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Anne Of Avonlea
Anne Of The Island
Anne Of Green Gables
Audiobook series4 titles

Anne Series

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



About this series

The night winds were beginning their wild dances beyond the bar, and the fishing hamlet across the harbour was gemmed with lights as Anne and her husband Gilbert, finally a doctor, drove up the poplar lane. The door of the little house opened, and a warm glow of firelight flickered out into the dusk. Gilbert lifted Anne from the buggy and led her into the garden, through the little gate, up the trim, red path to the sandstone step. “Welcome home,” he whispered, and hand in hand they stepped over the threshold of their house of dreams...and the story begins.
Release dateFeb 15, 2000
Anne Of Avonlea
Anne Of The Island
Anne Of Green Gables

Titles in the series (4)

  • Anne Of Green Gables


    Anne Of Green Gables
    Anne Of Green Gables

    Matthew and Marilla Cuthbert of Green Gables had no intention of adopting the talkative, mischievous, red-headed girl the orphanage in Nova Scotia sent by mistake. What they wanted was a sturdy, sensible boy to help with the chores. Instead, they got eleven year-old Anne Shirley, whose capacity for adventure was only matched by her bright spirit and love of life. Still, there was something about the little girl that gave them second thoughts. She was keen of wit with a scintillating effervescence that was purely captivating. Just perhaps...

  • Anne Of Avonlea


    Anne Of Avonlea
    Anne Of Avonlea

    This is the second story in the ANNE OF GREEN GABLES series.  Skinny little red-haired Anne has changed into a pretty sixteen year-old and is all grown-up, well, sort of grown-up.  The story opens with Anne as a school teacher at Avonlea school.  When Anne reached the school that first morning, she was confronted by prim rows of "shining morning faces". She had sat up until nearly midnight composing a speech which she had revised and improved painstakingly.  It was a wonderful speech with fine ideas.  And then, she couldn't remember it!

  • Anne Of The Island


    Anne Of The Island
    Anne Of The Island

    This is book #3 in the Anne of Green Gables series.  Anne is growing up and leaving the Island to spend four years of her life at Redmond College.  She meets a wonderful new friend in Philippa Gordon, offspring to an old and exclusive "bluenose" family. Phil's family ties, combined with her beauty and charm, open the gates of all the social cliques and clubs at Redmond.  And where Phil went, Anne went.  Thus, Anne found her social pathway at Redmond made very easy while other freshettes were doomed to remain on the fringe of things.

  • Anne's House Of Dreams


    Anne's House Of Dreams
    Anne's House Of Dreams

    The night winds were beginning their wild dances beyond the bar, and the fishing hamlet across the harbour was gemmed with lights as Anne and her husband Gilbert, finally a doctor, drove up the poplar lane. The door of the little house opened, and a warm glow of firelight flickered out into the dusk. Gilbert lifted Anne from the buggy and led her into the garden, through the little gate, up the trim, red path to the sandstone step. “Welcome home,” he whispered, and hand in hand they stepped over the threshold of their house of dreams...and the story begins.


Lucy Maud Montgomery

L. M. (Lucy Maud) Montgomery (1874-1942) was a Canadian author who published 20 novels and hundreds of short stories, poems, and essays. She is best known for the Anne of Green Gables series. Montgomery was born in Clifton (now New London) on Prince Edward Island on November 30, 1874. Raised by her maternal grandparents, she grew up in relative isolation and loneliness, developing her creativity with imaginary friends and dreaming of becoming a published writer. Her first book, Anne of Green Gables, was published in 1908 and was an immediate success, establishing Montgomery's career as a writer, which she continued for the remainder of her life.

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