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Passive Income: How to start and why you’ll resist it


Passive Income: How to start and why you’ll resist it

FromChill & Prosper with Denise Duffield-Thomas


Passive Income: How to start and why you’ll resist it

FromChill & Prosper with Denise Duffield-Thomas

30 minutes
Apr 27, 2023
Podcast episode


Growing up, I never imagined that there would be a day when I could make an income without putting in the usual one-to-one effort, like selling a product or service in person. 
Everything changed when I stumbled upon the concept of passive income in my early 20s. 
With the rise of the internet, I realized the traditional way of earning money was evolving.
So I started by writing an ebook and selling it online but I felt uneasy about being paid for something I had already created. 
This is the biggest mindset problem I see with passive income today, and why so many entrepreneurs are skeptical of the idea;
For some, passive income doesn’t feel real, and sometimes it doesn’t feel ethical.
The idea of creating something once and being paid multiple times goes against the money beliefs many of us have been raised with, so can bring up guilt or feel risky. 
In today’s podcast episode, I’m dispelling some myths about passive income to motivate you to get started on your next passive income stream.
Apr 27, 2023
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (100)

Introducing the Chill & Prosper Podcast, your weekly dose of money mindset, marketing and humour from best-selling author and entrepreneur Denise Duffield-Thomas. Denise’s philosophy is that there is ALWAYS an easier way to make money and that’s what she’s here to help you do. Each week, you’ll get actionable advice to help you make more money, with less work. There’s no need to hustle - let Denise show you how to embrace the Chillpreneur way. Be sure to hit subscribe so you don’t miss an episode! #moneymindset #moneyblocks #denisedt #chillpreneur #moneybootcamp #moneypodcast #chillandprosper #entrepreneur #womeninbusiness #business #marketing