File & Serve in Illinois

FSIL: Easier eFiling in Illinois

File & Serve Illinois is a customized eFiling application for the statewide electronic filing manager, Odyssey eFileIL. Developed by File & ServeXpress, the same company providing eFiling and eService throughout Illinois since 2005, FSIL can be used for eFiling and eService in all Illinois available courts that have gone live on the Odyssey eFileIL system.

THE FILE & SERVE ILLINOIS ADVANTAGE: File & Serve Illinois offers one flat rate for all features, so there’s never any confusion around multiple pricing plans or subscriptions. Filers also have access to the most extensive and experienced customer support and training in the industry.

Filing into the illinois asbestos docket?

Click here to access resources specific to Asbestos cases in Cook and Madison Counties.

Getting Started

Log in

You can log in with an existing Odyssey eFileIL account or create one through FSIL. Fill out the intake form and have your login credentials sent to your inbox.


Explore the resources below, including: user guides, feature overviews, videos, and live webinar sessions hosted by your local account manager.


Access your FSIL account dashboard.
Visit our Support Center or reach out to an eFiling specialist for help.

Features & Benefits

New Features:
  • Multi-File Drag & Drop: Load up to 200 documents at a time with one simple motion
  • Automatic File Naming: File descriptions are now pulled from the uploaded file
  • Service Reports per Envelope: Access per-transaction service reports on demand
  • Anytime Service List Edits: Update service recipients at any time, not just during filings
  • Performance Improvements: User interface upgrades to make eFiling easier and faster
Old Favorites:
  • Bundled Value: Complimentary eService when eFiling with File & Serve Illinois
  • Monthly Billing: Reconcile easily with transactions grouped by client and case
  • PDF Conversion: Uploaded filed are automatically virus-scanned and converted to PDF
  • 24/7 Support: Around the clock access to legal and tech experts via phone, chat, or email
  • Permanent Document Storage: Searchable storage of all filed or served documents

Register for one of our upcoming live webinar sessions.

It's Your Serve is a licensed private detective agency providing process service, courthouse assignments, and skip tracing to lawyers nationwide.


FSX is dedicated to providing you with the tools and resources that you need to use our products efficiently and effectively. Our team of seasoned training professionals not only know our products, but have years of experience working with local filers, law firms, and court systems.

If you have any additional questions or need technical support, please contact File & ServeXpress Client Support by phone at 1.888.529.7587 or by email via [email protected]


On January 22, 2016, the Illinois Supreme Court entered Order M.R. 18368 announcing mandatory electronic filing (eFiling) for civil cases in the Illinois Supreme, Appellate and Circuit Courts.

The following case types are included in the civil category: arbitration, chancery, eminent domain, law, law magistrate, miscellaneous remedy, municipal corporation, small claims, tax, adoption, dissolution, family, mental health, and probate.

eFiling is available in all case types with the following exceptions:

  • Criminal (CF, CM, DT)
  • Quasi-Criminal (TR, CV, OV)
  • Juvenile (J, JA, JD)
All documents regarding civil matters MUST be e-filed, with some exemptions. Supreme Court Rule 9(a). Documents exempt from e-filing are: documents from an incarcerated SRL, wills, juvenile documents filed under the Juvenile Court Ac of 1987, and other documents in a specific case by court order, upon good cause shown. Supreme Court .

How much does it cost to eFile documents?

Initial Service Provider Fee for File & Serve Illinois*:
eFile Only eServe Only eFile & eServe
All cases $2.99/transaction $2.99/transaction $2.99/transaction
*Additional fees charged by the Courts and eFileIL system:
  • Standard Court Filing Fees – contact your local court for information on filing fees.
  • Convenience Fees – eFileIL charges a convenience fee to cover the credit card or eCheck processing fees.

How do I pay for my filings?

The eFileIL system requires payment by credit card. During Registration, Firm Administrators can add payment information on the Payment Accounts Tab. For step-by-step guidance, please consult the File & Serve Illinois Registration – Administrator User Guide. If you prefer monthly billing, File & Serve Illinois can accommodate this request. You will be invoiced every thirty (30) days for all costs and fees associated with the filling. Please contact Customer Support for details on how to register for monthly billing: 888-529-7587. If your document is rejected by the Clerk, the Court filing fees and the processing fees are not charged.

How do I update my user profile?

Log-in to system at Click on User Profile dropdown and select “My Information,” where you can update your name and email address. To update your password, select “change password” from the dropdown menu. Firm administrators can update credit card information by selecting “Payment Accounts” from the dropdown menu and selecting “Add Account.”

How can I get help with technical problems?

