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The Scared Mummy Who Found Friendship in the Forest: Halloween Series
The Scared Mummy Who Found Friendship in the Forest: Halloween Series
The Scared Mummy Who Found Friendship in the Forest: Halloween Series
Ebook137 pages1 hour

The Scared Mummy Who Found Friendship in the Forest: Halloween Series

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The Scared Mummy Who Found Friendship in the Forest is a heartwarming adventure of Maru, a timid mummy who leaves his tomb to explore the magical Whispering Forest. Joined by Ivy, Thimble, Pip, and Gorra, Maru faces thrilling challenges, from solving ancient riddles to confronting shadowy fears. Along the way, they discover the power of friendship, courage, and self-acceptance. As they journey toward the Keeper of the Stars and beyond, they learn to trust in themselves and each other, creating a brighter, kinder future. This enchanting tale is a celebration of bravery, unity, and the magic that lies within us all.

Release dateSep 10, 2024
The Scared Mummy Who Found Friendship in the Forest: Halloween Series

Fiona Lark

Fiona Lark spins whimsical and mysterious tales that draw children into worlds where the unexpected awaits around every corner. Her stories often unfold in the magic of Halloween nights, with curious creatures and adventures that spark the imaginations of her young readers. Fiona's playful yet suspenseful storytelling keeps kids on the edge of their seats, delivering just the right mix of spookiness and fun that leaves them eager for more.

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    Book preview

    The Scared Mummy Who Found Friendship in the Forest - Fiona Lark


    To the dreamers, the seekers, and the brave hearts who dare to step beyond the shadows of fear — this book is for you. May you find courage in uncertainty, light in the darkest corners, and friends who help you see the best in yourself.

    To all the children (and the child in every adult) who believe in the magic of friendship and the power of kindness, let this story remind you that you are never alone. Your journey, like Maru's, is filled with endless possibilities. Keep believing, keep exploring, and know that you are worthy of every adventure.


    The Scared Mummy Who Found Friendship in the Forest began as a simple idea: a story of a lonely mummy who discovers a world beyond his tomb. But it quickly evolved into a tale of courage, friendship, and self-discovery.

    Maru, our unlikely hero, represents the part of us all that feels fear, doubt, and uncertainty. His journey through the Whispering Forest is not just an adventure but a metaphor for the challenges we face in our own lives — the fear of stepping into the unknown, the struggle to find where we belong, and the joy of discovering who we truly are.

    This book is an invitation to embrace every part of yourself, to face fears with an open heart, and to cherish the friends who journey with you. May Maru’s story inspire you to create your own path, filled with light, laughter, and endless possibilities.

    Chapter 1: The Lonely Tomb

    Maru sat quietly in the corner of his dark, dusty tomb, staring at the flickering torchlight that danced along the cold, stone walls. It had been this way for as long as he could remember — endless days filled with shadows and silence. He had always been alone in this forgotten place, his bandaged arms wrapped tightly around his knees. The only sounds that reached his ears were the distant echoes of water droplets hitting the ground and the faint rustle of cobwebs stirred by an occasional draft.

    Maru was a mummy, a creature bound by ancient spells to dwell in the darkness. But unlike the terrifying mummies of legends, Maru was different. He wasn't fierce or powerful; he was small and timid, his cloth wrappings frayed at the edges from years of waiting, hiding, and wondering about the world beyond his tomb. His heart felt heavy with longing, but fear had always held him back. He had heard stories of the forest outside — stories of wild beasts, dangerous creatures, and terrifying shadows that prowled at night.

    But today, something was different. Maru felt a strange sensation bubbling up inside him, like a soft whisper calling to him from somewhere beyond the stone walls. He didn’t know what it was, but it made his heart beat just a little faster. What could be out there? he wondered, glancing at the heavy stone door that had always kept him safe — and trapped.

    Maru stood up slowly, his bandaged feet shuffling across the cold stone floor. He approached the door, his fingers hovering over its ancient surface. He had never dared to touch it before, afraid of what might happen if he opened it. But today, that whisper seemed louder, urging him to take a step forward.

