001: Authentic Social Media Marketing with Jenna Kutcher: Join host Jenna Kutcher as she walks you through the vision of the Goal Digger Podcast and teaches her favorite subject: authentic social media marketing. Learn the three lies people believe about social media (and the truths that might surprise... by The Goal Digger PodcastUNLIMITED
355: An Action Plan to Manage Financial Fear and Anxiety Right Now
355: An Action Plan to Manage Financial Fear and Anxiety Right Now
44 minutes
Apr 20, 2020
Podcast episode
I cried on our team call last week. You know the season we’re in is leaving no one unaffected by financial challenges or health worries or our sense of security and normalcy being shaken. I’m overwhelmed and exhausted. And I know I’m not unique in my experience. With layoffs and furloughs and business dropping out from under us -- Financial insecurity is impacting so many. So what can we do about it? How can we manage the fear, make the best decisions, and even just TALK about what we’re facing so our money isn’t a thing of anxiety, but a tool that gives us stability in uncertain times? The expert for this conversation is Dominique Broadway, millennial money expert and founder of Finances Demystified. Her mission is to help you take action with your finances, so you can begin to live the life you desire. This episode is about taking action with your finances, whatever state they’re in right now, to find confidence moving forward. GOAL DIGGER FB COMMUNITY: https://www.facebook.com/groups/goaldiggerpodcast/ GOAL DIGGER INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/goaldiggerpodcast/ GOAL DIGGER SHOWNOTES: https://jennakutcherblog.com/broadway/ Love the show? These sponsors make it possible! Skillshare: Get 2 months of Premium Membership FREE Fiverr: Get 15% off your first order with code: goaldigger
Apr 20, 2020
Podcast episode
Titles in the series (100)
- 47 min listen