The Guilbert Express organisation first appeared in the very earliest years of the 20th century. This was in 1905, at the very heart of what was still Belle Époque Paris.
The international news was then dominated by the Russo-Japanese war and the Russian capitulation at Port-Arthur.
In France, Emile Loubet was the President of the Republic. The separation of the Church and State was still stirring the consciences of the French nation, and providing fuel for discussion amongst both the pro-Dreyfus and anti-Dreyfus parties in French society.
The story moves on…
The story moves on…
119 years later the small Parisian family business set up by Léon Guilbert , is a dynamic organisation, distributing its products in five continents through a highly effective and far flung network of agents and distributors in France and throughout the world.
Specialising in the manufacture of soldering equipment for the building and finishing trades, today it offers a wide range of products for use by professionals and by the general public.
Based in the outskirts of Paris, Guilbert Express has concentrated all its activities on the site at Fontenay-sous-Bois. This is the organisation’s nerve centre. Almost a hundred individuals work there.
A true success story in the industrial sphere, the third generation of Guilberts is today at the helm of the organisation.