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OpenStack Cookbook
OpenStack Cookbook
OpenStack Cookbook
Ebook344 pages3 hours

OpenStack Cookbook

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About this ebook

OpenStack Cookbook is specifically tailored for cloud professionals, network administrators, and engineers who express a desire to augment their proficiency in effectively managing OpenStack environments. The book provides a pragmatic and interactive methodology with recipes that specifically target solutions to tackle the actual difficulties encountered in implementing and overseeing cloud infrastructure. Every chapter presents systematic solutions, enabling you to develop proficiency in designated OpenStack components. These recipes provide instructions on how to install, configure, and optimize OpenStack services such as Keystone for identity management, Glance for image processing, Neutron for networking, Nova for computing management, Cinder for block storage, and Octavia for load balancing. 


Some of the more advanced topics covered in the book include how to use Heat for Infrastructure as Code (IaC), how to automate and repeat infrastructure deployments, and how to use Heat and Ceilometer to create auto-scaling solutions that dynamically adjust resources according to demand. Typical problems with stack creation, resource management, and orchestration tasks will be explained and solved. The book encompasses a broad spectrum of situations, ranging from the prevention of stack creation failures and template validation errors to the effective management of resource dependencies and performance issues.


Key Learnings

Get the environment quickly settled with all the OpenStack services, including Nova, Keystone, Glance, and Neutron.

Improve your resource allocation skills with practical experience in auto-scaling with Heat and Ceilometer.

Vertigo, XLAN, and security group configurations are just a few of the advanced networking techniques you can learn about in Neutron.

Secure your cloud with SSL termination and volume encryption.

Optimize traffic management and guarantee high availability by deploying Octavia-based load balancing solutions.

Build automated cloud environment management with Infrastructure as Code (IaC).


Table of Content

Setting up OpenStack Infrastructure

Identity Management with Keystone

Image Management with Glance

Networking with Neutron

Compute Resources with Nova

Block Storage with Cinder

Load Balancing with Octavia

Orchestration with Heat

Release dateAug 14, 2024
OpenStack Cookbook

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    OpenStack Cookbook - Jorven Halquin

    OpenStack Cookbook

    Manage Compute, Storage and Networking through Single Interface

    Jorven Halquin


    OpenStack Cookbook is specifically tailored for cloud professionals, network administrators, and engineers who express a desire to augment their proficiency in effectively managing OpenStack environments. The book provides a pragmatic and interactive methodology with recipes that specifically target solutions to tackle the actual difficulties encountered in implementing and overseeing cloud infrastructure. Every chapter presents systematic solutions, enabling you to develop proficiency in designated OpenStack components.

    These recipes provide instructions on how to install, configure, and optimize OpenStack services such as Keystone for identity management, Glance for image processing, Neutron for networking, Nova for computing management, Cinder for block storage, and Octavia for load balancing. Some of the more advanced topics covered in the book include how to use Heat for Infrastructure as Code (IaC), how to automate and repeat infrastructure deployments, and how to use Heat and Ceilometer to create auto-scaling solutions that dynamically adjust resources according to demand. Typical problems with stack creation, resource management, and orchestration tasks will be explained and solved. The book encompasses a broad spectrum of situations, ranging from the prevention of stack creation failures and template validation errors to the effective management of resource dependencies and performance issues.

    With the knowledge you gain from this book, you will be able to set up, administer, and fix OpenStack environments with ease. No matter your level of expertise with OpenStack, this cookbook will equip you with the practical knowledge and solutions you need to use OpenStack efficiently in real-world scenarios.

    In this book you will learn how to:

    Get the environment quickly settlled with all the OpenStack services, including Nova, Keystone, Glance, and Neutron.

    Make easy management of OpenStack cloud environments a reality with these real-world solutions.

    Get your cloud infrastructure up and running consistently and reliably every time with the help of Heat templates.

    Improve your resource allocation skills with practical experience in auto-scaling with Heat and Ceilometer.

    Keep operations stable by troubleshooting common OpenStack issues and providing step-by-step solutions.

    Vertigo, XLAN, and security group configurations are just a few of the advanced networking techniques you can learn about in Neutron.

    Secure your cloud with SSL termination and volume encryption.

    Optimize traffic management and guarantee high availability by deploying Octavia-based load balancing solutions.