You can get client support by contacting File & ServeXpress Support: 888-529-7587. We can be reached 24/7/365. If you are a new user, please register for a training class or read the user guides available on the File & Serve Illinois microsite:
As of 6/1/2022 Initial Service Provider Fee for File & Serve Illinois*:
eFile Only eServe Only eFile & eServe
All cases $3.00/transaction $3.00/transaction $3.00/transaction
*Additional fees charged by the Courts and eFileIL system:
  • Standard Court Filing Fees – contact your local court for information on filing fees.
  • Convenience Fees – eFileIL charges a convenience fee to cover the credit card or eCheck processing fees.

How do I pay for my filings?

The eFileIL system requires payment by credit card. During Registration, Firm Administrators can add payment information on the Payment Accounts Tab. For step-by-step guidance, please consult the File & Serve Illinois Registration – Administrator User Guide. If you prefer monthly billing, File & Serve Illinois can accommodate this request. You will be invoiced every thirty (30) days for all costs and fees associated with the filling. Please contact Customer Support for details on how to register for monthly billing: 888-529-7587. If your document is rejected by the Clerk, the Court filing fees and the processing fees are not charged.

How do I update my user profile?

Log-in to system at Click on User Profile dropdown and select “My Information,” where you can update your name and email address. To update your password, select “change password” from the dropdown menu. Firm administrators can update credit card information by selecting “Payment Accounts” from the dropdown menu and selecting “Add Account.”

How can I get help with technical problems?

