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Your Holy Health: Effective Secrets to Divine Life
Your Holy Health: Effective Secrets to Divine Life
Your Holy Health: Effective Secrets to Divine Life
Ebook88 pages1 hour

Your Holy Health: Effective Secrets to Divine Life

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About this ebook

You may not realize it, but your good health is holy! Good health is a gift from God, and He gives us wisdom to get healthier, and stay healthy, so we can enjoy a long, strong, satisfying life to His glory. Tonja shares many proven, easy and economical tips the LORD has taught her and her family, to have more energy, strength, and productivity. She believes they can only help you have a better life! 

Release dateApr 30, 2024
Your Holy Health: Effective Secrets to Divine Life

Tonja K. Taylor

Tonja K. Taylor loves to share the Good News of Christ through making many books; teaching and preaching the Word (You Tube: River Rain Creative, and POWERLight Learning); author-in-school visits and other presentations; their website (upcoming); tutoring online across the nation; and serving at church and otherwise as God leads. She and her husband, Clayton, long to glorify Him in every part of life. 

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    Book preview

    Your Holy Health - Tonja K. Taylor

    Your Holy Health, copyright 2024 by Tonja K. Taylor, POWERLight Learning. Published in the United States of America. Editing help by Clayton Taylor. All rights reserved. No part of this book nor of the audio recordings may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems without permission in writing from the publisher, except by a reviewer, who may quote brief passages in a review.

    It is our prayer that the real and wonderful Savior, Jesus Christ, will be revealed to you in a deeper way as you read these works!

    Check out both of our You Tube channels: River Rain Creative vidoes:

    and also our newer channel,  POWERLight Learning:

    For informative, soul-strengthening reads, check out Tonja’s 1,200+ articles at FaithWriters:

    If you have comments, questions about book orders or Tonja’s presentations, or reviews to share, please write:  [email protected]

    Scripture quotations taken from the Amplified® Bible, Copyright © 1954, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1987 by The Lockman Foundation.

    Scripture quotations marked KJV are taken from the Holy Bible, King James Version, Cambridge, 1769.

    We pray the LORD will use this book as a powerful catalyst in the life of your family to deepen your love and understanding of His Word, and cause light to go forth in the darkness so that others may see and draw closer to Jesus, the True Life. 

    Now available from Tonja K. Taylor:

    ›  The Adventures of Princess Pearl, P.O.W.E.R. Girl! Books 1- 5 (of 8)

    ›  Visions of the King (experiences with the Lord)

    ›  The 7 Ps of Prince and Princesshood (Bible study)

    ›  My Brother the King (an 11-year-old’s perspective)

    ›  Spirit Songs and Stories (for children)

    ›  How to Grow SONflowers (kid’s devotional)

    ›  Other books soon available by Tonja K. Taylor include

    ›  The Righteous Bride (Bible study)

    ›  Soul Dance: The Art of the Worship of God

    ›  The Properties of Light (a novel)

    ›  Water: Life!

    Table of Contents


    First Things

    Journey into Your Holy Health

    Adventures in Healthy Eating

    Journal Entry (B.O.F.)

    Covenant Health

    Other Things You Need to Know

    Sweet Sleep

    Good Vibrations

    Pre-Breakfast Drink

    Power Breakfast

    Recap for Morning

    Getting Past Getting Started

    Strengthen Your Core

    Water, Water, and More

    Children of the Light

    Best-for-you Sweeteners

    Eat Your Veggies

    Save Your Teeth

    Herbs and Natural Supplements

    Fermented Foods

    Rest is Vital

    How to Choose Restaurant Foods

    What Are You Feeding Your Child?

    Dry Skin Brushing and Body Scrubs

    Three Cheap Germ Killers

    A Better Investment

    Power Smoothie Recipe



    "All flesh is as grass," the LORD immediately answered in my spirit, when I was sitting in an office and wishing out loud that I had a body that was more lean and tan. The phrase My Creator used was from Isaiah 40:6, and He sounded slightly irritated. He had every right to be! I quickly repented for not appreciating enough the slim sound strong body and healthy skin He had given me.

    1 Peter 1:24-25 says, For, All people are like grass, and all their glory is like the flowers of the field; the grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of the Lord endures forever.

    Our spirits are the eternal part of us; the real us, but our bodies will return to dust. However, we need our bodies to get the LORD’s work done on the earth, and as our pastor once said, if we just had one car to last us for life, we’d take excellent care of it!

    Of course I had been focused on the wrong thing when God corrected me; it is the spirit that is by far the most important, and it is that part of us that is being renewed and strengthened every day, even while our bodies are aging in the natural process of life (2 Cor. 4:16).

    I am not a body; I am a spirit who lives in a body. I apologized to Him for wishing I was different, which is a torment common to mankind. 

    Also, the things I wanted to change were actually under my control, but if I was trying to feel more loved by my spouse and others by doing them, then my motive was wrong.

    I have heard many reports of world-famous models who, no matter their wealth and audience, never feel beautiful enough, good enough, loved enough, and wind up on drugs or killing themselves or whatever to end their misery. It is a destructive cycle that can only be broken by believing the love of God, Who loved us so much He sacrificed His only Son for us (John 3:16).

    God, Who created us and is Himself a Spirit (John 4:24), put our spirits into our bodies so we could live on earth and complete the Assignment He gave us—much like an astronaut puts on a spacesuit to accomplish his or her mission in space. I have heard more than one preacher call our bodies our earthsuits.

    I believe it is a godly desire to have more energy and a strong body—but not for the admiration of others; the purpose is to be healthy to get God’s Plan for your life accomplished.  Life is easier and more pleasant when we feel good and strong. We are more confident and creative, which is certainly part of the plans God has for us—part of abundant life (John 10:10).

    The Scriptures give us wisdom on how to have a

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