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Crystal Days Cannot Be Shattered


Crystal Days Cannot Be Shattered

FromWizard of Ads Monday Morning Memo


Crystal Days Cannot Be Shattered

FromWizard of Ads Monday Morning Memo

4 minutes
Nov 25, 2024
Podcast episode


The future is unknowable. The past is unrecoverable.If you are anxious, you are living in the future.Don’t live your life in an imaginary tomorrow. Find joy while it is still today.If you are depressed, you are living in the past.Escaping the past is easy. The hard part is choosing to start over.Let me give you The Seven Secrets to Crystal Days:Do not let the perfect become the enemy of the good.“Perfectionism may look good in his shiny shoes but he’s a little bit of an asshole and no one invites him to their pool parties.” – Ze FrankGood enough, by definition, is good enough.Learn to celebrate the ordinary.“Celebrate! Celebrate! Celebrate!” – Dewey JenkinsSuccess and failure are temporary conditions.“Do not let either of them define you.”The most precious thing you can find is a friend.“A friend is always loyal, a sibling that helps in times of trouble.”Hatred is the only luxury more costly than an enemy.“Hatred is like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die.”All the little things in life add up to your life.“If you don’t get it right, nothing else matters.”Autumn is upon us. Cold air sweeps summertime over the hilltop fast and sharp like an old woman sweeping dust out a doorway. The dust washes the landscape with brown and orange, speckled with rusty red, the colors of old cars whose enamel has been erased by the rain in the junkyard of time.I suspect Solomon wrote the book of Ecclesiastes in the autumn. You remember what he wrote, don’t you?“Everything has its moment.There is a moment of ripening and a moment of falling away.A moment of being born and a moment of dying.A moment of planting and a moment of harvest.A moment of killing and a moment of healing.A moment of destroying and a moment of building.A moment of weeping and a moment of laughter.A moment of sorrow and a moment of dancing.A moment of scattering and a moment of gathering.A moment of togetherness and a moment of distance.A moment of finding and a moment of losing.A moments of grasping and a moment of release.A moment of ripping and a moment of sewing back together.A moment of silence and a moment of speech.A moment of love and a moment of hate.A moment of fighting and a moment of peace.”Autumn walks among us, quiet and invisible, like a Mexican ghost on the Day of the Dead.This is the time of year when I become reflective.Perhaps you do, too.Roy H. WilliamsAndrew Matthews has inspired more than 1,000 global corporations, including Coca-Cola, McDonald’s, Honda, and Citibank. In addition to that, Andrew and his wife produce uplifting books that have sold over 8 million copies in 70 countries and 48 languages by presenting timeless wisdom in fresh, engaging ways. This week, Andrew reveals his creative process to roving reporter Rotbart and explains how anyone – even you – can use that process to connect, inspire, and succeed in every nation of the world. Wouldn’t this be a great day to stop and recharge your batteries at
Nov 25, 2024
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (100)

Thousands of people are starting their workweeks with smiles of invigoration as they log on to their computers to find their Monday Morning Memo just waiting to be devoured. Straight from the middle-of-the-night keystrokes of Roy H. Williams, the MMMemo is an insightful and provocative series of well-crafted thoughts about the life of business and the business of life.