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European settlers came to America four hundred years ago! There were over fifty million Native Americans. Before the Anglo-Saxon invasion, the Indigenous Native ancestors were already here for thousands of years. The Natives migrated from Asia through the Bering Strait, and the Natives were one with the earth. They loved and respected their mother with all their hearts. The Anglo-Saxons were like a snowplow destroying everything in its wake.

Presently, there are a little over three million Indigenous Natives in America. Possessing material things was not their goal. They only lived off the land. In this epic fictional novel, space aliens and guardian angels help to save the Indigenous people through a modern-day Moses.

Release dateSep 17, 2024


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    About the Author



    Jay Dee Ruybal

    Copyright © 2024 Jay Dee Ruybal

    All rights reserved

    First Edition


    320 Broad Street

    Red Bank, NJ 07701

    First originally published by Newman Springs Publishing 2024

    ISBN 979-8-89308-393-4 (Paperback)

    ISBN 979-8-89308-393-4 (Digital)

    Printed in the United States of America

    To my loving wife, who passed away on December 22, 2022. Dina did the artwork on the book cover. She will be greatly missed by all who knew her. She was a wonderful human being.


    I can categorically say that we have no clue when we communicate with extraterrestrials daily.

    Do not hesitate to project in the canyons of your mind what the possibilities are when it comes to extraterrestrials. We know little about them, and I'm almost positive that they know everything about us. I believe we were put here on earth by aliens, not from this galaxy.

    As ludicrous as that might sound, we often fear the unknown. because it's too challenging to face the realities of it all. There are always plenty of skeptics who will question or doubt the validity of your theory.

    We must understand that we are not alone in this vast universe. I have concluded that no matter the evidence, you will always find naysayers. UFO sightings have become more common these last few years than at any time in our existence. Not understanding the whys of it can be mind-boggling for laypeople. We're constantly wrestling with the idea that someday we may encounter aliens from somewhere in our universe. Most humans here on earth do not grasp the concept that somewhere in the distant future, we will meet aliens of the third kind. It is becoming a common occurrence, with more UFO sightings, than at any other time in the history of our existence.

    Humans have been trying to obliterate each other off the face of the earth with thermonuclear energy. I believe the aliens are watching over us to ensure humans don't destroy the earth because, from many perspectives, it is as important to them as it is to us. Much of their energy comes from our natural resources here on earth! I have realized that all these sightings are for a reason. I believe it's a warning sign of things to come. Our government has been holding back information about UFOs for many years for fear that it might cause panic among humans. It is as laughable as a comedian's routine on Saturday Night Live. Most humans are curious and would like to know more about the unknown.

    Naccia Tailfeather would never forget what she had just experienced and what she had just recognized in the darkness of this particular night as she lay on the desert floor, shivering from the coolness of the night.

    The embers of the fire were a fainted glow. Her heart was still palpitating from the gruesome events earlier in the day. Her entire family had been executed like savaged animals; and after celebrating the summer solstice with a powwow, they were starting to consume their food of bison, maize, and fry bread.

    Suddenly, gunfire erupted from the top of the ridge along the Colorado River. Body after body fell to the ground, and most died instantaneously. The young and the old all fell by the wayside. Naccia's grandmother, sitting next to her near an open firepit, was shot in the head. She didn't know what hit her. Naccia and her younger brother got up and ran amidst all the chaos within the small tribal village. All her family and friends were dying.

    In this senseless attack, the Mojave Tribe were peaceful people living along the Colorado River. After running for a while, Naccia yelled at her little brother, Run, Little Moccasin, run! Bullets were whistling around them; resounding gunfire reverberated in the canyon as they ran, crouched, to avoid being hit by stray bullets.

    Ping, ping—bullets were hitting the ground around them. Naccia was in total disbelief. Why would anybody want to kill her family? At fourteen, she was the tribal princess with long beautiful black hair down past her waist. She was a stunning young woman with an incredible personality. Her brother was ten years old and a timid introvert. But as brother and sister, no two could be any closer. They loved each other unconditionally.

    The gunfire seemed to subside. Only the thumping sound of their feet hitting the ground could be heard in the stillness of the night. Beads of sweat exploded from their sweat glands and were like a fountain of water. She had never been so frightened in her entire life as she was right now! She could hear horses galloping off in the distance going in the opposite direction.

    Naccia grasped her little brother's hand. By this time, they were both winded from running for what seemed like hours. They couldn't run anymore. The moon above them cast an eerie shadow all around them, and the sequoia cactus cast a massive shadow on the desert floor, like a large kachina doll, which made it feel somewhat more comforting, knowing that a guardian angel was part of the shadowy landscape. They stopped. They couldn't run anymore. They were winded. Their bodies were trembling out of control from their near-death experience. Death and destruction were all around them.

    Her family and friends lay strewn on the desert floor like hunters' prey. The village was nestled in a small canyon near the Colorado River. This place was so secluded she couldn't understand how they had been discovered by these White savages. They were hungry and had neither water nor food. All they had was one small blanket that belonged to Little Moccasin. Naccia gathered dry cacti to build a small fire to ward off the night's cool breeze. She rubbed them together vigorously using two flat pieces of cactus wood until she could see the smoke. She piled flower stems, anything dry; once the fire started, she added two large pieces of dry cactus to the fire.

    She kept thinking about the murders that had just killed her family and friends. She had to be alert, for they could come and kill them too. But this was a moment she was thinking about survival. The last thing they needed was to get sick. She spread the blanket on the ground next to the fire, added more significant pieces of dry cactus, and watched the fire grow. The fire felt good, touching their bodies.

