Learn the English Phrases THE GRAND TOUR and TOURIST TRAP by Bob's Short English LessonsUNLIMITED
Learn the English Phrases "to not sit well with" and "Sit back and enjoy!"
Learn the English Phrases "to not sit well with" and "Sit back and enjoy!"
4 minutes
Jul 12, 2023
Podcast episode
Read along to practice your English and to learn the English phrases TO NOT SIT WELL WITH and SIT BACK AND ENJOY!In this English lesson I wanted to help you learn the English phrase “to not sit well with”. And we almost always use this... I think we always use this in the negative. When something doesn't sit well with you, it means you don't like it. Maybe your boss says that you have to work Saturday and that just doesn't sit well with you. That means that you're not excited about working on Saturday. You're kind of a little bit annoyed even. Sometimes the government will make a new law, and the law does not sit well with people. People get angry and they protest because they don't like the new law. So when something does not sit well with you, it means you don't like it. You're not happy about it and you're kind of annoyed about it.WANT FREE ENGLISH LESSONS? GO TO YOUTUBE AND SEARCH, "BOB THE CANADIAN"If you enjoy these lessons please consider supporting me at: http://www.patreon.com/bobthecanadianThe other phrase I wanted to teach you today is the phrase “to sit back and enjoy”, or this is actually the imperative form, “Sit back and enjoy!” I guess I'm telling you what to do when I say it this way. Sometimes when you're at an event, people will say, Hey, sit back and enjoy. When you sit, you relax. When you sit back, you relax even more. So if there was a nice chair, I could sit in that chair and I could sit back and enjoy a TV show. I could sit back and enjoy a YouTube video, I could put some headphones on and just sit back and enjoy some music.So to review, “to not sit well with” when something doesn't sit well with you, it means you don't like it. You don't like it at all. And if someone says sit back and enjoy, they mean that it's time for you to relax and just enjoy life a little bit or enjoy whatever's happening in that moment.But hey, let's look at a comment from a previous video. This comment is from Denis. Bob, do you pay your friends from France for speaking practice? And my response, I have a friend who is learning and practicing English. We spend 30 minutes speaking French and then 30 minutes speaking English. It is a great exchange. We've been doing it for over three years.So no, I do not pay for my French practice lessons, my speaking practice lessons, and it is wonderful - probably the best way to get some experience, to get some practice speaking a language is to find someone who wants to learn your language. I have an advantage because many people in the world want to learn English and many people in the world want to learn French. So I kind of trade. I trade my English speaking skills for my friend's French speaking skills, and we help each other. It also helps a lot because we're both teachers and specifically we're both teachers of languages, so we know how to teach each other well. And we started talking during the pandemic and we've continued since then.So where am I today? I'm in a vineyard. I don't know if I've ever shown you this, but in the area where I live. So if you look behind me, there is a big what's called an escarpment. And then on the other side of me, sorry, there was a fly on me there, a deer fly, far in the distance is the lake. And what happens in this area is that it's a certain temperature. It's always a little warmer than the rest of the area I live in. So they can grow grapes in this area.If we look over here, let spin you around, you'll see that there are vines in the vineyard and they are growing lots and lots of grapes. I think these grapes are for wine. I don't know if I ever told you that. Close to my house. There's something called wine country. And so here I am out in wine country. Why am I here? One of my kids has a job near here, so I thought this would be a fuSupport the show
Jul 12, 2023
Podcast episode
Titles in the series (100)
- 4 min listen