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The AI Revolution: Thriving in the Age of Artificial Intelligence
The AI Revolution: Thriving in the Age of Artificial Intelligence
The AI Revolution: Thriving in the Age of Artificial Intelligence
Ebook58 pages44 minutes

The AI Revolution: Thriving in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

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In The AI Revolution: Thriving in the Age of Artificial Intelligence, Nolan Blackwood takes you on an illuminating journey into the heart of the technological revolution reshaping our world. As AI becomes an integral part of industries ranging from healthcare to finance, the potential for prosperity and progress is unprecedented. Yet, t

Release dateAug 23, 2024

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    Book preview

    The AI Revolution - Nolan Blackwood

    The AI Revolution

    The AI Revolution

    Nolan Blackwood



    Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

    The Impact of AI on Society

    Preparing for the AI Revolution

    AI in Business and Industry

    AI in Healthcare

    AI in Education

    AI in Government and Public Services

    AI and the Future of Work

    The Ethical and Moral Dimensions of AI

    AI and the Environment

    The Future of AI Research and Development

    Conclusion and Looking Ahead

    Copyright © 2024 by Nolan Blackwood

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    First Printing, 2024


    Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

    We are on the cusp of a new era in which artificial intelligence has the potential to make greater, more inclusive prosperity a reality. What will define this era is our collective determination to harness advanced technologies, not to defeat one another in competition that will only leave the human race more vulnerable, but to make the very best of these tools in an inclusive, empowering, planet-friendly way.

    Human-like robots, interactive virtual games, self-directing drones, self-driving cars, computer-based personal assistants, and business software are examples of hardware and software that rely on AI methods. Today, narrow AI is common and has been rapidly improving in recent years. Strong AI, also known as artificial general intelligence, is an AI system with generalized human cognitive abilities. When presented with an unfamiliar task, a strong AI system is capable of finding a solution without human intervention. Because AI is integrated and ultimately deployed in every industry, AI jobs are created in industries as diverse as healthcare, finance, and retail. Some researchers have called for fuller consideration of the potential of AI to create new intermediation, including new types of jobs in which newly educated workers help AI systems operate in value-generating tasks. Others have suggested that lifelong learning will be an essential attribute of a modern workforce.

    Definition and History of AI

    Some features related to AI history include an environment that seems to be dominated by favorable climate, together with unique people and informal relationships. Although resolute by the atomic fear controlled by the Cold War, AI origins can be traced back to the work developed either by Babbage more than 150 years ago or by the first electrical machines that would revolutionize the industry in the 19th century. In fact, the AI subject developed in parallel with the computing science when pioneers like Babbage showed the first giant calculator possessing what he called a brain.

    The term Artificial Intelligence dates back to just over sixty years, while some tales related to its origins could be much older. The AI field is not an easy one to define. It can be considered as the established enterprise of asking computers to do things that people typically do better. A possible definition could be: Artificial Intelligence is the capability to learn, understand, and think. Machines proficient at achieving these capabilities are usually said to possess artificial intelligence (or AI). In any case, and the way the AI term is defined, some sort of abstraction plays the main role in comprehension and synthesis, abstraction being the main human axe offered.

    Types of AI

    However, it isn't likely that artificial general intelligence will be achieved in the next 50 years. Indeed, there is zero evidence that such a technology is either feasible or soon to come about - and indeed much evidence to the contrary. On the other hand, many types of artificial narrow intelligence are likely to be achieved in the coming years.

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