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Clean Android Architecture: Take a layered approach to writing clean, testable, and decoupled Android applications
Clean Android Architecture: Take a layered approach to writing clean, testable, and decoupled Android applications
Clean Android Architecture: Take a layered approach to writing clean, testable, and decoupled Android applications
Ebook650 pages3 hours

Clean Android Architecture: Take a layered approach to writing clean, testable, and decoupled Android applications

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About this ebook

As an application’s code base increases, it becomes harder for developers to maintain existing features and introduce new ones. In this clean architecture book, you'll learn to identify when and how this problem emerges and how to structure your code to overcome it.
The book starts by explaining clean architecture principles and Android architecture components and then explores the tools, frameworks, and libraries involved. You’ll learn how to structure your application in the data and domain layers, the technologies that go in each layer, and the role that each layer plays in keeping your application clean. You’ll understand how to arrange the code into these two layers and the components involved in assembling them. Finally, you'll cover the presentation layer and the patterns that can be applied to have a decoupled and testable code base.
By the end of this architecture book, you'll be able to build an application following clean architecture principles and have the knowledge you need to maintain and test the application easily.

Release dateJun 20, 2022
Clean Android Architecture: Take a layered approach to writing clean, testable, and decoupled Android applications

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    Clean Android Architecture - Alexandru Dumbravan



    Clean Android Architecture

    Copyright © 2022 Packt Publishing

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    First published: June 2022

    Production reference: 2280922

    Published by Packt Publishing Ltd.

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    ISBN 978-1-80323-458-8

    This book is dedicated to all the developers who went the extra mile to learn, practice, hack, innovate, and then pass their knowledge on to others. This propelled our development world forward and made this book a possibility. This book is also dedicated to all the people in my life who supported me through the times I was staring desperately at a computer screen filled with compile errors.

    Alexandru Dumbravan


    If you think good architecture is expensive, try bad architecture.

    — Brian Foote, CEO of HUMBL

    We know deep down that this statement is true. Poorly architected code can cause problems in your application, but it can also make your code hard to understand, navigate, be improved upon, and difficult to use for other developers.

    The glass is neither half empty nor half full. It’s simply larger than it needs to be.

    — Grace Hopper

    Grace Hopper was an American computer scientist and Navy officer. She knew the importance of a well-structured and clean architecture. They’re flexible, higher performing, far more scalable, easier to test, and you can maintain them a lot faster and more easily. A clean architecture is focused on getting the application layers built as efficiently as possible, without leaving behind (as Grace might say) leftover cup.

    In a mobile application, clean architecture is more important than ever. You might find yourself battling against battery issues, memory consumption issues, security problems, compatibility, or environmental changes. Your mobile application needs to truly achieve portability.

    In Clean Android Architecture, Alexandru Dumbravan applies his experience of developing Android applications for over 10 years. He takes you through a quick tour of the core software design principles and through the key features in the Android framework and supporting libraries.

    Next, you’ll dig deep in data sources. It’s vital to understand the libraries and frameworks that are available for you to access and manage data. Then, Alexandru naturally transitions into data presentation. How do you present data to the user? You’ll break down how the user interface (UI) works and how to build your own UI solution.

    Later, you’ll learn how to manage dependencies. Part of the value that Alexandru brings to the book is that he shows you how these different challenges were handled in the past, and what has changed over time. You’ll then see how to build the domain layer to sit in the center of your application and to control your app logic. Next, you’ll build the data layer to create and manage your data. The presentation layer handles the UI and the input/output. Finally, you’ll put the modules together and test your application.

    By building an Android application with a clean architecture, you’ll be able to put every piece of your code to work, and you’ll end up with a far more scalable, performant, and maintainable application. This is a book that you’ll want to come back to, to make sure you’ve got each step of this process down. And once you do, well, we all know that the present and future is in mobile applications. So, the question is, where are you taking us?

    Ed Price Senior Program Manager of Architectural Publishing Microsoft, Azure Architecture Center ( of 7 Books, including Meg the Mechanical Engineer, The Azure Cloud Native Architecture Mapbook (Packt), and ASP.NET Core 5 for Beginners (Packt)


    About the author

    Alexandru Dumbravan has been an Android developer since 2011 and has worked across a variety of Android applications that have contained features such as messaging, voice calls, file management, and file management. He continues to broaden his development skills while working in London for a popular fintech company.

    About the reviewers

    Revathi Gopalakrishnan is a software professional with 20 years of experience in the IT industry. She has worked extensively in mobile application development and has led various enterprise mobile enablement initiatives for large organizations and consumer applications for customers around the globe. She is also interested in emerging areas, such as machine learning, IoT, and robotic process automation. She has authored a book with Packt titled Mobile Machine Learning. Revathi resides in Chennai and enjoys spending her weekends with her husband and her two lovely daughters.

    Jose Miguel is a software engineer who specializes in mobile development, with 5 years of experience. He has an Android associate developer certification from Google. He is also involved in the start-up tech community as a mentor in the OpenLab Peru community, bringing guidance to new Android developers and entrepreneurs who want to gain certain expertise in the mobile world. He resides in Lima, Peru, and enjoys watching movies, reading comics, boxing, traveling, and learning about new cultures and people around the world.