    She and Little Moccasin cuddled next to the fire. She whispered into Little Moccasin's ear, told him everything would be fine, and gently kissed him to comfort him. And she said to him that she loved him very much. They lay down, held each other tight, and fell asleep from exhaustion.

    While Naccia slept, a real vision came to her and told her not to worry. Yes, her family had been murdered. This experience would levitate her to a higher calling. These savaged men who had killed the entire village people for no reason and committed these atrocities would have consequences from a higher power unbeknownst to most commoners. And now, she would be rewarded with an instrument with powers not of this earth! In the morning, when Naccia and Little Moccasin awoke next to them, they found a staff on the ground that was not familiar. It was about five feet in length and seemed to be emanating some form of energy. They both looked at it with curious eyes. Naccia reached for it, and when she touched it, a vision came to her so vivid it startled her. She could see the men who had killed her family and friends.

    They were all White men! She also sensed the hate in their hearts; they hated the indigenous people of America because they were not like them. At a young age, she couldn't understand how people could hate her so much; it baffled her. These White men were soldiers of a black force—the devil's disciples, if you will. Their goal was to kill as many indigenous people as possible so that they could possess their land. This vision she was experiencing was so frightening she instantaneously laid the staff down.

    And the vision went away. She trembled uncontrollably. She decided to return to the village to see what was left. But first, she would have to find something to eat. She walked just a few feet and found a prickly pear cactus. She plucked the thorny part right off the cactus, and they were ripe and ready to eat.

    They were extremely sweet and juicy. They quenched their thirst, and she put a few of them in her pouch so they could snack on them later. Now it was time for the dreaded journey back to their village. She reached down and picked up her staff, which was still beside the fire. She threw dirt on the fire to extinguish it. With anticipation, she was waiting for a vision, but it did not come. And to her dismay, she was relieved. And she was thankful because she was not ready for another frightening vision. Her staff was a safety tool, an instrument that would protect her. And she could also perform miracles for all of humanity. With murder and mayhem all around them, she needed protection from the heathens who wanted to kill them.

    She could feel the pure energy emanating from the staff, comforting her as she walked. It was so invigorating beyond anything she had ever experienced. She reached for Little Moccasin's hand so he could feel the pure energy from the staff. They looked at each other and smiled; without spoken words, they knew what they were both feeling. The Great Spirit in the Sky had to come and intervene. He was constantly watching over them; he could feel their plight brought on by the White man of European descent, and these insurrectionists would soon learn a lesson. Yes, land grabbing was standard in those days, but why were they killing the native people? For their land, they also raped and pillaged the women, and they showed little remorse for their villainous crimes!

    When Naccia and her brother reached the village, they stopped and looked in disbelief at the destruction those hateful men had created for their tribal community! They both knelt next to their grandmother and sobbed uncontrollably. She wiped away the tears when she couldn't cry anymore, knowing she had her work cut out. That's when reality set in. As she looked around, all the dead bodies were everywhere.

    She knew it was impossible to give them all a proper burial. First, they would have to check to see if anyone was still alive. After entering a few hogans and seeing that no one was alive, all this was so painstaking that she could not fathom how anyone could be so cruel! They entered another mud hogan, and she could hear moans of pain coming from the other side of the hogan. She walked across the room near the bed. As she got closer, she noticed that it was Morningstar, the crown prince of the Indian village. Morningstar was her best friend since they were children; they were the same age.

    When she turned him over, she noticed a gaping hole in his shoulder, which was bleeding profusely. She took her staff, touched him, and healed the wound. Morningstar rose to his feet as if nothing were ever wrong. They looked at each other and smiled, and then they embraced tightly. They were both so content to see each other.

    Naccia was so happy to see Morningstar alive; they had been in love since they were younger and knew they would marry one day! Without the staff, none of this would have ever been possible. The staff had magical powers beyond anybody's comprehension. This is precisely what the Native Americans needed to ward off the evil network killing most of the native tribes in America.

    They still couldn't fathom what had happened to the whole tribe. Naccia told him that everyone in the village had been killed, which brought tears to his eyes. She said to him that most men who committed this crime were White; the motives were just evil. A voice came to her and told her everything would be fine and not to fret. She had no control over it, and her family was in a better place with the Great Spirit in the Sky.

    Their bodies were only the temples of their spirits. The body was dispensable, and the soul would always continue to exist. Naccia, Morningstar, and Little Moccasin came together and embraced. This event was so shocking to them; and psychologically, it would probably affect them for the rest of their lives.

    The loss of their families was too overwhelming for them not to grieve in this manner. After all, this tribe was very tightly knit. The fates of this tribe were self-evident; they had a higher calling and were no longer needed on this plane as earthlings.

    Most were guardian angels at one time or another. What made the Native Americans so incredible was the understanding that they were one with the earth, and the earth was one with the universe. They were in a partnership with the universe and could never be abused but only nurtured with all the love in your heart.

    The Great Spirit in the Sky had sent an equalizer to neutralize the evildoers, who murdered thousands across America. Somehow, they needed to prevent the onslaught of all these killings. The White man was ruthless and cunning; they would exterminate anyone who got in their way.

    Naccia walked out of the hogan to further investigate the death and destruction. Most of these tribal members would have to have burial ceremonies. The task of burying everyone would be monumental because they were too young and didn't have the resources to complete the job. After surveying the death and destruction, her initial assessment was to use the miracle staff

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