01: Knowledge – Renewing Religion: An Overview of Ghazali’s Ihya – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani: In this lesson, Shaykh Faraz gives an overview of the first chapter from Imam Ghazali's Ihya Uloom ud-Din, the chapter on knowledge. Shaykh Faraz explains Imam Ghazali's statement that "the purpose of religion is knowledge - knowing Allah". by SeekersGuidance Podcast - Islam, Islamic Knowledge, Quran, and the guidance of the Prophet MuhammadUNLIMITED
43-Resolution Relating to Other Muslims- Shaykh Sadullah Khan
FromSeekersGuidance Podcast - Islam, Islamic Knowledge, Quran, and the guidance of the Prophet Muhammad
43-Resolution Relating to Other Muslims- Shaykh Sadullah Khan
FromSeekersGuidance Podcast - Islam, Islamic Knowledge, Quran, and the guidance of the Prophet Muhammad
4 minutes
May 10, 2020
Podcast episode
In this episode, Shaykh Sadullah Khan reminds us of the importance of respecting the Islam of other individuals. As Muslims, we have become extremely segregated and antagonistic towards each other. Many times the differences we have with each are extremely trivial and minute. In this current time, we should realize the importance of unity and the need to respect all individuals.
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For more SeekersGuidance podcast shows, visit seekersguidance.org/podcasts
Help SeekersGuidance reach millions around the world through reliable knowledge and guidance from qualified scholars, completely free: become a monthly supporter – www.seekersguidance.org/donate
May 10, 2020
Podcast episode
Titles in the series (100)
- 23 min listen