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Converter Topologies and Energy Management for EV
Converter Topologies and Energy Management for EV
Converter Topologies and Energy Management for EV
Ebook341 pages1 hour

Converter Topologies and Energy Management for EV

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About this ebook

"Converter Topologies and Energy Management for EV" Eileen Farmer is a comprehensive guide for researchers, engineers, and students working in the field of electric vehicles (EVs). The book provides an in-depth analysis of various converter topologies and their applications in energy management for EVs.

The first section of the book focuses on the fundamentals of power electronics, including the basic principles of converter topologies, control techniques, and power semiconductor devices. The author then delves into various converter topologies such as buck, boost, buck-boost, and flyback, among others, and their applications in EVs. The book also covers advanced topics such as resonant converters and soft-switching techniques.

The second section of the book focuses on energy management for EVs, including battery management, charging techniques, and power management strategies. The author discusses different types of batteries and their characteristics, as well as charging techniques such as plug-in charging, wireless charging, and fast charging. The book also covers power management strategies such as regenerative braking and energy recovery.

Overall, "Converter Topologies and Energy Management for EV" is a valuable resource for anyone interested in understanding the principles and applications of power electronics and energy management in EVs. The book is written in a clear and concise manner, making it accessible to both beginners and advanced readers alike.

PublisherEileen Farmer
Release dateMay 8, 2024
Converter Topologies and Energy Management for EV

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    Converter Topologies and Energy Management for EV - Eileen Farmer



    The environmental and energy issues have propelled the need of Electric vehicles (EV) and this mode of transportation is progressing expeditiously combating diverse barriers. The major challenges include enhancing the driving range, battery life and power capability. To address the above issues, this thesis explores the performance of EV with Hybrid Energy Storage System (HESS) employing Li-ion battery and Ultracapacitor (UC). A comprehensive modelling of various system components of 3-wheeled Light Electric vehicle (LEV) based on Indian Driving Cycle (IDC) is presented to  aid in the sizing of ESS.

    A bi-directional DC/DC converter (BDC) acts as an interface between the energy sources and ensures efficient power flow. Thus the choice of the BDC gains significance and there is a need to arrive at a suitable topology. In this perspective, this work presents a comparative study of conventional buck-boost, switched capacitor Luo and Multilevel Modular Capacitor clamped Converter (MMCC) topologies based on current ripple and transfer efficiency. The results indicate the suitability of  MMCC topology for a 3-wheeled LEV.

    The energy management control strategy plays a vital role in regulating the power flow as per the drive cycle load requirement. This necessitates an efficient control design to accommodate real-time load fluctuations by regulating the power flow from the hybrid sources. In this work, a hybrid control strategy incorporating filtering and fuzzy rule based technique is proposed for effective power flow regulation. The  results  obtained with respect to various performance measures  including  battery stress factor, UC state-of-charge (SOC) difference, energy consumption rate,

    system efficiency and tracking of speed profile indicate that the proposed control strategy performs satisfactorily.

    The voltage imbalance issues in series stacking of  UC  are addressed by increasing the conversion gain of MMCC. The selection of conversion gain is a compromise between the capacitance value of UC,  number of parallel stacks and cost. A detailed guideline to arrive at an optimal voltage gain of MMCCC considering the above factors is presented. The failure mode analysis of MMCC converter is presented to highlight its performance under fault conditions.

    An overall comparative study of EV employing Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) and the hybrid energy storage system is presented to elucidate the merits of HESS. The economic feasibility of BESS and HESS  are performed and presented to emphasize the effectiveness of Li-ion battery/UC HESS.

    The converter topology and energy management control schemes presented in this thesis will open up fresh avenues in hybridizing energy sources for EV applications.



