If you would like to be encouraged and lifted up to cope with whatever situation you face each day, this devotional is for you. While you have a cuppa, you can be inspired, challenged, thoughtful, and focussed on God, each and every day.
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What people are saying...
Thank you for this word today that has helped me find peace - Ann
A very helpful reminder and food for reflection. Thanks - David
Thank you so much for my Faith Lift e-mail - such a blessing - Moira
I just wanted to drop you a quick line to thank you for your immensely thought-provoking Faith Lift devotionals - Benjamin
Thank you - just what I needed at this time ! PTL ! - Christine
Cheers Carl. Keep going. Great work mate - Philip
A very timely "Word" and well put across too - Bryan
This morning's Faith Lift offering flew off the screen, straight into my heart!! - Phil
Thank you for this wonderful devotional. I have been encouraged so much this week - Linda
Amen!, Well said and very true. It is great to know His Peace in adverse situations - Rupert
Thank you for sending today’s devotional. It is right for this time - Kerry-Lee
Different and interesting. Thought-provoking & Positive - Philip
These daily devotions are gems from heaven - Diana
A wonderful message in today's email. Thank you for the encouragement and food for thought - Fiona
I have enjoyed reading them and they have been an encouragement - Mary
It has been a godsend - Carolyn