    Build automated cloud environment management with Infrastructure as Code (IaC).

    Get to the heart of practical problems by following recipes developed specifically for the demands of enterprise cloud infrastructure.


    You are here: OpenStack Cookbook. Hello, I'm Jorven Halquin, and I've been an expert in cloud infrastructures, particularly OpenStack, for many years. I wrote this book to assist you, network administrators, engineers, and cloud specialists, in making your work with OpenStack more efficient. My goal is to share my knowledge and insights through a series of well-crafted recipes so you can have the most seamless and effective OpenStack experience possible.

    Throughout this book, we will be working with an imaginary but relatable tech company called GitforGits. Initially, GitforGits operated as a small on-premise server-based software development company. Their needs for infrastructure expanded along with their business. To handle their growing number of projects and clients, they discovered that they needed better storage options, more processing power, and a more adaptable networking configuration. They decided to switch to OpenStack at that point. GitforGits selected OpenStack because of its open-source architecture and the complete control it provides over their cloud environment. But they quickly discovered, as many other organizations have, that OpenStack management can be daunting without the proper resources and expertise. This book fills that need. We meticulously crafted every recipe and chapter in this cookbook. We'll go over their issues and investigate how OpenStack can help, whether it's using Keystone for identity management, Nova for virtual machine deployment, or Neutron for complex networking configuration.

    I aimed to make practicality a central theme in this book. I didn't want to limit my advice to abstract ideas or theoretical knowledge. Instead, we organize the content based on real-world issues and their corresponding solutions. We considered using OpenStack's Load Balancer as a Service, Octavia, when GitforGits needed to guarantee that their applications would always be accessible and responsive. We looked into Cinder to handle their block storage needs when they needed safe and effective storage solutions. And Heat became our go-to tool when they wanted automation to handle resource scaling because it allowed us to define infrastructure as code, guaranteeing repeatable and consistent deployments.

    This book aims to empower you to take advantage of OpenStack's full potential in your own environments, not just teach you how to use it. The recipes here are as versatile as the platform itself; both are meant to be easily adjusted to suit your needs. You can use them directly in your scenarios or modify them to suit your specific requirements. I've also included troubleshooting techniques to assist you in overcoming the unavoidable hiccups on the road. I derived these solutions from my own experiences and lessons learned, addressing issues like resource allocation optimization and stack creation failures.

    I hope you'll see the tremendous value that OpenStack can add to your infrastructure as we go through each chapter. Although the GitforGits story is fictional, the problems they encounter and the fixes we provide are very real. By the time this book ends, I want you to feel comfortable taking care of your OpenStack environment and have the know-how to handle any challenge that comes your way.

    Copyright © 2024 by GitforGits

    All rights reserved. This book is protected under copyright laws and no part of it may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the publisher. Any unauthorized reproduction, distribution, or transmission of this work may result in civil and criminal penalties and will be dealt with in the respective jurisdiction at anywhere in India, in accordance with the applicable copyright laws.

    Published by: GitforGits

    Publisher: Sonal Dhandre

    [email protected]

    Printed in India

    First Printing: August 2024

    Cover Design by: Kitten Publishing

    For permission to use material from this book, please contact GitforGits at [email protected].






