The skin cancer sign to spot 'under the armpit' before the disease becomes incurable
THE rising prevalence of skin cancer in the UK has stirred debate over the most important warning signs of the disease. Although it is curable in 90 percent of cases, failure to pick up the symptoms early could result in fatality.
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It is estimated that around 86 percent of all skin cancers in the UK are caused by excessive exposure to sunlight, so the disease is largely avoidable. Skin cancer can be broken down into several subtypes, the most dangerous being melanoma. The main warning signs usually encompass changes to the skin, but lumps under the armpit may also be symptomatic of the disease.
Checking your skin for suspicious changes is important to detect the disease in its earliest stages when it is most treatable.
eMedicine Health explains: “Skin cancer can kill you, especially melanoma, which can be fatal if not treated promptly.”
Like other cancers, skin cancer occurs when cells in the epidermis start multiplying abnormally and turn rogue.
How cancer will affect life expectancy will depend on the type of cancer and where it has metastasised.
READ MORE: The ‘little known’ rash caused by sunlight that affects one in five
Luckily, the disease is likely to cause several bodily changes, many of which are likely to show on the surface of the skin.
The most commonly reported symptoms are a large brownish spot, a mole that changes appearance and painful lesions that itches or burns.
One of the lesser-known signs of skin cancer is a lump that appears under the armpit, which is also a common sign of breast cancer.
A lump that is cancerous is likely to grow in size gradually or does not disappear on its own.
DON'T MISS:Cleveland Clinic explains: “Armpit lumps are often a sign of infection that may require antibiotics.
“Some lumps are due to skin issues and need to be removed. Rarely, an armpit lump can be a sign of cancer.
“If you’re worried about a lump, the best thing to do is contact your healthcare provider.”
How to avoid skin cancer
The best way to reduce the risk of cancer is to limit or avoid exposure to ultraviolet radiation, from the sun and tanning beds.
READ MORE: Cancer symptoms: Men 66% more likely to die from skin tumour
The Skin Cancer Foundation warns that even one blistering sunburn in childhood or adolescence could more than double your chances of developing melanoma later in life.
The health body adds: “Skin damage builds up over time, starting with your very first sunburn. The more you burn, the greater your risk of skin cancer.”
What’s more, subsequent skin damage from UV damage can continue to occur, even when there is no obvious burn.
Fortunately, consuming more foods packed with beta-carotene has been found to protect against wrinkling, sun damage and even skin cancer.
These food sources include yellow, red and green (leafy) vegetables, such as:
- Spinach
- Carrots
- Sweet potatoes
- Red peppers
- Mango
- Papaya
- Apricots
Foods rich in Omega-3 fatty acids may also be helpful by blocking the sun’s ability to suppress immune responses.
This was discovered by researchers at Manchester University in 2013, who said: “Although the changes we found when someone took the [Omega-3] oil were small, they suggest that continuous low levels of chemo-prevention from taking omega-3 could reduce the skin of skin cancer over an individual’s lifetime.”