TIS#004 11/24/2014 Asteroids: The weekly Today In Space segment, brought to you by Alexander G. Orphanos. In this 20-25 min show, Alex will bring you up-to-speed on things going on Earth, in deep space, and anything else Science as it relates to the final frontier. Join us for the rid by Today In SpaceUNLIMITED
Relativity Space's 3D Printed Terran 1 rocket, SpaceX CRS-27, and 1st Thoughts on our new telescope- Vespera!
FromToday In Space
Relativity Space's 3D Printed Terran 1 rocket, SpaceX CRS-27, and 1st Thoughts on our new telescope- Vespera!
FromToday In Space
41 minutes
Mar 18, 2023
Podcast episode
On this episode, Alex discusses Relativity Space and their 3D printed rocket Terran 1 which took to the pad twice, went through both 3 hour windows for launch, and scrubbed both times. BUT still have a rocket to try and launch again on March 22 10PM EDT. While scrubs hurt us emotionally, they are part of having a safe rocket industry - and we were very impressed with what we say out of Relativity Space and Terran 1. We discuss 3D printing and space combining and how it could help revolutionize humanities multiplanetary future (and even help us build in space). We also share our first thoughts on our new Telescope, the Vespera Observtion Station from Vaonis. We talk about what we've been able to do so far, how we've been using it. and why we chose this telescope. Questions/Thoughts for this week: What is so important about a rocket company 3D printing a rocket? Without Relativity Space, would NASA put an 85% 3D printed rocket on the launch pad for the first time? How SpaceX and Relativity Space share many of the same goals with similarly vertically integrated companies to advance reusable rocket technology, and ultimately, humanity's reach outside of Earth. How manufacturing in Space could change everything, and 3D printing might be the way we do it! Why we chose our telescope, what we plan to do with it, and how this telescope won't replace traditional telescopes but provide an experience for folks who aren't looking to tinker while observing the skies We'd love to know your thoughts and questions! Email us at [email protected] 00:00 Introduction to this episode of Today In Space 01:52 SpaceX CRS-27 launch. 06:39 Relativity Space is 3D printing 85% of their Terran 1 rocket! 09:04 SpaceX is the standard for a vertically integrated rocket company. 12:25 Manscaped - USE CODE SPACE: Get 20% off & Free shipping 13:56 In orbit manufacturing allows you to build very massive structures and changes the fundamental way you design and build spacecraft 20:32 Relativity Space is showing us what a 3D-printed metal system rocket can do. 26:45 Vespera: Why did we buy this telescope? 30:20 How easy it’s been to observe when there are clear nights with Vespera SOURCES: https://www.nasa.gov/image-feature/the-four-crew-members-of-the-spacex-crew-6-missionhttps://www.relativityspace.com/ https://vaonis.com/vespera Our interview w/ Jordan Noone, CTO & cofounder of Relativity Space | Space "Beyond Launch", Deep Tech, and Embedded Ventures | People of Science https://youtu.be/Q0CZ7x_zFeo Here's to building a fantastic future - and continued progress in Space (and humanity)! Spread Love, Spread Science Alex G. Orphanos We'd like to thank our sponsors: Manscaped AG3D Printing Follow us: @todayinspacepod on Instagram/Twitter @todayinspace on TikTok /TodayInSpacePodcast on Facebook Support the podcast: • Get 20% OFF@manscaped + Free Shipping with promo code SPACE at MANSCAPED.com! #ad #manscapedpod • Buy a 3D printed gift from our shop - ag3dprinting.etsy.com • Get a free quote on your next 3D printing project at ag3d-printing.com • Donate at todayinspace.net #space #rocket #podcast #people #spacex #moon #science #3dprinting #nasa #tothemoon #spacetravel #spaceexploration #solarsystem #spacecraft #technology #aerospace #spacetechnology #engineer #spaceforce #stem #listenable #soyuz #iss #crewdragon #relativityspace #terran1 #3dprintedrocket
Mar 18, 2023
Podcast episode
Titles in the series (100)
- 28 min listen