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The Volunteers’ Handbook: Essential Tips For Serving in Children’s Ministry
The Volunteers’ Handbook: Essential Tips For Serving in Children’s Ministry
The Volunteers’ Handbook: Essential Tips For Serving in Children’s Ministry
Ebook140 pages1 hour

The Volunteers’ Handbook: Essential Tips For Serving in Children’s Ministry

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About this ebook

It's time to dive into The Volunteers Handbook: Essential Tips For Serving in Children's Ministry—your ultimate guide to making a lasting impact in the lives of the children and families you serve. Packed with practical advice, inspiring insights, and a sprinkle of fun, this handbook is designed to equip and empower you for the incredible journey of children's ministry.
From understanding your vital role to creating a safe and welcoming environment, you'll find everything you need to know to thrive as a volunteer. You'll learn to reach kids of all ages (and energy levels!), build positive relationships with both children and parents, and master the art of managing classroom behavior like a pro. Discover effective teaching strategies, Get tips on avoiding those burnout blues, and become a part of a dynamic team united in purpose.
Whether you’re a seasoned volunteer or just starting out, this book is your go-to resource for all things children’s ministry. So, dive in, and let’s make every moment count in the lives of our precious children. Because what you do matters—and together, we can inspire a generation for Christ one child at a time!
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateAug 20, 2024
The Volunteers’ Handbook: Essential Tips For Serving in Children’s Ministry


A lover and follower of our Savior, Jesus Christ. A wife of a loving, godly man. A mother of four beautiful children, a mother-in-law to two beautiful daughters-in-law, and a grandma to two beautiful grandchildren.

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    The Volunteers’ Handbook - Esther

    Copyright © 2024 by Esther & Guy Moreno.

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    Scripture quotations marked NIV are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version. NIV. Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved. [Biblica]

    Scripture quotations marked KJV are from the Holy Bible, King James Version (Authorized Version). First published in 1611. Quotes from the KJV Classic Reference Bible, Copyright 1983 by The Zondervan Corporation.

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    Rev. date: 08/20/2024







    Chapter 1Understanding The Importance of Your Role in Children’s Ministry

    Chapter 2Creating A Safe And Welcoming Environment

    Chapter 3Effective Strategies for Reaching Kids of all Ages

    Chapter 4Building Positive Relationships with Children and Parents

    Chapter 5Managing Classroom Behavior and Discipline

    Chapter 6Volunteer Relationships & Teamwork

    Chapter 7Do Not Grow Weary in Well Doing: Keep On Keeping On!

    A Special Thank You to Our Amazing Volunteers


    dedicate this book to Pastor Michael and Katie Hamilton whose love and support have been invaluable to us. You have cultivated a space where volunteers not only belong but thrive. Serving alongside you and your vision has been one of our greatest joys and privileges.


    We are immensely grateful to those who have journeyed with us and supported us in bringing this book to life.

    To my twin sister, Madalyn, and our incredible brother in law, John Allen: Your unwavering availability to care for our children, traveling miles to ensure we can be fully present for conferences, trainings, and special events across the country, has been a blessing beyond measure. Thanks to you, our kids have never missed a beat.

    To Ricardo and Karen Miller of Effective Living: Your friendship and mentorship have been invaluable. Thank you for your guidance, support, and unwavering belief in Child’s Heart and the Morenos. Our love for you goes beyond what words can convey.

    To Yassin Nyka: Your constant unwavering support in creating dynamic graphics has ensured that our hearts behind Child’s Heart LLC are reflected in the most excellent and creative ways. Thank you for your dedication, talent, and cherished friendship. We are eternally grateful for you.

    To Shon (our videographer extraordinaire) and Stephanie Gibbs: You are more than friends; you are true family we can always call on. Thank you for laboring alongside us in the mission of Child’s Heart in countless ways. We are grateful that Gideon has someone else to call mom.

    To our incredible church, The Becoming Church of Huntsville, Alabama: Thank you for being more than just a building. You are a refuge of love and support, and we are deeply grateful for your unwavering presence in our lives.

    To the models from The Becoming Church on this book cover—Nate Brown, Alexis Brown, Ethan Baerlin, Grace Christopher, Katie Hamilton, and Mackenzie Borden: You are more than models; you are dear friends with whom we have the honor of laboring alongside. Your presence and commitment have enriched this journey.

    To our fellow co-laborers and dear friends not pictured on the cover who have labored alongside us in this season to reach the next generation—Jermaine & Ty Dupree, Caleb & Emma Sanders, Mauranda Shingleton, and Cody Jones: Each of you has fueled our passion and calling in ways we cannot fully express. Serving alongside you has been a joyous adventure and a true blessing.

    We are profoundly grateful for each and every one of you. Your love, support, and encouragement have made this journey possible and filled it with immense joy and purpose.

    With heartfelt gratitude,

    Guy & Esther Moreno



    Dear Volunteers,

    We are thrilled to introduce our new book, The Volunteers’ Handbook: Essential Tips for Serving in Children’s Ministry. This book is a labor of love, born from our deep passion for equipping and inspiring those who serve in children’s ministry. Over the years, as national speakers and influencers in this space through our company, Child’s Heart LLC, we have had the immense joy of serving children’s ministry leaders and equipping them with the tools they need to serve with excellence. But our hearts have always been especially moved by the volunteers—the unsung heroes who show up week after week to pour into the lives of our children.

    The idea for this book came to us as we attended conferences across the country. We were always inspired to see so many volunteers attending alongside their directors, eager to learn and grow. We realized that there was a crucial resource missing—something specifically for the volunteers. We felt it was time to pour our hearts and souls into creating a comprehensive guide that would provide you with the tips, encouragement, and inspiring stories you need to thrive in your vital role.

    For the past six years, we have served as volunteers in the local church. We’ve had the privilege of modeling the faith for children, creating safe spaces for kids from all walks of life and challenges, and have put in the work to connect with parents, making them feel seen and heard through authentic connections. We’ve had the not-so-fun task of managing classroom behavior, building positive relationships with kids who weren’t always the easiest to connect with, and have had to learn how to work as a team alongside volunteers who had, well, let’s just say, colorful personalities. We’ve faced the beast of burnout and have had to nurture our own faith through the highs and the lows. Every chapter in this book is written from that experience, with the hope that it will resonate with you and provide the support you need.

    We wrote this book because we believe in the power of volunteers. We know firsthand that the journey can be challenging, but it is also incredibly rewarding. Volunteers are the backbone of children’s ministry, and we want to ensure you have the tools and encouragement to be successful. Our stories, insights, and tips are designed to equip you to serve with excellence and to remind you that you are not alone on this journey.

    If there is anything we have learned from serving, it is that we are the leaders we are today because we started as volunteers. The experiences, the challenges, and the victories have all shaped us into more compassionate, resilient, and effective leaders. And we believe the same is true for you. Your role as a volunteer is not just a stepping stone; it is a vital ministry that impacts the lives of children and families in profound ways.

    We hope this book will uplift your heart, inspire your spirit, and equip you with the knowledge and tools to continue making a difference. Thank you for your dedication, your love, and your unwavering commitment to serving our children. You are the heartbeat of

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