    Chapter 1: Setting up OpenStack Infrastructure


    Recipe 1: Preparing Hardware for OpenStack Deployment


    Hardware Requirements

    Controller Node

    Compute Node

    Network Configuration

    BIOS and Firmware Configuration

    Operating System Installation

    Post-Installation Configuration

    Recipe 2: Setting up Ubuntu for OpenStack Installation

    Preparing Ubuntu Environment

    Installing OpenStack Client

    Adding OpenStack Bobcat Repository

    Installing OpenStack Packages

    Configuring Database and Messaging Services

    Configuring OpenStack Services

    Starting the Services

    Recipe 3: Installing and Configuring Keystone

    OpenStack Components Overview

    Introduction to Keystone

    Install Keystone Packages

    Configure Keystone Database

    Configure Keystone

    Initialize Fernet Keys

    Bootstrap Keystone

    Configure Apache HTTP Server

    Verify Keystone Installation

    Create Keystone Domain, Projects, Users, and Roles

    Populate the Service Catalog

    Recipe 4: Installing and Configuring Glance

    Glance Overview

    Install Glance Packages

    Configure Glance Database

    Configure Glance

    Register Glance with Keystone

    Start the Glance Services

    Uploading an Image to Glance

    Managing Image Metadata

    Recipe 5: Installing and Configuring Neutron

    Purpose of Neutron

    Install Neutron Packages

    Configure the Neutron Database

    Configure Neutron

    Configure Linux Bridge Agent

    Configure the DHCP Agent

    Configure the Metadata Agent

    Configure the L3 Agent

    Register Neutron with Keystone

    Start the Neutron Services

    Creating a Network and Subnet

    Recipe 6: Installing and Configuring Nova

    Nova’s Characteristics

    Installing and Configuring Nova

    Configure the Nova Database

    Configure Nova

    Configure Nova Compute Service

    Register Nova with Keystone

    Start Nova Services

    Create a Flavor

    Launch an Instance

    Accessing Instance Console

    Recipe 7: Setting up Cinder for Block Storage

    Block Storage and Volume Service

    Introduction to Cinder

    Installing and Configuring Cinder

    Configure Cinder Database

    Configure Cinder

    Prepare LVM Backend

    Register Cinder with Keystone

    Start Cinder Services

    Creating and Attaching a Volume

    Accessing the Volume from the Instance

    Recipe 8: Defining Network Topology for OpenStack

    Understanding Network Topology

    Choosing the Right Network Topology

    Management Network

    Tenant Network

    External (Public) Network

    Storage Network

    Define Management Network

    Create Management Network

    Create Management Subnet

    Define Tenant Network

    Define External Network

    Assign Floating IPs to Instances

    Security Groups and Firewall Rules


    Chapter 2: Identity Management with Keystone


    Recipe 1: Managing Keystone Tokens

    Understanding Keystone Tokens

    Viewing Token Information

    Validating a Token

    Revoking a Token

    Managing Fernet Keys

    Checking Token Expiration Settings

    Auditing and Token Usage

    Recipe 2: Setting up RBAC Policies

    RBAC in OpenStack

    Defining Roles

    Assigning Roles to Users

    Creating and Applying RBAC Policies

    Applying RBAC to Specific Projects

    Verifying RBAC Implementation

    Recipe 3: Configuring and Utilizing Service Catalog

    Understanding the Service Catalog

    Define Services in the Catalog

    Define Endpoints for each Service

    Verifying the Service Catalog

    Testing Endpoint Accessibility

    Recipe 4: Integrating Keystone with LDAP

    Role of LDAP

    Benefits of LDAP Integration

    Configuring LDAP in Keystone

    Configuring Keystone to use LDAP Backend

    Creating LDAP Users and Assigning Roles

    Verifying LDAP Integration

    Recipe 5: Implementing Multi-Domain Support

    Need for Multi-Domain Support

    Enabling Multi-Domain Support

    Creating a New Domain

    Creating Users and Projects within New Domain

    Managing and Accessing Multiple Domains

    Managing Roles Across Domains

    Recipe 6: Using Keystone Federation for Multi-Cloud Authentication

    Understanding Keystone Federation

    Necessity of Multi-Cloud Authentication

    Setting up the Identity Provider (IdP)

    Setting up Service Provider (SP)

    Federating Users Across Clouds

    Recipe 7: Troubleshooting Common Keystone Issues

    Understanding Common Keystone Issues

    Keystone Service Fails to Start

    Troubleshooting Tips

    Authentication Failures

    Troubleshooting Tips

    Token Validation Issues

    Troubleshooting Tips

    Federation Configuration Issues

    Troubleshooting Tips

    LDAP Integration Issues

    Troubleshooting Tips

    RBAC Issues

    Troubleshooting Tips

    Issues with Multi-Domain Support

    Troubleshooting Tips

    Service Catalog Issues

    Troubleshooting Tips


    Chapter 3: Image Management with Glance


    Recipe 1: Creating and Registering Images in Glance

    Introduction to Image Management

    Installing Glance CLI

    Creating an Image

    Obtain or Build an Image

    Create an Image in Glance

    Verify Image Creation

    Registering Image in Glance

    Registering an External Image

    Updating Image Metadata

    Deleting an Image

    Recipe 2: Building Custom Images with Cloud-Init

    Getting Started with Cloud-Init

    Installing Cloud-Init

    Understanding Cloud-Init Configuration

    Sample Cloud-Init Configuration

    Building a Custom Image with Cloud-Init

    Prepare a Base Image

    Customize the Image with Cloud-Init

    Verify the Cloud-Init Configuration

    Upload the Custom Image to Glance

    Launch an Instance using Custom Image

    Recipe 3: Managing Image Metadata and Properties

    Introduction to Image Metadata and Properties

    Understanding Image Metadata and Properties

    What Are Metadata and Properties?

