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Podcast 335 – “Is There Any Reason to Hope?”


Podcast 335 – “Is There Any Reason to Hope?”

FromPsychedelic Salon


Podcast 335 – “Is There Any Reason to Hope?”

FromPsychedelic Salon

62 minutes
Dec 14, 2012
Podcast episode


Guest speaker: Terence McKenna


[NOTE: All quotations are by Terence McKenna.]

“[The wide variety of psychedelic plants] are the way in which the Earth itself is stepping in to aid in the agenda of cultural transformation. There are too many doorways in nature that lead to heaven, there are too many paths to the mystery for any institution or social policy to be able to thwart the intent of the human species to evolve.”

“The smart people who are straight are involved in simply the media management of what has turned into a slow apocalypse, spreading starvation, exacerbated class differences, toxified agriculture, so forth and so on. I don't believe the Establishment thinks there are solutions. Their policy is basically the management of panic, which is hardly a forward moving approach to the adventure of human civilization.”

“Inside the boundaries of the old paradigm there's no hope, there's no way out of the box of capitalism, monogamy, consumer fetishism, egoism, money worship, no way out. No way. No way out!”

“Because this is the world that science built, with the henchmen of capitalism and Christianity.”

“This unique strategy that the advanced primates created, the strategy of using language to bind time, is what the process we call 'civilization' has been all about.”

“Cyberspace is the human transition into a mathematical super space where we as a collectivity become optionally a single point of view.”

“The main thing going on in the 20th century is a dissolving of boundaries, all the boundaries that historical civilization put in place.”

“Let's not underrate cannabis, for cryin' out loud. Cannabis should be the glue of the community.”

“The obligation on us is to communicate the truth so that it is understood. The belief will take care of itself.”

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Dec 14, 2012
Podcast episode

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