    Suddenly, he heard a tiny voice, almost like a breeze, saying, Come outside, little mummy. There is a whole world waiting for you.

    Maru froze. Who...who’s there? he whispered, his voice barely audible over his pounding heart. He looked around, but there was no one else in the tomb.

    The voice giggled softly, a sound like tinkling bells. I’m Ivy, a forest fairy! I’ve been watching you from the other side. Don’t be afraid; come outside and see!

    Maru’s hands trembled as he pressed them against the stone door. He had never spoken to anyone before. The idea of talking to a fairy — a creature he had only heard about in stories — filled him with both fear and excitement. I-I can’t, he stammered. What if there are...dangerous things out there?

    There are many things in the forest, Ivy replied cheerfully, but not all of them are dangerous. Some are friendly, like me! Besides, don’t you want to know what it feels like to stand under the sun or to listen to the leaves rustling in the wind?

    Maru hesitated. The idea of the sun warming his wrappings and feeling the wind on his face was enticing. He had spent so many years in darkness, hearing only the echoes of his thoughts. What if the world outside was not as scary as he imagined?

    Gathering his courage, Maru pushed against the door with all his might. It creaked and groaned, dust falling from its hinges. His heart raced, his hands shook, but he didn’t stop. Slowly, the door began to move, and a sliver of light peeked through, making him squint. It was the first time he had ever seen daylight.

    The light grew brighter, and Maru blinked, his eyes adjusting to the brightness. He saw a green world beyond — tall trees with leaves that whispered secrets to the wind, patches of sunlight dancing on the forest floor, and colorful flowers swaying gently. For a moment, his fear melted away, replaced by a sense of wonder.

    See? Ivy’s voice sang again. It’s beautiful, isn’t it? Come, let me show you around!

    Maru hesitated once more. What if something bad happened? But then he looked back at his tomb — dark, cold, and silent. Was this really all he wanted? To sit alone forever, wondering what might have been? Taking a deep breath, he stepped over the threshold and into the forest.

    The ground felt strange beneath his feet — soft and alive. He looked up and saw the sky, vast and blue, dotted with fluffy white clouds. The air smelled sweet, filled with scents he had never known. He could hear the chirping of birds and the rustling of leaves. Everything was so alive, so different from the stillness of his tomb.

    Ivy appeared before him, a tiny creature with sparkling wings that shimmered like a thousand rainbows. She was no bigger than a dandelion, her face kind and curious. Hello, Maru! she said, her eyes twinkling. Welcome to the Whispering Forest!

    Maru smiled, a small, hesitant smile, but a smile nonetheless. Hello, Ivy, he replied softly. Thank you for...for inviting me.

    Ivy grinned. Oh, there’s so much to see and so many friends to meet! Let’s start with Nook, the wise old owl. He lives not far from here and knows all the secrets of the forest!

    Maru felt a flutter of nervousness. Is he...friendly?

    Ivy laughed. Of course! Nook may look grumpy sometimes, but he’s the wisest owl you’ll ever meet. Come on, follow me!

    And with that, Ivy flitted off into the trees, leaving a trail of sparkles in her wake. Maru took a deep breath, feeling the fresh forest air fill his lungs. He looked back at his tomb one last time, the place that had been his home for so long. Then, with a sense of excitement growing in his chest, he took his first real step into the forest, following the little fairy into the unknown.

    Lessons Learned from Chapter 1:

    Overcoming Fear: Stepping outside one’s comfort zone is the first step toward personal growth.

    Curiosity: Being curious can open doors to new experiences and friendships.

    Courage: Even the smallest steps can lead to the greatest adventures.

    Trust in Kindness: Trusting those who offer kindness can lead to positive change.

    Change is Possible: It’s never too late to make a change in life, no matter how long you’ve been afraid.

    Beauty of Nature: There is so much beauty to discover when you step outside.

    New Beginnings: Every ending is a new beginning waiting to unfold.

    Chapter 2: The First Step

    Maru followed Ivy deeper into the forest, each step filled with a mix of excitement and hesitation. His bandaged feet sank slightly into the soft earth, and the sound of leaves crunching beneath him was unlike anything he had ever heard. The forest seemed alive, a symphony of sounds

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