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50. How We Got Sick and Fat From Being Addicted to Food - Part 1


50. How We Got Sick and Fat From Being Addicted to Food - Part 1

FromNutrition with Judy | Carnivore Diet


50. How We Got Sick and Fat From Being Addicted to Food - Part 1

FromNutrition with Judy | Carnivore Diet

64 minutes
Feb 27, 2020
Podcast episode


In this two part series, I have Dr. Joan Ifland with me to talk about all things food addiction. In this episode, Joan and I talk about:  1. Introduction to Dr. Joan Ifland and Food Addiction  2. What are the reasons people become food addicts?  3. Is everyone a food addict depending on the food they eat?  3.Community and accountability are components of healing. How? Why?  4. How do we disrupt patterns? Tendencies? They say we never forget habits but replace with better ones. How to succeed in this5. It’s easy to gain tools and learn but how do we use this toolkit when are emotions are high and we’re essentially running on our amygdala part of the brain. When we are stressed, how do we NOT go back to our comfort neural pathways?  6. Definition of processed foods6. What are ideal or real foods?  7. Reasons people use food as an escape or addiction.8. What is thought fusion?  This episode was originally a video on my YouTube channel.——–ADDITIONAL SHOW NOTESThey can be found on the original YouTube post here. ——-MY BOOK**Carnivore Cure**Carnivore Cure provides a step-by-step approach to optimal health while also providing extensive nutritional information and evidence-based support for following a meat-based lifestyle (with hundreds of colored visuals and coveted Nutrition with Judy nutritional graphics). Carnivore Cure debunks nutritional misinformation and provides lifestyle support through the lens of holistic The content is for educational purposes only. While I am a nutritional therapy practitioner and provide nutritional support, I am not providing medical advice. Whenever you start a new diet or protocol, always first consult with your trusted practitioner.Head over to and get 15% off your first order. Promo code NWJ
Feb 27, 2020
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (100)

The Nutrition with Judy podcast is for people wanting to get to root-cause healing with a meat-based ketogenic diet. Judy Cho, Board Certified in Holistic Nutrition and author of Carnivore Cure, shares holistic health insights and wellness tips from her several hundred clients, as well as interviews with experts and researchers in nutrition, psychology and medicine. Judy shares the latest research in nutrition and medicine, and ultimately promotes self-knowledge and self-advocacy. Judy believes in nutrition and wellness for all and passionately advocates for the people. Judy got a second chance at life with a meat-only elimination diet and is now driven to help people be their best selves and live their best lives.