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Bhagwat Gita - Its Essence
Sruti Gita
Agastya Gita
Ebook series21 titles

Gita in English Rhyme Series

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About this series

In Bhagwat's heart, Uddhav's song,
A truth symphony, where wisdom belong.
"Detach from the transient, seek the eternal,
In the self, find the universe infernal.
Love all, serve all, see Krishna in all,
In devotion and duty, stand tall.
"See the divine in every being,
In every moment, in every feeling.
In joy and sorrow, in pleasure and pain,
In the sun's warmth, in the cold rain."
Uddhav Gita is a spiritual guide,
Teaching us to let go of our pride.

Release dateMay 13, 2022
Bhagwat Gita - Its Essence
Sruti Gita
Agastya Gita

Titles in the series (21)

  • Agastya Gita


    Agastya Gita
    Agastya Gita

    The Agastya Gita (song) a part of the Varaha Puran. Herein Sage Agastya discloses to Bhadrasva how the bondage of worldly existence can be snapped and sorrows eradicated. Gita and Ramayana are perhaps the sum total of the fabrics of Hinduism (a way of life). The Gita (song) are teaching by Divine or ancient revered holy rishis teaching both metaphysics and practice of disciplined action. They proclaims that life is worth living, teaches how it should be lived and the path to self-realisation. They are the cream of the Upanishads, which themselves are the core of the Four Vedas.

  • Bhagwat Gita - Its Essence


    Bhagwat Gita - Its Essence
    Bhagwat Gita - Its Essence

    Bhagwat Gita - Its Essence in simple English rhyme are teaching of Lord Krishna to Arjun when had becoming dejected in the battle field on facing his very own kith and kin and did not want to fight. The Bhagwat Gita presents practically the easiest spiritual solution to the naughtiest and mightiest mundane problems of human life. It very sweetly and fondly shows the most attractive path for salvation out of it, and thus makes life worth living and finally enables the person to achieve self-realisation. Gita and Ramayana are perhaps the sum total of the fabrics of Hinduism (a way of life). The Gita (song) are teaching by Divine or ancient revered holy rishis teaching both metaphysics and practice of disciplined action. They proclaims that life is worth living, teaches how it should be lived and the path to self-realisation. They are the cream of the Upanishads, which themselves are the core of the Four Vedas.

  • Sruti Gita


    Sruti Gita
    Sruti Gita

    Sruti Gita is from the Srimad Bhagwat and reveal the nature of the Nirguṇa Brahman - beyond the rajsik, tamsik and satvik. How mind accesses Absolute Truth, indescribable by material words, totally devoid of material qualities and how liberation can be achieved. Gita and Ramayana are perhaps the sum total of the fabrics of Hinduism (a way of life). The Gita (song) are teaching by Divine or ancient revered holy rishis teaching both metaphysics and practice of disciplined action. They proclaims that life is worth living, teaches how it should be lived and the path to self-realisation. They are the cream of the Upanishads, which themselves are the core of the Four Vedas.

  • Ashtavakra Gita


    Ashtavakra Gita
    Ashtavakra Gita

    Ashtavakra Gita (Song) in simple English rhyme is a dialogue between Ashtavakra and Janak wherein Ashtavakra answers questions regarding the very nature of the soul, bondage, and the reality. It shows a radical version of non-dualistic philosophy and Show cases for the whole humanity. Gita and Ramayana are perhaps the sum total of the fabrics of Hinduism (a way of life). The Gita (song) are teaching by Divine or ancient revered holy rishis teaching both metaphysics and practice of disciplined action. They proclaims that life is worth living, teaches how it should be lived and the path to self-realisation. They are the cream of the Upanishads, which themselves are the core of the Four Vedas.

  • Sri Ram & Lakshman Gita


    Sri Ram & Lakshman Gita
    Sri Ram & Lakshman Gita

    Sri Ram Gita is from the Uttar Kanda of Adhyathma Ramayan. Herein Lord Shiv imparts knowledge of life and liberation to Sri Ram. Sri Lakshman Gita is from the Ramcharitramanas, Ayodhya Kand and LAkshman the teacher explains to the The Nishad chief the essence of life. Gita and Ramayana are perhaps the sum total of the fabrics of Hinduism (a way of life). The Gita (song) are teaching by Divine or ancient revered holy rishis teaching both metaphysics and practice of disciplined action. They proclaims that life is worth living, teaches how it should be lived and the path to self-realisation. They are the cream of the Upanishads, which themselves are the core of the Four Vedas.

  • Rudra Gita


    Rudra Gita
    Rudra Gita

    Sri Rudra Gita (Song) in simple English rhyme is from the Srimat Bhagwat. Herein the teacher is Lord Rudra and the disciples are Prachetas who are instructed about liberation, action and dharma. Gita and Ramayana are perhaps the sum total of the fabrics of Hinduism (a way of life). The Gita (song) are teaching by Divine or ancient revered holy rishis teaching both metaphysics and practice of disciplined action. They proclaims that life is worth living, teaches how it should be lived and the path to self-realisation. They are the cream of the Upanishads, which themselves are the core of the Four Vedas.