    Why Manage Metadata and Properties?

    Viewing Image Metadata and Properties

    Adding and Updating Image Metadata Properties

    Add Custom Properties to an Image

    Update Existing Properties

    Verify Added or Updated Properties

    Deleting Image Properties

    Delete a Specific Property

    Verify Property Deletion

    Using Image Metadata for Enhanced Management

    Organizing Images by Tags

    Searching for Tagged Images

    Implementing Image Policies Based on Properties

    Automating Metadata Management

    Using Scripts to Automate Metadata Tasks

    Automated Reporting on Image Metadata

    Best Practices for Managing Image Metadata and Properties

    Recipe 4: Configuring Glance to Use Different Backends (Swift, Ceph)

    Introduction to Object Storage Systems

    Swift Object Storage

    Ceph Object Storage

    Choosing the Right Storage System

    Configuring Glance to use Ceph

    Prepare the Ceph Cluster

    Create a Ceph Pool for Glance

    Create a Client Keyring

    Install and Configure Ceph on the Glance Node

    Install Ceph Client Packages

    Configure Ceph for Glance

    Configure Glance to use Ceph

    Verify the Configuration

    Managing and Monitoring the Ceph Backend

    Monitor Ceph Health

    Expanding Storage

    Backup and Recovery

    Recipe 5: Automating Image Uploads with Glance CLI

    Introduction to Automating Image Uploads

    Creating the Automation Script

    Scheduling the Script with Cron

    Multiple Image Uploads

    Custom Metadata and Tags

    Fetching Images from Remote Sources

    Testing and Monitoring

    Recipe 6: Managing Image Versions and Updates

    Introduction to Image Versioning and Updates

    Creating and Tagging Image Versions

    Creating a New Image Version

    Tagging Images

    Viewing Image Versions

    Updating Images

    Uploading an Updated Image

    Deprecating Older Versions

    Replacing Instances with Updated Images

    Rolling Back to Previous Versions

    Automating Image Version Management

    Automated Image Upload Script

    Automating Version Tagging

    Best Practices for Managing Image Versions

    Recipe 7: Securing and Encrypting Images in Glance

    Recent Insights on Image Vulnerabilities

    Enforcing Secure Access Controls

    Encrypting Images

    Secure Image Distribution


    Chapter 4: Networking with Neutron


    Recipe 1: Understanding OpenStack Network Types

    Introduction to OpenStack Network Types

    Exploring Neutron Network Types

    Flat Network

    VLAN (Virtual LAN)

    VXLAN (Virtual Extensible LAN)

    GRE (Generic Routing Encapsulation)

    Configuring Neutron for GitforGits

    Recipe 2: Configuring Neutron Plugins and Agents

    Introduction to Neutron Plugins and Agents

    Configuring Neutron Plugins and Agents

    Configure the ML2 Plugin

    Configure the OVS Agent

    Configure the L3 Agent

    Configure the DHCP Agent

    Configure the Metadata Agent

    Starting and Verifying Neutron Services

    Start the Neutron Services

    Verify the Configuration

    Test Network Functionality

    Recipe 3: Setting up Neutron L2 Networking (VLAN, VXLAN)

