APN09 - The 10 Principles of Optimal Living: This is a mini-chapter from Brian's book "A Philosopher's Notes." Get a free copy of the full audiobook (+ ebook) here: brianjohnson.me/apn by You Are Heroic with Brian Johnsonratings:
9 minutes
Apr 25, 2018
Podcast episode
So, on one hand, as per our last +1, science shows that genes play a surprisingly small role in the cause of cancer. Yet… Guess where nearly all of that $100 billion of research money has has been spent? Yep. We’ve spent $100 billion dollars on research and we spend $100 billion dollars on cancer medications every year operating under the assumption that cancer is, primarily, a genetic issue. To put it directly, that appears to be the essence of why we’ve failed to win the war on cancer. We’ve been looking at it from the wrong perspective. Result: No improvements in the real death rates since the 1950s. Here’s the short story on the two conflicting theories regarding the origin of cancer: The dominant theoretical orientation within Western medicine is something called the “somatic mutation theory” (or “SMT”) of cancer. It basically says that cancer is CAUSED by genetic mutations. Now, there’s no question that cancer cells are pretty wacky genetically. In fact, the sheer complexity of mutations that exist even within one individual with cancer (let alone across individuals with various types of cancers) is why it’s so hard to treat cancer from this paradigm. But the question we need to ask is: Is cancer CAUSED by genetic mutations, or are those mutations a downstream EFFECT of some other cause? Thankfully, researchers have been asking this question. Enter: The metabolic theory of cancer. The METABOLIC theory of cancer (vs. the genetic theory of cancer) says it’s dysfunctional ENERGY METABOLISM that precedes the genetic instability (and all the other hallmarks of cancer). And, guess what? That’s a HUGE distinction. Why? Because your theory drives your therapy. Get the theory wrong and you get the therapy wrong. You just might spend an awful lot of money on research and treatment and get no real improvements. To put it directly: When a loved one’s life is on the line, that’s no longer an abstract statistic. It’s a matter of life and death. P.S. Did you know that some cancer medications cost $100,000 for a year’s worth of treatment that only extends life by three months? That’s (shockingly) true. There has to be a better way, eh? Yes. And… The good news: There is a better way. P.P.S. Thomas Seyfried is one of the world’s leading researchers who is persuasively arguing for the metabolic theory of cancer. His 15-page (+ 7 pages of references) peer-reviewed article in the scientific journal Nutrition & Metabolism called “Cancer as a metabolic disease” is a MUST READ. Print it out, read it. Bring a copy with you to your next appointment with your oncologist and team, etc. This is the scientific foundation for the theoretical framework we will be using to inform our metabolic approach to therapy. P.P.P.S. It’s essential that we understand the fact that what we’re talking about here is not a “cleanse” or a “detox” or anything along those lines. Although many inspiring anecdotal stories exist out there on the Internet about various juicing/cleansing/detoxing protocols, that’s NOT what we’re talking about here and, with blessings to all those who have benefited from and swear by them, I would never bet my life (or my brother’s life or your life) on those approaches. What we’re talking about here is a scientifically-grounded look at an alternative theory of cancer supported by a growing body of peer-reviewed, empirically sound data. There’s a BIG difference between that and the “cancer cures” we can find on the Internet. And, that’s one of the reasons why most primary care physicians and oncologists freak out when they hear you’re doing something other than traditional approaches. We’ve shared all this research with our traditional team. And, we’ve gotten smart about how to communicate our approach. Which (along with the astonishing (!) therapeutic benefits my brother has experienced thus far) has led our oncolo
Apr 25, 2018
Podcast episode
Titles in the series (100)
- 3 min listen