  • Sanatan Gita


    Sanatan Gita
    Sanatan Gita

    Sanatan Gita (Eternal Song) teaches about Universe, life, atma, humanity, divinity and the primary three basic energies (Tamsik, Rajsik & Satvik). Gita and Ramayana are perhaps the sum total of the fabrics of Hinduism (a way of life). The Gita (song) are teaching by Divine or ancient revered holy rishis teaching both metaphysics and practice of disciplined action. They proclaims that life is worth living, teaches how it should be lived and the path to self-realisation. They are the cream of the Upanishads, which themselves are the core of the Four Vedas.

  • Ganesh Gita


    Ganesh Gita
    Ganesh Gita

    Sri Ganesh Gita (song) in English rhyme is from the Ganesh Puran. Herein Brahma disclose the Ganesh Gita to Rishi Vyas regarding yoga, knowledge and reincarnation. Gita and Ramayana are perhaps the sum total of the fabrics of Hinduism (a way of life). The Gita (song) are teaching by Divine or ancient revered holy rishis teaching both metaphysics and practice of disciplined action. They proclaims that life is worth living, teaches how it should be lived and the path to self-realisation. They are the cream of the Upanishads, which themselves are the core of the Four Vedas.

  • Hanuman & Vanar Gita


    Hanuman & Vanar Gita
    Hanuman & Vanar Gita

    Hanuman Gita (Song) is a discourse by Sri Ram & Ma Sita to Hanuman where they disclose to him about their true selves and how life is to be conducted for attaining salvation. Vanar Gita (song) is from the Parasar Samhita and narrated by Agastya Maharshi to many rishis. It teaches how this worldly ocean can be crosses and saslvation truly achieved. Gita and Ramayana are perhaps the sum total of the fabrics of Hinduism (a way of life). The Gita (song) are teaching by Divine or ancient revered holy rishis teaching both metaphysics and practice of disciplined action. They proclaims that life is worth living, teaches how it should be lived and the path to self-realisation. They are the cream of the Upanishads, which themselves are the core of the Four Vedas.

  • Vidya Gita


    Vidya Gita
    Vidya Gita

    Vidya Gita (Song of Knowledge) in simple English rhyme is from the Tripura Rahasya. Herein The teacher is Sri Tripura Sundari and diciples are the legendary sages who were inquiring into the Knowledge of Awareness, bliss and Non-dual Brahman-Consciousness. Gita and Ramayana are perhaps the sum total of the fabrics of Hinduism (a way of life). The Gita (song) are teaching by Divine or ancient revered holy rishis teaching both metaphysics and practice of disciplined action. They proclaims that life is worth living, teaches how it should be lived and the path to self-realisation. They are the cream of the Upanishads, which themselves are the core of the Four Vedas.

  • Yama Gita


    Yama Gita
    Yama Gita

    Yama Gita (Song) in simple English rhyme are extracts from the Vishnu Puran (by Sage Parashar to Maitrey), Agni Puran (by Lord Agni to Sage Vasishta) and Narasimha Puran. Gita and Ramayana are perhaps the sum total of the fabrics of Hinduism (a way of life). The Gita (song) are teaching by Divine or ancient revered holy rishis teaching both metaphysics and practice of disciplined action. They proclaims that life is worth living, teaches how it should be lived and the path to self-realisation. They are the cream of the Upanishads, which themselves are the core of the Four Vedas.

  • Sri Avadhuta Gita: In English Rhyme


    Sri Avadhuta Gita: In English Rhyme
    Sri Avadhuta Gita: In English Rhyme

    Sri Avadhuta Gita is from the Nondualistic (Advaita) Vedanta by Dattatreya Avadhuta. In Sri Avadhuta Gita in English rhyme, the Self has been dealt in detail and explained with regards to True knowledge as per Sanatan Dharma (Hinduism). True knowledge not found in things surely, And bliss but lost in all the goods worldly, The true wisdom and liberation attained be, By attaining the knowledge of Self in reality

  • Vyas Gita: In English Rhyme


    Vyas Gita: In English Rhyme
    Vyas Gita: In English Rhyme

    Sri Vyas Gita in English rhyme iis a part of the ancient Brahma Puran and is the best self-help guide book for the reader. Sri Vyas Gita provides an understanding of the Supreme Atma, the virtues, defects. It also provides a deep knowledge of the perishable & imperishable, the unity & diversity and the Vidya & Avidya concepts as stated in the Brahma Puran. - There will be no fear in absence of duality, Fear will be till there is the sense of duality; What seen apart from Self perishable be, What is perishable involves loss fear truly.  

