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Culture Control: Why the Love of Money IS Objectively the Root of ALL Evil
Culture Control: Why the Love of Money IS Objectively the Root of ALL Evil
Culture Control: Why the Love of Money IS Objectively the Root of ALL Evil
Ebook219 pages2 hours

Culture Control: Why the Love of Money IS Objectively the Root of ALL Evil

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Culture Control: Why the Love of Money IS Objectively the Root of ALL Evil offers a captivating exploration of the human condition, diving into the origins of money and its far-reaching impact on society. Sol Xprsn’s approach challenges conventional beliefs, urging readers to question the disparity between those who control money and those subject to its rules. This book probes the systemic structures that perpetuate inequality and ignorance, asking why so many remain unaware of the truth behind global economic bondage.

At its core, this inspiring work is a call to action—not merely in the pursuit of material wealth, but in the expansion of awareness. Through thought-provoking and imaginative insights grounded in truth and common sense, Culture Control compels readers to critically examine the status quo. Sol Xprsn highlights the power of knowledge in dismantling the chains of ignorance that hold humanity back, inviting readers to join in a collective awakening with a renewed sense of purpose and moral obligation.

More than a critique of money, this book is an inspiring spiritual and intellectual journey. It encourages readers to embrace their role in the fight for True Freedom, recognizing that breaking free from societal norms requires both courage and knowledge. Grounded in unapologetic honesty, Culture Control is an eye opening path toward reclaiming personal power and exploring the liberating potential of a freer, more spontaneous existence. The person that picks this book up is not the same person that puts it back down.
Release dateOct 12, 2024
Culture Control: Why the Love of Money IS Objectively the Root of ALL Evil

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    Culture Control - Sol Xprsn



    Where does the concept of money come from? How does a race of intelligent beings on a planet of immense abundance come up with a concept meant to manage and organize resources in times of widespread scarcity? Why are the rules for possessing, creating, and trading money so complex compared to the seemingly simple rules for using it? Why is there an oligarchy of money-rule-makers, who own everything, that are never held to the same accountability for their actions and associations as the rest of us? These questions touch on issues that affect us all, from the everyday struggle to make ends meet to the larger systemic inequities that shape our current human condition.

    Why Read This Book?

    If any of these questions have a hold on your mind as you struggle to make ends meet, this is the book for you. It explores the concept of money, its impact on freedom, and the disparity between those who control it and those who don't. While this book will not make you rich, it aims to expand your potential to change the world. You can, in fact, change the world. Through its pages, you will find insights that challenge the status quo and inspire action.

    Grounded in Truth

    It is not full of citations from authoritative sources, but it is deeply grounded in Truth. The main reason for that is because there is no point in naming the myriad of sources that create content, speak, and write about things that are pure common sense or verifiable facts. The popular paradigm related to citations is one of a need for validation, setting aside the concept of intellectual property (or taking undue credit for someone else's work). While I acknowledge the importance of citations in establishing credibility, this book prioritizes the straightforward presentation of ideas grounded in observable reality.

    No New Information

    In this book, you will find no new information and little-to-no unverifiable information. The concept of True Freedom, the theme of this book, is so simple and consistent that it is echoed worldwide. It would be impossible to avoid repeating conclusions others have reached before me. Additionally, this book is not a research paper but a culmination of thoughts and truths from my curiosities, interests, studies, and contemplation. I cannot distinguish how much of this book comes from my personal contemplation or from other sources. Therefore, I have no interest in proving* everything with citations. If you disagree with my findings and would like to discuss them, I’d be happy to engage. You may view this book as an encouragement to seek out sources and evidence in forming your own opinions.

    * Note of Understanding: Citations don't prove anything but they can provide a trust-building chain of custody of information in research papers and documents.

    That said, I consider myself a student of Jordan Maxwell, Mark Passio, Lloyd Pye, Billy Carson, Jeremy Locke, and many others, some who remain anonymous but publish videos and texts under aliases.

    A Journey of Exploration

    One thing most people should take from my work here is that the point of the document is to suggest, not to prove. I have written everything in this book as if it is true because it is what I have found to be proven to my standards, not because I have personally confirmed everything myself, or because I, somehow, have a perfect set of standards. Please understand as you traverse the pages that you are responsible for what you think makes the most sense for you. To a significant extent, I know what I have shared here regarding Freedom is true, but I don't know absolutely everything about the historical information herein. By continuing to read, you are engaged in both opinion and fact, both truth and conceptual notion, both common sense and personal conclusion. That is what the human experience is all about anyway. Your active participation in interpreting and questioning the content is invaluable to this work.

    Truth and Freedom

    "Freedom is Spontaneity!" - Professor S. I stand for Freedom and Truth above all else. Throughout this book you will find certain words unusually capitalized—I do this to signify the true essence of the word. I believe wholeheartedly that when Truth is shared unapologetically, constantly, and fearlessly Freedom is on the horizon. As I have come to understand, which I discuss at length in this book from every angle I could, Ignorance is the biggest and strongest link in the chain holding us back from our Freedom.

    As I write these words, I think of the lessons I wish to impart to my daughter, the values I hold dear with my wife, and the care I feel for my communities. These reflections drive my commitment to share what I believe. The relationship I have nurtured with the Divine Creator and the Grace that sustains me during my toughest moments remind me of the power of Truth. My love for my parents, of which I have many, and my desire for their Freedom reinforces my dedication to this cause. We all have a part to play in breaking these chains.

