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PostgreSQL 16 Cookbook, Second Edition: Solve challenges across scalability, performance optimization, essential commands, cloud provisioning, backup, and recovery
PostgreSQL 16 Cookbook, Second Edition: Solve challenges across scalability, performance optimization, essential commands, cloud provisioning, backup, and recovery
PostgreSQL 16 Cookbook, Second Edition: Solve challenges across scalability, performance optimization, essential commands, cloud provisioning, backup, and recovery
Ebook233 pages1 hour

PostgreSQL 16 Cookbook, Second Edition: Solve challenges across scalability, performance optimization, essential commands, cloud provisioning, backup, and recovery

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Offering a detailed practical look at PostgreSQL 16's new features, "PostgreSQL 16 Cookbook, Second Edition" equips database administrators and developers to take advantage of the most recent developments. This edition provides in-depth coverage of enhanced logical replication, which now includes the ability to replicate from standby s

Release dateAug 9, 2024
PostgreSQL 16 Cookbook, Second Edition: Solve challenges across scalability, performance optimization, essential commands, cloud provisioning, backup, and recovery

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    PostgreSQL 16 Cookbook, Second Edition - Peter G

    PostgreSQL 16 Cookbook

    Second Edition

    Solve challenges across scalability, performance optimization, essential commands, cloud provisioning, backup, and recovery

    Peter G


    Offering a detailed practical look at PostgreSQL 16's new features, PostgreSQL 16 Cookbook, Second Edition equips database administrators and developers to take advantage of the most recent developments. Building on the foundation of version 15, this second edition with version 16 walks you through the enhancements that make PostgreSQL a game changer in the database world.

    This edition provides in-depth coverage of enhanced logical replication, which now includes the ability to replicate from standby servers. We provide detailed instructions for setting up these advanced replication configurations, allowing you to better distribute workloads and improve data availability. The optimization of concurrent bulk loading capabilities for faster data ingestion is another noteworthy addition. Another standout feature of PostgreSQL 16 is the expanded SQL/JSON syntax, which gives developers more control over JSON data management. Our book contains practical solutions and examples for using the new JSON functions and operators, which make it easier to store, query, and manipulate JSON data in your applications. We walk you through the process of configuring refined user roles and permissions, ensuring effective access control in complex environments. Additionally, the book teaches new monitoring capabilities introduced with the pg_stat_io view, which provide insights into I/O operations to help optimize performance.

    The book goes on to implement performance enhancements such as SIMD acceleration for processing ASCII and JSON strings, as well as the new load balancing feature, load_balance_hosts, which distributes traffic efficiently among multiple servers. The goal of this book is to provide you with the knowledge you need to successfully manage, optimize, and troubleshoot database environments by providing a deep-dive understanding of how to implement and benefit from PostgreSQL 16's latest features.

    In this book you will learn how to:

    Boost data availability and workload distribution using advanced logical replication techniques.

    Apply the SIMD acceleration to expedite the processing of ASCII and JSON strings.

    Make use of improved SQL/JSON syntax to manage complicated JSON data operations.

    Enhance efficiency and decrease query times by optimizing query performance with parallel execution.

    Utilize pg_stat_io for troubleshooting and monitoring I/O operations.

    Utilize Rust libraries like pgx and rust-postgres for easy integration with PostgreSQL.

    Distribute workload among numerous PostgreSQL instances by configuring load_balance_hosts.

    Simplify user role configurations and security with refined privilege management.

    Utilize pgBackRest and Barman to implement strong backup strategies.

    Optimize database performance using concurrent bulk loading.


    It is with great pleasure that I, as the author of PostgreSQL 16 Cookbook, Second Edition, join you on such a journey of addressing PostgreSQL flaws. PostgreSQL has long been regarded as a pillar of the open-source database community, known for its robustness, scalability, and extensibility. My goals in revising this book for a second time are to make it more up-to-date with the features and improvements in PostgreSQL 16 and to fix any mistakes or missing information from the original so that it is useful for database administration novices and experts alike.

    With great effort, I have integrated the new features and enhancements brought in by PostgreSQL 16, such as improved logical replication, which permits replication from standby servers. I explore these new possibilities for data availability and workload distribution in detail, giving you examples and solutions to help you implement them in your own environments. One of the most notable features of PostgreSQL 16 is the addition of SIMD acceleration, which significantly improves the performance of string processing tasks. I've dedicated an entire chapter to SIMD acceleration, demonstrating how to use this feature to optimize database operations, especially when dealing with large amounts of JSON and ASCII data. Through practical examples, I demonstrate the performance gains possible with SIMD, allowing you to maximize the potential of your hardware. I've expanded the security and access control sections to include enhancements, as well as tips for configuring user roles and privileges to effectively protect your data. This edition also covers advanced authentication methods like LDAP and SSL, giving you the knowledge you need to protect your databases from modern threats.

    Along with these updates, I've fixed the problems with the previous edition by breaking down tricky concepts and giving more thorough explanations where they were lacking. For example, the backup and recovery sections have been thoroughly revised to include new tools such as pgBackRest and Barman, which provide powerful solutions for point-in-time recovery and continuous archiving. I've included practical examples to help you set up reliable backup strategies, ensuring that you're prepared for any situation. I've also worked on integrating PostgreSQL with modern programming languages, particularly Rust. Rust's growing popularity in the systems programming community makes it an excellent choice for developing high-performance database applications. I've included examples from popular Rust libraries such as pgx and rust-postgres that show how you can use Rust's safety and concurrency features to create efficient and dependable database applications.

