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Crystal Connections
Crystal Connections
Crystal Connections
Ebook358 pages1 hour

Crystal Connections

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About this ebook

Bestselling author and crystal expert Philip Permutt offers the essential guide on how to take advantage of the powerful properties of crystals and how to apply their healing energies.

Crystals not only heal but also affect how we feel and influence our responses to the wider world. They can support us when we feel down and help to boost our natural abilities when we're doing well or need a helping hand. Crystals improve the quality of our lives. If simply by adding beauty, they make us feel better. Crystal Connections is a detailed, accessible and fully illustrated guide to harnessing the magic of crystals, written by one of the world's leading crystal healers. While there are many books on crystals, this one is directed at communicating and understanding the messages within them. Learn how to recognise and connect with the energy of your crystals, work with them in dowsing, divination and healing practices, how they relate to chakras, how to cleanse and look after them and much more. Also included is a full-colour crystal finder section featuring 101 of the most common crystals.
PublisherCICO Books
Release dateApr 11, 2023
Crystal Connections

Philip Permutt

Philip Permutt discovered crystals around fifteen years ago after a severe illness; he has been practising as a crystal healer and teacher ever since. He owns and runs iSiS Crystals, the largest and most successful crystal store in the UK, with its integral healing centre. Philip is also a dowser and uses this ability, together with the magic of crystals, to change the energies in homes, offices and shops. Philip has lectured on crystals and crystal healing, and runs workshops on crystals and associated subjects. He is the author of The Crystal Healer, which has sold over 50,000 copies worldwide, and The Little Book of Crystal Tips and Cures, both available from CICO Books.

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    Crystal Connections - Philip Permutt


    When the Stone People Spoke to Me

    It was the year 1991…I had suffered from Crohn’s disease for a decade and had had a couple of bowel re-sections. That’s when a surgeon removes part of your gut and then sticks the rest back together with a giant staple gun! This year it was different. I had another bowel re-section, but this time the sciatic nerve going to my right leg was stuck to my small bowel in multiple places, causing excruciating and continuous pain. The surgeons didn’t think they could separate the nerve from the bowel cleanly. The options were:

    (1) hopefully, but very unlikely, the nerve and bowel could be separated;

    (2) remove the bowel: side-effect, colostomy bag for the rest of my life; or

    (3) sever the sciatic nerve to stop the pain—the side effect of this being that I wouldn’t be able to walk again.

    At the age of 31, this is a hell of a decision to have to make.

    Anyway, following the operation the doctor said, The operation was a great success, but I’m sorry, you can’t walk. And this was the moment in time that I suddenly became interested in alternative therapies!

    Over the next few weeks, I tried many different energy therapies, including a lot of crystal healing. One day, I wanted to have a cigarette (yes, back then, like so many other people, I smoked). You were allowed to smoke in one place inside the hospital (yes, back then, you were allowed to smoke in hospitals!). This area was in a corridor by an open window. I was in a room off the corridor, in a bed, with lots of tubes running into me, and I couldn’t walk. I had this drip going into my left arm and that was on a wheelie stand. On the other side of the bed was a big contraption pumping pre-digested food into my heart. Fascinating…I always wondered who digested the food for me! Anyway, I recall somehow managing to maneuver the two wheeled stands to the edge of the bed, into the corridor, and toward the open window in the corridor. And finally, there I was, peacefully minding my own business and having a quiet smoke when a nurse appeared and said: What are you doing here? And I thought to myself, here we go, the smoking lecture. Then she said, You can’t walk, get back to bed! And that was the moment of realization that, firstly, I could walk again and, secondly, these weird energy treatments I’d been having really worked!

    With the aid of my two now-trusted wheeled contraptions, I walked back to my room. The first thing I saw was a quartz crystal next to my bed and he said, So, now you get it. That was the first time I ever heard a crystal speak. I didn’t imagine it; I felt it through my being. Wow!

    Six weeks and two days later, I walked out of the hospital, albeit slowly, without the aid of crutches or walking sticks.

    The next 12 months were spent convalescing, acquiring crystals, and learning to listen to their messages. Over the next 30 years, I learned about the amazing Stone People, listening to them and learning their language, healing myself and healing others, and teaching crystal healing and writing books about it.

    Crystal Connections sets out to show you my methods for tapping into and understanding these amazing Stone People and the messages they bring us. In my opinion, if crystals can talk, then they must be living…let’s connect with them.

    Chapter One


    Are crystals alive? Well, we’re going to delve into the concept of crystals as living beings and how they might be the original source of DNA and complex life as we know it.

    Then we’ll explore crystal energy and some of the ways it affects us. You will discover practical exercises to show you how you can tune in to crystal energy and listen to the messages your crystals hold for you.

    Crystals Are Living Beings

    Many moons ago, I did a degree in Applied Biology. The question always asked during my studies was what is the borderline of life? In other words, what is the lowest evolutionary level at which something can be described as alive? Biologists agree that for an organism to be considered as living, then it or its species must be able to eat, grow, and reproduce. About half of all biologists will tell you that the lowest organism on the evolutionary scale is a bacterium, which is a single-celled organism that has a cell wall but no central nucleus, whereas the other half say it is a virus, a core of RNA or DNA genetic material surrounded by a protective coat of protein.


