Table 1).

    The pattern of gastritis can predict the outcome of an H. pylori infection. In tropical and semitropical Africa and South Asia, most patients with non-atrophic gastritis produce robust acid secretions, and if a disease develops, it will likely be peptic ulcer. In contrast, the clinical manifestation of gastric ulcer and gastric cancer is tightly associated with atrophic gastritis which is reflected in the high incidence of gastric cancer in Japan, Korea and the northern and mountainous areas of China. The pathogenesis of the different clinical outcomes is multi-factorial with environmental factors (especially diet) often playing a dominant role, e.g., atrophic gastritis is common in East Asia where diets are seasonal and food preservation relies on salt. However, host factors especially those governing the severity of the immune response also affect the outcome of the infection in the individual patient. In addition, virulence factors of H. pylori also play a role in clinical outcomes. In this chapter, we describe the best studied virulence factors vacuolating cytotoxin (VacA) and cytotoxin-associated gene A product (CagA), and discuss their roles as clinically relevant H. pylori virulence factors.

    Table 1 Incidence of gastric cancer in 2008

    Data were obtained from GLOBOCAN databases, which provide access to the most recent estimates (2008) for the incidence of and mortality from 27 major cancers worldwide and are organized by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) (

    In addition to the ASR for geographic regions, 20 countries with ASRs that are equal to or more than 17.0 for the total (male and female) with total number of gastric cancers more than 100 are listed.

    vacA (Vacuolating Cytotoxin)

    The vacA gene encoding a vacuolating cytotoxin is present in most H. pylori strains. Until recently, the biological role of vacA in disease pathogenesis was unclear and most observations based on in vitro experiments did not demonstrate its clinical relevance. VacA was identified because it induced vacuolation in some cell lines in vitro. Detailed study of this in vitro activity showed multiple cellular activities, such as membrane-channel formation, cytochrome c release from mitochondria leading to apoptosis, and binding to cell-membrane receptors, resulting in the initiation of a proinflammatory response [2-4]. VacA also can specifically inhibit T-cell activation and proliferation, although it is not clear whether these results, seen in vitro, are observed in vivo [5-7]. More recent evidence suggests that the primary role of VacA is related to autophagy, assisting in the production of the vacuole in which intracellular H. pylori can survive [8]. This is probably the most important role of VacA in vivo, and possibly its only important role in clinical disease.

    The structure of the vacA gene varies with differences at the signal (s) regions (s1 and s2) and middle (m) regions (m1 and m2). These differences contribute to variations in the in vitro vacuolating activity of different H. pylori strains [9] (Fig. 1) with s1/m1 strains being the most cytotoxic. Although s2/m2 strains have no in vitro cytotoxic activity, and s1/m2 strains have reduced activity, their effects on autophagy remain unstudied [9]. Risk of peptic ulcer or gastric cancer correlates best with the severity of inflammation produced by the infecting strain, and few studies have attempted to control for other variables known to be associated with inflammation. Studies from Western countries have suggested that patients infected with vacA s1 or m1 strains are at increased risk for developing peptic ulcers and/or gastric cancer compared to those infected with s2 or m2 strains [9-11]. It is possible that the overall inflammatory response is reduced because s2 or m2 strains are less able to enter and survive within epithelial cells, and may explain these epidemiological data. In East Asia, most H. pylori strains possess the vacA s1 genotype, and the s region genotypes are independent of clinical outcomes; however, the biological basis for these observations reported from Western countries remains unknown [12,13].