    My goal throughout this book is to give you a clear and practical understanding of PostgreSQL 16, allowing you to face the challenges of database management with confidence. Whether you're upgrading from PostgreSQL 15 or starting from scratch with version 16, this cookbook provides a wealth of information and insights to help you succeed. I've worked hard to make this second edition an indispensable resource for anyone working with PostgreSQL by filling in the gaps and inaccuracies of the previous edition and incorporating the most recent developments. Thank you for joining me on this journey, and I hope you find this edition useful and inspiring.

    Copyright © 2024 by GitforGits

    All rights reserved. This book is protected under copyright laws and no part of it may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the publisher. Any unauthorized reproduction, distribution, or transmission of this work may result in civil and criminal penalties and will be dealt with in the respective jurisdiction at anywhere in India, in accordance with the applicable copyright laws.

    Published by: GitforGits

    Publisher: Sonal Dhandre

    [email protected]

    Printed in India

    First Printing: August 2024

    Cover Design by: Kitten Publishing

    For permission to use material from this book, please contact GitforGits at [email protected].





    Chapter 1: Preparing PostgreSQL 16


    Recipe #1: Simplify PostgreSQL Architecture

    Core Components

    Auxiliary Processes

    Data Storage Objects

    Query Execution Process

    Practical Tips

    Recipe #2: Installing PostgreSQL 16.1 from Binaries

    Step-by-step Installation

    Post-Installation Configuration

    Verification and Testing

    Recipe #3: Installing PostgreSQL 16.1 from Source Code

    Step-by-step Installation

    Compile PostgreSQL

    Post-Installation Configuration

    Verification and Testing

    Recipe #4: Parsing Database Startup Logs

    Parsing PostgreSQL Logs

    Sample Program: Troubleshooting a Startup Error

    Recipe #5: Discovering PostgreSQL Database Structural Objects

    Key Structural Objects





    Stored Procedures

    Discovering Structural Objects

    Sample Program: Analyzing Database Structure

    List All Tables

    Describe a Specific Table

    Identify Indexes

    Analyze Views

    Explore Stored Procedures

    Recipe #6: Understanding Use of Key Configuration Parameters

    Key Configuration Parameters










    Chapter 2: Performing Basic PostgreSQL Operations


    Recipe #1: Exploring AdventureWorks Database

    Production Schema

    Sales Schema

    Purchasing Schema

    HumanResources Schema

    Person Schema

    dbo Schema

    Recipe #2: Selecting Right Database Schema

    Understanding PostgreSQL Schema Types

    Public Schema

    Private Schema

    Creating Schemas

    Moving Objects Between Schemas

    Benefits of using Schemas

    Recipe #3: Selecting Indexing Techniques

    Indexing Techniques in PostgreSQL

    B-tree Indexing

    Hash Indexing

    GiST Indexing (Generalized Search Tree)

    SP-GiST Indexing (Space-Partitioned Generalized Search Tree)

    GIN Indexing (Generalized Inverted Index)

    BRIN Indexing (Block Range INdex)

    Optimizing Database

    Optimize Sales Orders by Date

    Improve Full-Text Search on Product Descriptions

    Enhance Query Performance for Customer Lookups

    Recipe #4: Preparing Database Log Directory

    Setting up the Log Directory

    Using ‘logging_collector’

    Recipe #5: Using PostgreSQL TOAST

    Using TOAST

    Viewing TOASTed Data

    Recipe #6: Creating and Administering PostgreSQL Temporary Tables

    Creating Temporary Tables

    Sample Program: Performing Data Analysis

    Recipe #7: Using SELECT in WITH Queries

    Understanding CTEs

    Using Multiple CTEs

    Sample Program: Analyzing Sales Performance

    Recipe #8: Running Recursive Queries

    Understanding Recursive Queries

    Recursive Queries for Organizational Charts

    Sample Program: Exploring Product Categories


    Chapter 3: PostgreSQL Cloud Provisioning


    Recipe #1: Create PostgreSQL AWS Instance and Manage Database Connection

    Configure RDS Instance

    Connect to RDS Instance using pgAdmin

    Launch and Connect EC2 Instance

    Recipe #2: Native Backup/Restore with AWS EC2 Instance

    Backup the Database

    Restore the Database from Backup

    Recipe #3: Natively Backup/Restore with AWS RDS Instance

    Create Manual Snapshot

    Restore from Snapshot and Verify Resoration

    Recipe #4: Manage Connection to Database on AWS

    Modify Security Group Rules

    Use PgBouncer

    Recipe #5: Perform Replication of Database on AWS

    Create a Read Replica

    Monitor Replication Performance

    Recipe #6: Run PostgreSQL Bi-directional Replication using pglogical

    Install pglogical Extension

    Configure Replication Nodes

    Create Replication Subscriptions


    Chapter 4: Database Migration to Cloud and PostgreSQL


    Recipe #1: Migrating from On-Premise to AWS EC2/RDS Instance

    Create Database Backup

    Transfer Backup to AWS Environment

    Verify Migration

    Recipe #2: Utilizing AWS Data Migration Service (DMS)

    Setup AWS Environment

    Create Endpoints in AWS DMS Replication Instance

    Create Database Migration Task


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