Time travel PROOF? Are black hole wormholes gateways to other dimensions and time?
TIME travel through inter-dimensional wormholes is the ultimate science-fiction fantasy but developments in astrophysics and String Theory suggest the fantasy might soon become reality.
Simulation reveals what a journey into a black hole looks like
Black holes are powerful wells of gravity where absolutely nothing, including light, can escape their pull. Scientists are, however, uncertain what exactly happens to an object once it is pulled into a black hole. Does the intense gravity crush the object into nothingness or does a black hole spit it out in some remote part of the universe? Some scientists theorise black holes act like wormholes between two points in time and space.
If correct, such wormholes could be used to instantly travel vast distances and maybe even travel through time.
Dr Michio Kaku, a theoretical physicist at the City College of New York, argued some of his contemporaries believe black holes act like “gateways” throughout the universe.
Speaking to fellow physicists on the Exploration Podcast, Dr Kaku said: “Then the question is what lies on the other end of that universe?
“And again, we’re now entering the realm of science-fiction because Einstein’s equations break down the two most interesting points in space-time.
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“First, the centre of a black hole – Einstein’s equations are useless at that point.
You could navigate your spaceship in such a way that you could travel back in time
“Einstein’s equations do predict that black holes might be used as time machines or gateways to other universes but these equations are unreliable because the gravitational force at the centre of a black hole becomes infinite, and that’s nonsense.”
But the answer to the question of what happens when you pass through a black hole might be hidden in the study of String Theory.
According to Dr Kaku, String Theory proposes the universe is a bubble of sorts, in which case other bubble-like universes exist, expand and collide with one another.
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Dr Kaku said: “But what about time travel? Again we have to rely on String Theory but String Theory is not advanced enough to answer that question.
“But if time is a river as Einstein said, then that leaves open the possibility that the river of time can have whirlpools.
“And if the river of time has whirlpools – these are called closed time-like loops – it allows you to leave, let’s say, your office and come back before you left.
“In other words, you might be able to come back yesterday.”
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The physicist said on the outset the theory might seem nonsensical but it is a logical conclusion to Einstein’s equations.
Dr Richard Gott from Princeton University, who joined Dr Kaku on the podcast, argued there is a theoretical framework for travelling through massive, spinning black holes.
These black holes, rather than chew up and spit out spaceships, would allow for safe one-way passage.
The physicist said: “This first solution for a rotating black hole, shows that if you travelled inside the black hole, instead of a singular point in the centre you would find a ring of singularity.
“If you pass through the ring you could navigate your spaceship in such a way that you could travel back in time.
“And then after leaving this region you can go and pop out into another universe, sort of like getting on an elevator at a store and going up from the first floor to the second.
“You can get out on the second-floor universe and later get out on the third-floor universe but there is no getting back to the first-floor universe.
“Once you went in the rotating black hole, it was not possible to come back outside and brag to your friends about your adventures.”
The trouble is, however, there is no guarantee passing through such a wormhole is as safe as scientists would hope.