    The m1 genotype is common in Northeast Asian countries, such as Japan and South Korea, and the m2 genotype is predominant in Southeast Asia (e.g., Taiwan and Vietnam) [13,14]. Because the incidence of gastric cancer is higher in northern regions than in southern regions of East Asia, it is possible that the m region plays a role in these regional differences. The north-south difference is also evident in Vietnam with the m1 genotype and gastric cancer more prevalent in Hanoi than Ho Chi Minh City [15]. Okinawa consists of several small islands in southwestern Japan. Although the prevalence of H. pylori in Okinawa is not different from other parts of Japan, the incidence of gastric cancer in Okinawa (6.3 deaths/100,000 population) is the lowest in Japan (mean mortality rate of Japan, 11.8 deaths/100,000 population in 2009) ( It is important to note that Okinawa is a tropical region with a markedly different diet and salt intake from mainland Japan, and was originally populated by non-Japanese (i.e., most of the H. pylori strains possess the vacA s1/m1 genotype in mainland Japan [13] compared to less than 70% of the strains in Okinawa [16]). Of the 337 strains evaluated from Okinawa we found that the vacA s1/m2 genotype was uncommon in this with only H. pylori gastritis (17.3%), and even less common in gastric ulcer (7.9%) (P = 0.04); vacA s2/m2 was higher in gastritis (22.4%) than in gastric ulcer (11.9%), duodenal ulcer (10.5%), and gastric cancer (4.2%) (P = 0.04, P = 0.01, and P = 0.04, respectively). We did not compare the genotype with extent, severity, pattern of gastritis, or inhabitants’ country of origin. However, even in East Asia in areas where non-s1/m1 strains are common, vacA m genotypes roughly correlated with risk of different H pylori-related diseases.

    Figure 1)

    Structural polymorphism in the vacA gene. The vacA s1 genotype has a 27-bp deletion as compared to the s2 genotype. The vacA i region can be classified into 2 types (i1 and i2, shaded in orange and red, respectively) according to the amino acid sequences denoted as clusters A, B, and C (from left to right). The vacA d2 genotype has a 69- to 81-bp deletion as compared to the d1 genotype. The vacA m1 genotype has a 73-bp deletion as compared to the m2 genotype. As shown in this figure, typical types of clinical isolates are either vacA s1/i1/d1/m1 or s2/i2/d2/m2 types.

    The vacA s1 and m1 genotypes are subdivided into 3 types: s1a, s1b, and s1c [9]; m1a, m1b, and m1c, respectively [17]. The vacA s1c and m1b genotypes are common in East Asia, whereas the s1a and m1c genotypes are common in South Asia [13,17]. The vacA m1c is the predominant genotype in Central Asia (Calcuttans and ethnic Kazakhs) [13] and the m1a genotype common in Africans and ethnic Europeans [13]. Both the s1a and s1b genotypes are common in ethnic Europeans, whereas s1b genotypes are especially common in the Iberian Peninsula and Latin America [18]. The s1b genotype is predominant in Africa [18]. However, it currently remains unclear whether subtypes of the s1 and m1 genotypes correlate with clinical outcomes or to differences in the extent, severity, or distribution of gastritis.

    A third region of vacA, known as the intermediate (i) region, has been identified between the s region and the m region [19] (Fig. 1). All s1/m1 strains are classified as i1 genotype, and all s2/m2 strains as i2 genotype. Although s1/m1 strains can be classified as either i1 or i2 genotype, it has been suggested that i1 strains are possibly more pathogenic. In another study, an intermediate variant (i3) was identified in Turkish strains (25.7%) [20]. Originally, it was reported that, in Iran, the vacA i genotype was more useful in identifying risk of gastric cancer than typing the s or m regions. A subsequent study suggested that the vacA i genotype is related to peptic ulcers in Iraq and Italy [21,22]. Another study showed that the polymorphisms at amino acid position 196 of vacA, which is located in the i region, are associated with severe outcomes in South Korea [23]. However, in East and Southeast Asia, no associations are found between the i region and clinical outcomes [24]. Finally, a study from Portugal examined patients with progression to more severe histological diagnoses after a mean of 12.8 year follow-up and reported that vacA i genotyping did not improve the prediction of progression in relation to other vacAloci, s and m regions [25]. A fourth disease-related region identified between the i region and the m region has been described as the deletion or d region [26] (Fig. 1). The d region is divided into a d1 genotype (no deletion) and d2 genotype with a 69- to 81-bp deletion. In Western strains, the d1 genotype was associated with mucosal atrophy. Almost all East Asian strains are classified as s1/i1/d1, d genotypes thus, d genotyping is less useful as a marker for clinical outcomes. Overall, genotyping of the vacA i and d regions has provided interesting but not clinically useful data and no information on the involvement of these genotypes in pathogenesis.

