moving forward

The act of taking or of giving an advanced position; advancement; promotion; furtherance.
Avidyne DFC90 Advanced Autopilot Available Soon for Pipers.
Advanced Flight Systems AF-4500EE EFIS/EM AFS offers several EFIS and EM glass panel systems.
Avon Boys Soccer Advances With 1-0 Win Over Hand.
The Avon High boys soccer team advanced to its second straight Class L boys championship game on Friday with a 1-0 win over Hand-Madison.
Avon Beats Hand 1-0 To Advance To Class L Soccer Final.
Avon advanced past Hand to the Class L boys soccer championship game with a 1-0 victory Friday.
The IB high school curriculum requires completion of at least seven advanced courses in a student's junior and senior years, including mathematics, science, English literature and history.
It's a reasonable bet that International Baccalaureate , the international advanced placement system for high school students, will not be much of an issue in the Republican presidential race.
Some outside groups are watching the Senate's vote scheduled for Monday on advancing US Magistrate Judge Robert E Bacharach past a Republican filibuster toward confirmation on the 10th US Circuit Court of Appeals.
Azarenka, Sharapova advance to China Open quarters.
States advance laws singling out abortion providers for strict regulations.
With advances in gear design, an overnight pack can now weigh less than five pounds—light enough to run with comfortably.
Wa-Hi advances to regional play after cruising past Wenatchee and rival Richland.
Already holding wins over Advance and Scott County Central from earlier in the week, the Charleston Bluejays entered Friday's contest against Saxony Lutheran with a chance for their first three-game winning streak of the season.
Dave Duerson, a former NFL player who committed suicide in February, had "moderately advanced" brain damage related to blows to the head, according to the researcher who made the diagnosis.
The views and conclusions contained herein are those of the authors and should not be interpreted as necessarily representing the official policies or endorsements, either expressed or implied, of the Defense Advanced Research Pro jects Agency, the Air Force Research Laboratory, or the U.S.
Quantum Hidden Subgroup Problems: A Mathematical Perspective
Lipton, Quantum cryptanalysis of hidden linear functions, in “Lecture Notes in Computer Science – Advances in Cryptology – CRYPTO’95,” D.
Quantum Hidden Subgroup Problems: A Mathematical Perspective
Note that to be useful this “appropriate δ” must be known in advance, before X and f are chosen.
Lectures on controlled topology: mapping cylinder neighborhoods
Although a significant advance in the study of the propagation of these ob jects was made recently, very little is known about the evolution of the fast wave the packets and the dipoles in the random media, and it’s influence on the particle and nuclear cross-sections, diffractive processes and energy losses.
Space-Time Evolution of the Oscillator, Rapidly moving in a random media
In the last two decades new theoretical ideas (like the scaling theory of localization, weak localization, universal conductance fluctuations and Wigner dwelling times) were advanced, and a new field (soon called Mesoscopic Physics) emerged.
Modeling the propagation of a signal through a layered nanostructure: Connections between the statistical properties of waves and random walks
Day after day brought us tidings of the German advance. "The Great War As I Saw It" by
The advance of the Germans was across a wheat field, driving at Hill 165 and advancing in smooth columns. "Winning a Cause" by
Alroy jumped off the horse, and would have led it to the fountain, but the animal would not advance. "Alroy The Prince Of The Captivity" by
Turning at once, his party joined them, and fell upon the advancing enemy. "No Surrender!" by
The inland sea led westward, but the season was far advanced. "Canada: the Empire of the North" by
While getting "D" Company into our most advanced trench, Capt. "The Fifth Battalion Highland Light Infantry in the War 1914-1918" by
Battle conditions remained though the advance had stopped. "The Story of the 2/4th Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry" by
But as it is I will leave it to the advance squadron, and we will supply the burial-party in the morning! "On the Heels of De Wet" by
This morning, at seven o'clock, our tents were struck, and, with General McClellan and staff in advance, we moved to Middle Fork bridge. "The Citizen-Soldier" by
There would be a halt in the advance. "The Eagle of the Empire" by
Mountains and the fields, too,
His Majesty's huntsmen,
Game-bows in hand,
Noisily advance-what a sight!
And gather learning's fruit,
In love confess thy ignorance,
And thy Self-love confute.
To souls that feel thy frown;
Lord, 'twas thy hand advanced me high,
Thy hand hath cast me down.
His dark cheek flushed a ruddier hue;
And with his change of countenance
Hers altered too.
And the special powers decline;
Man's advance is never constant
In one grand, unbroken line.
Glitt'ring sabres brandish'd high ;
Hope in ev'ry bosom dances,
Courage speaks in ev'ry eye.