    So, let’s explore the difference between bacteria and viruses. Imagine an experiment in which you take some bacteria and put them in a petri dish. This is a plastic dish, often used in laboratories, with a tight-fitting cover and half-filled with a growth medium, which is a liquid or gel that contains everything the bacteria need to survive. If you leave the dish in the corner of a lab, when you come back the following week, there will be lots and lots of bacteria because they have eaten the growth medium, grown slightly, and reproduced massively.

    You cannot do this with viruses because they are only able to replicate inside the living cells of a specific host. In fact, viruses are highly specialized and must be in a very specific host environment in order to thrive. However, if you kept them in the specific environment for that species of virus, then you would find they had eaten their environment, grown a little, and reproduced a lot.


    The only difference between bacteria and viruses is that the latter need to be in their own specific growing medium. In general, a virus that affects your lungs cannot infect those of your cat; the virus that makes your budgie’s feathers fall out cannot affect you; and the virus that infects your skin cannot infect your kidneys—viruses are usually that specific. Interestingly, this is also why on the very rare occasion that a virus jumps species, we have a pandemic, just like the one caused by the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2.

    Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2


    Now let’s explore whether crystals are also living organisms, using the definitions used by biologists for all life forms—that they can eat, grow, and reproduce:

    Crystals can eat Crystals eat the environment in which they are growing, as this contains readily available building blocks of the mineral from which they are made. Quartz crystals, for example, eat oxygen and silicon from their surroundings, while selenite requires oxygen, hydrogen, calcium, and sulfur to grow.

    Crystals can grow Crystals grow, which is why you find small ones and large ones! The larger ones were once little crystals too.

    Crystals can reproduce Crystals reproduce in two ways: through separation and seeding. Separation occurs if a crystal breaks away from its crystal family while it is growing, which can be caused by earthquakes, the Earth’s tectonic movements, or even lightning strikes. When this happens, the crystal sometimes starts to produce babies at the broken end. These are often called self-healed crystals.

    Self-healed crystal

    In seeding, small pieces of crystal break off and act as a seed for a new crystal. Dust particles in the growing medium can also act as a seed to start the crystal-growing process (see Cairns-Smith, A. G., Seven Clues to the Origin of Life, CUP, 1985). To understand the seeding reproduction method, we must consider the age of a crystal and the age of the planet, and recognize that we as human beings cannot begin to comprehend these huge expanses of time. Crystals exist on a different time scale to us, with many being millions, hundreds of millions, or even billions of years old. For example, although quartz and selenite crystals can be ancient, some are still growing and even the younger ones may have started growing when dinosaurs roamed the Earth, and the youngest may have been seeded today. The oldest crystals, such as zircon, formed when the Earth first became solid around four billion years ago.


    If you destroy a quartz crystal, smashing it into a million pieces and scattering them, each small piece of crystal that ends up in the perfect growing environment for quartz crystals will act as a seed crystal and grow into a new crystal. Quartz crystals are found all over the world because over the last four billion years every part of the Earth’s surface has, at one time or another, provided the perfect growing environment for quartz crystals. Then, over the next 11 billion years—before we disappear into the Sun—it is likely that every area of the planet’s surface will, at different times, continue to provide the perfect growing environment for quartz.

    Therefore, we can perhaps class crystals as living beings because, just like viruses, they need a specific growing environment in which to flourish. If we regard viruses as living, then surely the same applies to crystals?

    Crystals have an intelligence different to ours. When you are drawn to a crystal, are you choosing the crystal or is it choosing you?


    Fascinatingly, the sacred pipestone, which is used to make the ceremonial pipes of America’s First Nation peoples, is catlinite (or kaolinite), one of the very crystals purported to be the first form of life.

    Catlinite rough rock


    Crystals are likely to be the source of life on Earth, possibly creating the genetic code of life—the RNA/DNA polymers containing the genetic instructions that allow complex organisms to replicate (see Cairns-Smith, A. G. and H. Hartman (eds), Clay Minerals and the Origin of Life, CUP, 1987). In fact, some scientists believe crystals could even be our oldest ancestors (see Cairns-Smith, A. G., Oliver and Boyd, The Life Puzzle, University of Toronto Press, 1971)! Although this may seem improbable, I like to remember the following lines from Arthur Conan Doyle’s The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes: It is an old maxim of mine that when you exclude the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.


    Crystal Energy

    Crystals are all around us every day. Most people think of crystals as the pretty items you can buy in crystal stores and gift stores, but I like to include the whole mineral kingdom in my colloquial use of the word crystal. So, this includes crystals, gems, jewelry gemstones, rocks, pebbles on the beach or in your backyard, sacred monoliths and stone circles, and even a mountain made of crystals, rocks, and minerals. Just as individual crystals can talk to you, so the land speaks to you too. You will also find crystals inside today’s modern gadgets and technology, such as quartz and tourmaline crystals with their solid state electric field in electrical circuits and rubies in laser technology. In fact, our entire 21st-century lifestyle is based on crystal technology.

    Ruby in laser technology

    Cradle of Humankind, Republic of South Africa

    The Cradle of Humankind lies about 50km (31 miles) northwest of Johannesburg, in the Republic of South Africa. Declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1999, the area is home to the world’s largest number of fossils of our human ancestors. There is a series of caves in the region that contain the earliest human remains found so far. These include some species of hominid, primates (including humans), and their ancient, bipedal, upright-walking relatives who evolved into you and me, as well as several that disappeared along the evolutionary ladder. They were found at different levels in the caves as archeologists excavated the sites over many years. Connecting all these different species is the use of crystals in the form of stone tools, which have been found at every level of the caves. This means that around 3.3 million years ago,

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