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Mothers are Already the Safety Net. Now We Must Be a Firewall. (Audio)


Mothers are Already the Safety Net. Now We Must Be a Firewall. (Audio)

FromThe Double Shift


Mothers are Already the Safety Net. Now We Must Be a Firewall. (Audio)

FromThe Double Shift

12 minutes
Mar 13, 2024
Podcast episode


I am very angry right now. In my community, I’m witnessing a fixable systemic childcare problem be cemented squarely on the shoulders of individual families, rather than those with power and resources collectively addressing a real need.My beleaguered public school district is waving the white flag of surrender to its working parents over our afterschool program. In this week’s audio newsletter, I’ll make a case for why we have to resist the dismantling of safety nets. This is the last free audio newsletter for everyone. If you’re a paid member, you still have access. If you’ve loved these audio newsletters and want to try out our membership program, go to for a free 30-day trial.Now I want to change gears from fire breathing to recommend a few Substacks to you:I love the Substack from Lindsey Stanberry called . She gets personal with the people she interviews and it’s so illuminating. My favorite one of her series is Home Economics where people share al the nitty gritty details about what they spend money on in a month. Also has a Division of Labor series about household responsibilities among couples I think Double Shifters will love.Also, definitely check out I’m Walking Here by . She’s one of the original tastemakers in the mom space looong before momfluencers were a thing, and her newsletter is a great mix of common sense advice, analysis of current events, observations on parenting and parenting culture, pithy media commentary, unabashed feminism, GenX nostalgia, oddly persistent optimism, gift guides and recommendations.Members-only Hangout THIS FRIDAY! I can’t wait for our Members-only hangout on March 15th at 3pm EST! I’m thrilled that two long-time Double Shift members will join me in conversation about how creativity and caregiving intersect, overlap, conflict, and interplay. This is something I’ve been thinking about a lot as my “day job” requires "creativity.” But writing doesn’t always feel “creative” for me when it’s part of my “work.” I will be joined by musician Jaspar Lepak and visual artist Ilyse Iris Magy. Whether you are also a professional creative, someone who explores creativity through hobbies, someone who’s shelved creativity because of your caregiving duties, or someone who thinks they don’t have a creative bone in your body, this will be an enriching discussion for us all! Get full access to The Double Shift at
Mar 13, 2024
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (54)

The Double Shift is a narrative show that challenges the status quo of motherhood in America, hosted by Katherine Goldstein and Angela Garbes. For the latest on The Double Shift's newsletter and community that's a social change laboratory for moms, go to and sign up for our newsletter.