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The Enlightened Empath Survival Guide: A Beginners Manual for Empaths on Self-Care, Healing and Developing Intuition
The Enlightened Empath Survival Guide: A Beginners Manual for Empaths on Self-Care, Healing and Developing Intuition
The Enlightened Empath Survival Guide: A Beginners Manual for Empaths on Self-Care, Healing and Developing Intuition
Ebook96 pages55 minutes

The Enlightened Empath Survival Guide: A Beginners Manual for Empaths on Self-Care, Healing and Developing Intuition

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Is it your heart's desire to discover and develop your empath gifts? Do you find it hard dealing with the many emotions that you experience daily?

Getting familiar with and putting these emotions under your control will give you a lifetime of peace and tranquility. When you have taken charge of your emotions and helped yourself, you will be a source of assistance and joy to those around you. There is the need for you to come to terms with how your everyday life is affected by your emotions before you can progress to developing them. With proper development and management of your emotions, you will be able to adapt to new situations and, at the same time, be open to the flow of energy that abounds all around. 

Who's an empath? The empath is endowed with the ability to sense the emotions of others and take on those emotions as theirs. The empath is most times in sync with energies from people both within and without their immediate environment. Most empaths who are not aware of their gifts suffer immense confusion and depression as they find it hard to separate their emotions from those of others. 

This book is designed to bring you to terms with your unique gifts and understand how to prevent yourself from negative energies that will dampen your psyche. You will develop and improve your spiritual life, be at ease with people around you and become enlightened on a cosmic level that differentiates you from the everyday people.

The Enlightened Empath Survival Guide treats the following;

- How to detect if you are an empath

- Coming to terms with being an empath

- Types of empaths 

- Ways through which you can develop your abilities

- The everyday challenges of the empath

- Techniques of avoiding energy-draining situations

- Managing relationships

- How to cope with your empathic gifts

Also included are;  

- Learning about your gifts and the difficulties that come with them.

- Embracing your uniqueness from the general populace.

What are you waiting for? Get a copy for yourself and your loved ones. 

Release dateSep 7, 2024
The Enlightened Empath Survival Guide: A Beginners Manual for Empaths on Self-Care, Healing and Developing Intuition

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    The Enlightened Empath Survival Guide - Lucille T. Fryar



    he concept of empathy is comprehensive and covers both the cognitive and emotional reactions of humans when closely observed. Empathy as a human character increases people's affection towards others and shows compassion, especially in times of need. It builds better morals and helps people to follow the golden rule of life; been of help to others. Helping others and putting oneself in the situation in which others find themselves is the golden rule for maintaining a better and healthier society. Most of the successes recorded in relationships happened because of the mutual understanding established by partners in dealing with needs, intentions, and perspectives. 

    Many people might be tempted to classify empathy and sympathy on the same levels. The definition given by the encyclopedia of social psychology reviews that empathy is when we understand another person's experience while imagining ourselves in that same situation; an individual must picture himself in that same experience. The individual does not necessarily have to experience it physically but understands the emotions expressed through a mental connection. Sympathy, on the other hand, is a person's response to sad emotional impulses. The notion of empathy is much stronger than sympathy. 

    aChapter Onea

    Understanding Empathy

    Emotional and Cognitive Empathy 


    tudies carried out by social psychologists review two significant classifications of empathy. They include emotional responses and cognitive responses. Emotional empathy can also be subdivided into three components. The first component involves the feeling of equal emotions with another person. The second component involves the feeling of distress in response to the same feeling another person is undergoing. The third emotional component is the feeling of compassion. 

    According to psychologists, the feelings of distress categorized under emotional empathy do not explicitly review another person's emotions. A person may be experiencing physical pain due to a trip or a fall. The feeling of distress and disappointment could come in the form of empathy but does not accurately describe the physical pain the person experiences—feelings of distress and, more importantly, when we talk about compassionate human behaviors. A social expert like you assumes that the feeling of empathy positively builds a willingness to help others. A good number of charitable actions and love comes from the empathy people have towards the plight of others. This makes them want to reach out and contribute their little resources to relieve the individual of such stress. Some persons also argue that the feeling that propels help might be self-induced. 

    The next classification of empathy is cognitive empathy. Cognitive empathy has to do with an individual's disposition and perception of the emotions of another person. Cognitive empathy tries to measure the accuracy and precision of understanding emotions people experience. It allows the mind to have complete and accurate knowledge of the content of another person's mind regarding how she/he feels in certain circumstances. Cognitive empathy is sometimes described as a skill that must be developed. It helps humans recognize and understand the emotional state of others and the behaviors manifested. This understanding will bridge the gap in misunderstanding and help individuals coexist together happily. 

    Empathizing, how to go about it? 

    Medical experts who specialize in understanding the activities that go on in the brain have proposed two theories that help us understand empathy. The first theory proposed is called the simulation theory. The theory proposes what empathy happens when we observe the experience of another person. This causes a simulation of the same kind of emotions in our brain. This simulation gives us an idea of what the other person might be going through at any point in time. 

    The second theory involves the biological processes that occur. Scientists explain that mirror neurons may cause the emotions reflected in a person. These neurons are activated when we observe an experience or an emotion. The prefrontal cortex, responsible for higher levels of thought, is activated to produce self-focused thoughts and judgments. Some scientists believe that the biological theory contradicts the simulation theory. The simulation theory is believed to be centered on the ability of the mind to understand what a person feels and thinks and projects it on another. The advancements in psychology reveal that humans use cognitive thought processes to understand the feeling of others. By developing theories surrounding the character and traits of individuals, we can explain why people act the way they do. 

    We have not been able to gain a properly defined explanation as to why people empathize the way they do, but we can use our conclusions on the sources established by scientists. Empathy, however, involves a series of processes that involve automatic conceptual and emotional responses. The level of empathy may vary depending on

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