    Comparative analysis of  HESS parallel

    configurations 26

    Technical specification of the Bajaj RE 3-wheeler 28

    Specification of IDC 29

    Energy demand of EV for different cases 35

    Specification of Li-ion battery cell 45

    Specification of UC bank 48

    Switching pattern of SCC Luo Converter 67

    Performance analysis of conventional buck-boost BDC 84

    Comparative analysis of BDC topologies 85

    System components for experimental verification of

    BDC 87

    Rule base for high SOC of battery 120

    Rule base for medium range of battery SOC 121

    Rule base for low SOC of battery 121

    Comparative analysis of energy management

    control strategies 126

    System components for experimental  verification  of control strategy  128

    Comparative evaluation of UC stacking requirement

    for various modules of MMCC Converter 139

    Various fault operation modes 149

    Performance analysis of BESS and HESS 163

    Assumed referential cost and factors 169

    Cost analysis for BESS and HESS 169


    2.18 Electrical equivalent model of UC 47

    Basic structure of isolated type BDC 52

    Dual-half bridge isolated BDC 53

    Dual-active bridge isolated BDC 54

    Bi-directional buck-boost converter 56

    Cascaded buck-boost converter 56

    Bi-directional Cuk converter 57

    Bidirectional SEPIC/Zeta DC-DC converter 57

    Coupled inductor based non-isolated converter 58

    Interleaved bi-directional DC/DC converter 58

    Conventional buck-boost BDC topology 59

    Boost mode 60

    Buck Mode 62

    Current waveform 64

    Current and voltage stress in the main switch 65

    2-Q switched capacitor Luo converter 67

    Boost operating mode 68

    Current waveforms of UC and battery 70

    Voltage and current stress in the main switch during

    boost operation 70

    Buck operating mode 71

    Current waveforms of discharging battery and

    charging UC 73

    Voltage and current stress in the main switch

    during buck operation 73

    Schematic of single module MMCC converter 74

    (a) Equivalent circuit for state I in buck mode 76

    (b) Equivalent circuit for state II in buck mode 76


    (a) Voltage and current waveform of discharging

    battery 77

    (b) Voltage and current waveform of charging UC 77

    (a) Equivalent circuit for state I in boost mode 78

    (b) Equivalent circuit for state II in boost mode 79

    (a) Voltage and current waveform of discharging UC 79

    (b) Voltage and current waveform of charging battery 79

    (a) Voltage and current stress in main switch

    during buck mode 80

    (b) Voltage and current stress in main switch during

    boost mode 80

    Pulse dropping switching pattern 83

    Experimental setup of conventional buck-boost 88

    (a) Inductor current waveform and the switching

    pulse during boost mode 88

    3.30 (b) Auxiliary source current and its corresponding  switching signal during buck/boost operation  89

    (c) Main source and auxiliary source battery

    voltage 89

    Experimental setup of MMCC converter 90

    (a) Switching signals of SR and SB group switches 90

    3.32 (b) MMCC output voltage, auxiliary source voltage

    and current 91

    3.32 (c) Auxiliary source current, main source voltage and current 91

    Block diagram of energy management system 95

    Energy management control strategies for EV system 96



    Co-ordination of battery and UC for different drive

    cycle operation 100

    Power train architecture of a 3-wheeled LEV 102

    Driver Model 103

    Voltage and current controller design 104

    4.8 Block diagram of filtering based strategy 106

    4.10 (a) SOC status of Li-ion battery and UC 107

    4.10 (b) Battery and UC voltage 107

    4.10 (c) Power distribution between battery and UC 108

    4.10 (d) Current distribution between battery and UC 108

    4.10 (e) Energy provided by battery and UC 108

    Flowchart of deterministic rule-based strategy 110

    (a) Current distribution of battery and UC 111

    4.11 (b) Power distribution of battery and UC 111

    4.11 (c) Voltage distribution of battery and UC 112

    4.11 (d) SOC status of battery and UC 112

    (e) Energy distribution of battery and UC 112

    Block diagram of integrated filtering and rule-

    based strategy 113

    (a) Voltage distribution of battery and UC 114

    4.13 (b) SOC status of battery and UC 114

    4.13 (c) Energy distributions of battery and UC 114

    4.13 (d) Current distribution of battery and UC 115

    (e) Power distribution of battery and UC 115

    Block diagram of hybrid energy management strategy 116

    Block diagram of fuzzy inference system 118

    (a) Membership function of input 1 119


    4.16 (b) Membership functions of input 2 119

    4.16 (c) Membership functions of input 3 119

    (d) Membership function of output 120

    Response surface plot of input-output relation 122

    (a) SOC status of UC 124

    (b) SOC status of battery 124

    (c) Current distribution of battery and UC 124

    4.18 (d) Power distribution of battery and UC 124

    4.18 (e) Voltage distribution of battery and UC 125

    (f) Energy provided by HESS 125

    Vehicle speed profile 126

    Experimental setup 127

    Speed profile plot 129

    (a) Main battery and auxiliary battery source voltage 129

    4.22 (b) Switching pulses of MMCC converter 130

    4.22 (c) Auxiliary source current corresponds to the

    hall signal 130

    (d) Auxiliary source current corresponds to

    boost pulses 131

    (a) Auxiliary source charging current and voltage corresponds to buck pulse  131

    4.23 (b) Main source discharging current , main and auxiliary source voltage during constant speed

    operation 132

    4.23 (c) Hall signal and corresponding phase current of

    BLDC motor 132


    Redundancy check (a) Schematic of two module MMCC converter (b) Boost operation using

    2- module with CR>RVS (c) Buck operation using

    single module with CR

    CR variation in MMCCC using redundancy

    capability (a) Battery SOC (b) UC SOC 138

    5-level, 4-module MMCCC configuration 140

    Buck Operation 141

    Boost operation 142

    Switching signals of SB and SR switches 144

    Voltage across the modules of 5-level,

    four-module MMCCC 144

    Fault analysis of MMCC (a) Before fault

    (b) After fault 146

    Voltage across the modules of MMCC converter 147

    SOC status of battery and UC 147

    Conventional buck- boost BDC topology 148

    Current through main switch S1 150

    Voltage spikes across main switch S1 150

    UC current 151

    Current through main switch S2 152

    Voltage spike across main switch S2 153

    DC bus current 153

    Energy requirement of a 3-wheeled LEV 156

    Li-ion battery requirement 157

    Parallel stack requirement of battery 158

    Cost and weight of the battery system 158

    BESS without regeneration 160


    BESS with regeneration 162

    Range and IDC cycle estimation for BESS and HESS 164

    Estimated life cycle and time durability of

    battery system 165

    Cost break down of various components of electric

    power train 166

    Classification of total operating cost of ESS 167

    Capital cost analysis 170

    Operating cost analysis 170


    -  Acceleration Power

    Fad - Aerodynamic Drag

    -  Amplitude modulation

    - Amplitude of square wave

    - Amplitude of triangular wave

    CCBatt - Annual capital cost of battery

    -  Annual replacement cost

    RCBatt - Annual replacement cost of battery

    ARAI - Automotive Research Association of India

    -  Average charge/discharge current

    UC(dec) - Average current of UC during deceleration

    UC(acc) - Average current of UC during acceleration

    ̅ - Average input current

    MCBatt - Average maintenance cost of battery

    ̅ - Average output

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