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Episode 45: Real Food for Pregnancy and Gestational Diabetes with Lily Nichols


Episode 45: Real Food for Pregnancy and Gestational Diabetes with Lily Nichols

FromThe Modern Ancestral Mamas Podcast


Episode 45: Real Food for Pregnancy and Gestational Diabetes with Lily Nichols

FromThe Modern Ancestral Mamas Podcast

91 minutes
Nov 15, 2023
Podcast episode


Mamas, are you TTC, pregnant, nursing, or struggling with gestational diabetes then this is the episode you want to listen to! Lily Nichols is a wealth of knowledge when it comes to perinatal nutrition and we cover everything you will want to know about the subject. Some of the subjects we touch on are: the best foods to eat when trying to conceive; how much protein a pregnant woman needs; which foods provide key micronutrients for a developing baby; to take the glucose test or not; prenatal vitamins; and lots of other informative topics.
Please share this episode with all your mama friends far and wide! One of the reasons we created MAM was because we wish this was a podcast we had when we were young pregnant mothers raising babies. Share the knowledge and wealth and let’s work together to raise healthy, happy, and well-nourished children. 
Books Mentioned:
Real Food for Gestational Diabetes
Real Food for Pregnancy
Glucose Goddess
Articles Mentioned:
Can you eat too much fish in pregnancy?
I failed the glucola
Prenatal Vitamin Recommendations
Optimal Prenatal
Connect with Lily:
Lily Nichols
Nov 15, 2023
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (71)

Bringing ancestral food, cooking, eating, and living to the everyday, modern mom.