Fine Dictionary


Christ is mocked by the soldiers. He is bound and beaten. The last print of a five-part series with scenes from the passion story that serve to substantiate the message of Christ.
Christ is mocked by the soldiers. He is bound and beaten. The last print of a five-part series with scenes from the passion story that serve to substantiate the message of Christ.
  1. (adj) mocking
    abusing vocally; expressing contempt or ridicule "derisive laughter","a jeering crowd","her mocking smile","taunting shouts of `coward' and `sissy'"
  2. (adj) mocking
    playfully vexing (especially by ridicule) "his face wore a somewhat quizzical almost impertinent air"- Lawrence Durrell"
Detailed allegorical representation in which the Arminians are mocked. Central to the performance is a tower with small scenes of the activities of the Arminians in the cities of Utrecht, Leiden, Haarlem, Rotterdam, Gouda, Schoonhoven, Hoorn, Alkmaar and Kampen. On the tower are the host guards and personifications of Envy, Deceit, Slander, Temptation and Error. In the foreground angels with a banner with the provincial arms. Left and right towers with the Dutch Lion and Prince Maurits. Fame and Time fly in the air. Two columns with the legend with the explanation of the letters in the picture, pasted on either side of the picture.
Detailed allegorical representation in which the Arminians are mocked. Central to the performance is a tower with small scenes of the activities of the Arminians in the cities of Utrecht, Leiden, Haarlem, Rotterdam, Gouda, Schoonhoven, Hoorn, Alkmaar and Kampen. On the tower are the host guards and personifications of Envy, Deceit, Slander, Temptation and Error. In the foreground angels with a banner with the provincial arms. Left and right towers with the Dutch Lion and Prince Maurits. Fame and Time fly in the air. Two columns with the legend with the explanation of the letters in the picture, pasted on either side of the picture.
Christ is mocked by the soldiers in prison. He is blindfolded and bound. Soldiers beat, mock, and humiliate him. The print is part of a thirty-volume series with prints about the fall and Christ's passion.
Christ is mocked by the soldiers in prison. He is blindfolded and bound. Soldiers beat, mock, and humiliate him. The print is part of a thirty-volume series with prints about the fall and Christ's passion.
Christ is mocked by the soldiers. He is blindfolded and bound, beaten and his hair pulled. The print has a Latin caption
Christ is mocked by the soldiers. He is blindfolded and bound, beaten and his hair pulled. The print has a Latin caption
Christ is mocked by the soldiers. He is given a crown of thorns on his head and a blade of grass for a scepter (Matthew 27: 27-29). The print has a Latin caption. The print is part of a series about the life of Christ.
Christ is mocked by the soldiers. He is given a crown of thorns on his head and a blade of grass for a scepter (Matthew 27: 27-29). The print has a Latin caption. The print is part of a series about the life of Christ.
Christ is mocked by two men. One pricks him with the cane, the soldier presses the crown of thorns on his head.
Christ is mocked by two men. One pricks him with the cane, the soldier presses the crown of thorns on his head.
From a series of twelve prints. Christ kneeling and blindfolded is mocked, in the background Christ before Caiaphas. Around the show ornamental frame. At the bottom frame with text in Latin. Printed from multiple blocks.
From a series of twelve prints. Christ kneeling and blindfolded is mocked, in the background Christ before Caiaphas. Around the show ornamental frame. At the bottom frame with text in Latin. Printed from multiple blocks.
Christ is crowned with the crown of thorns. A man hands him a reed and mocks him. At the bottom in the margin a verse in Latin. Print is part of a series about the seven bleeds of Christ.
Christ is crowned with the crown of thorns. A man hands him a reed and mocks him. At the bottom in the margin a verse in Latin. Print is part of a series about the seven bleeds of Christ.
Christ is taken away by soldiers and mocked by the bystanders. Pilate sitting on a throne washes his hands in innocence.
Christ is taken away by soldiers and mocked by the bystanders. Pilate sitting on a throne washes his hands in innocence.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
  1. Mocking
    Imitating, esp. in derision, or so as to cause derision; mimicking; derisive.
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary
  1. Mocking
    derision: ridicule: subject of laughter or sport: fruitless labour: vain imitation: false show
Ada Louise Huxtable
Washington is an endless series of mock palaces clearly built for clerks.
Ada Louise Huxtable
I know nothing more mocking than a devil that despairs.
Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe
Walt Whitman
There is that indescribable freshness and unconsciousness about an illiterate person that humbles and mocks the power of the noblest expressive genius.
Walt Whitman
William Shakespeare
Come, let's have one other gaudy night. Call to me. All my sad captains. Fill our bowls once more. Let's mock the midnight bell.
William Shakespeare
Albert Camus
Martyrs, my friend, have to choose between being forgotten, mocked or used. As for being understood -- never.
Albert Camus
John Greenleaf Whittier
Oh, for boyhood's painless play, sleep that wakes in laughing day, health that mocks the doctor's rules, knowledge never learned of schools.
John Greenleaf Whittier

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary O. Fr. moquer; from a Teut. root seen in Ger. mucken, to mutter; prob. imit.