    CagA (Cytotoxin-Associated Gene A Product)

    cagA, which encodes a highly immunogenic protein (CagA) is located at one end of the cag pathogenicity island (PAI). The approximately 40-kbp region of the PAI is believed to have been incorporated into the H. pylori genome by horizontal transfer from an unknown source [27]. The cag PAI encodes a type-IV secretion system (T4SS) (i.e., molecular syringe), which injects CagA and possibly other proteins into host cells. One of the proteins, CagL is a protein that covers the pilus and acts as a specialized adhesin to connect the T4SS to the target cell [28]. CagL binds to and activates host cell α5β1 integrins for delivery of CagA across the host cell membrane. The injected CagA then interacts with various target molecules in host cells including the cytoplasmic Src homology-2 domain of Src homology-2 phosphatase (SHP-2), which is known to have oncogenic activity [29]. Studies of Mongolian gerbils showed that gastric cancer develops in animals infected with wild-type H. pylori but not in gerbils infected with isogenic cagA mutants [30,31]. However, it is difficult to produce gastric cancer by H. pylori infection of Mongolian gerbils. An interesting study showed that gastric cancer and other malignant neoplasms occur in some transgenic mice with an artificially introduced CagA protein [32]. These results provide evidence that CagA may act as a bacterial oncoprotein when integrated into the host genome; however, whether this is relevant to clinical infection in which it is injected only into gastric cells is unknown.

    Almost all H. pylori isolates from East Asia are cagA-positive, whereas 20% to 40% of isolates from Western countries do not possess cagA (i.e., cagA-negative) [13]. In Western countries, infection with cagA-positive strains is associated with a greater inflammatory response and an increased risk of peptic ulcer and/or gastric cancer compared to infection with cagA-negative strains [33,34]. Almost all cagA-positive strains are also vacA s1 (either m1 or m2), whereas almost all cagA-negative strains are classified as vacA s2/m2 strains [9]. Both cagA-positive and cagA-negative infections are associated with the development of peptic ulcer and gastric cancer but the risk is typically lower and likely correlates with the lower inflammatory response to the infection.

    CagA-positive strains have been subdivided into East Asian and Western types according to the sequence located in the 3′ region of cagA [35,36]. This repeat-region was initially classified into 2 types (i.e., first repeat and second repeat). The sequence of the second-repeat region differs between East Asian and Western strains [13,35-37]. Each region contains the tyrosine phosphorylation site motif: Glu-Pro-Ile-Tyr-Ala (EPIYA). The first-repeat regions have been renamed EPIYA-A and EPIYA-B segments and the second-repeat region in Western and East Asian strains as EPIYA-C and EPIYA-D segments, respectively [29] (Fig. 2). Each CagA sequence is assigned a sequence type based on the EPIYA segments in the sequence (i.e., ABC, ABCC, ABCCC etc. for Wester-type CagA and ABD etc. for East Asian-type CagA) (Fig. 2).

    Figure 2)

    Structural polymorphism in CagA. Western-type CagA contain the EPIYA-A, EPIYA-B, and EPIYA-C segments; whereas East Asian-type CagA contain the EPIYA-A, EPIYA-B and EPIYA-D segments, but do not possess the EPIYA-C segment. EPIYA-motif in each segment represent the tyrosine phosphorylation sites of CagA. The sequence flanking the tyrosine phosphorylation site of the EPIYA-D segment (EPIYATIDF), but not the EPIYA-C segment (EPIYATIDD), matches perfectly the consensus high-affinity binding sequence for the SH2 domains of SHP2.