    Table of Contents


    Part 1 – Introduction

    Chapter 1: Getting Started with Clean Architecture

    Technical requirements

    The architecture of a legacy app

    Legacy analysis

    Software design principles

    SOLID principles

    Component cohesion principles

    Component coupling principles

    Exploring the evolution of Android


    The Gradle build system


    Humble objects

    Functional paradigms

    Kotlin adoption

    Dependency injection

    Android architecture components

    Coroutines and flows

    Jetpack Compose

    Enter clean architecture


    Chapter 2: Deep Diving into Data Sources

    Technical requirements

    Understanding Kotlin coroutines and Flows

    Kotlin coroutines

    Exercise 02.01 – Using Kotlin coroutines

    Kotlin Flows

    Exercise 02.02 – Using Kotlin Flows

    Using OkHttp and Retrofit for networking

    Exercise 02.03 – Using OkHttp and Retrofit

    Using the Room library for data persistence

    Exercise 02.04 – Using Room to persist data

    Understanding and using the DataStore library

    Exercise 02.05 – Using DataStore to persist data


    Chapter 3: Understanding Data Presentation on Android

    Technical requirements

    Analyzing lifecycle-aware components

    Exercise 3.1 – Using ViewModel and LiveData

    Using Jetpack Compose to build UIs

    Exercise 3.2 – Navigating using Jetpack Compose


    Chapter 4: Managing Dependencies in Android Applications

    Technical requirements

    Introduction to DI

    Using Dagger 2 to manage dependencies

    Using Hilt to manage dependencies

    Exercise 04.01 – Using Hilt to manage dependencies


    Part 2 – Domain and Data Layers

    Chapter 5: Building the Domain of an Android Application

    Technical requirements

    Introducing the app's architecture

    Creating the domain layer

    Exercise 05.01 – Building a domain layer


    Chapter 6: Assembling a Repository

    Technical requirements

    Creating the data layer

    Creating repositories

    Exercise 06.01 – Creating repositories


    Chapter 7: Building Data Sources

    Technical requirements

    Building and using remote data sources

    Exercise 07.01 – Building a remote data source

    Building and integrating local data sources

    Exercise 07.02 – Building a local data source


    Part 3 – Presentation Layer

    Chapter 8: Implementing an MVVM Architecture

    Technical requirements

    Presenting data in Android applications

    Presenting data with MVVM

    Exercise 08.01 – Implementing MVVM

    Presenting data in multiple modules

    Exercise 08.02 – Multi-module data presentation


    Chapter 9: Implementing an MVI Architecture

    Technical requirements

    Introducing MVI

    Implementing MVI with Kotlin flows

    Exercise 09.01 – Transitioning to MVI


    Chapter 10: Putting It All Together

    Technical requirements

    Inspecting module dependencies

    Exercise 10.01 – Reduce dependencies

    Instrumentation testing

    Exercise 10.02 – Instrumented testing


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    As an application's code base increases, it becomes harder for developers to maintain existing features and introduce new ones. In this clean architecture book, you'll learn how to identify when and how this problem emerges and how to structure your code to overcome it.

    The book starts by explaining clean architecture principles and Android architecture components and then explores the tools, frameworks, and libraries involved. You'll learn how to structure your application in the Data and Domain layers, the technologies that go in each layer, and the role that each layer plays in keeping your application clean. You'll understand how to arrange the code into these two layers and the components involved in assembling them. Finally, we'll cover the Presentation layer and the patterns that can be applied to have a decoupled and testable code base.

    By the end of this book, you'll be able to build an application following clean architecture principles and have the knowledge you need to maintain and test the application easily.

    Who this book is for

    This book is for Android developers who want to learn about managing the complexity of their applications and is also highly recommended for intermediate or advanced Android developers looking for a go-to guide for clean architecture and the integration of various Android technologies. New developers familiar with the fundamentals of Android app development will find this book useful, too.

    What this book covers

    Chapter 1, Getting Started with Clean Architecture, starts by presenting the evolution of Android apps with regards to how business logic was structured, and the problems caused by these approaches. It will then transition to how certain patterns were applied to tackle these issues, revealing other sets of issues. Finally, the concept of clean architecture will be introduce, as well as how its principles can be used to solve some of the problems presented previously.

    Chapter 2, Deep Diving into Data Sources, covers what Android tools and frameworks are available to use with regard to the implementation of the data layer and details and expands on the ones that will be used later in the book, such as Kotlin flows and coroutines, Retrofit, Room, and DataStore.

    Chapter 3, Understanding Data Presentation on Android, covers what Android tools and frameworks are available to use with regard to the implementation of the presentation layer and will detail and expand on the ones that will be used later in the book, such as Android ViewModel and Jetpack Compose.

    Chapter 4, Managing Dependencies in Android Applications, provides a quick overview of dependency injection and how it works. It briefly explores some of the dependency injection tools available for Android development, ending with the Hilt dependency injection framework, about which it goes into a more detailed explanation because it will be used in many of the exercises in the book.

