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Become Invaluable | Maya Grossman


Become Invaluable | Maya Grossman

FromThe Artists of Data Science


Become Invaluable | Maya Grossman

FromThe Artists of Data Science

74 minutes
Nov 16, 2020
Podcast episode


Maya is a marketing executive, blogger, speaker, podcaster, and a career coach. She’s worked for companies like Microsoft and Google, racking up multiple promotions and raises, and strategically leveling up from an individual contributor to vice president.
She’s blended her experience climbing the corporate ladder, motivational leadership style, authentic voice, and love for helping others into a book designed to give you the tools you need to succeed!
[00:14:38] The Owner’s Mindset
[00:41:48] The influence formula
[00:43:36] How Maya stopped a plane from taking off
[00:45:08] How to tell stories with data
[00:47:37] Talent stacking
[01:00:55] The top five skills you need to survive the next decade
[01:01:47] How to ace an interview
[11:37] "Invaluable is all about mindset."
[12:39] "We've had research for more than one hundred years that shows us that career success is best predicted by soft skills. Seventy five percent of your success can be predicted by our soft skills and only twenty five percent by your hard skills or your profession. And even though we know this, there's so little information about how to actually acquire soft skills."
[15:37] "You need to look at the bigger picture. You need to think like an owner, which means you want to make sure that you get the most out of everything that you do, and you spend the least"
[19:32] "You need to understand that no matter how small your role is, you are part of a bigger machine. You're part of the company and your job is to make that company successful, however you can. And the minute you realize that, you're going to start seeing opportunities to do more and to help more and in most cases, that's going to give you more experience. You can experiment and see what you like, what you don't like. And it's also a great way to set yourself up for a promotion or for your next role."
[24:12] "Because if you don't learn and you don't grow, you're basically moving backward. And it's kind of weird. Most people don't read a book after they graduate from college. As we grow up, we were being taught that you need to learn. So you go to school if you're like you go to college. But the minute that ends, there's no motivation to continue learning."
[28:38] "It's not just someone who gets things done. It's someone who has the ability to identify a problem. They care enough to ask questions, to dig around, to actually take action when they come across something that doesn't work."
[33:17] "If you're a lateral thinker, you're able to take information from different areas, different disciplines, different things you've done in your life, and apply them to come up with a very creative idea."
[01:03:08] " I have 15 years of experience and my resume is not two pages long. So if you're early in your career, you do not need twenty thousand bullet points. Less is actually more."
[00:01:35] Introduction for our guest
[00:02:44] Maya talk to us about her upbringing
[00:04:29] What Maya loves about marketing
[00:05:36] How all of Maya’s experience culminated in a book
[00:06:58] What was the process like for you writing the book?
[00:08:21] What is invaluable all about? What does that mean?
[00:10:08] Who is that person that you're writing this book for?
[00:11:21] Is it ever too late to become invaluable?
[00:12:33] What is the deal with soft skills and why are they so important?
[00:14:38] The Owner’s Mindset
[00:16:49] How do we start cultivating this owner's mindset?
[00:20:03] What can we do to help develop a sense of purpose for ourselves and our work?
[00:22:56] The craftsman mindset
[00:23:39] Why you need to be a lifelong learner
[00:24:48] How can we turn learning into a habit?
[00:27:32] What are some newsletters that you are currently subscribed to?
[00:28:10] What is a fixer?
[00:31:33] Helping budding
Nov 16, 2020
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (100)

In his book, "Linchpin", Seth Godin says that "Artists are people with a genius for finding a new answer, a new connection, or a new way of getting things done." Does that sound like you? If so, welcome to The Artists of Data Science podcast! The ONLY self-development podcast for data scientists. You're here because you want to develop, grow, and flourish. How will this podcast help you do that? Simple. By sharing advice on how to : - Develop in your professional life by getting you advice from the best and brightest leaders in tech - Grow in your personal life by talking to the leading experts on personal development - Stay informed on the latest happenings in the industry - Understand how data science affects the world around us, the good and the bad - Appreciate the implications of ethics in our field by speaking with philosophers and ethicists The purpose of this podcast is clear: to make you a well-rounded data scientist. To transform you from aspirant to practitioner to leader. A data scientist that thinks beyond the technicalities of data, and understands the impact you play in our modern world. Are you up for that? Is that what you want to become? If so, hit play on any episode and let's turn you into an Artist of Data Science!