Fine Dictionary


Adam and Eve discover Abel's dead body and mourn.
Adam and Eve discover Abel's dead body and mourn.
  1. (n) Abel
    (Old Testament) Cain and Abel were the first children of Adam and Eve born after the Fall of Man; Abel was killed by Cain
  2. (n) Abel
    Norwegian mathematician (1802-1829)
Bust to the right of Abel de Servien, Count de la Roche. Under the portrait six lines in Latin. Print from a series of portraits of ambassadors involved in the peace treaty of Munster.
Bust to the right of Abel de Servien, Count de la Roche. Under the portrait six lines in Latin. Print from a series of portraits of ambassadors involved in the peace treaty of Munster.
The sacrifices of Cain and Abel. In the foreground Cain's altar of sacrifice, on which sheaves of grain are offered. The smoke from the sacrifice does not rise. In the background, Abel's sacrificial altar, on which sheep are sacrificed. The smoke rises. Up in the sky, God appears in the clouds. God approves of Abel's sacrifice. In the background the murder of Abel by his brother Cain. The print has a Latin caption.
The sacrifices of Cain and Abel. In the foreground Cain's altar of sacrifice, on which sheaves of grain are offered. The smoke from the sacrifice does not rise. In the background, Abel's sacrificial altar, on which sheep are sacrificed. The smoke rises. Up in the sky, God appears in the clouds. God approves of Abel's sacrifice. In the background the murder of Abel by his brother Cain. The print has a Latin caption.
Eve with his arm raised, Adam with one hand over his face. Abel's body lies on the ground.
Eve with his arm raised, Adam with one hand over his face. Abel's body lies on the ground.
Cain is about to kill Abel with a donkey jawbone. On the right two sacrificial altars: Abel's sacrifice is approved by God (the smoke rises), Cain's sacrifice is rejected (the smoke descends). In the background, Adam and Eve kneel by Abel's body. In the margin a two-line caption in Latin.
Cain is about to kill Abel with a donkey jawbone. On the right two sacrificial altars: Abel's sacrifice is approved by God (the smoke rises), Cain's sacrifice is rejected (the smoke descends). In the background, Adam and Eve kneel by Abel's body. In the margin a two-line caption in Latin.
In the foreground the wise woman of Abel-Beth-Maacah. Beside her is Seba's severed head. In the background, the Israelite army besieging the city of Abel-Beth-Maacah. Their general Joab receives the head of the traitor Sheba from a wise woman of the city. The print has a Latin caption and is part of a series of famous women from the Old Testament.
In the foreground the wise woman of Abel-Beth-Maacah. Beside her is Seba's severed head. In the background, the Israelite army besieging the city of Abel-Beth-Maacah. Their general Joab receives the head of the traitor Sheba from a wise woman of the city. The print has a Latin caption and is part of a series of famous women from the Old Testament.
Adam and Eve find their son Abel, who was killed by his brother Cain. They mourn at his body. Print is part of a book.
Adam and Eve find their son Abel, who was killed by his brother Cain. They mourn at his body. Print is part of a book.
Cain with a piece of jawbone in a raised hand, pushes Abel to the ground.
Cain with a piece of jawbone in a raised hand, pushes Abel to the ground.
Brothers Cain and Abel each offer a sacrifice. Cain's offering of sheaves of grain is refused because the smoke is going down. Abel's sacrifice is accepted by God, the smoke rises. Print is part of a book.
Brothers Cain and Abel each offer a sacrifice. Cain's offering of sheaves of grain is refused because the smoke is going down. Abel's sacrifice is accepted by God, the smoke rises. Print is part of a book.
Usage in the news

Hi everyone, I'm Matthew Abel, owner and head trainer of Abel Bodied Personal Training.

In ducking the press, DA Abel Reyna gives himself a black eye .

In this March 21, 2012 file photo, US businessman Jacob Ostreicher, right, talks to his attorney Abel Montano at a local courthouse in Santa Cruz, Bolivia .

Abele dragged feet on economic development programs, supervisors say.

Allen Abel/POSTMEDIA NEWS, Postmedia News.

Butcher 's Block Sunnyside, Queens (Alana Abel).

Butcher 's Block Sunnyside, Queens (Alana Abel)&nbsp.

"The great thing about drawing a great cartoon is that you don't have to be a great artist, but a great writer," Abel told the students.