You can get client support by contacting File & ServeXpress Support: 888-529-7587. We can be reached 24/7/365. If you are a new user, please register for a training class or read the user guides available on the File & Serve Illinois microsite:
The eFileIL system requires payment by credit card. During Registration, Firm Administrators can add payment information on the Payment Accounts Tab. For step-by-step guidance, please consult the File & Serve Illinois Registration – Administrator User Guide. If you prefer monthly billing, File & Serve Illinois can accommodate this request. You will be invoiced every thirty (30) days for all costs and fees associated with the filling. Please contact Customer Support for details on how to register for monthly billing: 888-529-7587. If your document is rejected by the Clerk, the Court filing fees and the processing fees are not charged.
Log-in to system at Click on User Profile dropdown and select “My Information,” where you can update your name and email address. To update your password, select “change password” from the dropdown menu. Firm administrators can update credit card information by selecting “Payment Accounts” from the dropdown menu and selecting “Add Account.”
You can get client support by contacting File & ServeXpress Support: 888-529-7587. We can be reached 24/7/365. If you are a new user, please register for a training class or read the user guides available on the File & Serve Illinois microsite.
What is the process for Summons?
  1. Delivering the Summons to the Sheriff is now your responsibility. The court no longer delivers it for you*
  2. The filer must complete and upload the summons. Upload the initial summons as a lead document using the filing code Summons Issued and Returnable
  3. The Summons will be returned to you in the Accepted email and will be located in the Transaction Summary; the file-stamped copy will be under the Stamped Document column in the Transaction Summary
*Our partner ATG Legal Serve can assist with delivery of a Summons. You will upload Summons with your request. What is the average time for a clerk to return your eFiled documents? This will depend on the clerk’s workload. You will be able to see the “real-time” status of your transaction under the Transaction Summary in the Document section What date will be file-stamped on my document(s)? The date you submit your document(s) will be the file-stamped date if the clerk accepts your document(s). Do I file my Order? How orders are handled would be a Division by Division answer but at this time it would be conventional. Orders are not returned via eFiling at this time. They also are not eFiled at this time. These processes will most likely change when the Civil areas of law move to a new case management system next year. If I am a Pro Se filer, do I have to eFile? While eFiling is mandatory for everyone, a Pro Se filer may qualify for an exemption to eFile so you can file in paper. The Exemption form is available here: Reasons Considered for Exemption:
  • I am representing myself and do not have the Internet or a computer in my home
  • My only access is through a public terminal at a courthouse, library, or other location
  • This poses a financial or other hardship
  • I am representing myself and have a disability that prevents me from eFiling
  • I am representing myself and have trouble reading, writing, or speaking in English
  • I am filing a document in a sensitive case, such as a petition for an order of protection or a civil no contact/stalking order
Pro Se filers will have to use the Cross Reference Number/Attorney Code of 95000 if they are eFiling. Is there a specific method I have to use to eFile? You can use an Electronic Filing & Service Provider (EFSP) such as File & Serve Illinois. This is accessed via the URL, and can be accessed any time/any where as long as you have your computer and access to the internet. Do I have to have an email address to eFile? You must register for an account using an email address. Please refer to our User Guide on Registering a New Account How do I pay my court fees? File & Serve Illinois offers monthly billing upon qualification. We will pay the court fees for you and then put it on your monthly invoice. There will also be a convenience fee from the eFiling Manager, along with a $2.99 fee for File & Serve Illinois. Please note you can pay your monthly invoice via ACH, check, or credit card. If you do not utilize monthly billing, the eFiling Manager does require a credit card. You cannot use American Express. Who will be able to view the case documents? All case parties, including judges and clerks, will be able to view the documents anytime/anywhere via re:SearchIL. This is in the process of being built. We will continue to update as the information is available. Who will maintain the service lists? Please refer to the eFiling Manager’s recommendation to add your firm attorney(s) only Am I able to bulk file? Not at this time What is the Cross Reference field? The Cross-Reference Number field is available to provide the court with additional data, as required for certain case types such as expungements and tax. Filers will also use the field for entering a Cook County Attorney Code, which is required for all Cook County filings except those in the County Division How can I avoid rejections?
There are many reasons why a document may be rejected. The reason for rejection from the clerk will be listed on the “Filing Rejected” notification from the eFiling Manager and in the Transaction Summary. Please refer to the Supreme Court newsletter on how to avoid rejections
What happens if I accidentally file into the wrong court division?
Please contact the court clerk to find out what options might be available
What happens if my document(s) is returned or rejected?
You will be notified by the eFiling manager via email. On the Completed Filings page you will see a red “return arrow” that you can click to resubmit the filing
How do I reset my password?
Go to the login page and select “Forgot Password” and follow the prompts
What happens if there is a question when something is filed? What can be used as proof of filing?
Your email notification from the eFiling manager, “Filing Submitted” is evidence of filing along with your envelope ID. Additionally, you can print the “Transaction Summary” under your
Am I am able to eServe my documents?
You have the option in an existing case to “File Only,” “File & Serve,” and “Serve Only”. Parties will often stipulate to eServe discovery documents (“Serve Only”) via File & Serve Illinois because of the security, traceable, trackable features, including the indefinite document storage.
Once a hearing date is selected, who will be notified? The filer will be notified via the email notification “Filing Accepted” from the eFiling Manager. The Hearing Date will be “stamped” on the document. Other case parties are notified after the documents are accepted and then served. Note: The date and time in your Notice of Motion should be left blank. Once the clerk accepts the filing, the hearing date will be located in the “Filing Accepted” email and stamped on the file-stamped document. The document(s) will/can be served after acceptance. Please note if the date and time on the “Filing Accepted” email and the document differ, please: (1) follow the date and time on the “Filing Accepted” email, (2) fill in the date and time on the Notice of Motion, and (3) serve your document(s).** **The eFiling Manager has been notified of this discrepancy and is actively working on it. How can I inform my legal team of the transaction / document submission?
There are three ways your legal team can view the documents:
  1. You can include their email addresses (separated by a “,” and a space) in the “Send Accepted Notifications To:” field under Step 3-Documents;
  2. They can log into File & Serve Illinois with their own login credentials and go to the “Completed Filings” button under the “Filing” drop-down menu. From there, under the filer “Sort By,” select “My Firm’s Filings” and select “Go.” The transaction will be listed. They would then click on the “eyeball” icon to view the documents submitted, the real-time status of the transaction, including the file-stamped document; and/or
  3. Create an Outlook rule to have all emails from [email protected] to be auto-forwarded to those specified.
Do I need to protect my documents with a password?
No, you cannot “password protect” your document(s)
How do I file a new case in Cook County? Who delivers the summons?
Please refer to our webcast video, “How to File a New Case (Cook County)
What is the “Return Date” feature on Step 3-Documents?
Cook County requires to pick a Return Date for all filings. Screen shots are below. Additional work by the eFiling Manager and Cook County is being done related to this feature in efforts to make it necessary only when required during the filing Please also refer to our webcast video, “How to File Into an Existing Case (Cook County)
How do I file into Probate cases?
How do I search for my case to file into it?
In Cook County, you’ll search by case number. File & Serve Illinois displays the “Preferred Case Format” under the search field. Screen shot below. Also, please use upper case letters.
The court clerk and my legal colleagues told me I had to use Odyssey to eFile? Is that true?
No. eFilers can select any electronic filing and service vendor/portal of their choice. The court clerks are trained on Odyssey, the eFiling Manager’s electronic filing and service portal. All jurisdictions must be connected to the eFiling Manager – Odyssey eFile IL.
How long will my documents be stored on File & Serve Illinios?
Because we are a document repository, all documents are stored indefinitely
How will I be notified of my filings?
The eFiling Manager, Odyssey eFile IL, will send all notifications to the filer (i.e., who submitted the filing) via email from the email address, [email protected] Please make sure this is on your “safe sender” list. The notifications will be, “Filing Submitted,” “Filing Accepted,” Filing Rejected,” and “Filing Returned.”

Available courts

File & Serve Illinois can be used for eFiling and eService in all Illinois available courts that have gone live on the eFileIL system.

Let’s Get Started

Log in to File & Serve Illinois.


We’re happy to help! Contact us below.