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Why are women still taken less seriously than men? | Mary Ann Sieghart


Why are women still taken less seriously than men? | Mary Ann Sieghart

FromTED Business


Why are women still taken less seriously than men? | Mary Ann Sieghart

FromTED Business

17 minutes
May 6, 2024
Podcast episode


Women are routinely underestimated, overlooked, interrupted, talked over or mistaken for someone more junior at the workplace. Author Mary Ann Sieghart calls this the "authority gap" — all the ways women are (still) taken less seriously than men, despite proven competence and expertise. She explains how we can close this pernicious gap and why everyone wins when we do so. After the talk, Modupe shares another tool to help close the gap.
May 6, 2024
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (100)

Some of the world's greatest innovators, entrepreneurs, and business researchers share their stories and insights from the stage at TED conferences, TEDx events and partner events around the world. You can also download these and many other videos for free from that features interactive English transcript, and subtitles in as many as 80 languages. TED is a nonprofit devoted to Ideas Worth Spreading.