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Unpacking Your Life's Purpose
Unpacking Your Life's Purpose
Unpacking Your Life's Purpose
Ebook116 pages3 hours

Unpacking Your Life's Purpose

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Finally, a book that cuts through the fluff and helps you live YOUR life on purpose! Unpacking Your Life's Purpose offers a journey to discover and unleash the authentic, passionate YOU that's been begging to be heard. No more simply going through the motions of existence - this book awakens you to truly LIVE YOU to the fullest.

Release dateJul 15, 2024
Unpacking Your Life's Purpose

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    Book preview

    Unpacking Your Life's Purpose - Peter Wescombe




    What Does Life’s Purpose Mean?

    Why Does it Matter?

    Trusting in Your Life’s Purpose

    Clues to Discovering Your

    Life’s Purpose

    Core Values and Belief

    Passions, Desires, and Ambitions

    Interests and Curiosity

    Listening to Your Heart and Connecting to Source Energy

    Living in the Moment

    Moments of Flow and Fulfillment.

    What Energizes You, and What Drains You?

    Milestones, Patterns and Pivotal Moments

    Hobbies, Free-time Activities,

    and Volunteer Projects

    What do Your Friends and Family Say About You?

    Natural Gifts, Talents, and Abilities

    Allow Yourself to Dream and Imagine

    Experimenting with Different Paths and Activities

    Hindrances and Blocks to Discovering Your Life’s Purpose

    Negative Religious Connotations with Life’s Purpose

    Mindsets and Limiting Beliefs

    Arguing for Your Limitations

    Fear of the Unknown, and Autonomic Nervous System Responses.

    Fear of Rejection or Failure

    External Pressures

    Lack of Self-confidence and Self-worth

    Opting Out of the Hamster Wheel Lifestyle

    Procrastination vs Making a Decision to Do it Now

    Lack of Clarity and Direction

    Current Occupation and/or Skills

    Victim Mentality

    Lack of Self-love and Self-care

    It’s too Risky, and I’ll Never Make Money Living My Life’s Purpose.

    Living Your Life’s Purpose

    Power of Intention

    Magic of Synchro-destiny and the Law of Attraction

    Connecting with Source Energy

    Your Mind is a Good Servant but a Bad Master

    Overcoming Limiting Mindsets and Changing the Concept You Have of Yourself

    Transitioning from Where you Are to Where you Want to Be

    Take a Chance on Me

    – How Risky Is It Really?

    Making Decisions and 7 Ways to Test Your Decision

    Be You - Be Unstoppable - Be Obsessed!

    Listening to Your Body and Its Feelings

    Purpose, Visions, Goals, and Plans

    – How Does it All Fit Together?

    Assessing Your Progress





    This purpose of this book is to provide you with some clarity and simplicity in discovering and living your life on purpose. It sheds light on this hazy, and often neglected area of our lives, offering practical tips and strategies to guide you towards your north star and living your life authentically. This book is not meant to be an in-depth study or a comprehensive instructional study course. It is not the next shiny new object in the spiritual and personal development space. It’s simply a guide to help you in discovering and exploring more about your wonderful life and your purpose on this planet.

    It’s also about building harmony and unity with all humanity rather than a divisive polarized energy where everyone is striving to show that their belief is right – whether it’s religion, politics, personal development gurus, tools, techniques, modalities, or whatever. As the wise Native American proverb states, No tree has branches so foolish as to fight among themselves. We all came from the same life source, we’re all still connected to the same life source, and yet, here we are, after all this time, still not getting it, and still living as though we are strangers and in competition with each other.

    Having said that, if there’s one thing I’ve learned in life, it’s the fact that no two people are the same. In the words of Carl Jung, The shoe that fits one person pinches another; there is no recipe for living that suits all cases. Whether it’s our physicality, our emotional makeup, our points of view, our concept of ourselves, our beliefs, gifts, talents, wants, dreams, and the many other aspects of our DNA and environmental evolvement, it’s all about variety and uniqueness. We are each born as an authentically unique human being with a desire for full expression and expansion of that uniqueness. Like in nature; every plant, bush, and tree grows, expands, and expresses itself as fully and uniquely as it possibly can. Unfortunately, unlike the plant kingdom, once we humans grow up and get control of our lives, we tend to put limitations on ourselves, carefully constructing ceilings, safety zones, and parameters for our lives. We turn down the dials on our mind-set thermostat, settling for moderate, mediocre, normal and average. These sensible adjustments we make to our lives act like dams, restricting the free flow of the life’s powerful energy that yearns to course through us. Consequently, most people live way below their full potential, missing out on the rich, rewarding and fulfilling lives that are well within their grasp.

    Through years of coaching and interacting with many people, I’ve observed a recurring pattern. Besides those who’ve already achieved their desired success and are living purposefully, there seem to be two distinct groups, or stages of people who are aspiring and desiring to do so. Interestingly, I’ve personally had the opportunity to experience both of these stages. One group are those who are just getting started, stepping out, toe dipping, and exploring alternatives to mainstream lifestyle - recognizing there must be more to life than living ordinarily and are keen to discover more. The other group are those who are already involved in the personal development space and are learning and growing personally and spiritually, but have not yet achieved the success and breakthroughs they desire. Many in this group have spent lots of time and money reading books, attending seminars, and studying courses and programmes. However, they are still struggling in some areas and not living in full alignment with their purpose, or they are not yet experiencing the successful results they believe they are meant to have.

    This book is intended as a companion and guide for those who, like me, have always felt a deep curiosity and an inner knowing that there must be more to our lives than simply existing. The idea of living a purely physical life, devoid of any real purpose, followed by an inevitable end, has never resonated with me. This yearning for something beyond the ordinary has led me to explore alternative paths, and it is this exploration that I share with you on these pages. I also spent years trying to figure out my purpose and how to live a successful and purposeful life, including many of my earlier years in a religious missionary cult. Then, in more recent years, I have invested my time and money in studying, and experiencing as many different self-development and spiritually aligned courses, and programmes as I could get my hands on. There’s a lot of good material out there these days, but we can easily get caught up

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