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092 | How To Create Brand Advocates


092 | How To Create Brand Advocates

FromBrand Master Podcast


092 | How To Create Brand Advocates

FromBrand Master Podcast

7 minutes
Apr 24, 2021
Podcast episode


By the end of this episode, you’ll understand the value of brand advocacy, why advocates make great sales representatives and how to create brand advocates from your existing customers.

? Learn more:

First, you’ll learn why paying for advertising and push marketing is much more expensive and more difficult than using brand advocates to generate sales.

You’ll discover why social proof compels us to take action more than brands telling us why they’re the best.

Then, we’ll look a 5 techniques that you can implement in your business today to start turning clients into advocates to grow your Brand.

If you want a strategy that allows you to focus on satisfying your clients and growing your reputation to pave the way for clients knocking on your door, then implement these steps into your business then make your clients happy and get them talking.

For more brand strategy resources and downloads visit
Apr 24, 2021
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (100)

The Brand Master Podcast is a show dedicated to helping branding professionals and entrepreneurs to build brands using strategy, psychology, and creative thinking. Branding is far more than aesthetics. To build a brand that connects you need positioning, brand personality, a human persona and brand voice, communication and messaging frameworks, storytelling techniques. All of this and more are covered right here, through actionable tips, techniques, and systems. If you want to brand like a master, the brand master podcast will show you how. For more brand strategy resources visit