Introduction To SSC Exam
The following article provides an outline for SSC Exam Pattern. Staff Selection Commission is an organization, which conducts examinations for B, C, and D posts in various ministries and departments of the government of India and their subordinate offices. The main of SSC is to recruit people through competitive examinations and interviews. Every year various openings from SSC will be launched and lakhs of candidates will appear to get these jobs.
Table of contents
SSC Exam Pattern
SSC recruits for various posts for the various exams.
The overview of the SSC exam pattern is given below:

- SSC CGL (Combined Graduate Level): This exam recruits posts for groups B and C in various ministries /departments/organizations of the government of India. In the tier 2 exam, the first 2 papers are compulsory and 3rd paper will be applicable for the candidate who has applied for posts like JSO, Assistant Accountant Officer, Assistant Audit officer, etc.
- SSC CHSL (Combined Higher Secondary Level): This exam recruits for posts such as Lower Divisional Clerk, Junior Secretariat Assistant, Postal Assistant, Sorting Assistant, and Data Entry Operator, in various ministries of the government of India. Tier 3 exam will be given based on the post applied by that candidate.
- JE (Junior Engineer): This exam recruits for B group posts in various engineering branches like Mechanical, Electrical, and Civil Engineering. Various organizations include the Central water commission, Border road organization, NTRO, CPWD, etc. In the exam, the candidate needs to select his discipline.
- MT (Multitasking): This exam recruits for Group C posts in non-ministerial and non-gazette posts. The posts include Peon, Gardner, Chowkidar, etc.
- Stenographer: This exam recruits for groups C and D Stenographer posts for various ministries, departments, and organizations of the government of India.
- CAPF (Central Armed Police Forces): This exam recruits posts for police forces.
Syllabus of SSC
The syllabus for SSC varies as per different posts but there are common subjects for all the candidates.
Overview of the latest syllabus for Phase 1 SSC exam subjects are as follows:

The names of the subjects will slightly vary for different posts but the overall idea of the syllabus will be on the above tables.
For CGL Phase 3, based on the posts, candidates need to select one of the following subjects.
An overview of the topics is given in the table:

For detailed topics, visit the official website for more info.
For JE phase 2, candidates need to select their engineering branch.
An overview of topics is given below the table.
For a detailed syllabus visit: https://ssc.nic.in/Downloads/portal/english/Syllabus-JE Eamination.pdf

Exam Dates
The tentative exam dates of SSC for the year 2021 are given below.
Candidates are recommended to visit the official website for updated dates as they may change with time.

Preparation Tips
Following are the tips which will help to study and perform in exams better way:
1. Create your timetable according to exam dates.
2. Revise often: The syllabus is vast and the exam is a year-long duration, thus periodic revision is essential.
3. Study with dedicated books: Candidates need to select the proper books which will cover the syllabus and need not study extra and waste time.
Some of the good books are shown below:
- Guide for SSC CGL: https://amzn.to/37OkYMl
- SSC CGL Question Bank: https://amzn.to/34IPnJY
- Guide for SSC CHSL: https://amzn.to/3mNXdsi
- General Awareness: https://amzn.to/2KzD8sw
- General Knowledge 2021: https://amzn.to/34GYB9C
- Complete SSC Guide: https://amzn.to/2KZ5axh
4. Solve previous papers with mock tests: This will help the candidate to optimize time management and adapt to the question pattern.
Some of the good books for question papers and mock tests are as follows:
- SSC CGL Previous Papers: https://amzn.to/2MbyYaV
- JE Mechanical Engineering Previous Question Papers: https://amzn.to/350pQfR
- SSC CHSL Solved Papers: https://amzn.to/34IAjfG
- Topic-wise Papers: https://amzn.to/38zeOiz
- SSC CGL 100 Mock Test Papers: https://amzn.to/3rnfPCV
- SSC CGL Mock Tests with Online Papers: https://amzn.to/3rqfaAt
- SSC CGL Quality Mock Tests: https://amzn.to/2WMUvIV
- SSC Mock Tests: https://amzn.to/3o1oKHO
Getting government jobs through SSC is difficult as lakhs of candidates will appear for a few posts. The exam dates and patterns are formulated such that it takes a long time for recruitment. It sometimes takes around 1-2 years for the final selection. It’s always advisable to have backup plans or employment stability than relying solely on the SSC exam.
The official website of SSC is https://ssc.nic.in and candidates need to check it often for updates and notifications.
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This is a guide to SSC Exam Pattern. Here we discuss the introduction to the SSC exam, syllabus, exam dates, and preparation tips respectively. You can also go through our other suggested articles to learn more –
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