    Setting up VLAN Networking

    Create a VLAN Network

    Create a Subnet for the VLAN Network

    Launch an Instance on the VLAN Network

    Verify VLAN Connectivity

    Setting up VXLAN Networking

    Create a VXLAN Network

    Create a Subnet for the VXLAN Network

    Launch an Instance on the VXLAN Network

    Verify VXLAN Connectivity

    Recipe 4: Implementing Neutron L3 Routing

    Introduction to Neutron L3 Routing

    Create the External Network

    Create a Subnet for the External Network

    Creating and Configuring Router

    Create a Router

    Set the External Gateway for the Router

    Connect Internal Networks to the Router

    Assigning Floating IPs to Instances

    Allocate a Floating IP

    Associate the Floating IP with an Instance

    Verify External Connectivity

    Implementing Advanced L3 Features

    Enable DVR in the ML2 Configuration

    Enable DVR for the Router

    Configuring High Availability (HA) Routers

    Recipe 5: Configuring Neutron Security Groups and Firewall Rules

    Security Groups and Firewall Rules

    Understanding Neutron Security Groups

    Configuring Neutron Security Groups

    Configuring Firewall Rules

    Best Practices for Security Groups and Firewall Rules

    Recipe 6: Troubleshooting Neutron Networking Issues

    Troubleshooting L2 Networking Issues (VLAN, VXLAN)

    Instances on the Same VLAN/VXLAN Cannot Communicate

    High Latency or Packet Loss in VXLAN Networks

    Troubleshooting L3 Routing Issues

    Instances Cannot Reach External Networks

    Intermittent Connectivity Between Internal Networks

    Troubleshooting Security Groups and Firewall Rules

    Instances Not Accessible Despite Correct Security Group Rules

    Firewall Rules Blocking Legitimate Traffic

    Recipe 7: Integrating Neutron with SDN Controllers

    Overview of OpenDaylight

    Preparing Integration

    Configuring Neutron to use OpenDaylight

    Modify the Neutron ML2 Configuration

    Modify the Neutron Server Configuration

    Verifying Integration


    Chapter 5: Compute Resources with Nova


    Recipe 1: Launching Virtual Machine Instances with Nova

    Nova Overview

    Selecting Flavor

    Launching VM Instance

    Accessing the Instance

    Verifying Instance Functionality

    Recipe 2: Managing Instance Placement and Affinity Rules

    Affinity and Anti-Affinity Rules

    Defining Instance Placement Strategies

    Implementing Affinity Rules

    Creating an Affinity Group

    Launching Instances with Affinity

    Verifying Affinity Placement

    Implementing Anti-Affinity Rules

    Creating an Anti-Affinity Group

    Launching Instances with Anti-Affinity

    Verifying Anti-Affinity Placement

    Managing and Modifying Affinity Rules

    Revising Server Group Policies

    Adding an Instance

    Removing an Instance

    Deleting a Server Group

    Advanced Placement Strategies

    Creating a Host Aggregate

    Using Availability Zones

    Recipe 3: Deploying Instances with SSH Key Injection

    SSH Keys for Deploying Instances

    Creating an SSH Key Pair

    Generate a New SSH Key Pair

    Upload the Public Key to OpenStack

    Launching an Instance with SSH Key Injection

    Launch the Instance

    Monitor the Instance Launch

    Accessing the Instance via SSH

    Retrieve the Instance’s IP Address

    SSH into the Instance

    Managing SSH Keys

    Listing SSH Keys

    Deleting an SSH Key

    Updating an SSH Key

    SSH Key Management Best Practices

    Recipe 4: Using Nova Hypervisors (KVM, QEMU)

    Nova Hypervisors: KVM and QEMU

    Verifying Hypervisor Support

    Configuring Nova to Use KVM and QEMU

    Launching Instances with KVM or QEMU

    Launch an Instance

    Verify Hypervisor in Use

    Access the Instance

    Monitoring and Managing Hypervisors

    Monitor Hypervisor Performance

    List Hypervisors

    Migrate Instances

    Recipe 5: Configuring Nova for Resource Quotas and Limits

    Resource Quotas and Limits in Nova

    Understanding Default Quotas

    Configuring Custom Quotas

    Managing Quota Allocations Across Multiple Projects

    Monitoring and Managing Quota Usage

    Setting Global Quotas

    Recipe 6: Automating Instance Deployments

    Instance Deployment Automation

    Scripting a Single Instance Deployment

    Automating the Deployment of Multiple Instances

    Automating Post-Deployment Tasks

    Scaling Deployment with Nova CLI

    Monitoring and Managing Automated Deployments


    Chapter 6: Block Storage with Cinder


    Recipe 1: Creating and Attaching Volumes to Instances


    Creating a Volume in Cinder

    Attaching Volumes to an Instance

    Verifying Attached Volumes

    Automating Volume Management

    Recipe 2: Managing Volume Snapshots for Data

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