    In vitro experiments have shown that CagA with a EPIYA-D segment has a higher binding ability for SHP-2 than CagA with a EPIYA-C segment [29]. Epidemiological studies from Thailand and South Korea also showed that individuals infected with East Asian-type cagA strains are at increased risk of peptic ulcer or gastric cancer compared with those infected with Western-type cagA strains [23,38]. Similarly, the difference in incidences of gastric cancer between Okinawa and mainland Japan also correlate with the difference in prevalence of Western-type cagA strains in Okinawa compared with other areas of Japan [16]. In our study from Okinawa, the East Asian-type cagA genotype was significantly more prevalent in strains derived from gastric ulcers (83.2%) and gastric cancer (87.5%) than those with only gastritis (60.2%) (P < 0.001 and P = 0.01, respectively) and those derived from duodenal ulcer (64.0%) (P = 0.001 and 0.02, respectively). In contrast, there was no significant difference between the prevalence of East Asian-type cagA in duodenal ulcers (64.0%). These data suggest that the pattern of gastritis in individuals with East Asian-type CagA had more rapid progression of gastric damage and more extensive and severe atrophic gastritis overall. It remains unclear whether the increased risk of cancer was related to the the Japanese had migrated to Okinawa from an area with a high incidence of gastric cancer as they would be more likely to retain that risk after migration. In contrast their children and grandchildren would be likely to have lower and steadily falling risks similar to the surrounding population. In mainland Japan, the incidence of gastric cancer fell approximately 60% between 1965 and 1995 despite no change in H. pylori infection or infecting strain. Such a rapid change is most consistent with changes in the environment especially diet. Importantly, the highest incidence of gastric cancer is found in the mountains of Costa Rica, an area in which East Asian-type H. pylori strains are absent. Overall, careful epidemiologic studies comparing place of birth, diet, and histology over time will be required to determine whether the East Asian-type cagA is specifically related to the development of gastric cancer.

    A number of second-repeat regions have been reported to be associated with gastric cancer both in East Asian and Western countries [35,36]. For example, the incidence of gastric cancer is higher in Colombia than in the US (age-standardized incidence rates per 100,000 population = 4.1), and 57% of Colombian isolates have 2 EPIYA-C segments compared with only 4% of the isolates from the U.S. [14]. Subsequent studies have confirmed the association of gastric cancer with strains with multiple EPIYA-C segments compared with those infected with a single segment [35,36,39,40]. Recent in vitro data have shown that C-terminal Src tyrosine kinase (Csk), which is an important molecule involved in intracellular signaling systems, prefers to bind EPIYA-A and EPIYA-B motifs [41]. We recently reported that c-Src can only phosphorylate EPIYA- C and D motifs, while c-Abl phosphorylates EPIYA-A, -B, -C and -D motifs [42]. These data suggest that EPIYA-A, -B, -C and -D motifs all play some role. We previously showed that the number of repeats could be easily changed in the stomach [36,37]. The incidence of gastric cancer fell rapidly in most countries over the same 50 years described in the Japan study above. It is possible that the H. pylori with cagA containing multiple repeats also decreased. This concept is supported by studies in children where despite the high prevalence of multiple repeats in the infected elderly this pattern is not found in children [43]. Importantly, strains with an increased number of repeats has been shown to be sensitive to acid [36], suggesting that the number of repeats is a post hoc event occurring in response to the development of atrophic gastritis and not the cause. The overall correlation of any cagA genotype with an outcome is potentially a surrogate marker for a biologically important event or events; however, such an event is currently unknown.

    Detection of Genomic Changes

    The rapid advances in sequencing technology have provided new rapid methods to identify novel putative virulence factors [44-46]. McClain et al. compared the genome sequences of an isolate obtained from a patient with gastric cancer (strain 98-10) with an isolate from a patient with gastric ulcer (strain B128) to search for strain-specific genes of strain 98-10 associated with gastric cancer using a next-generation sequencer [47]. Kawai et al. used this approach to study the evolution of East Asian strains using 20 whole genomes of Japanese, Korean, Amerindian, European, and West African strains [45]. A phylogenetic analysis revealed greater divergence between the East Asian strains and the Western strains in genes related to virulence factors, especially those related to outer membrane proteins and lipopolysaccharide synthesis enzymes. Genomic changes during infection also have been studied. The whole-genome sequence of strain HPAG1 was determined with the whole-genome shotgun method, and the data obtained were used to design a custom microarray [48]. Genotyping of isolates that were obtained from patients with chronic atrophic gastritis revealed that genes are gained and lost during the progression of the disease. Whole-genome transcriptional profiling also identified genes associated with the adaptation of H. pylori to chronic atrophic gastritis. A chronological comparison of the whole genome was performed on 5 sets of H. pylori strains from Colombia with isolation intervals of 3 to 16 years using the next-generation sequencing technology to identify genomic changes occurring in the same stomach [49]. Data obtained from the massively parallel sequencing technology should provide valuable candidates for novel virulence factors.