    What You Should Know

    BEFORE Reading

    Before reading this book, you should know that there are a great many things that you currently believe to be true that are untrue. Unless you accept this fact, there is no way this book can help you and you should give it to a friend who is more likely to see, simply by observing the chaos that humanity has chosen for itself, that our childhood was filled with happy distractions, our adulthood is filled with unhappy distractions, and our institutions are responsible for the most widespread ignorance the world has ever seen.

    There is not a clear solution embedded in every chapter of this book. For some of the issues raised, the only solution is to spread the truth about these systems while participating in them until enough people are willing to collectively stop. Addressing ignorance is paramount; we must reach a critical mass of informed individuals ready to take bold, unified action. Ignorance is the root of the problem. Taking action without first gaining knowledge will likely be ineffective and could worsen the situation entirely.

    There is a difference between two classes of ignorant people: one is ignorant due to information being unavailable. In this case, the fault of the state of ignorance is not on the individual but on the environmental factors that led to that result. The second class consists of those who choose to ignore information due to lack of interest or fear. In this case, the individual is ignorant by their own doing.

    If you are not someone who will choose ignorance, keep reading. This book invites you to challenge your current beliefs and embrace the opportunity for growth and understanding.

    Why Write This Book?

    I am writing this book because I feel there is a great need for its message. The topics herein are not easily digested by those who prefer to remain asleep in the darkness of the current human condition, but I feel I have a moral obligation to share them. I believe we have the potential to profoundly shift the tide of the spiritual war in favor of the sleeping masses’ Freedom with the message in this book and I’m not afraid to say that.

    I know too well the guilt and pain in staying silent about what I know to be true in the face of constant bombardments of lies misleading people into acting against their own best interests. If you know that pain, share this book with a friend. I am writing this to atone for the shared human sin of silently standing by while our freedoms are being stripped from us, we are being treated as livestock, and our spirit is being broken. Sharing this message is a way to reclaim our power. To me, this is not merely a book, but an act of Care and righteous defiance.

    So, join me on this journey as we challenge societal norms and explore the dance between poverty and power. Together, we will dive into the intricate interplay of money, freedom, spontaneity, anarchy, and the illusory nature of authority. Each passage unveils a fragment of a paradigm-shattering discourse. Let’s embark on this journey together.


    Chapter 1

    Unveiling the Essence

    In the above image, a man stands. Picture the concept he yearns to bring to life, encapsulated within the thought bubble. It can be anything; a new girlfriend, a video, a treehouse, a legacy, a project, or a hobby. He asks What brings ideas like mine to life?, and we see the only two indispensable ingredients for transmuting his ideas into reality are laid bare—Work and Knowledge. That's all!

    We will explore this further, but keep in mind as you travel in the trains of thought tunneled within these pages that work and knowledge are the only two absolute necessities for bringing your ideas and desires to life. It is imperative that your understanding of what is absolutely necessary to actualize and materialize ideas into reality is not clouded by the illusion of monetary exchange or authoritative permission. These illusions are precisely what keep us in the dark about the potential we have as a human family to achieve a society of freedom, harmony, and prosperity for all.

    Now, let's rephrase the scenario to include what it's like for the man to encounter the many unnecessary barriers, born from the aforementioned illusions, before pursuing his divinely inspired goals:

    Imagine this individual confronted by a licensing landscape laden with bureaucratic hurdles. Before even considering the work he needs to do in order to pull off his ideas, he's told to navigate a maze of paperwork (permits, licenses, certificates, and the like) that is completely detached and irrelevant to the essence of his vision. Picture him being pressured to register with violent and extremely corrupt authorities (government) with which he doesn’t morally align. Now envision his need to endure a prolonged period of unnecessary indoctrination classes and socialization rituals (public school/university), and mandated entertainment – all adding layers of superficial experiences which feed the systems built on his dissuasion from his own ideas before he can embark on realizing his aspirations.

    Now, compound this frustrating hindrance and ponder that he's also now ensnared in the imaginary concept of debt, likely stemming from the educational journey he embarked on to obtain his credentials, and regulatory registrations (which must be periodically renewed). First he was forced into all of this before he knew anything about its true purpose. Then, he was coerced into participating in other people's projects, ideas, and culture (jobs) to extricate himself from this imagined financial bind, lest he face the threat of confinement to a cage full of real criminals. The whole picture rings familiar, doesn't it? Illustrating the all-too-common challenges individuals encounter on their journey to manifest their creative endeavors.

    Welcome to the world of money and the mental programming that comes with it. Now, before unveiling the chains that the monetary system has placed around your neck, hands and feet, I feel it is most appropriate to ask you to ponder this question: why do we need it? In other words, why do we need to separate man from his ideas with an imaginary abstraction called money? Is it not worth observing what a man (or woman) can do without such superfluous barriers being forced upon him?

    In the quest for knowledge of what work needs to be done to emancipate mankind from the intangible cage of mind control, how that work should be approached, and how we will know when it’s finished, we must thoroughly examine the chains that bind us to illusion. The problem is that the chains are veiled in euphemism, and we are distracted from this knowledge with entertainment, as well as our illusory financial obligations that keep the system running. So, in the next chapter we will attempt to remedy this tragedy and open our eyes to the reality of our collective mental prison.

    Chapter 2

    Unveiling the Chains

    Take a moment to appreciate your potential as a creative force, a supportive force, a spontaneously evolving sophisticated being of meaningful intelligence helping decide what civilization and/or society is for future generations of people who are

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