  • Shiv Gita


    Shiv Gita
    Shiv Gita

    Shiv Gita (song) in simple English rhyme are teaching imparted by Lord Shiv to Sri Ram. They are from the Padma Puran, Uttar Khand and precedes the Bhagwat Gita. They clearly shows the path for salvation for the whole of humanity. Gita and Ramayana are perhaps the sum total of the fabrics of Hinduism (a way of life). The Gita (song) are teaching by Divine or ancient revered holy rishis teaching both metaphysics and practice of disciplined action. They proclaims that life is worth living, teaches how it should be lived and the path to self-realisation. They are the cream of the Upanishads, which themselves are the core of the Four Vedas.

  • Sri Guru & Sampaka Gita: In English Rhyme


    Sri Guru & Sampaka Gita: In English Rhyme
    Sri Guru & Sampaka Gita: In English Rhyme

    Sri Guru Gita in English rhyme enlightens who is the true Guru, his characteristics & how he enlightens his student to liberation and salvation. Hidden ignorance, absence of knowledge be, Of Self, Maya, body—due to ignorance only By whose grace knowledge of Self got be, He is known by the name ‘Guru’ assuredly. Sri Sampaka Gita in English rhyme is a part of the ancient Mahabharat. Sri Sampaka Gita is a dialogue between Yudhishthira and Bhishma Yudhishthira: 'Grandsire! How the happiness and misery, Achieved by the rich and poor in actuality? And who live in the observance in reality, Do tell different practices and rites worldly? Bhishma's reply concludes as follows: For this reason, I regard Renunciation clearly, To be the foremost of all things unquestionably.

  • Brahma Gita: In English Rhyme


    Brahma Gita: In English Rhyme
    Brahma Gita: In English Rhyme

    Sri Brahma Gita in English rhyme is a part of the ancient Brahma Puran (Part 1) [Chapters 35, 37 (slokas 96-97) & 38]. Sri Brahma Gita provides an understanding of the Supreme Atma. It also provides a deep knowledge of the perishable & imperishable, the unity & diversity and the Vidya & Avidya concepts. When Lord Shiv calmed down after death of Sati, Daksha asked forgiveness and became devotee, Paid obeisance to Shiv, eulogized him reverently, This the core essence of the Brahma Gita does be.   After Daksha praises Lord Shiv, chants his glories, Lord blesses him and Devas who at Yajna did be, Daksha becomes recipient of Shiv’s grace finally, These verses liberate all who chant it devotedly.  

  • Sri Devi Gita: In English Rhyme


    Sri Devi Gita: In English Rhyme
    Sri Devi Gita: In English Rhyme

    SRI DEVI GITA is from the Srimad Devi Bhagavatam (Chapters 31 to 41) On Tantric philosophy & Concepts. In the Devi Gita Self Realisation, Devi Cosmic Form, Knowledge, Liberation, Yoga, Mantra, Siddhi, Bhakti, Vows, Sacred Places and Her Worship have been composed in English rhyme by the author.   O Mother! Parameshwari! Describe to me, Your Real Self as shown in Vedanta surely; 117 Also Gyan, Bhakti approved by Vedas be, That You have shown this favour to me, 118 So that by That Knowledge but unfailingly, I will then realise Your Self subsequently. 119

  • Hamsa Gita & Sankhya Gita: In English rhyme


    Hamsa Gita & Sankhya Gita: In English rhyme
    Hamsa Gita & Sankhya Gita: In English rhyme

    Sri Hamas Gita & Sankhya Gita in English rhyme are a part of the ancient Shrimad Bhagwat. HAMAS GITA - Book 11.06-29 (Chapters 6): Explains the core content of Vedantic philosophy. around the Supreme Brahman and the Supreme Consciousness. SANKHYA GITA - Book 11.06-29 (Chapters 24): Explains the Sankhya philosophy.

  • Moksha Gita: In English rhyme


    Moksha Gita: In English rhyme
    Moksha Gita: In English rhyme

    Moksha Gita in English rhyme is a part of the Advaita Vedanta

  • Brahman Gita: In English rhyme


    Brahman Gita: In English rhyme
    Brahman Gita: In English rhyme

    Brahman Gita in English rhyme is a part of the Anu Gita (6-19) from the Mahabharat.

  • Uddhav Gita: In English Rhyme


    Uddhav Gita: In English Rhyme
    Uddhav Gita: In English Rhyme

    In Bhagwat's heart, Uddhav's song, A truth symphony, where wisdom belong. "Detach from the transient, seek the eternal, In the self, find the universe infernal. Love all, serve all, see Krishna in all, In devotion and duty, stand tall. "See the divine in every being, In every moment, in every feeling. In joy and sorrow, in pleasure and pain, In the sun's warmth, in the cold rain." Uddhav Gita is a spiritual guide, Teaching us to let go of our pride.

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