    Chapter 5, Building the Domain of an Android Application, describes how to build a domain layer and what components are part of this layer. You will learn about entities and use cases or interactors and what roles they play when it comes to designing the architecture of your application.

    Chapter 6, Assembling a Repository, covers the Data layer and the responsibilities this layer has when it comes to managing an application's data, and how it can use the Repository pattern to achieve this.

    Chapter 7, Building Data Sources, continues the exploration into the Data layer and some examples of data sources that can be defined in Android. You will learn about using remote data sources to load data from various servers as well as local data sources such as Room and DataStore.

    Chapter 8, Implementing an MVVM Architecture, presents the MVVM architecture pattern and how it can be used in an application's presentation layer. You will learn how to use the Android ViewModel and LiveData to build an app with MVVM and integrate use cases into the ViewModel.

    Chapter 9, Implementing an MVI Architecture, presents the MVI architecture pattern and how it can be used in an application's presentation layer. You will learn how to use Kotlin flows and Android ViewModel to implement the MVI pattern.

    Chapter 10, Putting It All Together, covers the benefits of clean architecture by analyzing an example of an application that implements the concepts and then adding instrumentation tests with Espresso and Jetpack Compose. The introduction of UI tests serves as a good example of how we can inject and change certain behaviors in the application for testing purposes without needing to modify the application's code.

    To get the most out of this book

    You'll need the Android Studio IDE installed on your computer (version Arctic Fox 2020.3.1 Patch 3 or above) and Java 8 to be installed. Using later versions of Java such as Java 11 might cause errors when building some of the exercises. Knowing how to trigger builds on an emulator or device and Gradle Synchronizations from Android Studio is recommended before attempting the exercises presented in the book.

    You can expand on the final exercise of the book by optimizing the way the data is loaded, introducing in-memory caches, or integrating new network calls to fetch additional data for the users. You can also improve the instrumentation testing by adding interaction with the list of data and opening new screens and asserting that the correct data is displayed.

    If you are using the digital version of this book, we advise you to type the code yourself or access the code from the book's GitHub repository (a link is available in the next section). Doing so will help you avoid any potential errors related to the copying and pasting of code.

    Download the example code files

    The code bundle for the book is also hosted on GitHub at If there's an update to the code, it will be updated on the existing GitHub repository.

    We also have other code bundles from our rich catalog of books and videos available at Check them out!

    Code in Action

    The Code in Action videos for this book can be viewed at

    Download the color images

    We also provide a PDF file that has color images of the screenshots and diagrams used in this book. You can download it here:

    Conventions used

    There are a number of text conventions used throughout this book.

    Code in text: Indicates code words in text, database table names, folder names, filenames, file extensions, pathnames, dummy URLs, user input, and Twitter handles. Here is an example: Inside the resources folder, create a subfolder called mockito-extensions. Inside this folder, create a file named org.mockito.plugins.MockMaker, and inside this file, add the text mock-maker-inline.

    A block of code is set as follows:

    data class User(

        val id: String,

        val firstName: String,

        val lastName: String,

        val email: String

    ) {

        fun getFullName() = $firstName $lastName


    When we wish to draw your attention to a particular part of a code block, the relevant lines or items are set in bold:


    fun Screen(viewModel: MainViewModel = viewModel(factory = MainViewModelFactory())) {

        viewModel.uiStateLiveData.observeAsState().value?.let {

            UserList(uiState = it)



    Bold: Indicates a new term, an important word, or words that you see onscreen. For instance, words in menus or dialog boxes appear in bold. Here is an example: Create a new project in Android Studio using an Empty Compose Activity.

    Tips or Important Notes

    Appear like this.

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    Part 1 – Introduction

    In this part, you will become familiar with the notion of clean architecture and the principles it provides. This part also explores the tools, frameworks, and libraries used later in the book. 

    This part includes the following chapters:

    Chapter 1, Getting Started with Clean Architecture

    Chapter 2, Deep Diving into Data Sources

    Chapter 3, Understanding Data Presentation on Android

    Chapter 4, Managing Dependencies in Android Applications

    Chapter 1: Getting Started with Clean Architecture

    In this chapter, we'll take you back and show you how a feature would have been implemented in the past while analyzing the potential issues and problems with that approach. Then, we'll look at some key design principles for software development and apply those principles to our legacy examples. After that, we'll cover the evolution of the Android platform and the various libraries and frameworks that have emerged. We'll also see how they can be integrated while adhering to various software design principles.

    After that, we'll introduce clean architecture so that we know what our system needs to be improved and what questions we must ask, as developers, so that we can create a robust, scalable, maintainable, and testable application.

    In this chapter, we're going to cover the following main topics:

    The architecture of a legacy app

    Software design principles

    Exploring the evolution of Android

    Enter clean architecture

    By the end of this chapter, you will know about the evolution of Android development, its architecture, and its design concepts, as well as the concept of clean architecture and how it can be used to build flexible, maintainable,

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