    Of the approximately 1,600 genes contained in the H. pylori genome, it is likely that only a fraction of potential virulence genes have been identified. Comparative genomic techniques and the sequential sampling of the stomach during the course of the infection may provide an opportunity to correlate changes in bacteria with environmental factors, such as diet (e.g., salt intake), which are critical determinants of outcome. Future studies should examine putative virulence factors as groups or as part of a virulence complex rather than individually. This approach is likely to provide a more complete understanding of the underlying mechanism of H. pylori-induced gastric inflammation that leads to severe gastroduodenal diseases by combining bacterial virulence factors with other factors, such as the environment and host.


    His report is based on work supported in part by grants from the National Institutes of Health (DK62813), grants-in-aid for Scientific Research from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology (MEXT) of Japan (22390085 and 22659087), Special Coordination Funds for Promoting Science and Technology from MEXT of Japan, and a Research Fund at the Discretion of the President, Oita University. Dr. Graham is supported in part by the Office of Research and Development Medical Research Service Department of Veterans Affairs, Public Health Service grants DK067366 and DK56338 which funds the Texas Medical Center Digestive Diseases Center. The contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of the VA or NIH.


    The author(s) confirm that this chapter content has no conflict of interest.


    Epidemiology, Transmission and Public Health Implications of Helicobacter pylori Infection in Western Countries

    Mónica S. Sierra*, Emily V. Hastings, Katharine Fagan-Garcia, Amy Colquhoun, Karen J. Goodman

    University of Alberta Division of Gastroenterology, Edmonton, Canada


    Across western countries, the observed prevalence of H. pylori infection ranges from 4% to 95% in adults and 4% to 82% in children, with estimates varying by country and subpopulation within countries. Reported incidence ranges from 0 to 7.3% per year in adults, with higher rates observed among travelers to high prevalence areas. Reported incidence ranges from 0 to 1.7% per month in children under 2 years old and 0.11% to 16% per year in 2- to 18-year olds. Reported elimination rates in children range from 0.37% to 35% per year. Evidence points to direct person-to-person contact as the predominant mode of transmission. Factors linked to increased prevalence in adults include residential crowding, institutionalization, and having hepatitis A virus. In children, H. pylori infection is associated with age, indicators of poor socioeconomic status such as residential crowding and parents’ education level, and migration from high prevalence areas. Factors associated with elimination of H. pylori in childhood are age, sex, ethnicity, and antibiotic use. Recurrence of H. pylori infection after successful treatment is not frequently observed in western countries. Studies investigating the relationship between intrafamilial clustering of H. pylori infection and H. pylori recurrence have had inconsistent results. Development of cost-effective prevention strategies requires more evidence pertaining to transmission pathways and risk factors, as well as more effective treatments, particularly for high prevalence subpopulations.

    Keywords: : H. pylori infection, western countries, prevalence, incidence, elimination, recurrence, transmission.

    * Address correspondence to Mónica S. Sierra: University of Alberta Division of Gastroenterology, Edmonton, Canada; E-mail:[email protected]


    At onset, Helicobacter pylori infection has non-specific dyspeptic symptoms and generally goes undetected, thus few acute cases have been observed [1-3]. Evidence suggests that acute infection sometimes resolves spontaneously without

    the development of detectable antibodies [2,4]. In other cases the infection persists indefinitely, generating specific anti-H. pylori IgG, generally detectable while the infection is present [2,4]; antibody titers often, but not always, reduce to undetectable levels following elimination of the infection [2,4]. Because of obstacles to studying the course of acute cases, it is not known what proportion of acute H. pylori infections become chronic [1,2,4]. Chronic H. pylori infection is nearly always accompanied by chronic gastritis [1,2,4] and occasionally leads to duodenal ulcers, gastric ulcers, and, more rarely, gastric carcinoma [1-4]. Chronic gastritis and peptic ulcer disease are more common in older and low-income populations [4]. Chronic H. pylori-associated gastritis is generally asymptomatic, particularly in children; symptomatic diseases associated with long-term infection generally occur in adults [1,2,4].

    Initially, epidemiologic studies of H. pylori infection focused on adults; this focus changed with growing evidence that most infections are acquired in childhood [3]. Epidemiologic evidence shows that the prevalence of H. pylori infection is much higher in developing countries than in the developed world, with estimates in the range of 22 to 95% and 1 to

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