In the Wednesday, Oct 24, 2012, edition of the Lehigh Acres Citizen, an obituary for Dr Robert "Bob" Abell reported that online condolences may be directed to:

Since the days of Cain and Abel, hemp has been one of the world's largest and most versatile crops, used to make textiles, paint, soap, rope, building materials, fuel oil, protein supplements, and medicines.

I really adore the sound aesthetic of contemporary Polish composers like Abel Korzeniowski, Jan Kaczmarek and Zbigniew Preisner.

Congressional Race with Abel Maldonado.

Today is a big day for our good friends Saving Abel.

He's asking the court to overturn a move by the County Board to shift control of the Franklin facility to a superintendent appointed by County Executive Chris Abele.

Worker Abel Garcia adds wood to a burn barrel on Thursday as he pickets outside Boeing's Commercial Airplanes division in Seattle.

Usage in scientific papers

Neils Henrik Abel(1824) gave a more rigorous proof, of the same thing.
On the Complete Solution to the Most General Fifth Degree Polynomial

Evartiste Galois(1830) invented group theory, and also showed the same impossibility as Ruffini and Abel.
On the Complete Solution to the Most General Fifth Degree Polynomial

Moreover, Abels [1, Proposition 2.5] has described a way of constructing an embedding which makes the set of chambers in S (i.e., the maximal chains in L) correspond to a convex set of chambers in the braid arrangement.
Semigroups, rings, and Markov chains

Minkowski functionals for the Abell/ACO cluster catalogue (solid line) and for a Poissonian point process with the same number density (shaded region, encompassing 1-σ deviations).
Morphology of the large-scale structure

Fig. 4 shows the Minkowski functionals extracted from cluster mock catalogues and compared with those from the Abell/ACO cluster catalogue 6 .
Morphology of the large-scale structure

Usage in literature

It is the adjustment of man's relation to his brother, and this adjustment began when Cain slew Abel. "Masterpieces of Negro Eloquence" by Various

An' I doubt as Abel Reddy 'll do the same wi' Dick. "Julia And Her Romeo: A Chronicle Of Castle Barfield" by David Christie Murray

Speak, did the blood of Abel cry, II. "The Hesperides & Noble Numbers: Vol. 1 and 2" by Robert Herrick

There was a decent man, Abel, and his wife, who lived in Inverurie, and attended all the fairs. "Cattle and Cattle-breeders" by William M'Combie

That was what Chrysophrasia meant with her disgusting personalities about Cain and Abel. "Paul Patoff" by F. Marion Crawford

Th' Master, and Dick, and Sim, and Abel 's all gone down to th' shore, long sin'. "Clare Avery" by Emily Sarah Holt

The instructions for the commodore, Captain Abel Jansen Tasman, make interesting reading. "A Book of Discovery" by Margaret Bertha (M. B.) Synge

If you see Abel Wood, you can tell him I want to see him. "Chester Rand" by Horatio Alger, Jr

Did Abel Mawgan buy all your `catch'? "Michael Penguyne" by William H. G. Kingston

Cain and Abel both brought an offering unto the Lord, but one was accepted and the other rejected. "My Daily Meditation for the Circling Year" by John Henry Jowett

Usage in poetry
Cain was not true to Abel,
Neither true to himself,
Because Abel was true to both,
He put his brother to death.
The Herd-bulls led 'em back again,
An' Abel went an' said to Cain: —
"Oh sell me water, my brother dear,
Or there will be no beef this year."
And Cain he answered—"No! "
Abel, though guiltless as a Lamb, was slain —
Joseph, was sold a slave, though innocent —
Daniel, a night with lions did remain —
David, a thousand troubles underwent.
Death, murder'd Abel — innocent in vain!
Death, Aaron seiz'd, for piety renown'd!
By Death, both Cain and cursed Ham, were slain:
Death never yet, to spare a man, was found.
Death came to Abel, as he drove his sheep
To some sequest'red pasture, there to feed:
Whilst therefore thou thy flocks and herds dost keep,
Do thou of Death's unerring dart take heed.
Lo, I am matched with Jehovah. Life of his giving
Have I destroyed and made vain. Cold and apart,
Abel lies dead in his grave while I, Cain, am living.
Warm, with the blood in my veins and desire in
my heart.