Be an Almond Joy
In Matthew 2:9-12, we learn that Joy beats stress, God is with us and we bring Joy to the world.
Jesus is Our Hope
In Isaiah 9:1-6, we learn that Jesus is our HOPE!
Prayer, Petition, Thanksgiving
Guest Pastor, Duane Vaughn, brought us a message from Philippians 4:4-7, emphasizing that we should rejoice at all times with thankfulness.
Instructions on Prayer
In 1 Timothy 2:1-6, we are reminded to pray for everyone so we may lead tranquil and quiet lives, also, that God wishes for all to be saved.
Choose to Believe
In Hebrews 12:1-2, we learn that faith is not a feeling, but that believing is a decision. Faith is a gift from Jesus.
Christian Selfies
In Esther 9 & 10, we learn about defeating evil, celebrating victory and how to finish the race.
Godly Courage Saves
In Esther 8:1-17, we see justice served. We also learn that it is our duty to fight against unbiblical teachings and in our praise to...
God is Just
In Esther 7: 1-10, we learn the justice reigns, justice finds a way and justice brings peace of mind.
What Goes Around, Comes Around
In Esther 6:1-14, we learn that God is sovereign, there are things that God hates and we need grace.
The Sceptre of Grace and Conviction
In Esther 5:1-15, we learn that God honors our obedience. Righteous people gather at the King's Gate while evil people gather at the...