Usage in the news

T might be because he was born in Ghana that the English novelist William Boyd has such a gift for writing about Europeans pursuing great braveries and follies in places where the very air mocks them.


(CBS News) During a speech on wind energy in Iowa on Tuesday, President Obama made a thinly-veiled joke mocking opponent Mitt Romney for once transporting his family dog on the roof of his car.

Peter Schrager on his latest mock draft: How will top five picks pan out.

Eastwood mocked for kooky speech at GOP convention.

Evans brothers, S-E mock trial awarded at Law Day celebration.

": Nearly 150 years ago, the author mocked the idea of "a caucus-race" in Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.

Chuck Lorre Mocks Mormons, Slams Republicans in Censored Vanity Card.

Welcome to the Virtual Mock Newbery.

Pete Stark Mocks Minuteman over Immigration Stance at Town Hall Meeting.

"We can't get enough Minutemen armed," Stark said mockingly.

Brazil comedy mocks ' own goal ' over World Cup preparation.

A Nike shoe designer is catching heat for mocking the ACL injury that knocked Chicago Bulls star Derrick Rose out of the rest of the playoffs.

Johnson Hopes Mock Countdown Run Pays Off With Championship.

Members of Val Halla's Pirates acting troupe staged a mock sword fight at Privateer Day, a tribute to Fells Point's buccaneer past.

Usage in scientific papers

These are the radii out to which the observed and mock rotation curves are compared.
Constraining the NFW Potential with Observations and Modeling of LSB Galaxy Velocity Fields

Our goal is to compare mock DensePak velocity fields and rotation curves of NFWconstr halos to the observed DensePak velocity fields and rotation curves of the LSB galaxies in K06 and K08.
Constraining the NFW Potential with Observations and Modeling of LSB Galaxy Velocity Fields

Fig. 1.— (a) Observed DensePak velocity field of UGC 4325. (b) Mock DensePak velocity field of the axisymmetric simulation.
Constraining the NFW Potential with Observations and Modeling of LSB Galaxy Velocity Fields

Both velocity fields have isovelocity contours at 10 km s−1 intervals. (c) Residual velocity field showing the differences between the UGC 4325 data and the velocity field of the idealized (i.e. no velocity dispersion), axisymmetric NFWconstr halo. (d) Same as (c) but for the mock DensePak velocity field.
Constraining the NFW Potential with Observations and Modeling of LSB Galaxy Velocity Fields

The solid points are the observed DensePak rotation curve of UGC 4325, the solid line is the NFW rotation curve corresponding to the input NFW potential, and the open (red) circles are the rotation curve recovered from the mock velocity field.
Constraining the NFW Potential with Observations and Modeling of LSB Galaxy Velocity Fields

Usage in literature

The man in the brown overcoat laughed mockingly when he perceived that the two strangers chose a table as far away from his as possible. "The Son of Monte-Cristo, Volume II (of 2)" by Alexandre Dumas père

Was even a child's love for her deemed so unnatural, and that it should be mocked at thus cruelly? "Olive A Novel" by Dinah Maria Craik, (AKA Dinah Maria Mulock)

For reply she mocked me. "A Book of Burlesques" by H. L. Mencken

They mocked him and danced round him till he cried. "The Flight of Pony Baker" by W. D. Howells

After a time Slade came with a blazing stick for torch to wish him a mocking good night. "Bloom of Cactus" by Robert Ames Bennet

His nose was straight, his mocking eyes a golden-brown, and, with his cap off, his upstanding shock of hair showed glittering lights. "Glory of Youth" by Temple Bailey

At times the landscape, mockingly beautiful, was white and bleak as January. "A Daughter of the Middle Border" by Hamlin Garland

A strange scene mocked him. "Erik Dorn" by Ben Hecht

What if there followed him not Eurydice, but a mocking shade? "A Book of Myths" by Jean Lang

Why should they mock poor fellows thus? "King Henry the Fifth" by William Shakespeare

Usage in poetry
The day died out, the night came down
Her evening prayer she said,
While, through the dark, strange faces seemed
To mock her as she prayed.
Like THEE it braves the wintry wind,
And mocks the storm's fierce pow'r,
Tho' from its HOPES the blast unkind,
Has torn each promis'd flow'r.
IX. It was beneath the loneliest cave
That roofs the brow of misery,
Or stems the ocean's wildest wave,
Or mocks the sea-blast's keenest sigh.
Yet still the winds that cool my brow,
And o'er these murmuring waters come,
A joy that mocks belief bestow;
For sure they lately left my home.
Mocking Sorrow at his whim,
Beckoning Beauty — Hope knows whither !
Youth and Pleasure, coming hither.
Hear his call, and, hastening thither.
But vaster. We are fools and slight;
We mock thee when we do not fear:
But help thy foolish ones to bear;
Help thy vain worlds to bear thy light.